>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
Dark Eldar are Synthwave Craftworlders don't seem very vaporwavey though
Anthony Walker
>again with the not duncan meme Stop this madness
Lincoln Smith
Xenos players are smelly
Noah Gonzalez
Is pic related a good model for a lieutenant?
Daniel Nguyen
Christian Powell
*niceboi protocol activated*
Michael Nelson
Sure, if you want to have a manlet Officer
Luis Lopez
I don't see why not *chaos although true for nids, still
David James
>>Math-hammer (thank Autism!) >docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10t6_FO9mTaG8FHY4B7v6hOQgwc3gXxUiIOrMYt16I6M/edit#gid=2101593554 Hey fellas, Chart user 2: Chart Anoning here. Tyranids are very nearly done, just got some adjustments to loadouts in the point efficiency section to go and we're all set. If you see any mistakes, please do point them out! I'll notify here when it's completed.
Jose Nelson
Does anyone have that awful official Tau artwork?
The relatively newish ones that have no understanding of shading whatsoever.
Mason Morgan
There are primaris lieutenants and non-primaris lieutenants.
Caleb Murphy
How new are you? That meme is months and months old. When 8th was released, not-Duncan was more common than Duncan.
Sure. Great model and good wargear, especially since Lieutenants have WS2+ to counteract the fist.
Angel Lee
That doesn't change his statement.
Connor Stewart
For weapons of Primaris Intercessors, do all models in a unit have to have one type of rifle or can I give a different rifle to each model
Adam Nguyen
Which truck do you prefer?
Michael Scott
Posting this again since it's the start of a new thread: Chaos undivided or special snowflake? strawpoll.me/14600980/r
Alexander Foster
Mason Bennett
any model with a power fist is a good model
Robert Diaz
I know its been common user. That doesn't mean it's not shit.
Any chance some richfag sharing Fabius Bile: Clonelord???
Julian Ortiz
>Prime Directives >1: Serve the Emperors trust >2: Protect the Imperium >3: Uphold the Law >4: Classified OwO
Benjamin Rivera
the one on the left. the stupidity of the shield on the right sends me to an angry zone
Christian Ross
Mason Murphy
the one with the big man meat grinder and the toasty bits maker of course
David Brooks
It says "All models may...", so the entire unit must. Otherwise the wording would be "Any model may..." Not that you'd want to mix and match anyway
Lucas Jones
Maybe it's the paint job, but I think they both look like garbage
Zachary Smith
>stupidity of the shield are you forgetting 40k was made with "the rule of cool" in mind?
Jordan Martin
The one on the right, but that's just me being a jealous Ork player.
I was so disappointed when I found out how small the kit was. Same with the Taurox. Either one would have made a great Battlewagon.
David Anderson
I voted Belakor because that makes pic releated canon
Luke Davis
Why is he so happy about a necron head? You can't clone necrons you silly man. They're made of metal.
Julian Bennett
Pretty damn sure it's the paintjob. For reference, look at the Taurox Prime, which looks hilariously bad in GW's sky blue scheme, but pretty damn badass when painted like an actual fucking combat vehicle.
Daniel Long
Thank you sir
Jeremiah Morales
Not with that attitude you can't.
Jaxon Miller
But you can fuck it.
Parker James
>I find your lack of faith in the Emperor disturbing.
Cooper Richardson
Any good rumors on next primarchs? Loyalist and traitor
Zachary Cruz
>Why aren't playing Imperium, heretic ?
Jaxson Powell
Cooper Barnes
Never played DA, lion might be interesting to see
Parker Lewis
Thunder Hammer or Relic Blade on Jump Pack Captain with Storm Shield?
Ian Reed
>The Warmaster
ebook when
Matthew Hughes
Next Loyalist is almost certainly Lion or Russ. Next Traitor is obviously gonna be Angrom or Fulgrim.
Oliver Butler
Dark Eldar are also industrial and darkwave.
Adam Harris
what do you want him to kill/support with which CT?
Details, they are important user.
Dominic Jackson
What are the chances of us ever seeing a 40k Perturabo model? I suspect it's somewhere between zero and none.
Oliver Wright
or vullkan or dorn
Elijah James
He's a space marine, its going to happen.
Austin Hall
Jordan Howard
Was determined that was from pic related & spent the past 20mins searching for the scene only to be completely wrong. Oh well. Might as well blog it on /40kg/
Kayden Wood
Don't worry Loyalist and Chaos marines will get minis for all their special characters before the npc factions get new models.
Bentley Reed
We're basically the "who?" Legion. The only time I ever see Iron Warriors mentioned is when "X Warsmith built the most invulnerable fortress to ever exist ever! (Insert faction here) took it in a week!" I think GWs sometimes doesn't even remember that IWs exist.
Dark Angels codex is soon so a Lion fig would ride on the hype. Space Wolves are getting a codex next year too so the same applies for Russ.
James Allen
Yeah I know Iron Warriors get fucked over a lot despite being in my view one of the more interesting legions. There's a lot you could do rules wise with them, but I don't really doubt that they'll get their primarch somtime after the cult legions get theirs.
Nicholas White
If they were doing Lion soon they'd time the book with him. Since there's no Lion I doubt he's next. Russ would make sense though. Wrath of Magnus and the Cicatrix have done enough to arguably fulfill the signs of the Wolftime as told by Russ.
Christian Gomez
Remember when IW could get a fucking Basilisk? Remember when IW were the baddies in one of the most disturbing BL books ever? Remember when IW were the only Traitor Legion with access to a vehicle repair-ability? They used to be so cool. And now they're just "dem silver dudes with the black'n'yellow stripes".
Colton Diaz
Does the whole "You can't use founding chapter characters in a successor chapter" rule apply to homemade (or perhaps more arguably, successors without characters) chapters?
RaW, I guess not, but from your experiences, would I be disallowed use of Beli if I ran a custom colored admech army using Mars rules? Or if I wanted to use Guilliman in a Black Consuls (Ultramarine successor with no characters) army?
How did you do the Heavy Infantry section, it looks like the hit rolls are skipped and everything is straight to wound?
Ian Hernandez
I think we'll get some cool stuff if GWs continues to bring more and more HH into 40k.
Noah Rivera
muh fourteen gorillion?
Kayden White
Only massive fucking spergs would complain. So long as you don't try to put Pedo Kantor and Lysander into the same detachment, there's no rules problem.
Michael Rivera
Technically it does. But you can always just run your successor AS the parent chapter from a rules standpoint.
Grayson Morgan
Michael Wood
paint them differently but call them mars
Kayden Powell
Is there a Ordo of Inquisitors who are devoted to writing down everything the High Lords say?
Justin Foster
That's the plan. Glad to hear it!
Jacob Price
It does apply to homebrew Chapters and Chapters without successors. Guilliman is named Ultramarines only, and unavailable to successors, for example.
But then again, is right. Nobody should much care since it's just a palette swap and flavor change, with no mechanical fuckery. Just adhere to the rules for the one you're playing as and there should be no problem.
Samuel Rivera
Which army would this nugget play ?
Camden Morales
I run red scorpions usually with UM tactics.
When the opponent isn't ok with FW models, I switch to "ultramarines with some grey paint, oh and also here's guilliman".
Tbqh my non FW list is more vicious than my FW list.
Alexander Butler
squats so they have an excuse not to go into store
Caleb Richardson
Lucas Jenkins
What the fuck was that? There was no Duncan in that man-child autismfest.
Samuel Collins
please feel free to come participate in/contribute to the cringe
Xavier Flores
what video was that?
Elijah Sanchez
Jacob Bailey
Aren't lieutenants always Primaris? Which is kind of weird, now I think about it.
I guess since the difference between primaris and marinelets is just A & W and an inability to ride in transports, it isn't that big a deal to have a little guy as your lieutenant because all infantry characters have arbitrary extra A & W.
Jason Gomez
Thinking about running a Land Raider Achilles.
Does anyone have any experience playing with them or against? Very curious to try it out.
Zachary Hill
Actually Lieutenants are also regular marines too. Guilliman reintroduced the rank officially, but many chapters already had econdary officers as is.
Jack Phillips
>Aren't lieutenants always Primaris? no? read your codex
Aiden Young
If I wanted to play fairly secular chaos forces do you think my opponents would object strongly to using using forgeworld automata as that which must not be named?
Christopher Thomas
man, using FW models in 40k would be cool
Carson Garcia
>you're fired! >brrrrrrrrrrrap >arigato >w
Henry Allen
Has the meme gone to far?
Liam Taylor
Fires of cyraxus one day
Camden Sanchez
>56888803 NO
Ryder Ross
>Punishers >Unknown >Unknown Oh come on, we know how long they've been around and their location
Oliver Mitchell
Why is one of Fulgrim's sons so bald?
Angel Young
It's standing still to shoot. It hasn't gone anywhere
Wyatt Collins
Because he is slave to baldness.
Brandon Rogers
Is there a good army for beginners?
Matthew Jenkins
Man i wanna make a skulltakers army just so i can use the Zhufor model.
Leo Myers
Plot cancer
Alexander Young
Isnt killing 14 billion people still only like killing one or two hive spires? Or one hive world if im overestimating hive population destiny
Connor Wright
Are Taurox Primes worth it with the CA point change?
>most of my scions will be deepstriking >3 taurox primes at 400 points >none can use them but scions and commissars
Feels like something of a waste to be honest.
Gabriel Edwards
That sounds literary.
Poor soul
Alexander James
Is it worth it to go ham on transports for turn 1?
If not, do you completely abandon minimizing drop count or go somewhere in the middle?