Why the hell do half elves exist?
When the elf is entering the prime of their life the human will be old and unfuckable.
Then the human will die and the elf will become a single mother
Why the hell do half elves exist?
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Are you implying that horny, adolescent humanoids think rationally about their future when they could be fucking?
>"I will never whore myself out to Nilfgaard"
>Whores himself out to Nilfgaard
What did Roche mean by this
Or a single father. Which makes actually much more sense. Just pump and dump and forget about the rest. The half-elf is her problem now.
>Why the hell do half elves exist?
There were some half-elves in the Tolkien books.
Get married to human. Have halfbreed kid. Human dies, kid is grown up, elf is still in prime.
Elf goes off to either go on improving the human race or goes and enters a real relationship with an elf.
Halfbreed goes off to live with the other humans and start a quartloon family.
Was the lesser evil
And he ain't Geralt who's picking neither of the evil options
Yeah, really fun watching your spouse decaying before your eyes for several decades while you stay young. Sure this will go without problems.
People die. If you enter into a relationship with a mayfly you accept it will be short.
You say it like that's a given, though we are dealing with a fictional race here. There is no inherent logic to them accepting this fact. Additionally it causes all kinds of problems on multiple fronts that make this a bad deal for any elf.
Humans have the good grace to die before you get sick of them, so you only have fond memories.
And half elf kids are easier to have, faster to raise, and are not legally entitled to anything of yours so they dont impact elvish politics.
Wasn't there a thread that explained why most half-elves were female?
You're assuming that sex between elves and humans is consensual.
>Implying elves view time in the same way humans do
>Implying this wouldn't fundamentally change the way they view the world
Also it's a game
>single mother
>all elf/human relationships are male human, female elf
Let this trope die
>>Implying elves view time in the same way humans do
That's not a given that they act as you said.
>>Implying this wouldn't fundamentally change the way they view the world
That's not a given that they act exactly as you said.
>Also it's a game
That's still not a given that they act exactly as you said.
Sometimes the elf has to do what the elf wants to do.
Why? it's not like a real relationship with a real partner. More of a hobby or practice.
Again, it's not a given, like elves having pointy ears. Second: That's disgusting, at least the first story about human and elf relationship in fantasy literature was about love, but this just cheapens the whole deal. This doesn't elves any favors in-universe and from a world-building and writing standpoint.
Realisticaly, elf can breed with a human and then watch his progeny for generations.
Btw, any setting with thousand years old elves is retarded
"You need to discover what happened at the ritual site 4000 years ago that sparkled the golden age of demons on this continent."
"Oh cool i will just ask my granpa he was in his prime back then. Hell, he might even help us, he is adventurer with thousands of years of experience."
It's hardly a moment and then they're gone, more like ten years of your life spent in a relationship with someone. That's fucking plenty of time.
>Realisticaly, elf can breed with a human and then watch his progeny for generations
They can do the exact same thing with another elf.
This. That makes so much more sense, but somehow the default seems to be human male/elf female.
>It's hardly a moment and then they're gone
Who says elf perceive time that way? Also pretty sure that many times elves actually don't get that old. Standard D&D elves live up to 500 years old.
works both ways
so its a question of preference
Implying there are male elves?
> 1000's / 50's = 5's or 10's
user, please pay more attention in math class tomorrow.
actually that is like a year or two to an elf if they live to the thousand
also, people won't be with them for 50 years but 20-30 at most if they meet the human in teenage years
So, like 6 months to a year? Like a summer crush.
Then they're with them for 1/5 of their lifespan. That's a pretty significant chunk of time!
>Implying there are male elves?
Is this the quality we can expect from here on?
Thread should literally ended here.
Not to mention humans would be probably the one to leave the elf.
Humans tend to be the most afraid of the passage of time, i doubt anyone could handle living next to a ageless thing. That is like living next to a talking wall or a tree. No common ground gives no space for intimacy and relationship.
Imagine an elf father going fishing and returning three generations down the road.
It's funny how everyone assumes that the elf is guaranteed to make it to his or her old age.
>Yes honey, fuck the humans for some time
>You may be our only child left, but we are sure that you will make it back some day
>elf dies for whatever reason
>grandparents have to deal with digusting half-breeds as the only heirs
same goes for the human, 50 years lifetime is way more then average, given there is no goblin raid
>same goes for the human
Nope, for most of our time we tended to marry early and stay relatively monogamous since the agricultural revolution at least.
Depends on the setting.
that is christian history
this is fantasy setting
> players were the villains all along
>christians invented monogamy
I said relatively for a reason, but even pagan societies could have monogamous marriages. Of course people fucked around and men on the higher social ladder could have more official women without repercussion. But in general was marrying one guy to one girl early in their life pretty standard.
>this is fantasy setting
So depends on the setting. Yet our settings are mostly faux-medieval and I don't see many families with ten wives and two husband anywhere. The same goes for elves.
My point remains, saying "elves have time" might be true for their long lifespan. But they die as easily via anything else.
Those were normal elves for all intents and purposes, except for the optional ability to be mortal.
hence, half elf adventurers
More fun than denying yourself your true love entirely to avoid that. You get as many years with your chosen partner as you can.
>Those were normal elves for all intents and purposes, except for the optional ability to be mortal.
Right, but OP asked why half elves exist.
The answer is "because there were a couple in the Tolkien stories".
You know, with most fantasy, that seems to be the trope, but realistically what seems more reasonable? a male half elf bard passing through a farming village and 2 months later, half the town daughters and mothers are pregnant or a human male bard passing through an elven outpost and 2 months later, half the elven women are pregnant.
(bard used for charisma focus)
>true love
This has been ruined by shitty written garbage about human self-inserts getting the elfen wife just to make a statement about how awesome he is. beren and Luthien was about love, the rest is just about flings and ruined elfen mothers.
Why the hell do half white/black mulattoes exist
When the white person is entering the prime of their like the nigger will chimp out
Then the nig will run away and the human will become a single mother
Sometimes elves leave the forests and fuck human women and fuck off back to the forests. If an elf woman fucks a human and is pregnant when she returns it's pretty shameful and the kid has to be kicked out.
fucking /thread in the first three points
What is a one night stand? What is an accidental pregnancy from casual sex?
>Then the human will die and the elf will become a single mother
Assuming the prejudice isn't too harsh, the elf will have able-bodied parents, grandparents and great-great-greatgrandparents to help raise the child, so I don't see how this is a big deal. If she becomes an outcast and the father's family isn't willing to help out then welp, people are going to have a CE rogue on their necks in a few years
>so I don't see how this is a big deal
They help raising a half-breed that can never be part of elvish society.
It's always people pushing for elf mothers, notice that?
>They help raising a half-breed that can never be part of elvish society.
Who is Hugo Weaving
>It's always people pushing for elf mothers, notice that?
I just went with the OP scenario
Now go back to /pol/
He didn't know how batshit nuts Radovid was at that point. Also Radovid had't conquered Kaedwen in the 2nd game and Temeria still had a chance to emerge as a strong state under John Natalis
He didn't really whore himself out either. He didn't fight for Nilgaard and if you look into all the conversations about it and the ending Temeria is, for all intents and purposes, it's own sovereign state that pays lip service to the Empire if you choose that path
>Who is Hugo Weaving
Most half-elves are not like him. He is technically a full elf and will reside in Valinor like any other of his kind. He's the worst example you could have brought up. I feel baited.
Goalposts, but okay, take any other of ardan halfies that had prominent positions in elven societies, like Dior of the Farily Weird Fanart
You don't get, do you? You are technically posting a full on human.
Somebody post the screencap story of how elves are so busy with philosophy and astronomy and shit that humans are stealing their wimmens with romance.
What I meant to convey is that Tolkien's half-elves in no way justify the existence of what we call half-elves today because they have nothing in common but the name.
What I never get with these kind of arguments is that most pets only live for at most ten to twelve years. And that has never stopped anyone from getting a pet. Adding that most elves tend to view humans as intellectually inferior to them as some animals are to us, the argument makes even less sense. Sure, it's weird to fuck your pet, but a lot of people do. And elves fucking humans aren't exactly the norm either.
People fuck animals. People fuck kids. People fuck dead things. People fuck...pretty much anything that has a hole. And even some things that don't sometimes.
Why would you even ask that question?
Some times the Chad elf is just slumming it, so he picks up a human 10, equivalent to an elf 5 or so, and pumps and dumps her.
Sauce user, please. I can give you crusaders, wizards, a lot of things.
>Sure, it's weird to fuck your pet, but a lot of people do
>but a lot of people do
You're implying that you have long-lived shitty elves.
Why do elves have to be long-lived? How about this: they live around the same as humans, maybe a tad bit more - say the full 120. They just don't age until they're 110; but mature around the same rate as everyone else until around 21-25ish.
That way you have more logical relationships without most of the crap, maybe 40 years of loneliness or so.
They didn’t work the same way though (and in fact only two had human/elven parentage and the rest merely descended from that union), though I’m guessing you knew that.
Temeria basically gets the same deal Toussaint does, so Roche can even put Foltest’s kid on the throne and John Natalis can even take regency.
It’s not quite a sovereign state but it is the next best thing, and moreover when the current Emperor dies in the novels he’s canonically replaces by Morvhan Voorhis, who is a far more liberal and less conquest-and-law type ruler.
I never really saw the Empire doing a single fucking thing wrong or anything to warrant working against them. The north was a chaotic and divided shithole. Imperial armies are shown to be extremely ruthless and disciplined, but nothing extreme for the period - ex, that commander in the opening chapter who tries to play nice with the local peasants, till they try to fuck him so he gives them the stick. I'm also not terribly nostalgic for Temeria after playing the first two games and being intimately acquainted with their nobility and royalty.
Because it means they can avoid longterm commitment to both a spouse and their child.
They keep the poor innocent witches on a short leash. Fucking witches in that game are basically reptilian Illuminati. I don't know how the developers thought they were sympathetic. I think its more that Geralt doesn't like the emperor that much and everyone else you know is just trying to keep their kingdoms independent.
>Sure, it's weird to fuck your pet, but a lot of people do
>I never really saw the Empire doing a single fucking thing wrong or anything to warrant working against them
They're full blown nazis in the books, complete with the genocides, but they are shown in much more positive light in the games.
I heard that's because they are supposed to be the swedish empire and poles apparently hate those bork bork fucks.
Then again that doesn't make a fucking lick of sense since they have all that romans in medeival setting charm.
>muh books
Witcher is one of the exceptionally few cases where the licensed material is superior to the original literary project.
On that note, why were we expected to like Yennifer?
This. Saged and dubs.
yeah monogomy was invented by christians.
Christ why does this retarded shit keep getting spread like gospel? this is like the second thread where people were spreading this shit like gospel. like even read fucking wikipedia en.wikipedia.org
>but a lot of people do.
Abdul pls
more like why does the female look like jennifer white?
>hasn't seen the record
Pff. Dirt farmers fuck livestock, not pets.
standard fantasy male elves are too feminine to be attractive for women
>inb4 traplovers
>inb4 tolkien elves arent fuccbois
If boy bands can have fans, male elves can have them too
Oh look.
That is what elves look like. The fuccboi elf is a Veeky Forums fantasy.
>i-if i greentext valid reasons they will not call me out!
>And he ain't Geralt who's picking neither of the evil options
Except Geralt does pick one of the evil options sometimes. He's the Butcher of Blaviken for a reason.
Let’s play a game
The name is contained within one of those 4 panels as part of the characters speech.
It may or may not be a whole sentence and it could be said either by the girl or the guy.
Good luck
He's the butcher of blaviken because nobody knew he was killing bad guys planning to do a bad thing. He did nothing wrong.
Well, evidently he did. He didn't hire a PR agent.
Santa's lap it is then!
Here’s the winning number
What a complete faggot you are.
That was a good fucking game.
It desperately needs and deserves a sequel.
what valid reasons exactly?
DnD elf is completely different than Tolkienian elf
boy band fans probably wouldnt be legal for fugging
>any setting before modernity
>AoC laws being a serious thing that people care about
Pick one
Lean to capitalize and punctuate, you type as retarded as your posts sound.
>boy band fans probably wouldnt be legal for fugging
Happens all the time even without taking into consideration
Fuccboi trap elves are largely a meme, and the only people who perpetrate it seriously are Veeky Forums and creators of shitty korean MMOs.
>very muscly
couldn't you post a counterpoint instead of a human with long ears?