New to crypto, my buddy shilled me XRB when it was $1 and I put $1000 into it. Is it really this easy?? Lol
How are you all not millionaires?
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didnt buy this because it was on some shady exchange
tfw i coulda made it
Yup. Now you should look for the nearest Lamborghini dealership and write down the address.
1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Guys can somebody with a brianed explain to me how Raibitcoins can go onto binance if there are no coins left available?
what do you mean no coins left available? users will simply send their xrb to the exchange
Leave everything crypto related and never come back, you'll only fuck your own shit up.
don't fucking reply to this nigger. It's just stupid copy pasta to make people worry. He posts it in every thread. I've already gone out if my way to explain it in a previous thread and he's still just shit posting. Check how many times he posts.
congrats user, don't dump all at once nigger. you'd be stupid to sell before 50bucks anyway
>mfw a bunch of pajeets filling cast has are now new money
What a time to be alive
Please wait till it hits 20 billion marketcap before you sell, you'll completely fuck this coin otherwise.
I’ll dump massively at 26 euros
wait until 100
What the fuck would I do with that money ? I’ll keep some for the 100
Oh yeah, and I'll take a dump in your mom's mouth at $100, larping eurocuck
Yet you ignore a simple quesion just like you ignore the fact shit is manipulated by whale on single exchange you fucking scammer
>drink whale sperm faggot
Everything is manipulated, go play in traffic homo
>one post
suck me, nerd. I'm a poor faggot with only 82 XRB.
>people transfer to binance
>sell on binance
>coins now on binance
you stupid fucking retard. You absolute fucking mong. I hate you you fucking 60 IQ 4 braincelled vasaline eating nigger dick sucking faggot. Fuck you. Die you god damn bitch.