Governor Pryce! >Medium or large ship only >After deploying fleets, you may place 1 round token on this card. If you do, during the round matching that round token, you must activate at the end of the Ship Phase (after all other ships have activated). >
Bail Organa! >Medium or large ship only >After deploying fleets, you may place 1 round token on this card. At the start of the Ship Phase of the round matching that round token, if you are the second player you must activate. If you are the first player, you may gain up to 2 command tokens of your choosing. >mass guessing!
Juan Thomas
Take care of the Y-Wing, and it'll take care of you.
Aiden Garcia
Mk 1 title for the Z-95 when, FFG?!
Colton Morales
What would it even be, a dual sided upgrade you can flip in the end phase where one side gives you a boost and the other gives you a barrel roll or a reroll or something?
Jonathan Thompson
Honestly I'd say lose the shield for a point reduction. Make them even more disgustingly cheap to field.
Jace Brooks
So is there anything in Legends about a Tylor/Ciaphas Cain-like character who manages to rise through the ranks through sheer luck rather than displays of talent? Hell, for that matter is there anything in Nu-Canon that just seeks to tell a simple, fun stand-alone sidestory?
Samuel Sanchez
I mean, Corran Horn managed to get into Rogue Squadron, while being the only named character in all of Star Wars to have the ignominy of being shot down by a SAM...
Hunter Perry
Parker Diaz
>mfw still not sure if I should expand two x-wing core sets I already have or start playing armada
Julian Bailey
Do you want a more tactical game, or a more strategic game?
What do people near you play?
What's your annual gaming budget like?
Christopher Parker
>We get a lot of "fan" mail from dinosaurs who claim that the creative decisions we're making are "alienating the core Star Wars fandom" and showing "contempt for true fans". There's a serious body of people out there who think that adding a little diversity to Star Wars - and reinforcing the core themes of the franchise that the Empire is evil, full stop - is going to drive fans away in droves. When we first got these sorts of complaints we, being inexperienced, took them seriously. We had a focus meeting to discuss the merits of retaining core audiences versus appealing to a new generation of Star Wars fans. And we decided to carry on as we were - because if the "core audience" of Star Wars I have to write for is bigots and angry white men on the Internet, I'd rather not write any Star Wars stories. So, dinosaurs, a meteor is coming - evolve or be alienated by your own hands.
John Fisher
>smol twi'lek tomboy >smug twi'lek trap >slutty thick twi'lek stripper Which would you choose as your co-pilot. /swg/?
Carter Taylor
So due to not wanting to have to spend too-much money, I'll be printing out ~200 or fewer of these cards to give out at the X-wing Regional in Chicago.
I'll be letting people pick out their choice of card, and give out a handful that are relevant/my leftovers.
What ratio should I print?
Daniel Thomas
I think people would probably be happiest to get Palp but I think Trioculus is the best by far, I'd do like maybe 30/30 or 35/35 of each and split the rest on the other two.
Cooper Martin
R2-series astromech.
Tyler Brooks
Can someone help me figure out some stuff for an X-wing game? I need at least SOME advice.
I'm flying
2x Crack+HLC Rhos VI Standard Vader
I'm wondering if I get into a r2-3 engage with Lowhrick (Draw Their Fire), Standard missile+TLT+Bomblet Miranda, and Biggs, who I should go for first.
I know conventional wisdom would be to go for Miranda, as if I can drop her, the game is over (Biggs and Lowhrick can't beat vader, and those gunboats can outmaneuver both)
The issue is that 9 health, Lowhrick's evade, and Draw Their Fire mean she will probably survive
Even then, say Vader pulls a HHC attack on his first shot, which is only a 56% chance (37% chance of 2 damage results. If miranda blanks, that's only 1 damage after Lowhrick and DTF.
This specific scenario is a 35% chance.
Then I would need to get the 77.24% chance both times of 4 with HLC and not get any crits. (crack shot negates her 1 dice)- That's only a 20% chance of this exchange occuring, and that's assuming HLC means no crits.
More likely, my expected damage outputs are
1.148 from Vader 3.54x2 from each Gunboat (I can get crits, although unlikely)
(Bonus 1.44 missing DTF shields onto Lowhrick)
Negative 1 damage from Lowhrick (unless he fucks up badly and spends it on a Gunboat when miranda didn't get a natural evade).
That's a typical result of 7 damage, which means that Miranda is still unfortunately alive and will probably have 4 health by the time the gunboats can shoot her again (biggs next round, etc) Hell, if vader did damage, she could TLT and Regen instead of missile-firing. On the other hand, if she is a retard and pumps the missile, I could very likely kill her that round.
The next option is going after Lowhrick, but I'm unsure if killing him is a good idea- Miranda could be a serious problem for Vader in a 1v1, and I'm not sure I could win that. On the other hand, if I can drop Lowhrick, my gunboats can 2-round her fairly easily.
Matthew Morgan
Going after Biggs first seems like a trap- He can't really do that much to me, and due to R4-D6, my Gunboats are kinda "meh" at killing him. Do I go fuck him up if he has R2-D6 and Selflessness though?(Mathematically, he dies super-fucking hard, taking more than 7 damage on average in 1 round)
I'm thinking that I should take my initial TL's on Miranda, and if an opportunity presents itself to kill something else, go shoot stuff with the Linked rerolls?
Or do I TL Biggs/low with my Long Range Scanners and pretend to not understand how Fat Miranda works and hope they fall for it (and I shoot Miranda anyways) ?
Hell, assuming that I do do a typical exchange, and I end up with a low-health gunboat, a fresh Gunboat, and Vader vs a missing-a-shield Low, a full health Biggs and a 2 health Miranda that already spent the missile at R3-2 of each other, what the fuck do I do the next round? 3 bank SLAM and then leave, trying to turn around (since Miranda can't regen unless she can shoot) and then take cannon shots while trailing at r3?
1-forwarding seems like a bad idea since they can and will pop biggs at the first opportunity.
Am I thinking about this wrong? Do I swtich to VI Quickdraw for a better matchup against 100-point-Miranda, but a worse matchup against Kylo?
Any advice would be nice, I'm trying to figure out my plan for Regionals and System Opens.
Xavier Phillips
Do the astromech sockets on Incom and Koensayr fighters only work with IA astromechs? Do other companies even make astromechs?
Julian Jenkins
>smug twi'lek trap This is the easiest choice I've ever had to make
Brody Howard
I feel like you've posted this three times at least
Adrian Ramirez
I miss him.
Lincoln Martin
he will return for us one day
Tyler King
Tomboy every day of the week and twice on sundays
Brody Richardson
Yeah, I'm just looking for advice. no-one seems to be able to give it. Did the pointless arguments scare off Chumbalaya and the top-tier players?
This will be the last time I post it.
Landon Martin
Hay guise. What's the minimum buy-in that I could get away with to have a reasonably functional solo flier?
I was chatting to my local X-Wing community wrangler, and he mentioned some sort of small-format league they run with twice as much terrain and a single ship, where you have Top Gun style dogfights in an asteroid field. I think a number like "30 points" might have been thrown around, but I had no context to pin that to at the time, so that might be wrong.
X-Wing doesn't really appeal enough to be my main game, but that sounds like good fun.
Kylo Ren's stealth Tie looks like a pretty cool model, but from what I hear of the business structure it presumably wouldn't come with enough cards to be useable out of the box?
Cooper Brown
Ask, Is he running this version of Top Gun?
You'll struggle to make a Silencer fit in 30 points-
The cheapest you can take it is 26, and you really want upgrades. Kylo without any gear is 35, and they usually try to run 11 points of stuff on there.
I will give you cards to make that shit wprk out of the box. You should only ever choose ships based off of how cool they are.
The silencer does come with enough upgrades that it could be okay out of the box, but if the limit is 30 points it will be too expensive. The cheapest pilot for it is already at 26, you're getting maybe one or two upgrades tops on that and I'm not sure it can function well like that. Something like a Y-wing or Aggressor would probably be really solid picks since they have cheaper pilot options to make more room for upgrades which they include or an Auzituck since it functions very well with just the upgrades it comes with or even with none at all. Interceptor-y ships are going to be hard to make potent under 30 and since they've been fucked with a lot from wave to wave their good upgrades are scattered all over the place.
Brayden Gomez
If you're worried about ego, drop the HLC to poons and give vader one too. 3 poons will do plenty of work.
Andrew Cruz
I'll ping him a message - if 30 is sounding suspiciously low to you, and there's already an official format, then I might have my number wrong, but I'm fairly sure he was talking single ships.
By the sound of it, if it is a 60pt set-up, the Silencer would probably work ok? I'd be more inclined to run it as the faceless elite test pilot rather than Kylo himself - I'm a YourDudes kind of guy. Hopefully that doesn't put me too far under on points.
If it's a hard 30pts, then there are a bunch of other TIEs that look pretty boss as well - I don't mind spending a few minutes browsing toys next time I'm at the shop.
Thanks gents.
Thanks for the kind offer, but I'm Bonglish, and shipping to this side of the pond is probably outrageous. You are the type of Top Bloke that communities need. It looks like there's a decent card trading scene around the game lcoally anyway, so I can probably lay hands on the cards I would need for a pint and a packet of crisps.
Alexander Ramirez
If it's 60 points you ought to bring a fucking Decimator. When I've done single ship formats they were 35 points which works for most small and medium ships, pretty much everything short of basic and /fo TIEs, A-wings and Scyks can hit 30-35 with just their own box's contents. Tankier ships tend to do better since there's less dice modification going around at that point value so raw HP goes further than evasion dice or alpha striking, though if the Kimogila or Star Wing came with good missiles and torps I think they'd probably be the strongest contenders.
Henry Jenkins
Top Gun is normally 2 ships, 30 per ship, generic only. It's a popular unofficial format, it's not sponsored or anything. (Also, Decimator isn't bring-able to 60 point top gun)
Silencers don't work great in this format as they cost a fuckload, (38 before title for the First Order PS 6 pilot with gear normally). You can make one work (PS 4 test-pilot with Firecontrol and Autos) but that's not ideal.
The Silencer's Little brother, the Interceptor, wrecks face in Top Gun, but it does have a low skill floor.
Also, shipping a letter to Bongland is like. a dollar. 2 at most. It costs less than that to ship to Upside-Down-Kangaroo-Island. I can give you some cards that you can trade for pretty much anything you want there.
And for " faceless elite test pilot" - Do you mean Blackout?
Here's the best way to run him in standard games-
Test Pilot Blackout -31 - Autothrusters-2 - First Order Vanguard-2 - Push The Limit-3 - Advanced Sensors-3 And then either Advanced Optics (2) or Primed Thrusters (1) for a 42/43 point ship.
Alternatively, at 40/41 for the same gear on the totally-unnamed "First Order Test Pilot".
Robert Wright
Can anyone post that comic page where the Disney canon talks about how the light side and dark side used to live in harmony or something? With the two Duros.
Jaxson Moore
That doesn't exist. You might be thinking of the recent Poe Dameron comic from a couple months back which had a device made with both the light and the dark side - but those were Neimoidians, not Duros, and it was Lor San Tekka who said that. That's not the first time that a device required both sides to function in canon, there's a similar thing that was used in Rebels season 3.
Cameron Cox
Press F to pay respects
Angel Cox
Press F to pay respects
Hunter Gomez
>Nu-Canon that just seeks to tell a simple, fun stand-alone sidestory Majority of the novels are fairly stand-alone, minus movie tie-ins (to a degree) and aftermath. Lords of the Sith is slightly improved by knowing who Cham is before it but you don't NEED that knowledge to enjoy Sheev And Annie's Ryloth Camping Trip. Ditto with the YA novel about the two asian guys from Rogue One which I really enjoyed, which has barely anything to do with the film minus the chars involved. I think that Insider magazine also does short stories, and FACPOV, while all tied to ANH in some way, have some semi-serious ones that are pretty fun.
Thomas Russell
He died again?
Jace Martin
Are you talking about the story arc in the Clone Wars TV show where they go to some planet ruled by the King of the Force and his Lightside Daughter and Darkside son?
Isaac Phillips
I mean his original voice died a little before Carrie died, as did Red Leader and R2's body man.
Logan Thompson
Sucked into space at the beginning of TLJ
Parker Wilson
Bail seems a bit better. If nothing else he gurantees 2 command tokens if you're first player, and getting to reverse who is 'first' can give you a good chance of a shot. Depends on how much he costs relative to Pryce though.
Joshua Moore
At that point though, wouldn't running Bombers be a better choice? And since what I want is to not broadcast my moves too-much, so would deadeye be better over crack?
Jordan White
Cooper Fisher
Is nucanon Ackbar actually cool enough to press F for? Seems like he hasn't done a whole lot compared to his Legends counterpart.
Justin Diaz
Tomboy, as I’d be the trap
Dylan Cook
Jesus fucking Christ
Alexander Gonzalez
Pre empire, of course
William Young
Daniel Gonzalez
You likely know better than me, but could someone post the page? I juts want to re-read it.
No, it was an actual comic book.
Isaac Morris
This is the page you're probably thinking of.
Nicholas Gomez
No, I think it was before that. There were two Neimoidians, one was sitting in a chair, while Lor San Tekka spoke to them while still hooded.
Brody Sullivan
>smug Twi’lek Trap
You mean like this?
Juan Murphy
Ah. You're thinking of a page from the next issue.
This one.
Samuel Nguyen
I can see the JoJo >TO BE CONTINUED followed by Roundabout by Yes
Daniel Cox
He kinda looks like Part 3-era Joseph if you squint a little.
Elijah Barnes
Thank you, user.
Luis Cooper
>because if the "core audience" of Star Wars I have to write for is bigots and angry white men on the Internet, I'd rather not write any Star Wars stories So win-win, really
Isaiah Cooper
They may go into some interesting territory with the whole "Balance of the Force" concept that EU picked up on, since when the Jedi became the dominants of the galaxy reality cut them down to size too.
Then again, with newcanon lacking literally any moral ambiguity and the Dark side apparently not even being real and Jedi always being right 100 times out of 100, I think Luke's just being the way he is because plot.
Parker Brown
>"Balance of the Force" It's a dumb concept. It is like saying your body is in balance when it is half cancer and half not cancer.
Joshua Miller
Kevin Thompson
>the Dark side apparently not even being real Where are you even getting this
This isn't hinted at remotely in any canon media.
Isaiah Adams
The Dark side isn't cancer though. At least it wasn't before and it shouldn't be now.
Anthony Davis
George's own statements directly compared the usage of the dark side to cancer, though.
Ryder Campbell
It pretty clearly is. It is a corruption of what is natural as opposed to living and working with what is natural.
Joshua Rogers
Sorry. I guess they do say it's real but not "natural" or something.
Death of the author.
Jacob Lee
If Rey doesn't turn out to be the single most powerful Jedi ever created, more powerful than Vader and Luke combined and squared, I'll be completely fucking shocked.
Jordan Phillips
Not once is it ever said to not be natural. The closest you'll come is Palpatine saying that it leads to abilities which some consider unnatural.
Regardless of your feelings on the matter, the dark side is an inherently unhealthy thing for those who use it. It's intensely addictive and mind-altering and corrupting.
Funny thing is, pasting that into google, all I get is three hits. This thread here, and this thread in two different archives.
Jonathan James
Brody Davis
>whole big deal about Anakin being THE CHOSEN ONE in the PT >Luke being the one who redeems Vader, and the one whom dead Yoda and Ben placed their hopes in to bring balance to the force >some literal who girl is apparently more powerful than those two Disney should've died with Walt.
Wyatt Harris
Only print the idiot one.
I hate every Dash player telling me that on every turn.
Juan Taylor
So far the porg is the only thing I'm interested in in TLJ
Leo Perry
Post Imp Waifus pls
Aaron Robinson
>tfw no thicc redhead Imperial waifu
Cooper Murphy
>tfw no stern imperial waifu to command you on those cold space nights
Sebastian Mitchell
why even live ;.;
Angel Johnson
Not gonna lie, red heads in regulation military uniforms is one of my favorite fetishes
Adrian Nelson
same senpai
Alexander Cook
Kevin Davis
Memes aside, Ren is a very interesting character imo. He was basically young Anakin done right, without the shitty dialogues that Lucas wrote for him.
Parker Thompson
That's primarily because its a made up quote to generate shock on the internet , user.
Evan Davis
lmao no its not
Brayden Cook
Postan rebel waifus now
Carson Turner
Are there stats for force imbued melee weapons? I know its a thing that some force traditions do and typically we get some descriptor along the lines of "functions similarly to a lightsaber" If there aren't stats would folks mind helping me come up with how it might work?
Henry Jenkins
>tfw Finn gets pushed aside as a love interest for an even more irrelevant minority character than he was in the first movie >btw she's a chubby asian (we want the Mei audience) kamikaze pilot
wtf Disney
Lincoln Kelly
>Finn will never use a saber again I'm sad. He was my favorite character when I watched TFA.
Jeremiah Long
All that hype from tra, all for nothing? Lame
Kayden Roberts
Weapon as statted, add the Force Imbued quality which is mechanically identical to the Cortosis quality.
Benjamin Green
Spoilers please faggot
Jaxson Adams
Wait, Rey is also a lesbian?
David Lewis
I must admit I'm kinda bummed. Apparently he gets the Poe treatment and gets sidelined into irrelevance. I would have loved to see more of him and Poe, they worked really well together.
I'm watching the film tomorrow, but apparently it's kind of a trainwreck.
Lucas Thompson
>implying that any of this is true Eat my entire ass, dick, and balls
Here’s some sweet Twi’lek for everyone’s troubles of having read that pile of shit
Elijah Richardson
Then where's the source? I asked for it and I haven't gotten any.
Gavin Davis
Seeing as how it’s so far got an 83%, and is being praised despite any muddled plot, you might not have much to fear
Ayden Wright
user worded it badly. Apparently Reylo is going to be a thing, and Finn is pushed aside and given the asian minority that dies in the same movie she's introduced in.