Can paladin visit brothels?
I have a player, who plays a Lawful good paladin. He acts good, but has many "lolrandom" moments, like pulling random pranks on his party. He also has a habit of "Technically, it was not a lie.jpg" moments and he also visits brothels.
Is that enough for him to fall? Or does it purely depend on what the deity has to say?
Can paladin visit brothels?
You obviously don't play RPGs and you definitely don't run a game.
I'm just gonna take that as a yes.
Not unless he took an oath of celibacy.
And even so he should probably ensure its an ethically run brothel where the prostitutes are unionized, or are co-op owners of the place, or something. It if turns out they're being exploited, then obviously not and kill the owner.
Most gods and dogmas in D&D settings aren't afraid of fucking as much as the Catholic Church has been. Does his oath/vow prohibit sex? Then sure, he falls.
>And even so he should probably ensure its an ethically run brothel where the prostitutes are unionized, or are co-op owners of the place, or something. It if turns out they're being exploited, then obviously not and kill the owner.
Does the paladin have to check to make sure every business he frequents is ethically run by modern standards? Is he compelled to slaughter a ship captain if the captain isn't paying his crew competitive wages?
Well, his oath does not include celibacy, so I guess he is covered on that part.
But he does have a tenate which tells him to uphold honor and justice. Does that prevent him from being an occasional prankster or occasionally getting drunk?
Somebody screencap this for later use.
I can see that easily becoming the world's only Paladin run brothel.
>Evil Brothel Owner
Now you have a bunch of unemployed whores, which is clearly not an act of good. Only recourse is to take over the newly leaderless Brothel and run it ethically.
>And thus Our Lady of Heaving Bosoms opens
He can fuck whores, but they have to be temple prostitutes preferably from a temple to his deity or a deity of non-evil alignment.
I bet it's very vanilla.
For a lawful good paladin? Nah he probably wouldn’t be for that, god or otherwise. I don’t see anything wrong with a paladin doing the do unless he’s made a vow of celibacy, but if he does get some action it needs to be based on love not lust. So if he finds a gal he likes then yeah sure, get to love makin, just make sure he falls if he has to many goblin children.
Maybe. There's a reverse correlation between being repressed and being great in the sack, I'm thinking it could go either way.
Only 100% disease free brothel around though
I feel like this could apply to just about every Veeky Forums thread prompt
You can be celibate without being chaste or chaste without being celibate.
"Technically it's not a lie" is actually one of the best things to do as a Paladin if the situation calls for it. In one D&D book I read, for example, a paladin needed to let herself be captured without the people she was being captured by KNOWING she was faking it, so she deliberately let someone "sneak up" on her and knock her out.
She *was* actually knocked out. That the person who knocked her out thought he had been stealthy about it and captured her was his own problem.
(Heirs of Ash Trilogy, Book I - Voyage of the Mourning Dawn. Eraina d'Deneith and Zed Arthen are the best paladin and fallen paladin, respectively, I've ever seen written)
With regards to sex: nothing in the paladin code says they have to be chaste.
He only falls if he took an oath of celibacy. Prostitutes provide a service just like, say, cooks. Does the paladin fall if he goes to a restaurant for dinner?
I wouldn't say he has to investigate everything but he does have to keep an eye open. If he speaks to the owner first and then gets in and doesn't feel like there's something shady going on then he doesn't really have a reason to investigate.
Unless it's something with rather severe consequence, I don't see the problem.
I mean if he gets drunk to the point where a tavern is burnt down it's obviously a problem but if he just likes to drink it shouldn't be that bad.
Obviously if it's the first thing he does in every new town maybe he does have some problems, but that could be an arc for his character instead of just a problem with the player.
Depends what is on the menu.
Would take quests from again.
Sounds stupid. Lies and deception are different things. A lie is when you try to cover something you've done or not done, deception is when you try to get the upper hand against an opponent. Deceiving your enemy by pretending to be captured is no different from feinting with your sword, just something dishonest you do to get the upper hand in a conflict.
A lie:
>did you remember to feed the dog
>if we pretend not to have noticed the enemy they will attack us and we'll crush them
>Paladin falls for getting some action on the side
Falling is for when the Paladin knowingly does something horrible. If he raped someone, or knocked up a commoner then killed her to avoid dealing with a bastard, then he falls.
I don't understand why Veeky Forums believes Paladins must act like joyless, sexless robots at all times to keep their powers. Not even Ned fucking Flanders is that rigid in his faith.
This is how you get your game into the Traveling Loli Brothel Arc, though, so I don't recommend it.
Never said he falls if he gets some action, just if he has to many gobo children. Key word being TO many.
Gary Gygax's answers to the goblin children question are
>Why the hell would you present the choice in the first place?
>There are no good answers, but I would expect them killed.
Gary thought converting and then killing monsters was better than just converting or killing them, so make of that what you will.
>Is that enough for him to fall?
Does he pronounce 'Paladin' correctly? If not... HE FALLS!!!
What is the correct way to say "Paladin"?
Not in my campaign
Rhymes with Aladdin
Here it comes
People seem to forget that Paladins are like the ideal of virtues. While falling as a mechanic sucks, a paladin shouldn't act as the common rabble.
A paladin should be the example of ordered virtues, as in: pure, temperate, generous, dilligent, patient, kind and humble. He shouldn't be going to a brothel as a paladin, since this shows a weakness of flesh.
>afraid of fucking
>Catholic Church
Literally one of the only institutions that still is against the use of contraceptives.
Just because they are against "muh dick"ing around the jungle doesn't mean they are "afraid of sex"
Depends on the edition and oath
Which edition and oath permits a paladin to be excessive?
user, when a word's primary definition literally states the other word they're practically synonyms at that point.
>only have sex when you're married, with your partner, and never for fun
>not afraid of sex
It's one step above demanding celibacy from everyone.
The "technically not a lie" is still a lie and if your god hates that in paladins, 99% of the time they do, than you deserve to fall. Pranking the party, as long as it isn't malicious, is good and brothel are dependant of deity.
>when you're married, with your partner
If you are religious married it's implied it's with your partner.
Sex for fun with your spouse is endorsed by both Solomon and Paul, and Paul also chastises people who withhold sex out of spite. Even if a couple abstains for a time as a form of fasting to devote time to spiritual development, Paul said it shouldn’t be for good - there should be a reunion of sorts
So long as it's between two consenting adults, go for it.
That said, I'd tell him it has to be missionary position with eye contact and hand holding.
Pranks are fine as long as it's not mean spirited.
Lies depend on the deity, but generally bad.
Brothels depend on the deity, but generally bad.
>going to a brothel
>Not your temples """holy""" women
Paladins are supreme champions of good and law. Brothels are licentious as fuck, celebrations of lust itself and an affront to decent society. This doesn't mean a paladin should go around burning brothels, but it does mean he shouldn't be inside one unless it's absolutely neccessary (ie. there's information only a certain prostitute has and the paladin knows nothing about her except what brothel she works in). Though of course nothing is absolute and there's always a grey area. I can imagine a paladin having a soft spot for a slave girl turned prostitute turned madame who runs her brothel as morally and kindly as is possible to give down on their luck women the means to work their way up. There's something endearing about that, the avatar of justice itself recognizing goodness in a dark place.
>4e and later
A paladin is just a deity's representative. It depends entirely on the deity and whatever that diety approves of, which I imagine will get more and more lenient as publishers try to become more and more "inclusive". My personal rule of thumb would be.
>Paladin serves a lawful deity
Prostitution is an affront to the institution of marriage. It's a big no-no.
>Paladin serves a chaotic deity
Do as you please, YOLO (but YOLO in a moral manner if you're chaotic good)
>Paladin serves a neutral deity (on the law-chaos axis)
Not technically a no-no, but proceed with caution.
5e, Oath of Ancients simply boils down to do good, protect those around you and bring joy to them but never let your own joy be sacrificed. Also excess was never stated or even implied, the original phrasing is full stop they can't do this.
>celebrations of lust itself and an affront to decent society
>Not simply one of the oldest professions in the world giving comfort to those seeking it
>4e and later
>5e paladins only swear to uphold an oath and not a single god has to be involved at all
Also if the law allows prostitution and it is done in a just manner where the prostitutes are treated like actual people with rights then I see no issue a lawful deity would have with this. It is when the laws allow suffering and injustice that an issue arises.
To play the devil's advocate and get really autismal, in (highly viewed) French dictionairies simply defining a word by its synonym isn't considered "bon usage", while it's more practical in Anglophone dictionaries.
Then there's also something that's such an open door that it shouldn't really be kicked in but I'll do it anyway: if there wasn't a (subtle) difference between the two words, we wouldn't have two words for it.
In the more practical field, it IS possible and there are many factual examples of those who are chaste but not celibate or celibate but not chaste. You can be chaste but not celibate by exclusively having sex with your wife within the confines of marriage. On the other hand a former whoremonger turned priest can be celibate but not chaste. He can even have children and be celibate. If I'm not mistaken St. Augustine used to be a notorious whoremonger before he converted.
Especially in a medieval society these words, and the distinction between them, was incredibly important on a social level.
tl;dr: I'm literally diagnosed with autism, send help.
Comfort should be something emotional and not carnal. You can also 'comfort' yourself by drink, drug abuse, gambling, but all those prey upon flesh.
This is how I know you have no clue what true brothels were. They weren't just dens of sex, the ladies who worked in them were expected to be literate, know poetry and plays able to entertain beyond spreading their legs. They were a companion you could buy for the evening and sometimes yes you'd buy them only for sex but that wasn't the only thing they could do.
Would a "brothel" where highly experienced older men and women give out headpats against payment count as carnal or emotional comfort?
First post
Best post
Except that we both know why people like OP's paladin is using those brothels for. Protip: it isn't to talk poetry or listen to music.
Some brothels were like this, sure, but that would be a higher end brothel in a nice part of town for nobility. The majority of brothels would be in sketchy parts of town, with the prostitutes being illegitimate daughters and women who otherwise have no other way to provide for themselves.
A Paladin who is spending time on anything that is not absolutely necessary to continue to fight evil is wasting his time and energy.
Yes and? I still have yet to see where a paladin is prohibited from visiting such establishments given that isn't something like a slave brothel. If it is a true brothel then there is no moral or law issue and thus they should suffer no repercussions.
The vast majority of brothels and the prostitutes therein were just for fucking, dude.
Don't tell him that, it will blow his tiny teenage atheist mind.
Fair enough, I sometimes forget my personal distinction between a whore house and brothel, however it still doesn't give grounds for a paladin falling if it is an establishment that doesn't break the laws and treats the employees decent.
Two questions :
>Can a paladin be good if he buys a sword that was made from ore bought to a miner against money, smelted by a furnace operator against money, then shaped by a blacksmith against money?
>Is having sex evil ?
Question number two needs to take into account your peculiar vows, creeds and deity, but if you answered no to those questions, then I'd say go and have fun.
Now as a paladin you are supposed to be a role model for your fellow humans. Paladin was originally a title made by Charlemagne to give to his most worthy knights to serve as a rolemodel for the others... So in the idea, you should always act like you're going to be emulated by others.
>Can paladin visit brothels?
>Should paladin visit brothels?
Maybe not
lol random moments at the ''many'' level is chaotic, not lawfull.
playing on technicallity, letter of the word is a lawful neutral thing. not a good thing.
how are you still a paladin?
anyway, a paladin of erastil or abadar(pathfinder) could possibly visit ho-houses. if they pay well and treat the hos fairly.
its actually a nice concept, a paladin of abadar with a focus on the good treatment of prostitute. beat up evil pimp and client who mistreat the hos.
Even if we ignore the matter of a place where people have to sell their flesh for money as already dubious, there's still the point that a paladin should hold himself to a standard higher than others.
>Sir Lightbringer
>Favorite Hobby: bitches and hoes all day long
A good paladin would actually try to uplift those women, seeing how 99% of whores are in this life because they have no other choice.
[citation needed]
Remember that the Judeo-Christian god does not exist in the setting.
Remember that DnD morality is based upon western morality which is derived from judeo-christian morality.
[citation needed]
>Can paladin visit brothels?
There isn't anything chaotic or evil about visiting brothels.
It's only dubious until you stop and realize they at least are given a chance at life and are under no obligation to work there. Is it the best choice? Not remotely but if they are fairly compensated and are not there against their will a paladin wouldn't suffer any violation of their oaths. Also once again only one oath in the current edition fits that criteria loosely which is Oath of Devotion, no other has any such implications. A paladin can still do the most good in the world they can while still being just a person.
Depending on how he otherwise acts, I think those are all very minor "sins" and could make a pretty fun paladin. A good, just guy who knows that sometimes good and lawful aren't the same thing, and that being a paladin doesn't mean you have to have a stick up your ass all the time.
Comfort is being secure, loved, appreciated, and/or having meaningful emotional connections with other people.
Filling your social needs, if you will. It's not mutually exclusive from your carnal needs, but neither is it mutually inclusive.
Not him but that is based entirely on your personal idea of comfort. Not everyone requires such things for comfort.
>People seem to forget that Paladins are like the ideal of virtues.
WHICH virtues? Remember that this is almost certainly a setting where christianity doesn't even exist, so you can't claim that the christian virtues are the correct ones, or even relevant to the discussion.
The chair I'm sitting in is pretty comfortable but I don't really talk to it that much.
European Chivalry. Which basically means christian.
>It's only dubious until you stop and realize they at least are given a chance at life and are under no obligation to work there.
>Look you have your freedom of choice. You can sell your body or you can eat junk and starve. What do you take?
99% of whores would instantly take an accounting job if that was possible. A paladin should work to improve the world and not take his amusement out of other people lack of fortune.
In DnD things like murder, rape, theft, etc. are explicitly defined as objectively evil, with none of the relativistic nonsense that you see in non-Christian morality. The entire idea of objective morality is rooted in Christianity, which means that DnD's alignment system is rooted in Christianity.
>Judeo-Christian morality
which Jewish or Christian sect are we referring to?
Except DnD virtues are pretty much our christian virtues. Source: book of exalted deeds.
Source: any DnD sourcebook about how paladins should act.
>The entire idea of objective morality is rooted in Christianity
[citation needed]
>99% of whores would take an accounting job if they had any relevant skills
Ftfy but nice try, also of course a paladin should try to make the world better that doesn't disbar him from using a service that you find distasteful. Again so long as the criteria are met that it is a well run establishment that doesn't abuse it's employees then I see no conflict with any oaths other than how you interpret OoD.
>The entire idea of objective morality is rooted in Christianity
You're a retarded piece of shit and you should stop posting.
Fucking frenchy, gtfo! You can't smite evil by aggressively surrendering to it!
>Look you have your freedom of choice. You can labor with your body or you can eat junk and starve. What do you take?
99% of peasants would instantly take an accounting job if that was possible. A paladin should work to improve the world and not take his sustenance out of other people lack of fortune.
>In DnD things like murder, rape, theft, etc. are explicitly defined as objectively evil
You can murder Evil creatures without any problems. In fact, furthering the cause of Good by murdering Evil creatures is the the raison d'etre for paladins. Surely you can rape and steal from Evil creatures as well.
i'd say in most cases having a paladin check into brothels from time to time isn't fall-worthy: they're human (or elf/dwarf/whathaveyou) at the end of the day, and need comfort and succor the same as everyone else. they're also a huge boon to the brothel as well, since they usually have the authority to slap the shit of abusers or people using exploitative practices, or the ability to help treat injured or unfortunately diseased folks, and can't contract or carry anything themselves, making them one of the few 100% safe options for clientele. tack on the stamina of someone trained for years for combat and you've got a great time all around.
Chalcedonian christianity, which basically means mainstream Catholic and the Orthodox Churches. Proddies go home.
Most Protestant denominations follow the Chalcedonian Definition. It's the Oriental Orthodox churches that don't.
>how are you still a paladin?
OP claimed to be the DM, which is why his thread is so retardedly baitariffic. If he was really the DM of the game like he claims, then his question is pointless.
Not everyone, but those who don't are generally outliers.
>Paladin visits the local brothel
>Finds out a couple of the employees are ill
>Treats them and gives everyone else a check up
>Madame offers money and free stays to stop by every now and then to make sure her girls and boys are healthy
>Other brothels start contacting him to do the same
>He can't do it alone so starts teaching others
>The order of brothel knights is born
>Paladins that go town to town ensuring no brothel is stricken by illness
I have to resist the urge to place this somewhere in one of my campaigns.
>Ftfy but nice try
How is this a try? Their lack of skill doesn't change they are only doing this job because they had no other choice and would immediately stop if they had a better opportunity.
>that doesn't disbar him from using a service that you find distasteful.
It disbars when it's a service that by definition requires human decay, which is the reason that almost every single of them are in this job.
Adventurers and imageboard posters tend to be outliers.
First, a considerable number of people take farming because they enjoy it... even people with money and higher skills. Second, labor isn't inheriently degrading. You aren't reduced to as a tool of pleasure for others to pump and drop.
for those of the order who feel guilty that some people might be forced to turn to the oldest profession out of desperation, their creed would probably be something like working towards a world where such desperation didn't exist, and destroying people who feed that desperation, like corrupt nobility, groups that prey on the poor and destitute (a particularly greedy thieves guild), or those who willingly spread sickness of body or mind (evil clerics, antipaladins, pestilence demons, etc)
You can murder evil aligned creatures on self defense, but you aren't allowed to go burning down orc villages. The exception is only to creatures made of evil, such as outsiders.
Also no user, you cannot rape evil. All of the writers of DnD would scream that at your face.
>You can murder evil aligned creatures on self defense, but you aren't allowed to go burning down orc villages.
Says you.