Getting into MtG (I know its expensive but I have an income and am happy to spend money on a hobby) but is anyone able to give me advice on what the MtG equivalent would be to a YuGiOh Harpie deck? Any advice would be appreciated
Getting into MtG (I know its expensive but I have an income and am happy to spend money on a hobby) but is anyone able...
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So you want combos involving bouncing your own creatures, mass revival, and cute waifus?
Yes, yes and that'd be a bonus
There is ot really an equivalent. Thenes in yugioh are often a bit more of s mishmash than Magic's archetypes. You also need to define a format. What part of harpies do you like? The bounce? The discard? Reanimation?
Not much stuff in Magic rewards you for bouncing your own creatures, although there are a few cards that "flicker" them (remove from play then immediately return to play; used for resetting negative effects, but more importantly reusing enters-play effects). Mass revival usually goes in different decks from flickering, and waifus in other decks.
For Modern, I'd say look at Counters Company decks.
For Legacy, I'd say look at Dredge or Death and Taxes.
For Commander/EDH, I'd say look at using Anafenza as a commander.
Pretty much what said, but also the flexibility you have with being able to do quick jabs and pokes with losing monsters helping the late game full field fill, as well as the mutual buffs they give eachother. I probably can't have the fun play style and the overall effect the deck has but I'm open to options. Would a forest-dark deck be similar?
Standard has pieces to a self bounce/flicker deck from kaladesh block. Its not great but its standard so. UW rtb triggers is really not the worse thing you could be doing.
Am a noob, is modern standard and legacy more kitchen table stuff
Trchnically legacy/vintage is the "kitchen table" format, in that "kitchen table" magic usually just means you player whatever cards you want from any time, and thats mostly what "kitchen table" means. Modern as well. However, those formats are unfriendly to random jank decks. Standard is the format most friendly to shitty themed fun brews, but the pieces have to be in standard and also obviously they rotate eventually.
Also, its easier to find real life players of standard. Youd probably also find a goos number of modern players but that tends to be an extremely competitive format. I dont know how easy it would be to find people playing janky fun modern decks.
Do they rotate for balance or jew tactics. Not looking to play in tourneys anyway so shouldnt be too much of a problem
Jew tactics. Any given new set is likely weaker than the one before it overall, all the way back for a few years, with little exception. Without rotation, there'd be little reason to buy the new sets.
If you're playing purely casually, I'd recommend looking into running a mono-white deck. The following cards would fit what you're looking for:
>Sun Titan
>Restoration Angel
>Dust Elemental
>Eldrazi Displacer
>Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant
>Wall of Omens
>Knight of the White Orchid
Its "jew tactics" in the sense that there is a set time frame for rotation that the game follows. It inherently fixes potential balance problems as a side effect.
There is explicitly an event designed for casual standard play called FNM so. Howeverx not thst standards current bounce deck's pieces come from kaladesh which is the next block to rotate out. You still have a bit to go but just keep that in mind.
Ty user, will look into that. Does anyone have any suggestions for noob friendly decks?
The problem with a "purely casual" kitchen table deck is that you cant really play with random people with it. "Kitchen table" is really just for people who can insert into a playgroup who also have random decks which is not super easy to do.
Fair, so its probably worth putting in the time to get a standard deck up and running
>There is explicitly an event designed for casual standard play called FNM
Every FNM I've seen is a Modern event where casual players are gradually chased out by competitive elitists
Thats standard showdown
How about the mass summon aspect?
Kaladesh had a token subtheme. About thd closest youll get. There reslly isnt a mass reanimation thing in standard. The token pieces from kaladesh happen to work well with the bounce pieces from the same set at least.
Though, other formats do have mass reanimation. Living end is a possible archetype in modern
Since it seems you're willing to buy into a standard deck, there's actually a shitbrew that had some pretty major success which seems to tick most of these boxes.
Despite the price tag the site lists, most of that is commanded by Chandra and the Scarab God, who are about $80 together and the rest comes from the landbase - almost all the other spells in the deck are going to set you back less than a dollar each. If you aspire to play casually with friends, or at standard FNMs and such, you can easily do without TSG or Chandra, but I'd recommend doing your best with the manabase.
Anyway, this deck used a few of the Kaladesh block's key themes to cheaply summon creatures that make lots of flying artifact creatures, then bounces those creatures with Decoction Module to recast those creatures to make more thopters to make energy which you spend to make thopters which you use to reduce the cost of your token making guys which...
Its pretty cool, and surprisingly competitive against the top dogs of the format (most decks right now aren't suited to beating that many flying 1/1s).
In terms of waifus, depends on how you feel about the colour blue.
What's standard showdown?
The saturday event they made to get less spikes at FNM, which has better prize support than FNM (which now just gives shtity tokens)
Once you have learnt how to play and If you don't need a tourney winning deck try this
It's nothing special, you can have fun trying this one out (with proxies, never trust a man on the internet even if it's me, the mighty anonymous).
I think you got a bit wide just for a guy starting to get into magic.
This is standard too
Ty all for input, tg seems an alright place
I was also considering getting into magic as a former yu-gi-oh player. I'm not entirely sure what I like, or where to start though. Apparently there's not a general or I missed it, but I was thinking about going black, but what are my options?
In yu-gi-oh I mainly played zombies or necromill, before it got nerfed to hell and back because konami can't print anything that doesn't revolve around graveyard abuse.
They don't have that at the LGSes around here. Just Friday Night Modern, which awards old fatpacks that didn't sell (usually Born of the Gods) to the top player, and 2-4th get their pick of 2 FNM promos from M15 through Origins, and 5-8th get their pick of 1 promo.
Play Magic Duels on steam to get a grips on it
This is why nobody likes yu-gi-oh players.
Black is big on semi-conditional removal (well costed and effective but often has a "target non-black creature" restriction), resilient creature base via reanimation/regeneration, graveyard shenanigans, and paying life as an extra cost to mana-efficient spells. Black has access to most of the tools associated with the other colors, but with life costs attached and frequently conditional on harming an opponent. Example: black doesn't get "gain X life" effects, but they do get effects like "when an opponent loses life, you gain that much life" or "when this creature inflicts damage, you gain that much life."
Sounds like zombies. What about extra-thicc hitters? I'm guessing those aren't too useful or popular, though. From what I remember blue is control and red is just beatdown, right?
Too autistic, I (the harpie guy) wiped out this wannabe anime god card deck constantly, was hilariously awful to watch
In a nutshell:
Red is burn, fast creatures with higher power than toughness, bonus combat phases, sub-par card draw, artifact hate, and generally trying to win before turn 4. Their removal is "~ deals X damage to target creature".
Green is big stompy motherfuckers, trample (piercing damage in YGO terms), flying hate, mana ramp, and self-targeting spells. Removal is "~ fights target creature" or just saying "you block and it dies, or you don't and that's game."
Blue is card advantage, stack interaction, bounce, control, flying creatures, and completely useless huge beaters saddled with crippling downsides. Removal is counterspells or "~ doesn't untap".
White is lifegain, tokens, anthems (blanket +1/+1 effects for certain creature types), and enchantments. Removal is exile or "~ can't attack".
Black is as already mentioned, removal is "destroy target creature".
So it sounds like what I'd wanna play is green or black then. I like both big stompy motherfuckers and assholish vampiric zombie whatevers.
Though I could've sworn Yu-gi-oh also called it trample in the very beginning, but was forced to change it. Much like they had to change it from "magic" to "spell" card.
Yugioh used to just always write out trample before calling it piercing battle damage. It was never caled trample
when you say "flicker", my immediate thoughts went to white-blue-red control with Restoration Angel.
If OP wants revival, there's also Emeria control. I run a white-blue variant with Detention spheres, Supreme Verdict and the super spicy Gifts Ungiven. Even then, the deck is not very competitive.
I used to run UBW Gifts Tron. Sold off most of the pieces, though. If I ever play modern again, it'll be some shit centered around Sun Titan.
Is this the yugioh thread?
both reasons.
without rotations you wouldn't have a format that is always fresh and with middle power level.
The Yugioh thread is over here
That' thread is for every weeb card game that isn't yugioh