It's Da Curated Archive™ ! It Will Be The Best 36 Hours Of Your Gaming Career! STEP 0: Please exhibit Good Manners. This thread is for sharing, not drama. It gets archived after a certain number of if you waste posts on being rude there are fewer posts available for sharing.
STEP 1: Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board. Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now. Archived threads can be found here: share/
STEP 2: Grab your documents. Da Archive is multiple documents. You especially want to get Da Curated Archive.
STEP 3: Look through Da Curated Archive first. It probably has what you want. If not, go to Da Archive. Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is over 160 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,6543 pdfs.
Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. (When Moot permitted pdfs on Veeky Forums, he asked nicely that we only post copyright-free material directly to the board.) Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.
Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken.
Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.
Benjamin Kelly
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs, and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, and the pdf is purified. [email protected]
By the way, thanks, Mageguru. You're the best!
CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files. [email protected]
By the way, thanks, Carse. You're also the best!
Gabriel Martinez
Please do not ask for or share any of the following, on pain of thread-cancer: A Sundered World Microscope Ten Candles Zweihander
Mason Evans
user says:
Literally all the banned stuff is readily available on IRC. Rather than go on about not asking for them you should just send people there. server channel #rpg-books "@find GarbageYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.
Just do the text. If you use mirc you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes. (genius design there)
I'm a lifelong Aliens fan and this game looks right up my alley, but the holidays have tapped me out. No more mana to summon Christmas presents.
Thank you!
Owen Lee
Hey guys! To those of you who scan items for me/Mageguru to clean (or for whomever), here are a few tips and guidelines that make our lives WAY easier.
1. When you scan, the higher the resolution, the better it will turn out in the end. 1200dpi is not necessary, but anything less than 150 is not really worth it. It's easier to reduce resolution, but not the other way around. The higher the quality of the raw image, the better in the end. Personally? I scan in 300-600, depending.
2. If an image is just black & white text, it is perfectly ok to scan in greyscale, but resist the temptation to scan in a lower resolution. See #1.
3. Blurry text cannot be corrected. Period. I have to try to figure out the font that was used, go get it if I don't have it, and literally retype the blurry text and match it to the text on the page that is readable. Either that or retype the entire document. No thanks.
4. Try your best to eliminate the "gutter shadow" that shows up when you press a hardcover (usually) on the scanning surface.
5. Try to scan as flat as possible. Use a heavy text book or something. This usually eliminates #3, and text warp, which is the text that is caught on the edge in the gutter.
6. If you are scanning thin pages or newsprint or the like, try to place a solid black sheet on the back. That usually eliminates most of the bleed-through.
When I scan from a physical source, I remove staples and scan each 4-up section flat. This is assuming staple-bound, obviously. If it's a hardbound, the difficulty goes way up. The hardest part being getting the scan flat and avoiding gutter shadow. Probably not possible to remove all of that, but the least amount, the better.
Thank you all so much for donating scans of your books. I am very appreciative of the opportunity to work with all of you. These tips are not complaints, just suggestions that speed up the cleaning process. Thanks
Thank you. I forgot, Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning or cleaning. [email protected]
Tyler Wright
Humble request for NPC: Skulduggery
Nicholas Anderson
Last thread clarification: someone thought I was scanning Genesys. I am not. I mentioned I would try to get ahold of the book. Have not done so yet. I will update everyone here when/if I get the book.
Jaxson Sullivan
fragged kingdom, fragged sea and fragged aeternum are already avaiable?
Alexander Barnes
I'm slowly creating a brazilian RPG trove. If anyone's interested or willing to contribute: snip /HUE
I can also be found at keuthonymus(at)protonmail(dot)com
Y aurai t'il un user charitable pour mettre en ligne l'écran du MJ de Brigandyne s'il vous plait ? J'aimerais si possible avoir également le livret d'aide de jeu qui va avec mais je ne vous en voudrais pas s'il vous ne l'avez pas.
Nathaniel Butler
Requesting; Dungeon Planner 1 Caverns of the Dead by Albie Fiore & Robert Neville (1984 GW, 2014 Noble Knight )
Noah Cruz
Requesting Sylgar's Guide to Everything Else as well as Vecna's Vault of Vile Things.
Cheers and Happy Holidays to y'all.
Carter Nelson
Looking for Gametek: The Math and Science of Gaming
Leo Cooper
Trying to get Forged in Magic from your vola. Saw that you had it in previous threads but its password locked.
Hudson Davis
requesting the kobold press new paths expanded
Jordan Cook
Looking for Gold&Glory (savage worlds)
Jayden Foster
yep, this is true
Evan Baker
oh I shut that down, as it's not really of any use to me. Here ya go, though it is in the /WOTCTrove
Something to possibly add to the Hero Trove. Here's all the software and the source code to the software for the Hero System. It's all for both the 6th Edition and 5th Edition.
Five Parsecs from Home Second Edition Five Parsecs: Gang Warfare
The latter only just came out though. Also Usurper, an older fantasy rpg from the same guy, Nordic Weasel Games.
Jaxson Ross
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any of the pdfs for call of cthulu 7th edition? I already have the core rule book and the investigator handbook but I was hoping if anyone had the keeper rule book? Thanks in advance!
Joshua Perry
Has anyone ever shared this?
The Very Last Book About Mounted Combat
Dire Destiny Books
I've looked through the troves but no dice
John Morgan
Keeper Rulebook is the core rulebook. Nothing alse on this side I think.
Brody Gutierrez
Mason Lee
and yes, keeper rulebook is the corebook. if you have the keeper rulebook, the investigator book is redundant, and it even says so inside :)
Ian Bell
Ah, ok. Not even a pdf version of the Keeper Screen is floating around?
Apparently the addresses for these pdfs in Da Archive no longer work:
- The Paternoster Investigations - All The Strange, Strange Creatures, Volume 1 - The Black Archive
Can anybody confirm this? Or am I just screwing up something? If these links are dead like I suspect, did anyone manage to grab these pdfs before the addresses stopped working? If I can get those, I can go ahead and upload them to the curated Doctor Who AITAS archive and make it complete.
James Rivera
Requesting Project Darklight if anyone has the PDF pretty please.
Hunter Parker
Has anyone seen Primeval Thule for Savage Worlds?
Jace James
Does anyone have Other Worlds here?
Aaron Hernandez
I went ahead and picked up Lifeform Maker, so you can get it here: vola file org /r/db91awem
Parker Morris
Mason Nguyen
Thanks for sharing Shintiara Core Manua
John Thompson
Still looking for Modiphius Conan GenCon scenario 26 pages pdf that was released only to backers: The Treasure House of Jaizin Kaa Thanks!
Brandon Nelson
Do someone has something about The Sprawl? Thx
Jordan Clark
Does anyone have Mystical Companions for 5e? (pic related) I didn't see it in the wotc trove, there's no folder for Troll Lord Games either.
Cooper Phillips
Anyone have Trail of the Apprentice for 5e by Legendary Games?
In addition to Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing, I'm definitely interested in the Savage Worlds Primeval Thule book if anyone has it.
Then, to Myth-Weavers or RPOL to set up some awesome swords-and-sorcery action! And also some gruesome aliens-and-airducts action. :P
Cooper Price
If I get Primeval Thule in print it will be the Savage Worlds version, so I'm holding off until they add that option.
Carter Butler
ta very much. was the only thing I didn't have in the /CONAN trove, I think. Added now
Jack Smith
Requesting the Adventures in Middle-Earth: Wilderland Adventures endpapers and maps PDFs, which aren't in the 3rd party folder of the trove.
Jason Watson
Tu fais le travail du seigneur user ! Merci !
Ryder Watson
Anyone have a pdf scan of the hex & chit game Dragon Rage?
Wyatt Morgan
Anyone got the new kickstarted Dungeon Fantasy PDFs for GURPs?
Noah Gomez
Sweet! Thank you
Wyatt Gray
Caleb Clark
The backers only got the Dungeon Fantasy in physical form. The stretch goals were PDFs though.
PDF version of it only came out later on the SJG online shop, and even then did not get included if you bought the physical version too.
Colton Green
So has anyone bought it and willing to scrub it?
Jaxon Young
Clearly not, or at least not yet.
The PDF is expensive, and not that much cheaper than buying the physical version.
Where I live, the PDF is only a little cheaper than what the local stores charge for the box.
James Diaz
Humbly requesting Golden Age Champions Secret File from Hero Games. Its a 40+ page file with 20 years of information about the making of all 3 editions of GAC. If ANYONE has this to share i would be especially grateful.
Thanks in advance!
Easton Ramirez
Holding off until there's a print + PDF combo, you mean? And cool. If I get a hold of the PDF before that, I'll let you know. It looks quite fun to play around with. It's another one on the Christmas list, I think, though as big of a fan as I am of Aliens, that Xenomorphs book definitely tops it!
Brandon Thompson
There's no Savage Worlds print option yet. I hope when they add that the PDF will be included for free.
Looking for Musha Shugyo, the fighting game rpg (not the L5R supplement). Thanks!
Austin Jenkins
Oh, sorry, I thought that was you. Must've mixed you up with someone else. Then I hope that user is still out there and finding a way.
Ethan Carter
no worries :)
Jordan Moore
Humble request for Ultimate NPC: Skulduggery
William Rodriguez
secon to this! and i'll add even the setting expansions to the request if possible
Cooper Gray
If anyone is interested, there is an ebay auction for some items from some of the industry personnel. Jim Roslof artwork (unfinished, art studies, unfolded early TSR posters, David Sutherland III art, original TSR business cards, autographed copies, original letterhead, old modules, waaayyy to much to list here.
ebay com /sch/m.html?_ipg=200&_ssn=the_collectors_trove&_sop=10
Copy/Paste works the best. Not my auction, but I am on their mailing list, and these come up every few months.
Dylan Price
Including DC Heroes items, and a few Role Aids items (like the non-scanned Shipwrecker), Lots of good stuff to potentially pick up.
John Jones
Truly, sir, you are a prince.
Jace Price
I'm looking for something out of the latest Humble Bundle thing.
The Borderland Provinces Journey Generator
I can't find it in the troves, even the PF one which has other stuff from Frog God. Of course, I'd happily settle for an upload of the complete bundle, but there's only one thing I want to have a look at (saw it mentioned over on Lone Wolf Roleplaying) and it's not in the $1 tier, and I don't give a damn about basically anything else.
Owen Cruz
Spheres of Might by Drop Dead Studios was shared by CoC back in October, but the mega link has been taken down and I can't find it in the PFTrove. Does anybody happen to have a working link?
Asher Gray
Someone wants to share the new fragged series ex. Seas aeternum and kingdom.
Austin Carter
It's in the /PFTrove
Go into the 3rd party folder and scroll down in the main section.
Grayson Miller
i join the request
Anthony Cook
To whomever sent me a private Mega message to cityofcarse gmail com, please email me so I can set up alternate communication. I reset the account and lost the password.
Christian Jenkins
Hey, is s0l0 trove guy around? 'Cause I posted scans the other day of the rules pdfs for Beast, which are missing from the s0l0 trove. moc.ecapsdnes
Carson Gray
Requesting Mighty Armies core rules.
Not sure what i can dump but I'll give what i can.