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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Why isn't this on /qst/?
Because its not.
Because it's not a quest.
Because fuck you in particular, that's why.
What jumps would benefit from some gun running?
Wow, SAO's that far along, is it?
Depends, what kind of guns are you running?
What a specific list of symptoms it doesn't give you.
I'm oddly intriged. Tell me more.
>Ask parents before consuming
"So hey mom, can I take this sketchy as hell boner pill and rail the fuck out of the next door neighbor?"
Just be careful and don't catch the clamp
Why isn't this a perk yet?
I am scared to google if this is a real thing.
Some people don't like Generic Isekai and Softanon was first in the"Which jumpmaker should leave" poll
Google says maybe.
I'm pretty sure he permanently fucked off to Discord anyway.
>Some people don't like Generic Isekai
But the jump seems fine. Not the finest example of jumpmaking, and a bit bland (but that's to be expected with generics, really) but otherwise fine. I'm not entirely sure how somebody could dislike it so much so long after it was posted.
Ah, so more generalized hatred for the creator? That makes sense.
Regarding Supreme Commander, how easy would it be to just ride out the jump on my starting planet as a Drop-In?
An unrelated question: What are some good jumps that offer "integrated" companions? Stuff like the Black Blood Demon Weapons from Soul Eater or the Symbiotes from Symbiote.
It has to do with the cheat section, some of the cheats are pretty vague and abusable so people immediately started talking about all the ways that they can use them (such as upgrading themselves or a race). People got angry because the cheats were talked about a lot and there was backlash against the jump. The jumpmaker was not that popular as well, which might have contributed a bit to this.
As for me? I'm just salty that Softanon removed the previous harem cheat and replaced it with a cookie cutter 'charm' perk.
Does D&D have rituals for becoming a dragon permanently?
One more episode before the Anime concludes, and a fun setting for a low to mid powered jump. Also has plenty of thick thighs.
I don't think anyone cares about the cheats desu. Softanon is just an ass.
Agreed. He pussied out on everything but what he needed to.
Speaking as someone who actually LIKES Generic Isekai, I have to agree that SoftAnon is a bit of a cunt. I mean, you don't have to cowtow to your anonymous masters, there's a point where you should be able to stand up for yourself and do your own thing. But you also don't have to throw everyone under the bus while you're doing it.
SoftAnon always seemed to labor under the idea that all anons were the same person, and when he got into "everyone's against me!" mode his ability to interact with people would really suffer for it. He still does it, he just limits himself to only interacting with the discord.
I am forever mad that he didnt include a truck-kun companion
Weakness of Beatrice offers a 4 in 1 companion that is comprised of four elemental spirits (fire, air, water, earth) that live inside your belly and give you unlimited amounts of their element to use as a breath weapon or in spells as well as immunity to their respective element.
Angry Day has The Heart which lives inside your soul i think? Anyway, it gives you incredible control over all your powers when acting in concert with you and can also be left to act on his own, in which case he can trigger and control your powers independent of you to help you out. Basically a copilot for your powers.
Those are the only two that come to mind, unless you count stuff like having a tailed beast from naruto or that one dragon sacred gear from DxD.
Dragon disciple to become a half-Dragon, and d&d3.0/3.5 has savage species with rituals to become other creatures including dragons
>savage species
Aren't those rituals a trap option? I remember somebody telling me so ages ago.
Outside of hearsay that some elves managed it somehow somewhen in the Faerun setting, not as far as I know.
Not to say there's anything stopping you from making on or fanwanking an artifact.
That's something I did actually a while back. I fanwanked an artifact dedicated to Io the supreme God of Dragons that would allow a supplicant to become reborn as a Dragon.
It was a lotus flower large enough to sit in (my xianxia fixation emerging once again) and once ready, given an offering of a high-level spell-slot from a Cleric of Io and a sample of blood from the desired Dragon type, the petals would move and form an egg of sorts around the user then transforming them.
I took the CL of the character and reduced it by the Level Adjustment for the Wyrmling of that sort of Dragon in order to make things balanced.
I also had it have other features like allowing for hybrids and as an excuse to apply templates but that's not really relevant to your question.
>d&d3.0/3.5 has savage species with rituals to become other creatures including dragons
Did not know that. I've gotta to look that up.
>Weakness of Beatrice
>Dies Irae
Using Val jumps is like using cheat codes in a videogame or turning on Creative Mode in Minecraft. Fun sometimes, but not something you should seriously suggest when someone asks how to do something.
>Weakness of Beatrice offers a 4 in 1 companion
There's a lewd jump, Monster Girl Quest I think, that gives the same but they want handholding all the time. No breath weapon though.
I can't read moonrunes so I can't really tell but that really doesn't look like SAO.
Unless there's another series with the SAO acronym.
Elminster turned this dude into a dragon:
But he apparently had Mystra helping somehow.
Also bone rot was a typo, it was BONER rot. So you know, beware of bone rot.
Can't you make an epic spell for pretty much anything?
>BONER rot
I'm screaming on the inside AND the outside!
Yes and no.
The rituals themselves aren't really a trap option, the trap is in playing a dragon, no matter how you get there.
The problem is the that monsters are rated by CR (Challenge Rating) while monster pc's get LA (Level Adjustment).
Level Adjustment basically adds a certain number of "virtual" levels that don't do anything except factor into XP calculation.
A dragon NPC will have a challenge rating around the level of the party. Dragons are really strong for their CR, so they're tough enemies.
Dragons as player characters have really high LA at anything above wyrmling though - in addition to generally having more Hit Dice (=levels) than CR - so you'll constantly lag behind the rest of the party by a large margin.
Just about, given enough time, materials, and effort.
That's not SAO, that's Battle Through The Heavens, broseph. We recently got a jump for it.
I've actually been curious. I was interested in half-dragon, but then I heard that they look like full-on humanoid dragon scalies instead of mostly human with some draconic features. Is that true?
>Cartoon Network
I remember when they used to make quality content like that instead of whatever the fuck they've been doing recently.
>everyone will eat protein enriched Algae grown in vats
If you like the taste of pond scum and hate nutrients, sure. Your body needs more than algae and your taste buds will hate you.
user wasn't asking how to do something, rather user was asking if something existed.
Love them or fear them, you cannot escape the fact that Valjumps exist.
They PROBABLY mean erectile dysfunction. Probably.
Yes, that's true.
If what you're looking for is a human with some scales, fangs and claws you want the Draconic template, though they're considerably weaker.
He knows. He's shitposting. Ignore him.
Considering just what you are, it's not too surprising the BoF 3 jump turned out like it did.
Jeez user, don't flirt. This isn't a dating site.
DnD is shitty like that, there are more furries who have worked on it than monster girl fans. Everyone else is just wanking over elves all day every day and don't pay attention to anything else. Few exceptions, but most things are boring/ugly with an animal head if they have any animal basis in them at all.
Thanks, but I was just responding to who mentioned SAO for some reason.
Is Battle Through The Heavens actually done though? I though there was still some more stuff to add, like the scenarios.
We had a GashAnon? Let me guess he claimed Hellraiser!
PMCAnon too? I haven't seen them on for a while.
They posted yesterday apparently.
You are correct. The maker was on last thread asking for inspiration from other jumps with scenarios.
Ah, that's disappointing. I had wanted to go dragon disciple because I liked the flavor of slowly strengthening your draconic blood until you become a half-dragon, but I don't want to end up as the disgusting mid point between a human and a dragon. Thanks.
>furries and elf-wankers
Truly the worst combination. I bet they're SJWs too, right?
>Not wanting good teeth and a strong jaw
>I bet they're SJWs too, right?
No, that is one Rubicon they have not yet crossed thankfully. I mean, they aren't Marvel.
Mario Galaxy user is also dead
Or maybe they just didn't make their monsters as waifubait. Something to consider.
PF is the one full of furries (only half-joking). DnD just has nonhuman races actually being nonhuman. So they don't fit human standards of beauty.
Shocker, i know.
But all the ones people want to waifu can take on human form anyway.
5e is actually pandering in that direction right now. They haven't gone off the deep end completely, but they're talking about things like 'transexual representation' and such.
>Or maybe they just didn't make their monsters as waifubait.
You'd be surprised.
That sounds very disappointing.
I'm glad now I lost interest while it was still e3.5.
I'm glad you like it. I certainly put more work into it than you do into your Jumps.
Oh. Wait.
Level adjustment probably isn't a real fear outside of OOTS.
There's a difference between a monster being able to take humanoid form and being explicitly designed as waifubait.
You can't stop people from waifushit, but you sure as hell don't have to encourage it.
Say what you will about D&D (3.5 and earlier at least, haven't kept up with the newer stuff after 4e) and it's many shortcomings, but monster design generally isn't one of them.
No, i don't think i'd be.
I don't care if some designer wants to waifu a beholder or whatever - as long as it's kept low-key enough that i can reasonably deny it.
What pisses me off is the tendency these days to blatantly turn everything into waifubait these days.
That's just not a thing in the older D&D monster manuals. Even stuff like Nymphs and Dryads emphasize that they're INHUMAN.
I'd love to say that it can't be too much to ask that a game doesn't rub the creators magical realm in our faces all the damn time, but apparently it is these days.
Seriously, what isn't waifubait in modern media? Monsters are waifubait, swords are waifubait, legendary heroes are (genderbent) waifubait, fucking eldritch abominations are waifubait.
It's disgusting. And people just eat that shit up, so it's not going to stop any time soon either.
I like hot girls as much as the next straight guy, but there is such a thing as "too low-brow".
Is a little class too much to ask for? Or that i can enjoy a game with friends without constantly getting someones magical realm shoved in my face?
the actual jump is now complete, I am just working on the scenarios now
The comment was in response to someone being warned about the rituals, which presumably happened in the context of D&D as a TTRPG, not jumpchain.
That was D&D's problem, because the Greeks, who came up with Nymphs and Dryads, explicitly depicted them as and treated them as waifus. You wanted to meet and fuck one.
Those same rituals should exist in the setting too. No reason to assume they wouldn't.
Will there be one where we become the head of the greatest alchemy/pill sect?
Or does it seem like that because you're exposing yourself more specifically to those kinds of niche media than to regular mass media? It's not like MGE or Type-MOON or KanColle or Hero BBS or even Nyaruko are anything mainstream, even in their points of origin - never mind here in the West.
A more ominous possibility, which I implore you to consider.
>It's disgusting. And people just eat that shit up, so it's not going to stop any time soon either. I like hot girls as much as the next straight guy, but there is such a thing as "too low-brow". Is a little class too much to ask for?
>Seriously, what isn't waifubait in modern media?
Most companies realized Waifus sell. Look at /co/, /a/ or the new gacha games. As long as it good like XBC2 I dont care if they fill the games/media with waifus
Western animation could use more evil sorceress waifus desu
You're missing the point.
Someone asked why they were warned about the rituals being a trap. Presumably in the context of actually playing D&D.
I just explained the probable reason for that.
>Incidentally, can someone still make a comics Mignolaverse Hellboy jump or does the Hellboy movies jump cover the comics as well?
The Hellboy (Cinematic) Jump doesn't cover the comics at all save for the drawback, so it's still open for someone to make if they want to. If someone makes a Hellboy comics Jump, I'll remove the drawback's ability to go to the comics continuity.
There are no plans as of this moment to give something that valuable via scenarios
This is a shitty scan of the official pic for a 3.5 Dragon Disciple. This dude doesn't look at all like a furry, and there's no mention in the class about your appearance changing with the Half-Dragon template itself, and the closest the Half-Dragon template uses in its own description is 'elongated features', which they also use with a lot of elves. Could just mean a skinnier face.
Is there any way to retrieve companions you've left behind in a jump?
Yeah, the warning I got was in the context of D&D, not Jumpchain.
>It's disgusting.
You're saying this on the "I want to fuck monster girls and dragons and kobolds and furries and pokemon and everything else" board. And thread. And site ultimately.
Ah I meant more where we would have to work our way up to it ourselves as part of the scenario but ok.
I think he meant having that as the goal, not the reward.
Return. Or just leave them in Avatar or Morroblivion if you want them to get some training or conquering done before you get back.
You may need a pod though, or to take it as your next jump.
oh, in that case that may be feasible. Yeah, i could try doing something like that.
Is there anything on the size of the pills or what they look like?
Summoning from NGNL would let you do it, but they wouldn't be your companions anymore since you already cut that part off of them, so instead you'll need mammoth amounts of mana to spend every moment to keep them around.
>It's disgusting.
Like always OP is a fag
they are generally malteser sized balls, or flasks of liquid.
I'm talking specifically about manga/anime and videogames.
There's significantly more waifubait and fanservice in modern manga than in older stuff.
To the point where it supplants or outright replaces the actual story.
It's annoying. And it's even more annoying that people eat it up, so it's not going to stop.
I realize that. I also realize that it isn't going to stop as long as lonely otaku buy it.
Doesn't stop it from pissing me off.
I'm aware of the irony. But as i said earlier, TTRPG specifically wasn't always about that.
Just because you can't stop your furfag DM from inserting his magical realm in your campaign doesn't mean you have to make it canon.
Yay, plan Master Eternal Flame is a go! Alchemy always makes me think of I Shall Seal The Heavens.
Yes I realize I suck at names.
>TTRPG specifically wasn't always about that.
I mean, even back in these 'ye olden daeyes' you're talking about, everyone was all about non-human waifus. They were just shapeshifting dragons and elves hanging off of your dick. Now people have simply expanded their interests.
>Doesn't stop it from pissing me off.
Angry that a NEET is happier than you?