Do you agree that the fantasy version of JSTOR would be a Dwarf (wizard/mage?) in his archival basement?
Do Dwarves seem the most "Historian" of races?
Do you agree that the fantasy version of JSTOR would be a Dwarf (wizard/mage?) in his archival basement?
Do Dwarves seem the most "Historian" of races?
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Yes, the “Book or Grudges” race probably has the best historians
Sounds about right.
>Dwarven sages. Collectors of wisdom and keepers of the great Pa'wal.
If I could offer a counterpoint for the sake of discussion, why not elves, who got to live through the History other races can only read about?
Because elves suck.
Because elves are too busy sniffing their own farts to be historians. Even if they bothered to write anything down, they’d only write down elf shit, ignoring the rest of the world. And everyone knows that one-sided histories fucking suck.
>who got to live through the History other races can only read about?
Answering your own question there. If they live through it, why bother writing about it or searching out and assessing documentary evidence?
>implying fantasy jstor wouldn't be a beholder mage constantly scrying on both elven and dwarven libraries and retransmitting the info to the masses for free, just to fuck with said dwarves and elves
A majority of JSTOR's content is locked behind paywalls.
JSTOR isn't an archive, it's like a digital Archivist who can point you in the right direction, but won't pay your library fees for you to get the sources it points out.
I've been at uni so long I forgot it wasn't free.
No beholder would do anything so chaotic-good
It would if it thought it was chaotic evil, which stealing knowledge and giving it to those not meant to see it would be
What the fuck is jstor?
Goddamn I despise JSTOR.
>Massive fee for suscribing.
>Inability to cancel said suscription.
>Free subscription given by university allows for 2 journals...a month.
>"Journals" aren't text, they are actually images in a slideshow, making it impossible to read.
Occasionally, I've saved every damn picture in the slideshow, used OCR, edited it, and distributed the whole word doc to the class, just because of my seething hatred for such a website.
So yes, they are certainly angry dwarves in a basement.
Jstor is an online database for articles from academic journals.
Knowledge is power, friendo
Why should I give you some just for free?
>"Journals" aren't text, they are actually images in a slideshow, making it impossible to read.
Can you not just download them as pdfs? I was doing that as recently as six months ago.
Holy shit what are you talking about? Jstor uploads everything in PDF format, with selectable/formattable text (unless the document is pre-digital which is just the way of the world).
And what shit university are you at that doesn't just supply proper access?
A public uni
>unless the document is pre-digital which is just the way of the world).
In which case it SHOULD have a separate text transcript.
That was your first mistake
s c i h u b
My fucking community college had proper access. Jesus.
>go to uni in Poland
>study material is all pirated
>one teacher accidentally leaks parts of her own groundbreaking teaching method / textbook that way
>doesn't understand how she did it
>accuses us
>another teacher had us watch Angels in America as contemporary history study
>through a link on a shady Russian website
>if I paused the movie I got either tits or pic related
>If I could offer a counterpoint for the sake of discussion, why not elves, who got to live through the History other races can only read about?
I was emphasizing the payroll aspect, and dwarves tend to be greedier than elves.
What's JSTOR?
One of the worst sins that CAPITALISM has ever cast unto Academia
I'm hoarding a shit tons of articles and books I find on JSTOR until my master is done. Just in case.
Ok, so twenty or so seconds revealed jstor to be a library.
So wouldn't a fantasy library just be a library?
>>through a link on a shady Russian website
Reminds me of a small anecdote.
> Study Asian contemporary history
> Discuss with my russian teacher about my master
> She tells me I'll have to get a few books and articles from certain foreign university which can get me pretty pricey
> "I could also probably find them on russian sites."
> She looks at like I just found out about her secret.
> "Y-yes. You could.."
I found out russian websites is kinda like an open secret in our field. Everyone uses them but nobody will really admit to it.
JSTOR is a digital archivists
You tell it what you want and it finds works close to that topic. It doesn't own the works either, you then have to go to the owner of that works and pay them for access.
So a library but all the works are locked up in newspaper vending machines.
Who the fuck is going to spend the literal years required to transcribe all of those perfectly readable documents into modern word formats just so you can more easily copypaste?
Scans of paper media are completely readable, and most PDF readers have the ability to detect text and allow you to select it.
>I'm hoarding a shit tons of articles and books I find on JSTOR until my master is done. Just in case.
Good plan. I save everything, even if I don't end up including it in the final project. Depending on the state you might be able to get access through a public library. The Boston public library has an ecard available to all Massachusetts residents. One of the perks is access to JSTOR.
>Scans of paper media are completely readable, and most PDF readers have the ability to detect text and allow you to select it.
At the risk of this turning into a Veeky Forums thread.
>In which case it SHOULD have a separate text transcript.
There are online programs that allow you to convert PDF files into other formats. Depending on the condition of the original text there will be errors. This is also the reason why some of the public domain books on Amazon are so shitty. They do a quick and dirty conversion from PDF to EPUB and do not properly proofread it.
>his university doesn’t give him free access
Shit tier uni, user. I get full access to whatever, and I get it both at my current university and as an alumni of my previous one.
Sorry we can’t all be white
It's across all the social sciences. Best thing that ever happened to me was a professor in 2nd year who dumped a bunch of links
>It's across all the social sciences. Best thing that ever happened to me was a professor in 2nd year who dumped a bunch of links
Most of my professors have been sympathetic about the rising cost of tuition and materials. They have provided us scans and print on demand copies of obscure books.
sorry we weren't unfortunate enough to all be American
Fair enough
Well at least we're all in luck because we're all faggots.
>tfw my archaeology prof scanned the entire textbook himself and uploaded all of the digital content for us
He broke both legs in a motorcycle accident a month ago and basically waived our final assignment and made the final super easy, I think I'm going to send him a little gift basket or something
because why concern yourselves with the lives of the lesser beings? of course ELVEN history is well recorded, with an almost extreme depth, including many minor details, such as every single elf present at a feast.
I don't know about you (and I'm not who you're replying to either) but reading a academic journal on your monitor is twice as difficult as reading anything else, and having them as epub (or any other format really) would help kindle users a lot.
source: I don't read journals I can't read comfortably on my kindle and then I just lie to people based on the abstracts of said works.
Most of the research is publicly funded, plus edited and peer reviewed by scientists for free.
>tfw everything one might need academically is available without having to spend a dime due to libgen + scihub.
Honestly, JSTOR is just a gatekeeping racket mafia. They don't review the articles they publish (there are known cases when articles with ZERO peer review were succesfully published by JSTOR), and they don't provide transcribes for older materials, and they don't provide proper downloads in multiple formats.
But the worst fucking thing about JSTOR is, as a scientist, you have to PAY them to publish your research. And then, as a reader, you've got to PAY AGAIN to get access to said research. All for exorbitantly and completely unjustified prices.
Like, what the fuck? JSTOR doesn't provide nearly enough services to justify their prices, beyond being bitch-boy stockpiling monopolists.
JSTOR is literally the Comcast of of the scientific publishing market. Their motto is "You will take a dick up your ass, and you will like it".
Thank god for scihub, thank god for libgen and thank god for people who actually want to share knowledge and advance science instead of letting it waste away in digital stockpiles.
this made me laugh ans smile. thank you anons.
? I was under the impression that jstor was an archive for works published by universities and publishing houses.
>can't you just download them as PDFs?
>yeah but reading it on your monitor is such a pain
You know you can PRINT PDFs, right?
And Kindles can take PDFs naturally, you don't even have to convert that shit to anything else, just drag and drop it
Is it chaotic good if your actions are purely motivated by spite?
because its awful to deal with stupid people, and the fewer of those we have the better it is for everyone involved?
No, that's usually neutral.
that's basically the logic that got public schools universally implemented in the US by 1870, even for second class citizens.
That's fair. You're right.
What if rather than retaliation it was petty and unprovoked, basically pure sadism?
>that's basically the logic that got public schools universally implemented in the US by 1870, even for second class citizens.
Yes, that is the idea.
I get it free for lyfe through my alumni asociation, though it kind of sucks. Somehow every article is from 1972
JSTOR only covers articles to a certain date. I forget the exact range.
I was being hyperbolic for comedic effect. Generally, the topics I research seem to be populated by older articles