What unique monsters have you designed for your sessions?
What unique monsters have you designed for your sessions?
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I statted up a giant awakened carnivorous potted plant. It was a spellcaster, had a devour-whole attack, and a tribe of vegepygmies to carry its palanquin- uh, pot- around for it.
Most importantly, it spoke like a southern gentleman, albeit not a very bright one. One PC tried to convince it that because she was pollinating, it shouldn't eat her and should wait for her to become less gamy.
A chuul variant. Basically a giant scorpion without a head. It's skin was covered in eyes and on his back was a gaping hole full of small tentacles. It collected brains to stay intelligent and inside you could see them being wired to it's body. Some looking at you if they had an eye attached. The tail ended in a flowery pink tentacle mess that paralyzed you. It grabbed the player, the tail would paralyze you and then it would rip out your brain and spine via the back to feed. Since the realm they were in death was non existent. The aforementioned victim would not die. It's lair and surroundings was filled with zombiesque shells without a brain or spine, unable to do anything but wander or hang around confused. You could look them in the eyes and stare straight through the skull. Never seen a party so terrified to fight a monster. One almost got lobotomized.
Elf babies.
They're comming to getcha.
Wizard lab-grown chimera creatures that repeat words they’ve heard like parrots. They’re non-hostile but like to stalk humanoids in order to learn their habits and language. They enjoy stealing seemingly random things as well.
It’s never not fun saying “you see THIS staring at you from the end the hallway” and showing pic related
Bagmen/Boogeymen, which are the male counterpart to hags. They're giant evil hulks with rapine tendencies, weird powers, and very alien mindsets. They, along with the hags, have a lot of regional/local variants and subtypes, and also have a complicated ecology/relation with humans. Hags and Bagmen are two sexes of the same "species", but absolutely despise each other. They come together only rarely, hatefucking then splitting up before the urge to kill grows too strong. Much more frequently, they couple with humans (much to the humans' general dismay), and the offspring of such unions are either hideous monsters (if of the opposite sex as their nightspawn parent) or mortals with powerful but tainted blood (if of the same sex).
The setting they're from has a kind of dark fantasy folk/fairy tale vibe going on so they seemed an appropriate choice for a major monster category. I can go into more detail if people want but I don't want to blogpost
A biomechanical psionic hooked up to a gray alien power grid that defended itself with laser turrets, violently scrambling the PCs' brains, and big meaty fungal fists. Was a fun boss fight to end the campaign on.
A common enemy was stone skeletons. Petrified after death and encased in stone, they tend to be resilient but have low HP. Normal weapons just bounced right off them.
They were a Basilisk's minions during a miniboss fight.
I also made a four-armed skeleton monster but it showcased how easily my party could cheese massive single targets, so now I need to make sure my party spends a lot of magic before a big fight or split their attentions somehow.
All my monsters are sentient, civilised humanoids, all under unique and realistic motivations for interesting personal goals.
Only exception is a mud mephit that they met in the first session, who is now tugging on all the strings at the top of this dense network of connections.
The players are half way through but have no idea.
Probably this guy.
More detail is needed of spooky rape gorillas
Alright. Like I said they were meant to be the spear counterpart to hags, so they're all kind of fucked up, gungy old men. They're usually ambush predators, stalking roadsides and woodlands at night in an attempt to catch unwary travelers. Bagmen and hags are both maneaters, but where as hags build up larders of ensorcelled, trapped, or otherwise ensnared humans, Bagmen just feed when they need to and generally use the leftovers as territory markers or as part of grim pranks.
They feed on fear just as much as meat, and like to terrorize an area before they begin to pick people off. Many have abilities well suited to this, such as mimicking voices, clouding memories, or limited shapechanging such as sqeezing into or through spaces that should be way too small for an adult human, let alone a gangly giant creep. More solitary bagmen like to focus on a particular victim, stalking them for long periods, and doing everything they can to make sure their target never feels safe or unafraid. Hiding in crawlspaces, attics or closets and slinking out to watch their victims (who lay half aware and paralyzed by bagman magic), taking the place of family and friends using illusion and making the victim isolate and question themselves, or just generally harassing them from inside their own homes.
I'm not a GM, but our GM invented the "Buttsqueazel", a monster with hugely long arms that lurks in forgotten corners of libraries to ambush people who are trying to find things. It's facial description is a dead ringer for her husband. I kind of want to know the story, but I'm afraid to ask her.
The Decrepit, a massive spider with a giant, dried, mummified human head. Covered in small holes all over its body, and with small holes at bottom of it's feet, so the legs are like hypodermic needles. Its very dry, and rustles as it steps.
It's also completely filled with smaller spiders, and most of its attacks involve forcing a leg into someone's mouth or forcing someone's mouth onto one of the holes in its body so it can inject spiders down your throat.
Some subtypes
-Deepwood: Freakishly muscular satyrs with shark teeth and massive beards. Can’t be killed so long as they’re in contact with the ground. Fond of the banjo, panpipe, and human scream. Sons are exceptionally fair if hairy, but have short tempers , goat horns, and the power to terrify at a glance. Daughters look like humanoid goats with six , broken limbs and disturbing voices, and reek of blood in human form.
-Krampus: Rotund old man with flaky, coal black skin and a giant, bushy beard. Hoards seemingly random but expensive items, and leaves them in place of victims, which they often abscond with through the fireplace. Sons are pointy eared, one eyed masters of crafts, love the cold. Daughters look like mutilated, bioluminescent caribou, and gorge themselves on meat in human form
-Mountain: crude, hugely deformed grey-green old men. LIve in caves, ften alone. Can grow to titanic sizes. Sons are lumpen, stone faced giants with the power to reduce their size and increase their skin’s hardness to that of stone. Daughters are like giant, hideous lobsters with human faces and rocky chitin, and are unnaturally firm in human form.
-Tome: Reclusive, wizend old man, somehow looks tiny despite being 9ft tall. Stick thin, hunchbacked, with massive, bushy beard. Carries a giant book made of human skin. Unlike all other Bagmen, is exceptionally skilled at magic, which it learns from consuming wizard brains. Sons are born looking like bearded old men, and can absorb spells to learn to cast them. Daughters are twisting clouds of rainbow colors and indigo fire, and their eyes glow in human form
-Filth: Morbidly obese, gelatinous man-thing. Come in many different colors, often dwell in swamps, sewers, or dungeons. Can absorb foes a la an ooze monster, or vomit out acids and oozes. Sons are chubby, semi-opaque jelly men who can eat anything and puke up a pet ooze. Daughters are filth encrusted amoebas with human-faced nuclei , and cause chemical burns
Lamprey goblins. They're an offshoot that has the bloodsucking ability stirges do, as well as a physiology that allows them to run on all fours and chase down any hapless adventurer before latching onto them and draining them of blood. They hunt in packs and use hit-and-run tactics. I haven't used them yet because I feel it would be a dick move to do so, same with the not!Chryssalids I have kicking around.
My world's magic operates off Secrets, which are like bending but with around 200 different elements. The BBEG at the time was a primordial Keeper with 26 different Secrets, an absolutely unheard of number in a relatively magicless world. Using many of these Secrets, he created three Blade Dragons.
Each one had the body of a dragon and the wings of a roc, but made entirely out of enchanted metal spikes about two feet long. Only the eyes were different, being gemstones enchanted with the same kind of magic as the metal. The dragon could split apart into individual spikes and change forms or just attack as a cloud of blades. The eyes were the weakness - one of the eyes was the anchor for all the spells holding the dragon together, the other was a decoy.
Each dragon was different. The Golden Blade Dragon was the biggest and could breathe fire. It was the only one the party fought. It disguised itself as a room. The Black Blade Dragon would sicken or kill anything it touched. It also had several hundred eyes, only one of which was its actual core. The Frozen Blade Dragon was the smallest and weakest, but could breathe frost.
I have a race of Wise Ancient Humanoids who are all blind in the conventional sense, but each carries a lantern and can sense absolutely anything within thirty feet of that lantern.
why do the anal beads in OP's pic turn into a loofah?
I think the two strands become all curled up.
I think thats its some kind of algae growing into a marimo moss ball monster.
Cavern Scuttlers. Cat sized arthropods that resemble a mishmash of house centipedes and prawns with venomous bee-like stingers, bladed legs, and diseased bites.
I have a one that comes from a funny story. Me and one of my players were talking over what kind of wildlife/monsters existed in our south america-expy continent for the campaign setting we were making. We got onto the topic of molds and slimes, and brought up a good point that the Elder God of Rage sealed underneath the jungle would probably fuck with the wildlife a bit, and got onto the idea of exploding moss. So naturally, I start thinking "Brachydios" and start explaining the idea of the exploding moss forming a symbiotic relationship with an animal.
Naturally, she takes this in an entirely different direction, and we end up making a six-armed Megatherium whose fur is coated with explosive moss, and kills large prey by bear hugging it, and then detonating. They live primarily around the large jungle caverns that open into the underdark, and often ambush prey by dropping from the cave ceiling on top of them in an explosive belly-flop.
God damn I miss that setting.
Ylr are basically the origin of most sea life, and are essentially horrifying chimeras that bud smaller sea creatures that can afterward breed true. They are the spawn of the god of the sea, a Satan figure that is trapped in the ocean. My players called the one they fought a Sharkggoth.
>exploding moss
>symbiotic relationship with an animal
Totes adorbs. Rolling to steal this idea.
Mine tend to be stupid puns. Example,
OI-sters: oysters that shout OI when someone walks on their beach
Is that a fakemon?
I haven't explained it to my players and I'm not gonna explain it here.
Unless anyone wants to know.
The male Garuda wasp has developed external mandibles larger around than its own head. These jaws aren't for biting, but for holding down females, because these creatures reproduce exclusively by rape. Yes, like ducks, with chitin and stingers and up to three inches long.
So naturally I put them in a campaign world where they grow large enough to carry away horses and had them infest a former Dwarven mountain keep and drive the dwarves out into the nearby valley, which slowly became a filth-filled mire.
The half-elf paladin still curls up into a shuddering ball whenever he hears buzzing noises, weeping and screaming, "RAAAAPEWAAAASPS."
A ranger tried to tame one of them, and quickly learned that it wasn't very feasible, even when he tried raising grubs. A druid tried to communicate with one of them and learned why. These creatures are only capable of two emotions: hunger and HATE.
> Not Hunger and RAPE
you had once job, user
in my personal setting, i've got nameless spirits, which are like an aberration or a flaw in the creation of the world itself, the metaphysical equivalent of a tumour, most are benign but all have an obsession but is strange and incomprehensible to most, such as the most well-known and worshipped as a god in some pantheons, Angsoiskel the Serpent-Encircling-All, whose's obsessions are revolving around that which is unknown and unknowable, they also obviously have strange unstable form due to not truly belonging in the universe but the unformed chaos that preceded it
Tell me more about this spaceturtlebunny made of plasma.
The main antagonist of my last game was an amorphous black slime covered in mouths full of gnashing teeth, which emitted a hideous black speech when they opened. It was an eldritch abomination (the god of loathing, as it so happens) trying to open a rift into the mortal plane, which the PC's then had to seal. My players thought it was suitably alien and repulsive for a final boss.
Inspired by the lyrics and cover art of the seminal Swans album "Filth."
>They are the spawn of the god of the sea, a Satan figure that is trapped in the ocean. My players called the one they fought a Sharkggoth.
The Kraken, Satan, Lotan, Jormangudr, Typhon, Ogwhis? The original primordial chaos that ate the sun? The being split in three and shaped into the waters in heaven, the waters of the sea and the waters beneath the earth. The waters that threaten to crack the dome of the sky and drown the world in chaos once again! Our reality is but a bubble of order in an endless abyssal madness of chaos. Citations:ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
It's for a Starfinder campaign. They found an egg on a fragment of space station excised from a research center near Bretheda (setting equivalent of Kamino - a center of gene splicing fuckery) and it hatched into this.
It's a gas-giant dragon with the wings replaced with a shell for reasons they don't know yet.
Mechanically, it's a gimped brass dragon; I replaced the flight and burrow speeds and the spellcasting with the ability to pass through thin walls (carrying up to its carry cap) and use its breath as a welding torch to seal doors. It'll grow over time.
Pretty generic skinwalker type thing. Main weapon was its giant tongue. Stalked the party as they rode through its domain, trying to pick them off one by one. Eventually was found by the rogue jumping onto the branch it was on.
The glorious rabnole. It's exactly what it says on the tin. Rabbit ears, face, body and limbs. Anole feet, eyes, dewlaps and tail. They sit in the trees and watch you and eat insects. They're fast and scurrying and are just a cute beastie for the players to enjoy.
Floating Jaw:
Appears to be a pair of sharklike jaws that float about two to nine feet off the ground depending on if the creature is crawling or standing. The rest of the creature is either invisible or interplanar.
My players joked about Cazador/Deathclaw hybrids, so that's what I gave them.
Limber Hulk:
Started as a misreading of D&D's 3.5 Savage Species entry on umber hulks. The limber hulk has less damage and health but much higher AC from dex and has evasion.
Furries can make some horrible monsters by accident, but this one was entirely intentional. I decided that this thing would be perfect for a horror campaign. It's covered in fur, has a rubbery body with cartilage bones, and a nerve-numbing poisonous bite. Their flexibility means they can hide just about anywhere including vents, small holes in the ground, and inside hollowed out corpses which they can effectively animate. Their position is the worst though, becoming infected with it allows a player to ignore rolls against pain, but the GM no longer tells them how much damage they take with each attack (unless they roll for first aid or get healed). It's nasty, but smart players will take cues from how their injuries are described and keep healing. It's more to make players panic than to actually kill them.
That's actually really neat. Cool stuff m8.
So basically Spidicules? The trypophobia is a nice touch, though.
This is really well made user, especially because tales of sackmen actually are the closest thing to a male hag figure
I also like your idea on focusing on their offspring, it makes them more interesting than just male!hags which Im pretty sure its the best WotC would come up with
Thanks user. It's nice when someone appreciates your creations
Imagine a pile of eggplants shaped like a person. Now imagine Junji Ito is the one that drew it.
Also, pic related in a fish tank.
>Suicide bomber drop sloths
i want one
Why am I not fighting this right now?
This setting actually sounds kinda dank. Tell us more.
I put a quake 1 shambler in an antechamber at the bottom of a flight of stairs to an abandoned subterrain temple.
One of the players saw it's silhouette trudging around at the back of the room, convinced the whole party to turn around because of it, and they never came back.