Would Konami make money if they introduced a classic format? Normies who liked it as kids seem to hate the game now.
Would Konami make money if they introduced a classic format? Normies who liked it as kids seem to hate the game now
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I'd buy the reprints thats 4 sure
I'd buy the Yugi and Kaiba tins that are out now but they're useless to play with so what's the point?
I wish people would come together on a big scale with konami support and play the game without turns that take an eternity and special summons out of the ass
>Four dragons in the grave at least
>One on the field
>Buster Blader now has 5100 ATK points
This cunt is about to get Season 2'd by some devious protagonist.
I do love it when people have simple solutions to flashy plays like that.
Like imagine someone just playing an old regular Effect monster tribute after their opponent goes all in with synchro and xyz and whatever combos, and beating them head-on. No BS tricks, just straight up "my guy has more ATK than your guy".
>Field is empty, can't normal summon
>fuckton of ways to send a summoned monster, even special summoned, right into the Graveyard
>fuckton of counter cards to stop counterplays
>fuckton of cards to stop an attack
You'd need a literal huge moment of luck (and a misplay from the opponent) for this kind of shit to happen. Also
>mfw DD/removal decks could stop most of this shit, but Konami specifically puts vital cards on the ban/limited list to stop them from countering the nearly enforced meta
Well these synchro monsters tend to be stronger and they also have better effects
God it's so annoying that ATK is basically irrelevant in the game.
ATK is relevant still. It just isn't the only way to win.