>killing children is bad
>except if they are dragons
Killing children is bad
Age has nothing to do with it, just depends on if they have the ability to reason so they can be held accountable for their actions
>killing children is bad
The child of a monster is still a monster. It's really simple preventative measure that saves human lives down the line.
While i agree with you in principle(baby murder bad!), dragon hatchlings are born with the same intelligence and wisdom as human adults and posses instinctual memories and experiences from their ancestors or parents. On the other side of the coin we know that there are indeed (chromatic!) dragons who go to the side of good even in the face of knowing that other chromatics will try to kill them and knowing that Tiamat will torture their souls for eternity if they be nice.
take the pic related, he’s a dragon hatchling. how exactly would you judge the big fetus cat’s decision to murder all of those scientists minutes after birth? He was intelligent and did commit murder after all but he still had a very small pool of life experience to draw on and caught on that he’d be nothing but an object of interest if he’d stuck around with them.
Orc baby dilemma. Be clear on what kind of game your group is running.
>Killing people may be good or bad depending on context, killing pandas is always bad.
This thread is either going to die inside an hour or turn into a massive political clusterfuck and taint Page 0 for the rest of the day..
>killing children is bad
A dragon isn't a mundane beast. You aren't taming one.
>killing children is bad
If it needs killing, it's getting killed. If it needs to be put in the Burning Meadows Extra Flammable Orphanage so it grows up good, it's getting put in the orphanage.
The child of a human is still a human. It's a really simple preventative measure that saves orc lives down the line.
A friendly dragon is still very useful.
>killing children is bad
>unless they're larval mosquitos
a thing that is objectively harmful to humanity is going to be killed. This isn't even up for debate. No one has any qualms about killing harmful insects by the colonyload, so yes, if your setting has dragons as forces of chaos and destruction with whom there is literally no reasoning, that's what happens, just like if they were termites.
I look forward to the edgelords and /pol/ running with this to say shitty things.
>Detect evil
>Act accordingly
>killing humans is sometimes bad
>killing anything else is allways okay
So what you're saying is killing a baby is just like killing a rat.
Killing baby dragons might not be bad but it is a huge waste of potential resources.
I mean raising your average orc and turning them good just gets you a sort-of above average warrior. Raising your average dragon good gets you a fucking superweapon.
>killing a baby dragon
>not training it to be a pet or mount
You have pleb tastes my friend
I was with you until you weren't harvesting them for spell components and meat.
Hey, that works too.
>killing children is bad
It's not if they're Always Evil.
Are dragons outsiders?
>killing children is bad
Tell that to your friendly local "progressive"