That's it, I'm done with crypto forever. Goodbye Veeky Forums, it's been weird

that's it, I'm done with crypto forever. Goodbye Veeky Forums, it's been weird.

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should’ve cashed out while you had the chance.

Bitflur is your friend

dude, you litterally can't lose right now. Just come back in two month and see where youre at

why? how much did you lose? did you lose your soul yet? i know i did.


dont youre not done yet, do not sell you still need to fufill your purpose. wait til jan 3rd, sell your holdings, buy LINK soldier

At least tell us your story before you off yourself.

ps: pls no kys. it's all just bants mate

wtf why?? This has been my best day in a couple of weeks, shit eating grin on my face since i checked my blockfolio in the morning

oh you fell for Pajeet PnD shitcoins, in that case F

my parents found out that I've got $3000 in crypto and took away and made me promise to not do anything like that again. After I explained it to them I'm pretty sure they think I'm a retard who was scammed out of all him money. No, I'm not underage, I'm 23

life's a bitch pajeet, get out of your fucking parents house and stop being such a pushover cuck

you're fucking 23 and your mommy "took it away and made you promise"

>and took away
Are they fucking stupid? Just fucking move out bro

Yeah so show them the gains

Never let your parents know your financial siyuation. Unless you're broke as fuck and asking for a bail out of course.

how did they take it away? dad pinned you down to the floor and mom took control of your private keys?

>my parents found out that I've got $3000 in crypto and took away and made me promise to not do anything like that again.

Lol, why do you care what your faggots parent thinks? You're fucking 23, what the fuck are you doing, and ""my parents found out"", how is that possible without you telling them? And if you have lived with your parents your whole life you should know what their reaction would be in that situation, so you wouldn't tell them shit.
Ignore them, and pretend you don't have money in crypto.

I didn't want to but I accidentily overdrafted from my bank which made them call my parents
I can't survive in the world besides they are where I got all my money in the first place

he went all in on IOTA at $5 and realized the ship is critically damaged and sinking fast.

>lives with mommy n daddy
>they are where I got all my money in the first place

what the fuck are you doing with your life you sad sack of shit

oh right this is normal in Pajeetland

why would your bank call your parents? did they open the account for you?

Lmao what's the current worth of that $3k in crypto?

>Pajeet PnD shitcoins
They asked for $25 to join their PnD group, LMAO

yes, I can't talk to professional people with jobs, they're too intimidating.

Tell them to go fuck themselves! what the fuck?

Get a fucking grip you loser
If you don't man the fuck up you'll end up being the same in your old days

without my parents I would be starving in the street, I am a subhuman

where do you live? just curious

ok this is a meme


lol yea larp detected

It's not, there are people with heavy agorafobia, or social anxiety, it could be true...

user, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group asap...