We should get him those jeans.
He needs jeans
Other urls found in this thread:
But did he find out what a paladin is?
Fuck. Now i feel bad. This brought back memories.
How is this guy still surviving? Did he get a new job or do people actually pay him money for his boring twitch plays?
The latter. He went online doing streams on Youtube when he started to run out of money. Plus he's gaining 559 dollars monthly through Patreon for some reason.
Whatever happened to spoony anyways? I liked his countermonkey shit, not somuch his other stuff.
I heard that some problematic shit went down involving him.
Can someone give me the short of it?
Depressed hobo with a bad breakup who thought he was a famous celebrity for having an online video series. When he realised this wasn't the shortcut to hollywood, his mental creativity died up, and he became an even bigger bum, doing nothing but e-begging and sulking.
He had a psychological breakdown.
Basically he was a super toxic person who doesn't take responsibility. He handled bad situations like a manchild and lost almost ebery friend he had. Then got lazy.
Like almost everyone on tgwtg he thought that a web series was the alt path to hollywood. The irony is he could have been a respectable c or d list actor if he didnt expect it to be handed to him.
This Here is a more detailed version
He got up to 5k/month on his patreon and then just stopped making anything.
He didn't have to do anything but continue to make videos.
Why are people still paying money to this guy? He does jack shit.
I suppose some do it out of pity and some are devoted enough to tolerate his attitude.
>Spoony could have been the one most popular D&D/tabletop gaming content creator
>would be bringing to light a lot of other tabletop games people might want to try
>probably would have had half a million subscribers at least by this point
What a shame.
And all the extra money for his movie that is never happening. He should have taken all that money and partner up with someone to created his own card/board game, set up a gaming store and put together a team to livestream their games. Anything to stay relevant and pro active.
Remember that he vehemently hated 5e and would have been screeching at everyone to go back to 3.PF Hell.
The guy is now like a grandpa with altzheimer's. Looking at his Twitter, he sometimes has moments of lucidity where he realizes what kind of shit he's gotten himself into, before receding back to screeching incoherently about Trump and wrestling.
A shame. He used to be pretty good.
I seriously think his Patreon now consists entirely out of people who forgot they were paying him. I can't imagine anyone being a big enough fanboy to tolerate multiple years of zero new content.
There have to be some pity donors in there.
I could imagine someone keeping their pledge just because "I think Noah will blow his brains out if things get any worse."
He hated 3.5 and pathfinger as well. 4e as well.
Dude basically hated everything after 2nd edition.
>He hated 3.5 and pathfinger as well. 4e as well.
He said in multiple Counter Monkey videos that Pathfinder was his favorite game at that time.
He also made multiple vlogs defending 4e back when it was current, and repeatedly said that he thought it was a decent game that didn't deserve as much criticism as it got.
I guess I'm remembering it wrong then.
No, Pathfinder was his favorite RPG and in his video screeching about 5e he said he liked 4e and “judged it unfairly” or something earlier. Spoony is one of the biggest 3.pf shills there was and most of the D&D stories come from 3.pf games.
I was a big fan, and met my online gaming group from his site. Thinking about how far he has fallen from telling the Thieves’ World story or even doing SWAT 4 LPs makes me feel both old and nostalgic for a better time on the internet.
Yep. It's crazy how interesting he used to be. Literally got into tabletops because of him and a WoWrpg private server.
Then he started doing Wrestlemania shit and then just dried up. Such wasted potential.
>Spoony is one of the biggest 3.pf shills there was and most of the D&D stories come from 3.pf games.
He said pretty much every time he mentioned 3rd edition that he never liked it, but played it because it was all anyone played for a long time.
Also, most of his DnD stories come from the Advanced days, that's when he played most of his main bard character's levels, his Planescape games, the Apocalypse Stone adventure, and I believe his games in Ravenloft.
such a shame when the mighty fall
Was he really mighty to begin with? Once he run out of old stories he couldn’t come out with anything new and the breakout drove him to say something stupid and lose his job. He was fragile from he start.
Except he stories about going against character and stuff are all 3.5 stories, and he repeatedly says across his videos Pathfinder is his favorite game system. Plus he said he ran the AD&D settings even with the new rules.
His old reviews and LPs were good too, and there was a second good period where he made countermonkey and some other good videos again. He basically has to be parented 24/7 to make any decent content (in the second period he was living with his brother), otherwise his ego rockets and he goes batshit insane.
Now he's good for observing the slow train wreck that is his life.
Isn't he dead?
only on the inside
He is not that far gone that I call it mercy, but he is also half way there.
>Spoony imploded
>TGWTG/Channel Awesome died a death
>The Escapist is finally really actually dying
>Seemingly no one makes funny or interesting web animations any more
>the age of the webcomic is over
All of my favourite mid-timeline Internet stuff is falling apart and nothing is replacing it.
It's really sad. He used to be entertaining as a content creator, and then as a trainwreck, but now he's just sort of hollow and pathetic and not even really worth laughing at.
>TGWTG/Channel Awesome died a death
Remember when Doug was actually sort of funny, and his videos weren't like 90% incredibly unfunny skits with woman and black? I do, and I die a little inside.
at least rap critic and cinema snob are still okay
The worst Channel Awesome spin-off for skits is fucking Sci-Fi Debris, who'll just straight up pause the show to start doing stupid impressions of the characters and then start ranting at his stupid impressions.
but that's great, all of that was cancer
Well that's all very sad. So what are the BEST Spoony episodes? Anyone have working links?
I only watched his Ultima stuff. What else was funny?
I liked his Phantasmagoria 2 playthrough.
Counter Monkey: Thieves World
>Thieves world 1 and 2
>Invisible Jason
>Spoony imploded
He wasn't that good to begin with
>TGWTG/Channel Awesome died a death
Cunt made his fame from autistically screeching at old films, thank fuck it died.
>The Escapist is finally really actually dying
That website that's only draw is the contrarian cunt that "reviews" video games? Thank fuck that's on the out.
>Seemingly no one makes funny or interesting web animations any more
Web animations peaked in the early 00's with Newgrounds, and even then they were shit.
>the age of the webcomic is over
The age of the webcomic was crap.
Phantasmagoria 2, the start of the Final Fantasy 8 playthrough, several of his Counter Monkey anecdotes are amusing.
It's kind of like rathergood.com, YuGiOh Abridged or in my opinion Futurama, it's hard to explain in retrospect why it was funny because it's not aged well.
t. I like unboxing videos
>look ma, I'm being a contrarian on the internet!
t. I like IRL streams
I was personally a big fan of his FF reviews, and his riffing on Mazes & Monsters
I actually liked Nostalgia Critic when it came back, but it could be, well, nostalgia at the time. It kind of worn out within a few months, though, and the slow pacing eventually wore me out.
As far as other reviewer entertainers, I haven't watched any in a while. I remember being on a thread on /v/ and they seemed to like to piss all over a lot of them, particularly Angry Joe and Caddicarus. For some reason they liked BrutalMoose, but he seems to have a niche in game reviews and a drier style that makes him stand out as a less non-sense reviewer.
But to get back on-topic, I never really watched much Spoony. I will probably avoid his stuff because I don't want to get attached to his content now.
Do not reply to baitposts.
>Counter Monkey: Thieves World
>Comments are disabled for this video.
I have to ask at this point; do you understand the concept of nostalgia and how it isn't tied into objective quality, often to really disappointing effect when you go rewatch the stuff?
Regardless of what some cynic on the Internet thinks, when stuff made up a large part of your teenage years it's weird to watch it fall apart and die. It's not like this shit gets a send-off like old TV shows got, it just trundles on until it breaks down and it's weirdly melancholy. What are kids and teens even getting into online these days? There's nothing here any more except fungible Youtube channels, Reddit and Facebook.
Don't reply to bait posts.
>>Comments are disabled for this video.
He shut off all forms of feedback ages ago. He requires the perfect electronic hugbox. Trump getting so much media attention triggered him beyond the point of no return.
>Counter Monkey: Thieves World
This is more earnest than funny.
The only IRL streamer i know is IcePosideon and I'm just waiting for the day he get gets beaten to death on cam.
It was cancer, but it was cancer that I liked. I have nothing to waste my time willingly on anymore.
Truly you don't realise what you have until it's gone.
>the age of the webcomic is over
Nah, the bar just got raised. the webcomics out now are better and for the most part those that survived this long are better than they were back in the day.
Check out
Awful Hospital
Camp Weedonwantcha
Stand Still Stay Silent
and Kill Six Billion Demons
You're welcome.
Fuck, I remember back even before that, when he was the guy doing movie review columns in the monthly issues of Knights of the Dinner Table. Funny stuff, but thinking back, it occurs to me just how many of the most vocal (and dysfunctional) online critics seemed to secretly think this would somehow get them into the big time.
Lesson there, I guess - do it out of love, not out of a master plan.
Everybody's gotta eat, man. I don't fault them for it. If you're good at something, even if it's just funny YT vids, you should get some money for it. Some people did hit the "big time" (relatively speaking, of course), like the Critical Role guys. What's unforgivable is treating the people who helped get you to the big time as shit.
When he was Final Fantasy VIII and X reviews, it was a golden era. He was super controversial and every time he posted a new video fanboys would start raging. I thought I had just found a random funny guy but turns out he was a huge name.
After that I think his popularity kind of dwindled, but even then the amount of content he put out for his tabletop gaming, old movie reviews, and eventually doing X-2 and XIII was still great content. With the recent rise in popularity of D&D he definitely would have had high numbers if he was still putting up content and not being autistic.
Ava demon too
So what's a good modern replacement for Spoony?
Something that's funny, deals with RPGs/related vidya, isn't afraid to be controversial (but not particularly political) and has good storytimes?
Yeah, thirding this sentiment. The age where everyone saw Webcomics as the “next big thing” that were going to replace print comics and any schmuck could make a buck with enough self promotion is pretty much dead, but the quality of the good webcomics these days is leagues ahead of most of the crop from back in the day.
no one. The train spoony rode in on has been retired. The thing for videos now is skeptics and the alt-right
Fuck, Sluggy Freelance is still fucking going, and is every bit as boring and unfunny as the newspaper strips people thought it would replace.
Gonna be weird in a few years when they hit the year of the grim future Berk once came from...
>Sluggy Freelance is still fucking going
Jesus Christ, really?!? Same terrible art style that has never improved?
These guys don't talk about RPGs.
I was briefly afraid it wouldn't be there when I searched for it, but it came up, with a new comic posted today, and a big piece of art at the top celebrating twenty. fucking. years.
>That garbage art
>That HTML1 design
It's like I'm back in 1998 and the news is talking about President Clinton.
You think that's bad? I've got something much, much worse.
sinfest is still going.
What do you guys think of ProJared? I look forward to his D&December every year.
>no Unsounded
Also Gone with the Blastwave still updates, if at glacier's pace.
Sinfest is shit humor but at least it had a decent art style that improved over time. Sluggy still has the same Grade 9 doodles from 20 FUCKING YEARS AGO. It boggles my mind that this guy didn't even accidentally improve over 20 FUCKING YEARS.
Spoony is the only jew for me.
Hell, Patreon was the thing that started letting a bunch of webcomic people start webcomicking full-time again, which really hadn’t been a thing for anyone other than the old guard since 2008. “Webcomics” as a scene are arguably in a better place than they’ve been in a while.
The more accurate statement than webcomics being dead is that webcomics really aren’t a huge, almost fundamental part of internet culture like they used to be, but’s that’s mostly because the internet is so fucking big these days and more people like watching videos than reading things, so YouTube videos and live content took their place.
Ah, you read Vatuu as well.
Most of the stuff I read is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comics. Those games hit a special part of my heart, but the games just made me want more.
I am currently reading through Darths & Droids. and I'm on the 4th episode. Is there anything I should skip or is it all good?
Which one of you bought him the pants?
Actual friends.
How do I make those?
This user has the right idea here.
Joe Rogan is hardly alt-right.
People have a lot of differing opinions on Patreon, but I'm personally of the opinion that it's had a relatively positive net-gain on almost every industry it's touched. Webcomics were filtered, and the cream of the crop managed to provide some pretty damn quality content. Youtubers got a way of regular funding that wasn't tied to advertisements or regular shilling, even if plenty still do so, or turn to other means of funding their videos. On the part of the consumer, it's relative inexpensive. If you've got $10 to spare a month, you could shove $2 towards your favorite Patreon projects without the slightest financial dip in your own budget.
Personally, I'm amazed more tabletop companies haven't turned to Patreon for a way to garner funding for their various projects, or ongoing stuff. Kickstarter is fantastic, but it's mostly a one-time lump sum.
Not for a very, very long time. Not unless you consider virtue signaling, self flagellation, and incredibly meandering plots to be humor
He's not alt right, but he is basically the bastard hybrid of Alex Jones and Seth Rogan as far as content goes, which is a pretty major sin in and of itself
Uhmmm, Veeky Forums?
>What are kids and teens even getting into online these days?
You mean:
>People on Veeky Forums are no longer relevant to internet culture.
Oh fuck, man. I remember when we were the primordial sea from which all internet culture squirmed and faltered. Now we're looking around at all the things we're not, and wonder where it went.
I started out here at 15 years old, and that was nearly 15 years ago. I'm coming up to half my life spent in this wonderful piss ocean, and finally it's beginning to go stale and cold. The replacement? The YouTube comments on shitty reaction videos. Facebook meme groups which never ever post OC. Snapchat stories for the vapid and self-obsessed. Worst of all? The death not of our little board but of Anonymity. Look out there. It's your boy _____ . It's always your boy _____ . If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a subscribe button — forever.
I don’t think tabletop creators are putting out content at a rate that really works with patreon? It seems more fit for bloggers/artists/video creators whose content is on a daily/weekly schedule.
>Sluggy Freelance is still fucking going, and is every bit as boring and unfunny as the newspaper strips people thought it would replace.
I think a big problem was that most took direct inspiration from the newspaper comics of the time, which were already a dead medium in many ways when compared to how newspaper comics used to be in earlier decades.
Newspaper comics in the 90s weren't capable of structurally innovating (panels, colors, and themes were all stagnant). and were trapped in the four/three panel joke loop ( which is actually very limiting when compared to alternative panel layouts) Watterson talked about this a lot in Calvin and Hobbes 10th anniversay collection. It was vital to his experimentation in how the comic itself was structured.
It was these weaknesses in set up and structure that formed the basis of how webcomics were and I think it hurt a lot of comics and limited their potential.
meant to go with this comic that illustrates my point better.
This place isn’t completely irrelevant relevant yet, there are sites that have out growth in audience and influence but if you pay attention you can see a subtle influence here and there pushing or starting trends or ideas. Of course isn’t a coordinated, plan or even concious effort in most cases.
I got a raging boner just thinking about that. Thank you user.
>Of course isn’t a coordinated, plan or even concious effort in most cases.
The beauty of us was that it was never the conscious efforts that made us relevant. It was that people on other sites, in other media, people OUTSIDE, were us.
The memes leaked not because they were reposted, but because they left our little board inside people's heads. We were like Fight Club. Now Fight Club is cliche and dated, and so soon will we. We'll be like the Virtual Adept art from cWoD Mage.
>pic related
> Veeky Forums [is] no longer relevant to internet culture
/pol/ begs to differ. The culture has shifted. /b/, the source of the classic internet good times has been superseded by /pol/ and /pol/ isn't "random" like /b/ was. Its a lot more focused on racism and the alt-right and Veeky Forums had a huge portion in that things creation and through it influence in the current political climate. Make no mistake, Veeky Forums instigated a lot of what's going on now. It's just not for the lulz anymore. it's for the "white man" and politics.
Few indies have been using Patreon. I know Vincent Baker and Avery McDaldno both have them. In the more mainstream sphere, you have Dennis Detwiller
VAttu is getting to a really good part right now. Vattu is now essentially a kind of ambassador for the empire to her own people. If you've taken a break, I recommend diving back in.
I think he barely constitutes anywhere near Alex Jone's sphere of insanity. Does he have some weird guests on his podcast? Sure. He's still pretty liberal with a lot of his views, when he's not clashing against SJW nonsense.
I think you underestimate how much of the shit on /pol/ is just contrarianism
I've posted about this here before, though I feel like a crazy old man for doing it.
The thrust is: our little youth undercurrent used to be left of centre. There wasn't as much outright political discourse, but people were generally interested on division along nerd lines and not along the lines outsiders tried to split us with. Liking GURPS 4th over 3rd was much more worthy of scorn than blackness. We were all fags, and we were all niggers. The offensive language was a filter for newfags, not an endorsement of prejudice.
The problems set in a few ways:
* Veeky Forums became to high profile, and was targeted by communities like the Stormfags and the Scientology backlash. The result was a cheapening of board culture.
* The cliquey divide became about shock value. With moderation hedging out gore, CP, and the worst meme cancer (Remember the spam from that maniac with the competing board full of CP?) the only way for kids to be edgy here was to be MORE racist.
* /b/ got stale and insular. Moot's last attempts to stir the pot here were more about containment than creativity.
* The youth undercurrent, tired of being ignored, swung from skater-left to greedy-right. Grunge gives way to glam gives way to grunge.
I suppose you are right, I wasn’t thinking about /pol/ recent efforts, which are conscious, plan and coordinated with very real results.