>Hugo Dyson preferred talk at Inklings meetings to readings. He was also known to have a distaste for J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and is recorded by Christopher Tolkien as "lying on the couch, and lolling and shouting and saying, 'Oh God,[5] no more elves'".[6] Dyson was not alone in his distaste for Tolkien's stories, and eventually Tolkien gave up reading from them to the group altogether.
Hugo Dyson preferred talk at Inklings meetings to readings. He was also known to have a distaste for J.R.R...
I don't blame him.
>Hugo Dyson
; )
It's Tolkien's fault for catering to nintendofags.
People behaving like people, news at eleven.
Scifi vs fantasy divide goes way back
>goes to a fantasy writing group
>complains about fantasy writing
Veeky Forums in a nutshell and why it can't find a game.
What traditional game is this?
I think he was building spherical vacuum cleaner or something.
Lord of the Rings was a big influence on a little obscure game called "Dungeons and Dragons," which was the first commercial role playing game. It's a medieval fantasy game which features elves as one of its many playable races.
Lord of the Rings also was a big influence on fantasy in general, with many other game authors inspired by Tolkien's work or other works inspired by his, including the aforementioned Dungeons and Dragons. There's also a number of Lord of the Rings board games, several war games, and even its own roleplaying game.
Tolkien didn’t influence the fantasy genre, he MADE the fantasy genre.
Why are so many people who talk about Tolkien on Veeky Forums completely fucking braindead?
Not every person here majored in Tolkien Studies.
>the Chad Dyson vs. the Virgin Tolkien
Yoi've got that backwards, mate. The Chad Tolkien fought at the Battle of the Somme, while the Virgin Dyson did fuckall during WW1.
>the Virgin Conscript vs. the Chad Draft Dodge
He voluntarily enlisted as an officer
>the Virgin Pedant vs. the Chad Fabulist
It's the people who can tell you obscure nerd shit from the sil and HOME that don't claim Tolkien was the one true creator of fantasy. That's more of a lazy claim made by people who barely know anything about the history of the genre.
although tolkien was responsible for a certain wave of popularity.
Man, the Silmarillilililionilion was such a slog to get through and I retained basically none of it except the vague impression that Glorfindel was something of a badass.
I wonder how many people Tolkien sent to certain death
Given that he was a second lieutenant, he didn't order them anywhere he wasn't going himself. It was WW1, not WW2. During the Great War, the British Army didnt believe in individual units having any sort of autonomy. This came back to bite them repeatedly, over and over again for years on the western front. Either the infantry would make too little progress or too much progress or something unexpected would happen and if it wasn't accounted for in the grand plan, the officers on the ground didn't have the authority to take initiative. This lack of flexibility almost cost Haig his job