Why arn't you buying Pascal Coin?
>0 fee
>instant transactions
>infinite scaling
>only shitty part is its name
>devs working on more exchanges currently
When people catch on it'll be raiblocks 2.0, why do you hate free money?
Why arn't you buying Pascal Coin?
>0 fee
>instant transactions
>infinite scaling
>only shitty part is its name
>devs working on more exchanges currently
When people catch on it'll be raiblocks 2.0, why do you hate free money?
why should I but that over XRB?
pasc is a shit coin LOL
have fun holding those bags forever, they requested to be on exchanges in october and still havent been added
They are both good, one is just still unknown with 60x less marketcap
well firstly, shitty name matters. people wont buy something they dont like the way it looks. secondly, it seems to only be on polo, which even if i wanted to, cant get my cam working with it, so i literally cant buy any. get it on another exchange.
Because if you don't and Pascal moons then you will regret not having bought Pascal's Coin. As a matter of fact it is better to buy Pascal's Coin than not buying it because either way if it moons or not you really don't lose anything.
Pascal was a GOAT philosopher.
>shitty name matters
Tell that to raiblocks. Anyway, the only thing that truly matters is the project dev's autism score
Underrated comment.
own 30k pasc. since 50 cents. fomo will hit the masses dont worry.
zcashs privacy implemented a future update
new wallet soon
This is literally worthless. Mining is outdated
nice larp faggot
You need to register your wallet.
What is that?
It's already expensive as shit. 50 would cost me $131.
The only way I'll get involved in this is mr. 30k sending me some.
how can it have infinite scaling when the number of accounts is limited?
Yeah honestly that part with the address's is complete shit, really hope they change it
> on the other thread ppl complaining we didn't shill XRB soon enough
> we shill basically xrb 2.0 and get shat on here
PASC is a 5x coin atleast. it doesn't have the slickness and marketing of xrb, but the tech is solid.
2018 will be about the alt that replaces bitcoin and eats its share. xrb is on its way and pasc will be similar.
Fucker was selling the children's cores as "junk" after I erased his memories. Should have just killed him.
>absolutely no marketing
>Website looks awful
> Isn't instant for larger transactions
> Roadmap is literally 'we don't really have a plan or ETA's just tell us what to do
>Inflationary coin means this pos already has a 200million market cap
>White paper is literally done by a 10yo
Fucking top kek nice bags op. This coin is cool if it was done and marketed by ppl other than the current Devs.
until you get comfydo'd and loose it all
inflation will be decreased. rai also burned a lot of coins.
Hope you retards download their shit wallet and check to see that 99% of the coins are owned by 3 dudes. Have fun when they dump their shit bags on you