Reminder that 'very, very early 2018' is tomorrow

Calling it here. FairX will make their first public announcement tomorrow about their exchange. Details, timelines, partnerships. And most importantly, they'll talk about how they will be using Stellar to facilitate instantaneous fiat to crypto trades. ANY Fiat currency will be able to be used to buy ANY altcoin. This also means that a shit ton of XLM will become locked up within FairX's infrastructure, reducing supply and raising the price.

Why will it be tomorrow? Because FairX has been dropping hints and rewarding the observant every step of the way.

>FairX Twitter has XLM highlighted on the phone in the background
>FairX LLC registered to Michael Dowling of IBM on the Nevada SOS website
>Mysterious serial number embedded in's source code (currently unknown use)
>Stellar testnet processed 2.3 trillion(!) in USD on Dec 17, likely a test run for FairX and shows how massive they expect their exchange to be

And finally, pic related. Why the emphasis on 'very, very'? Every detail has mattered so far. I think they are indicating that news will drop as early as possible in 2018. That means tomorrow. There's no other reason they'd use that phrasing.

The hype and FOMO will be monstrous and I predict XLM will be $1 EOD, January 1, 2018. Screencap me, faggots. You can get in the rocket now, or get left choking on our exhaust. Your choice.

Other urls found in this thread:

>FairX LLC registered to Michael Dowling of IBM on the Nevada SOS website

and Michael Todd Loose, a director at Wells Fargo. :^)

But /pol/ told me this is a white genocide coin that supports me not getting laid :(((

it is, but you can make gains on it.

Yeh actually that sounds plausible. They wouldn't put so much emphasis on it being 'very, very' early if it wasn't the first week at least.

fairex is shit exchange right ? who will buy from there? I checked fairX but no reliable info? can you share some legit info about Fair?x


I'm allll innn

what is fairx exchange? throw some url dude? instead of same biz made up shitpost.

Actually I'd also be interested in concrete evidence.

look at you hopeful fucking morons making extrapolations from literally nothing. lmao, cant stop laughing right now

>le redditor SJW ironic shitposting
Maybe you should just go back to where you came from, or alternatively delete yourself? If you support their SJW bullshit, you are a piece of shit, it's that easy.
Talk about the tech, fine. Buy it for profit, fine. But addressing their ideological insanity can only leave room for condemnation, else you are more than just a bit hypocritical in your MUH POL blabbering.

Literally posted

>that wall of text
Someone's getting emotional...hope you don't trade when you get that emotional, user

Happy new years niggassss

I have just under 8k of these. Im hoping for $1 EOY 2018.

I have 500 bucks in XLM right now. Am I going to make it?

> Alpha downtime

No, you're supporting the Interracial Breeding Grounds sponsored by Louis "Cuck King" C.K.

A mandatory diversity sensitivity officer will be arriving at your residence shortly to insert your mandatory estrogen-secreting buttplug and give you a 3 hour powerpoint seminar on diversity.

You too nigga !

>knows my exact fetish

Are you white? I just cobbled together some stuff that most neurotic /pol/acks meme about happening "right fucking now due to white genocide"; I didnt know you guys secretly fetishize the stuff

Got 50% of my portfolio in KIN and XLM. Hope u fags do too

I'm laughing at myself for being a typical moon boy. Cheers for pointing this out haha

IF you are white, you are an embarrassment to our race.. Such a fucking cry babbi... Whatever happened to 1488? Whatever happened to 'out jewing the jew"?

Nah, 30% of /pol/ is a a bunch of cucked victims that cannot see how they are a self parody.

Not memeing: /pol/ and places like TRS are literal friend simulators for guys like pic related (on the left). It's time to wake up.

I know.. I feel guilty for even leaving /ptg/ threads. My god, that place is garbage, and it's fucking dangerous. It's filling people with a false sense of self worth that is built on a foundation of sand.

Still think Sam is funny, still love Trump, but /pol/ itself is bad news. Rots your brain into becoming unproductive and incompatible in social settings (as if being a normal Veeky Forums browser isn't bad enough)

It's hilarious how butthurt you are over Whites not putting up with your bullshit. Did you get banned from /pol/ and decided to come here? Pussy


So you put Anglos and Germans in the same category? fucking lol.

I'm not the one who's emotion-selling a coin based off of identity politics...sounds like whites are the butthurt ones in this situation tbqh my fampaitchi

How do I make money off this?

DYOR, read the whitepaper, look at the partnerships (Deloitte & IBM just to name two), then buy the dip if you're still bullish about this coin.

This coordinated FUD is a blessing in disguise, IMO.

Lmao look at you 2 nocoiners on a fucking Malaysian artificial nipple manufacturing board getting butthurt to shit. Remember, you're nothing.

>calls us nocoiners
>refuses to buy a coin
What did he mean by this?

> Im hoping for $1 EOY 2018.

fairly sure it'l be $1 Q2 2018


>Remember, you're nothing
Good, I don't want to be anything.. As long as I am not a self parody of what I hate.

No where did I say this, but no one expects 2 digit IQ africans to have any reading comprehension.

Go on, explain to the White man how the sun disappears into a muddle puddle come night time :^)

Depends on when FairX launches. There's already strong signals pointing towards a FairX + Stellar partnership, as evidenced by their twitter

Its 2018 in australia. Stay in the past niggas lmao

Nigger, I am full Germanic Bavarian. Dumb hybrid ape baby who dinks dat he is soo enlidended bcuz he saw an infograph on le /pol/

FairX isn't the only thing Stellar has going for itself, there's way more. Expect partnerships + more news in 2018

Are the WF & WM rumors just rumors, or...? I wouldnt be too thrilled if a big bank were to become a partner, but a conglomerate corporate powerhouse like WM would really price XLM up significantly

is /pol really trying to FUD XLM? lol

And everyone is forgetting the Visa hype from that whiteboard picture of a few months ago. So that partnership announcement is likely to come out soon as well.

What will the FairX rollout mean for more traditional exchanges?

Trying to figure out if my KCS are going to turn into worthless heavy bags.

Yep. I heard on reddit that they're partnering with BLM and antifa too!

No, it's some coordinated FUD done by a group thats extremely familiar with Veeky Forums, enough that they knew they could press a couple buttons by shooping a hammer & sickle commie logo next to some outdated boilerplate text

gib $2

If I go to /pol and search the catalog rn what am I going to find?

FUD like this is coordinated through private discord & telegram groups. You wont find anything on /pol/ unless they wanted to let it trickle down to that point because the price hasn't gotten to where they wanted it to be
>t. knower

A Wells Fargo director is involved in FairX, not Stellar. I think banks will eventually build on stellar.

>According to Lund, though, the banks use of Stellar’s digital currency is likely to be temporary. He predicts that, in the next year, central banks will begin issuing digital currencies of their own, and that these will become an integral part of blockchain-based money transfers.

You don't know shit Josh

My name doesnt even have that few letters or start with a J
>being a namelet
>any year

Wells Fucking Fargo is in on this, how can this not be huge???

Because white people on reddit and /pol/ got their feelings hurt of course

Presumably more obvious shit posts that trigger your autistic paranoia?

>when pajeets spread FUD: reeeee fucking pajeets we need flags to stop the FUD menace now
>when whites spread FUD: haha bro stop being paranoid :^)
really does me a think

because fuck wells fargo, wtf, lol. i mean sure, try to make some money off of it, but no one gives a fuck about stellar fucking lumens lol

yea? whites are essential for world industry. you go invest in this Jew/nigger coin and see how it works out for ya.

Quite the mental exercise!

KYS nocoiner

Please don't moon until Wednesday, that's when banks start working again ty


>bought whitegenocidecoin at .31