What does nu-Veeky Forums think of the Angry Marines? I assume that you think of them as stale and overused content

What does nu-Veeky Forums think of the Angry Marines? I assume that you think of them as stale and overused content.

We don't think much of them at all. They're an amusing meme. Whats to think about? Do you have deep, reflective thoughts on ICanHazCheeseburgers?

Because that's basically what this is.

Angry Marines are timeless due to their simplicity. It say's it right in the name: the are constantly angry. That's it. There's nothing more, and that's why they're amazing.

I still enjoy them, but an old meme is an old meme. They've had their time, but I don't find it unpleasant to see them again.

I hate yellow
Why would any army use it?

Even when they were made I thought they were "LOL, CURSE WORDS ARE FUNNY XD" preteen shit. But that was an unpopular opinion then, and in the times since I've said it, that doesn't seem to have changed much.

It was alright at first, but it's devolved into autistic fanfiction with everyone shoving their own embarrassing oc into it. Whatever joke was there has been beaten to death.
tl;dr: ded meme

It was overdone and people forgot about it. There isn't much more to be said.

There's a time and place for them, although it seems to get smaller and smaller over the years. I still enjoy them very much, and it's an outlet for some good old lowbrow fun in a setting that might take itself too seriously.

This tbphwyl
Veeky Forums has always had a cringy sense of humor.

I've always liked them, in fact I think I might make my primaris Marines angry

the line between autistic meme fun and cringe is extremely thin

Litany of Litany's Litany and MAXIMUM FUCK will never not get a chuckle out of me.

Stale, overused, unfunny. It's just tryhard "Haha man mad he scream thing go boom" sludge.

Reddit gets thrown around a lot here but Angry Marines are the definition reddit-tier.

There's two problems with them, mostly related to their age:
>They're less and less an affectionate parody of characteristics of the real marines that can be understood intuitively based on outside knowledge, and more an elaborate canon of their own that stops being funny in and of themselves that is a required characteristic of an unstale meme.
>the whole design of them reeks of the early Veeky Forums memes which now come across as text-speak tier. Their chapter symbol is basically an emoticon.
But they aren't "reddit".

These guys get it

>Do you have deep, reflective thoughts on ICanHazCheeseburgers?
I drink, knowing that a generation has passed and grown. That some of the first memes are in textbooks. That those fucking owls and badgers, that YATTA!, that gay purple man, that cockmongler, that demotivational posters, that YTMND, that all these and more are fairly foreign to the youth of today. I think of Abe Simpson, and grumble louder and louder as his warning becomes more and more apt.

2018 is less than a month away. As much as I dread what new, terrible things will come with the fresh blood, I dread more the reaction to them. Veeky Forums is the most like what Veeky Forums used to be in its younger days, warts and all, and I just hope it is able to weather the coming storms.

Nice blog post fag

>I dread new
float and enjoy yourself
sometimes new shit is good

fr*cking nazi shit, go back to

>trying too hard: the post

>the number of ships in FTL or Stellaris I've named the Maximum Fuck

They're fun. Like the whole 'pulp fiction but with orks' shit. It's not clever & doesn't provoke deep analysis. It's just kinda dumb and can provoke a Sensible Chuckle.

the main quality of 'cringe' i see is when crap is overplayed. It's why teenagers & kids legit trying their best to make OC get called cringe so much, because they haven't consumed enough media to know what's cliche and what's not.

Why would we think of them as stale or overused when entire months can go by without people trying to make a thread out of them? It's like WHH or Emperasque: it served to entertain us, and then it settled into the grave.

They're fine where they are, dead except for the occasional reaction image.
All the OCs and fanfic are awkward to read now and most of them are bad, but 40k is literally made of what people thought was cool when they were 12, so I'm used to it.

Why do we have to trash everything we used to like as a board, even if it's shit now?

I seemed to have joined in on the tail-end of those kinds of memes (although I preferred the Pretty Marines).

They were fun at the time, but it seems like maybe the world is different or maybe it's we who have lost something or maybe it's because we've grown or maybe it's all of the above, but they're not as enjoyable to me as they once were, back when the internet was more a wilderness.

I do find more enjoyment in the second-wave of Veeky Forums custom Chapters, though, when a serious approach was taken. We got the Emperor's Nightmares, Blood Jaguars, and Star Krakens out of that wave. I'd like to see those expanded upon, but maybe they've aged out as well or maybe they need to be evolved or perhaps we need have a new wave to replace them as well.

I miss those angry little dudes. Probably going to paint one of my Hellblasters or Reivers as an Angry just for Nostalgia's sake but god damn I play Raven Guard and they are the opposite of Sneaky-Beaky.

Funny, but some of the writefaggotry was cringe set to eleven. I also wonder why their color scheme is just a slight inverse of the Fists when supposedly, they were either Ultramarine successors or the missing legion, depending on who wrote them at the time.

Is there a right answer? If I say something negative then it's perfectly self-evident proof that I'm a filthy newfag. But if I do like them then I'm an autistic grognard or trying to LARP as an oldfag

>Veeky Forums is the most like what Veeky Forums used to be in its younger days

tbqh, I never much liked them. funny concept as a simple meme, but some of the faggots here took it WAYYYYYY too far with them and it kinda put me off.

Yeah, the problem I had with the angry marines isn't that they had an overwhelming theme. (Ie, being angry). It's that everyone thought that being angry could only possibly be expressed as talking like an irate Tourette’s Syndrome patient.
It wasn't just a preteen vision of the marines, it was an infantine view of anger. Anger is more than just yelling. There's different types. But nope. We got Tourette's Marines instead of proper Angry Marines.

Sometimes I wonder how far could a homebrewed chapter go in imitating the angry marines without actually breaking coherence with the canon.

Primaris marines look perfect for them.

Because fuck you, that's why.

Stale? No, but very dated. They're the product of a bygone era of internet culture and humor, and would not and do not work today, at least for me. I'd like to see what a chapter born of modern teegee's humor and sensibilities but I don't think it could be done. NuTG is too self concious and afraid of looking "cringe" or "reddit" and can't exercise creativity without worrying about internet cool kids judging them

~6 months ago we made the HUEJ MARINES founded by St Gav the HUEJ. They were half-ogryns given gene-seed. They specialized in being HUEJ.

One of them, Brother Maximus Gains, hijacked an Ork WAAAAAAGH!!!!! by virtue of being HUEJ and killing the warboss.

Like with most memes, it's fun if they are unexpectedly well suited to accompany a reaction or post in general.

It becomes unfun when they get posted just to get posted (not referring to OP, since that is a meta-post).

Please go back.

Veeky Forums is nothing like old Veeky Forums.
This place now feels like any other dedicated forum. The only saving grace is that flamewars never happen.

>''He-he get it they're angry hence they flip the bird!''

Now imagine an entire chapter dedicated to this type of low-functional memetic autism.

Now that I think about it I'm surprised no one has made a chapter based on /r/Donald-tier KEKistan of something similar...

I love them.
They are essentially everything I love about 40k: stupid, over the top none-sense that plays itself juuuust serious enough to be even more hilarious.
Of course, the angry marines are on the far end of wacky shit in 40k terms (on par with orks pretty much) but man, I love them.
When deathwatch launched, I grabbed my death masque box and styled my deathwatch as the Angry Deathwatch.
They are always a favorite on the table.
I just love them. They are amazing

Don't give them ideas user

Go kill yourself place, such things must not be spread.

I'm neutral on them. They have their good parts, stupid fun stuff. But it is a meme, an old one at that.

>The only saving grace is that flamewars never happen.
It's cute that you think that.

"Uphill charges always piss me off. Holding the high ground pisses me off, too. The waiting! Watching their ant bodies scurry uphill. Screeching their tiny words. Nothing good ever came of having more dirt in one place than an-"
"Kale! Concentrate."
>some of the best AM fiction ever written, that fully encapsulates that EVERYTHING engrages an Angry Marine, simply by having one getting himself worked up over a HILL

it's not like they're forgeworld

>MY OC DONUT STEEL is SO strong it can beat ALL your favorite videogame heroes!
Why are 40Kids so insecure about their preferred hobby/setting?

>Didn't read the thread. Or even the original post.

New shit always means I'm older though. New memes herald my inevitable death and dissolution.

They are and always were slightly embarrassing meme shit but fine until some oblivious faggot at your LGS discovers them and starts acting like they were made yesterday and showing everyone on his iphone whilst screeching

I am not sure how good are you at art of fellatio, but i am pretty sure that that your dickmunching skills must be superior compared to your non-existent capability to read and understand the OP.

So stop posting and go back to smoking cock.

Another example of Veeky Forums's inability to let old jokes go. They're the result of some spastic autist thinking that screaming and cursing is the pinnacle of humor, they are reddit and it's good that things like angry marines in addition to the rest of 1d4chan are now shunned

True, but actually painting them well lands you a lot of creed.

A person that can consistently paint bright yellow / red army well is not somebody to be taken lightly.

Of course if you want to go full hardcore, paint Lamenters, with freehend checkers everywhere... hell, you could use angries as stand in for death company.


Does their chapter master have adamantite claws, on account of being a huge jacked man?

I'm surprised that joke never got made. Mostly they just carried the biggest weapons available.

Why choose power claws when the power hammer comes in XXL size?

They were also unclever because half-ogryn.

They were a fine enough meme for the time, but became sort of autistic once people started trying to make "lore" and shit. They also, for good or ill, really feel like products of their time and the state of Veeky Forums/tg back then. For some people it's nostalgia for a simpler, more goofy time in our board's history. For others, it's dated , kind of juvenile meme humor taken way too far.

Another example of nu/tg/'s inability to have any kind of lighthearted fun, because, god forbid, some random anonymous fag might think that they are from (gasp! the horror!) redit .

Angry marines are a callback to the times when 40k was not so goddamn serious grimdark business. To the times when GW named Ork warboss after british prime minister, when noise marines were literally Hair Metal bands, when nobody com[plained about nipples on deamonettes.

Now get the hell out of my lawn, you goddamn kids.

>first answer always the best answer

So dated and cringe inducing humor that Veeky Forums refuses to move on from?

That is not official GW art imbecile.
That is dragon magazines cover for warhammer.

Don't say that user, it doesn't fit his agenda of 40k being le whacky epic setting

The thing that irritates me most is most of the people posing as old fags are not even mid 20's.

You have to admit that early 40k was a lot less up it's own ass, though

40k people liked and built the setting upon was not the early rogue trader era stuff.
The thing that really made the 40k what it was was the second edition.

If it stayed as rogue trader no one would have given it a single fuck. So please dont bring it up in a discussion. It is tiresome to give the same reply over and over and over again.
It is managable in the first few years but it gets incredibly sickening after that.

Imagine living this much in denial.

watch out for the crocodiles, my friend.

Yes, of course. It was always Really Serious Business.

Super serious

>40k will always be more serious
>it will never go back to being a dumb whacky setting no matter how much the oldfags cry
feels good

>Now that I think about it I'm surprised no one has made a chapter based on /r/Donald-tier KEKistan of something similar...

This snarking, eye-rolling faggot outlook is why we don't make anything worth remembering anymore.
In three years your insolent cunt attitude will be seen for exactly what it is - an adolescent adult trying to act vewy vewy gwown up.

40k would be much better as a serious setting, but it's very far from that atm. It's a 14 year old's understanding of seriousness, horror and emotional depth. It's GRIM and DARK and BRUTAL and NOT GOOFY AT ALL YOU GUYS TAKE ME SERIOUSLY in basically the same way as an edgy teen who gets really in to death/black metal and gets pissed when someone brings up back when he was a retarded kid screaming memes and pop culture jokes.
Intentionally or not 40k has made itself even more retarded and ridiculous. Instead of a parody of WFB and sci fi tropes, it's a parody of itself and it's *oh so mature and serious* fanbase.

>thread dies
>all the retards goes along with it
forum post rarely gets deleted worst still, the fuckwits are named and tagged so it just transfers on with the same amount of intensity.

>St Gav

this, a hundred times this.


>To the times when GW named Ork warboss after british prime minister
This meme has never been true. Thraka’s creator clarified that his name was rolled randomly and even cited the chart so you can see that it’s possible. He doesn’t even like Thatcher but Thraka isn’t named after her. Stop spreading fake news.

I don't have the quote but as far as I remember it wasn't random but actually Tolkien Orcish for something along the lines of "Big Orc Boss".

Sure bro. Whilst I can just about be generous enough to accept that the name was arrived at by random chance they chose to keep it and they can't have been too stupid to note the similarities to one of, if not the most, in/famous Prime Minister.

I didn't like them then, didn't like them now. They were just as bad as chaos-chan and that autist spamming his nekron tau waifu.

Look at OP's picture you dumb niggers. And thanks for proving my point.

It kinda is. And with good reason, the site fucking sucks.

Angry Marines we're cringy and mediocre on their own, but the real cancer came from all the [Adjective] Marines they spawned like Prettyboy Marines, Sleepy Marines, Relentless Marines, Spooky Marines and everyone's favorite, the Reasonable Marines. All of which had their own autistic wikipedia article of """lore""" that was obnoxiously serious for what you queers insist is just a joke.

Scary Marines were okay.

>Night Lords but loyal and lolsorandumb
They're fucking dumb. In fact, pretty much all of the Meme Marines were just loyal traitor legions

>implying that picture is more important than text of the OP

>Angry marines are a callback to the times when 40k was not so goddamn serious grimdark business.

Nah. They're nothing more than simple /b/ humor since Veeky Forums's populace at the time were pure, unfiltered anons of /b/.
You don't need an explanation why you find anime girls firing cats which shoot lasers as the height of comedy. It just is.

Then came the mods and Veeky Forums left. The place replaced by an extension of the online tabletop circlejerk.

Suuuure . I was recently rolling on random naming table to name my warlord and totally got Roland D'Roumpe. You can trust me, for i am completely 100% honest.

>Veeky Forums's populace at the time were pure, unfiltered anons of /b/.
>Then came the mods and Veeky Forums left. The place replaced by an extension of the online tabletop circlejerk.

I wish everybody understood this. It would make things a lot more simple.

sorry mate, i meant the previous post as answer for

>Implying it isn't relevant
It's pretty indicative of the kind of person who enjoyed Angry Marines. Nothing exists in a vacuum and OP chose that picture to both save and repost, after all.

The future is now, old man.

As someone who never liked 40k and was okay with the memes since it was just part of our board culture, I feel that way about everything 40k related now.

>as someone who has no investment in the setting I like thing because it's old

He said the opposite, moron. He's gotten so sick of hearing about 40K over the years that he thinks the whole setting is stale and overplayed.