Upfiring coin

Any toughts on this coin? Do you think UFR can go very high in price? Been hearing a lot about it and i bought .03 btc of it.

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I bought 0.1. Waiting for 10-100x

this is a very high reward coin, you won’t regret it. the majority of FUDers on here literally don’t even know what they’re talking about

Fuck off Pajeet discord spamner.

avoid scams biz


kill yourself

>anonymous devs
have fun with that.

Already made about 50% gains on this from yesterday. I think despite the anonymous team, if they can at least prove that they are working on a legitimate product, then it has very high potential

>Coin will be a blessing for the pirating community
>pirating community
>"omg hurr why r devs anonymous xd"

the shill force is in full effect today
what happened rajeets your market cap dropped or something? need some btc? move along you scamming niglets

Qbit for example is a torrenting client and all developers are official.
Your pathetic Upfire client trying to be relevant on the crypto torrent market but somehow the devs are non-existent? Where is your fucking client? Why are you asking for payments for torrent something that is available for free?
See things don't align here. Really smells like a room full of unwashed indians doesn't it biz. I bet it does.

Pretty much this, but you pajeets wouldn't get it.
It would allow people to host their own files and allow others to download their fires, in which the miners come in and deliver the files through the network for tokens.

Insider here. Kim Dotcom is in on the project. The developer team will be public soon, and he will be listed as an "Advisor. You have been warned.

You don't seem to understand the need for devs to be more private when it comes to torrent, and that in the crypto torrent market.

The payment will be an incentive to SEED the torrent, and I think its a splendid idea.

People will be willing to pay tiny amounts if its convenient enough if it would mean that they get top speeds for downloading.
I mean, that's gonna be hard for you to connect with in your designated street pajeet.

UFR is going to revolutionize the way that the Dark web operates. with this where the fuck would there be servers for the FBI to raid? What are they going to do , raid the blockchain?

>the need for devs to be more private when it comes to torrent, and that in the crypto torrent market.
oh really how comes, enlighten me why you need to be more private
I just gave you a prime example that you are full of shit with Qbit
>The payment will be an incentive to SEED the torrent, and I think its a splendid idea.
absolute utter tier trash idea, which leads to a demand/supply with UFR tokens and payments
>People will be willing to pay tiny amounts if its convenient enough if it would mean that they get top speeds for downloading.
I mean, that's gonna be hard for you to connect with in your designated street pajeet.
explain to me, why I would be interested in paying someone to seed when I can have it literally for free right now at faster than you ever pretend to be for money

pathetic fucking scamming indian shit skins
I don't even know why I try to argue with them and waste my time at all
just post in every upcoming thread this link

so far those uneducated pigs haven't brought up one single thing that convinced anyone because they simply lack braincells


>oh really how comes, enlighten me why you need to be more private
I just gave you a prime example that you are full of shit with Qbit

legality issues (jk right kim dotcom didnt get all of his assets frozen by cianiggers) and then the fact that you're putting your name and face to something that can be construed as unethical or illegal to normies. Imagine UFR takes a shit or gets shut down for some reason and now your professional reputation and employment prospects are donezo because HR can't tell the difference between a creating a p2p file sharing client and the act of piracy itself.

>explain to me, why I would be interested in paying someone to seed when I can have it literally for free right now at faster than you ever pretend to be for money

because quality uploaders will be incentivized to share .ufr (or whatever) files and get some shekels out of it rather than providing them for free. it's not like you'd be paying exorbitant amounts anyway, and even so, you could earn it back through seeding

What about the dark web applications for UFR?

The payment is nothing when people are going to be making hundreds of thousands off it

>because quality uploaders will be incentivized to share .ufr (or whatever) files and get some shekels out of it rather than providing them for free. it's not like you'd be paying exorbitant amounts anyway, and even so, you could earn it back through seeding
not interested I can have it for free
>legality issues (jk right kim dotcom didnt get all of his assets frozen by cianiggers) and then the fact that you're putting your name and face to something that can be construed as unethical or illegal to normies. Imagine UFR takes a shit or gets shut down for some reason and now your professional reputation and employment prospects are donezo because HR can't tell the difference between a creating a p2p file sharing client and the act of piracy itself.
funny how you prick mention kim dot com who got into trouble for completely different reasons but okay
see what you don't even understand the basics of a client and the terms of use that state sharing illegal content is prohibited and you trying to get some fucking payment method into it that benefits apparently the seeders
As hard as you are trying shill your pathetic Upfire UFR scam you are still a worthless scamming shit skin at the end of the day

Cool, i jumped in :D

>not interested I can have it for free

for now

>funny how you prick mention kim dot com who got into trouble for completely different reasons but okay

copyright infringement is a charge that is inherent in filesharing

>see what you don't even understand the basics of a client and the terms of use that state sharing illegal content is prohibited

clients like utorrent and bittorrent have been fine for this reason so i'll agree, however, precedent can change

>now your professional reputation and employment prospects are donezo because HR can't tell the difference between a creating a p2p file sharing client and the act of piracy itself.

address this in terms of dev privacy

> it that benefits apparently the seeders

it benefits the network in general, people are incentivized to upload and seed rather than leech, resulting in faster download speeds

>you are still a worthless scamming shit skin at the end of the day

6ft2 light brown haired blue eyed aryan pajeet checking in.
Remind me why you are acting this butthurt? could it be that you're the prajeetkur ranishminaj here?

>for now
get a load of this fucking bastard
forever, you can't beat free and never will
>address this in terms of dev privacy
I don't have to, you are the bitch behind UFR scam and your devs are hiding and ducking
You are literally non-existent, pump and dump you know just like in discord
>it benefits the network in general, people are incentivized to upload and seed rather than leech, resulting in faster download speeds
delusional because someone needs to pay and someone needs to seed
a network in between that collects the so called UFR tokens for themselves
more precise would be the term shady
>6ft2 light brown haired blue eyed aryan pajeet checking in.
>Remind me why you are acting this butthurt? could it be that you're the prajeetkur ranishminaj here?
post a picture with a time stamp of your fucking miserable face right now scamming shit skin

I'm up over 700% on UFR so far. Still have about 700% to go. Lol at anyone that thinks this is a PND. I'll be laughing at you from the moon in a couple months.

Avoid this scamcoin, sell ASAP if you were fooled by this pump and dump group. Don't say I didn't warn you.



>get a load of this fucking bastard forever, you >can't beat free and never will
except quality torrenting is almost non existent now due to sites constantly being taken down and actual pajeets jumping in with their fake malware shit. The shit will essentially be free like .01 or .02 per download probably lmao, at some point the network will reach an effective mass and it'll attract actual quality uploaders and seeders, and the only ones who will suffer are jews like you who can't spend two pennies on a high quality, high speed torrent, shlomo.

>You are literally non-existent, pump and dump >you know just like in discord
I'm not in any discord, and I don't deny that there is obvious PnD shilling going on on biz. I bought in at ICO price of 2 cents in mid-October and have already gotten a ~2000% ROI, of which i've profit taken half for reinvestment.

>a network in between that collects the so called UFR tokens for themselves
no, it works similar to mining any other blockchain, uploaders/seeders are compensated for running the network, since it is decentralized after all.

>post a picture with a time stamp of your fucking miserable face right now scamming shit skin
i will do so as soon as you upload a profile view of your nose, rabbi.

same, up 2000% though :) feelsgoodman

>except quality torrenting is almost non existent now due to sites constantly being taken down and actual pajeets jumping in with their fake malware shit.
>The shit will essentially be free like .01 or .02 per download probably lmao, at some point the network will reach an effective mass and it'll attract actual quality uploaders and seeders, and the only ones who will suffer are jews like you who can't spend two pennies on a high quality, high speed torrent, shlomo.
your client doesn't exist at all, the fuck are you trying to talk down on quality and sites being taken down you brown haired shit skin
I predict you little Rajeet when it ever does come out I'll be sure to infect and compromise the shit out of it to my benefits just like everyone else to make those seeding shekels of those paying niglets who ever decide to pay
I also predict you another thing which will never hold in your "real world scenario" is that payment through seeding illegal content attracts a lot of attention whatever IP you be hiding behind, they'll get you fast Rajeet when money is involved and the client itself is the reason behind it
>I bought in at ICO price of 2 cents in mid-October and have already gotten a ~2000% ROI, of which i've profit taken half for reinvestment.
I don't give flying fuck what you made of this scam
>no, it works similar to mining any other blockchain, uploaders/seeders are compensated for running the network, since it is decentralized after all.
it being decentralized doesn't make the client stop collecting those tokens does it you massive fucking faggot
it also doesn't stop you asking for payment everytime you want to dl some torrent does it Punjab
>i will do so as soon as you upload a profile view of your nose, rabbi.
still waiting on that pic, post in here biz

>still waiting on that pic, post in here biz
like i said, you first, i'm not going to dox myself until i get to see your enormous merchant schnoz

>your client doesn't exist at all
no shit. the client itself existing is the value proposition. if it already existed there would be no moon potential for new entrants. No one is denying that it is risky, just like every digital asset that is literally unable to be traditionally valued like in the case of equity ownership, for example.

> when money is involved
top kek sorry forgot thepiratebay and every other torrent site is a non-for profit and they ran ads just because they like to. There has never not been money involved in some way, shape or form. I'm sure ISPs are going to pay extra attention to the random basement dweller receiving 5 cents for seeding his favorite hentai


>like i said, you first, i'm not going to dox myself until i get to see your enormous merchant schnoz
what's wrong are you one of the shilling developers trying to hide
I asked you politely first, do it
atleast hire some quality shills instead defending it yourself so half assed
>no shit. the client itself existing is the value proposition.
>I'm sure ISPs are going to pay extra attention to the random basement dweller receiving 5 cents for seeding his favorite hentai
cringe material, didn't you mention kim dot com a few minutes ago and shit
I'm done talking to you and educating you degenerate about your own fucking non existing client, hiding and ducking devs and the risks it brings with it that can only lead to absolute failure. But remember PnD this Scam as long as possible.

>I asked you politely first, do it
you've been the opposite of polite, lol.

>atleast hire some quality shills instead defending it yourself so half assed
I'm not shilling, I am giving my opinion. I have been long on UFR since ICO stage and didn't just jump into some PnD group before i bought it and began coordinating shill efforts. I've seen the discord screencaps, but just because something is being shilled does not automatically mean the coin itself is shit, imo.

>cringe material, didn't you mention kim dot com a few minutes ago and shit
what is cringe material? I gave a humorous example to illustrate how trivial the compensation will be for running the UFR network as a seeder, this isn't colombian cartel tier money shlomo. And what did my last response have to do with kim dotcom?

>I'm done talking to you and educating you degenerate about your own fucking non existing client
all you've been doing is throwing around adhoms and sperging out for no reason lmao. you are either outrage trolling or a real life autist, and probably yourself a degenerate.

> because something is being shilled does not automatically mean the coin itself is shit, imo.
hook line and sinker
Rajeet Scam exposed

where is the lie? You think the value of something is diminished just because there are exist shills in this space trying to pump their bags? Every coin is a shitcoin by that logic you stupid nigger.

>where is the lie?
the scam that you are so heavily invested it aren't you punjabu
lmao fucking shit skins on biz are killing my sides

It’s an easy 100x

>heavily invested
i invested $75 dollars in the ICO and now am sitting at like $1800 in gains you fucking rat kike, i thought the concept was brilliant but risky and i threw some play money at it