Please help me I can't decide
Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020
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CP2020. It's (current year)+3, after all.
They're both pretty atrocious systems. CP2020 still has "rockerboys". And Shadowrun is stupid amounts of crunchy.
They're both absolutely retarded when it comes to the Internet.
I'd go with Shadowrun. The fluff is a little less shitty. Ignore the parts of the game you don't care about.
2020 but play it pretty loose and campy
CP2020 is better.
You see, I really like shadowrun setting and mix.
But the game is crunchy as hell, so I'm worried players might be scared off, while CP 2020 is just...campy so I'd have to modify it to make it interesting.
I'm currently trying to break in to Shadowrun after buying the 20th Anniversary Edition of 4E at a use book store of 20 bucks on a whim. and FFFUUUCCCKKK ME THE CRUNCH IS REAL. i mean it's not so bad that i cant learn it but people are not kidding. and the wording for the rules gets a little too vague at times.
never played Cyberpunk. People say nice things about The Sprawl (it's like 90ish pages of rules and thats it) and The Veil.
I'm using the 5th ed (it being the most streamlined)
But I'm afraid it still might be a tad too complex
Never played a game of real shadowrun in my life. I fell in love with the CRPGs and saw the 4E core book at a book store and said fuck it. But i hear every edition of shadowrun is a crunch even 5th.
Sidenote: when was Cyberpunk 2020s last edition? who the fuck owns it? i guess it's been around since the last 80s . I only first heard of it after the Witcher devs announced the games.
Pirate the PDFs and see witch one seems more to your style i say.
I did user. If I could make up my fucking mind I wouldn't waste a thread on this
Last edition of Cyberpunk was way back in 2005, third edition. It's the one everyone hates. Stick to CP 2020.
Ok lets go through this then.
>Is crunch a problem? What system is less crunchy if so?
>You want campy bullshit or campy bullshit with Elves Dwarfs and Dragons.
You can always just run both and stick with the one you like more.
>Cyberpunk was way back in 2005, third edition. It's the one everyone hates
Jesus 05 huh. Out of curiosity what does everyone hate about it?
Crunch is only a problem in the sense 3 out of 4 players are newbies. But I can make it easier on them, making rules lists and guidelines.
Guess I could try and run 5th ed, if it fails I'll just turn back to cyberpunk.
God speed mate. If both fail give The Sprawl a try i really do hear good things about it.
What is the sprawl? Never heard of it.
It did this retarded pseudo postapoc thing and you were by default a bunch of teens in shitty gangs rather then traditional Cyberpunk 2020 / Shadowrun types. And the "art" was all done with fucking barbie dolls in homemade cyberpunk costumes with a green scanline filter over it.
Kickstarted RPG that is apparently easy to learn, GM and play. Havent gotten around to reading the PDF but first session everyone gets together and makes a "Sprawl" A mega city and each player gets to make a Mega corp athus adding to the lore.
Free PDF link
If you a buy fag:
>And the "art" was all done with fucking barbie dolls in homemade cyberpunk costumes with a green scanline filter over it.
In case you needed to see this nonsense for yourself.
>And the "art" was all done with fucking barbie dolls in homemade cyberpunk costumes with a green scanline filter over it.
and now i know why there hasn't been a new edition in 10+ years.
You are so fucking retarded.
>cyberpunk is too cyberpunk
>shadowrun is too "crunchy" (it's a game written for children)
Jesus fuck wtf happened? I have so many questions!
>Was it cheaper?
>Who makes Cyberpunk again?
>Are they out of business?
>if not then how so? cuz they should be.
I'm not the biggest fan of CDPR and the Witcher games but as long as the video game looks nothing like this i'll buy it.
Didn't know Menace was a biker before his hit single
Sounds a lot like cyberpunk apocalypse world. Neat.
perfect fuckin' image lol
I believe it's made using the same system.
That depends, do you want stupid D&D shit shoehorned into your cyberpunk to please the sperg who has to play a Dwarf in every game?
>you were by default a bunch of teens in shitty gangs
Isn't that CyberGeneration?
You know it might have been. I haven't touched it in over a decade so I might be mixing up my stuff.
Cyberpunk. Shadowrun is hell on earth for a noob.
Accounts vary. I've heard that it was meant to be "draw this" direction for the artists, but the art never materialised and it ended up being the final. I've also heard that either Mike Pondsmith (main author) or his wife really liked their custom figures and pushed for it.
I will say two nice things about it:
A hell of a lot of work went into those figures.
It's better than the shitty Poser art that you see in some games nowadays.
besides the Barbie dolls was there anything wrong with the system that made everyone hate it?
It was less cyberpunk and more sci-fi. Honestly that guy who always posts about the art in cyberpunk 3 is just an autismo who's never played the game
Yeah. Read the whole book. It's fucking abstract Still don't get how the fuck hacking works
>it's too crunchy
>it's abstract
jesus fucking christ I think the real issue here is that kids born in 2002 can't fucking read
Don't ever respond to namefags, kid.
>Still don't get how the fuck hacking works
Most people dont.
Take shadowrun and just use the anarchy ruleset and nothing else. It runs really damn fine once you get rid of all the narrativist non-sense of the anarchy system.
Goddamit I know I'm a tardie but is it wrong to think that the rulebook is weirdly put together
It's really fucking hard to get past the art to see if the system if worth playing, user. Most players are going to open the book, see that shit and write it off before even looking at the mechanics.
But that isn't why you post about it in every thread. You post about it in every thread because you have autism.
A good system
It's put together exactly the same way as every other book, there's a cover on the front and back and pages with words in the middle. If you can't read and understand the words in the middle, you can't read.
>Post the art once in a relevant thread.
>Literally every time.
I'm not the one with autism here friendo.
What the fucking shit?
And they sold that? Like, people, with a straight face, paid them money, and they in turn, handed those people this, also with a straight face?
What the shitting fuck?
Whatever you say, buddy. Nice phone reply to prove your point btw.
>doesn't even try to deny it
Considering only four supplements were ever published for CPv3 (the last in '08), one of which was GM screen and quick start utilities/lite rules, another was just character sheets, and none of the DTRPG CPv3 products have an average rating above three stars, no.
>buying the 20th Anniversary Edition of 4E
fuck off 5e is a piece of fucking garbage
5e is also CGL
hmmmm I can get behind this but why
So that CGL hopefully dies and someone competent takes the license.
>and now i know why there hasn't been a new edition in 10+ years.
Yes. This kills the game publisher.
Honestly, Veeky Forums makes better portraits from random images than what Mike Pondsmith did.
nice, good call
>cyberpunk is too cyberpunk
>shadowrun is too mechanical
Play Shadowrun Anarchy. All the fluff and fun of Shadowrun with the mechanics more or less chopped in half and organized better.
Because it is. The Sprawl is a Powered by the Apocalypse game.
>Didn't know Menace was a biker before his hit single
Fuck my sides chummer
It's supposedly one of the best PbtA games out there.
Is there a word that means "the best object in a fucking terrible category"
What's wrong with Apocalypse games?
No, really, I have no experience with the system.
tumblr trash of the lowest order
After trying and giving up on The Sprawl and Shadowrun, I've actually settled on interface zero 2.0, the Fate version, not the shitty apocalypse world one
>CPv3 products have an average rating above three stars, no.
CPv3 is okay, people gies this rating because the art and the book need a fucking errata.
Isn't a game.
>Play Shadowrun Anarchy
I want, but there's no rules for Drakes...
Which one gets me the best 80's a e s t h e t i c?
Wile we are on the topic of CRPGs what do you think about Interface zero?
Isn't Interface Zero a Savage Worlds setting?
> Shadowrun is stupid amounts of crunchy
And this is why I still can't persuade my party to play it. Everyone loves the setting, nobody wants to learn shitton of rules.
Cyberpunk 2020 is the way to go. The system isn't perfect, but it can be improved pretty easily. Shadowrun 5e is way too crunch heavy - it makes GURPS look rule-light. Even if you simplify Shadowrun to the extreme, it still is slower to DM than Cyberpunk 2020.
Next to the art, background and technology that sucked and made no sense, there was also the transition from Interlock system to Fuzion. This was a totally unnecessary move. Fuzion offers nothing Cyberpunk 2020's Interlock doesn't. A simple streamlining of the system, a overhaul of the skill list, a change to a classless system, improved netrunning with brainhacking, and updated tech and timeline for CP2020 would have made much more sense, than what they did with V. 3.
Cyberpunk 2013 or Shadowrun 1st Edition. I also highly suggest Zaibatsu (it's available here for free:
(forgot pic)
It is, you can also find Fate version of it.
Bubblegum Crisis the RPG.
Play shadowrun you fagget.
>They're both absolutely retarded when it comes to the Internet.
Neither of them have "the internet". Shadowrun uses a completely ad hoc setup where things can be quarantined without completely destroying the network to avoid problems related to super-viruses, and CP2020's net is not and has never been a free and open internet. You pay for long distance links because the corporations say so. You can hack past that paywall because it's a cyberpunk setting.
I love how people just refer to him as "menace". I'm glad I contributed to that thread
Well you are clearly man enough to huff jazz
Well the reason 2020 was created was because some autists didn't like the fantasy aspect of shadowrun and the autists who like shadowrun mostly play it for the catgirls and fary with poison needle builds.
Pick your poison
Me too. It's a good feel.
And for more in-depth.
How'd he get the text to blur like that? I made the original edit, but I think I'm going to replace it with this one. I think it looks more authentic, if that makes any sense.
>And for more in-depth.
God damnit. Here. Got distracted by Marshal and forgot which image I had selected.
>CP2020 still has "rockerboys"
You're saying that like it's a negative
That would have been good and I'd have bought that game.
But CP2020 was made by a team of 10+ people.
CPv3 was made by...Mike Pondsmith. Nobody restrained the loony that time.
>the reason 2020 was created was because some autists didn't like the fantasy aspect of shadowrun
I think you don't know your history.
What's the fun of cyberpunk when it's reality?
You can change reality, unlike IRL?
We can change reality everywhere.