Do you like sentai shows, Veeky Forums?

Do you like sentai shows, Veeky Forums?

I like the idea of them, although the actual shows don't grab me as much as other Toku stuff, like some Kamen Rider or more adult oriented things like GARO.

Still, that looks pretty neat. Thanks for the link.

This game really looks terrible, even without the ridiculously over-the-top Tumblr art.

>snowflake sentai: tumblranger

I know that the PRs are supposed to be a multi ethnic band of teenagers with attitude but that's trying a bit too hard.

Literally the newest Power Rangers film (this disregarding the fact that the Western shows have always been *ridiculously* inclusive for their time, with casts occasionally made up of nothing but "positive minority representations). I'm not saying it's a good thing, but Evan Palmer isn't exactly turning the genre on its head here.

>/pol/ shits all over the board
>/lgbt/ is raiding us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/pol/ is just desperately trying to create a counterargument to the "man, why the fuck are you the ones always bringing up SJWs and forcing your memes" thing.

>Literally the newest Power Rangers film
But did it have a Jewish space villain?

Both are equally bad.

Power Rangers is small time, I bet they don't even have male characters getting pregnant.

Why doesn't your screencap show the 8+ /pol/ bait threads on the board?

I would say that is a definitional error, as SJWs are by definition a type of /pol/ poster, therefore including any bad thing SJWs do in the "bad thing /pol/ posters have done" list, making /pol/ posters by default worse as a group than SJWs, as they include the combined bad things of more groups than SJWs.

Because I just grabbed the three that were bumped simultaneously. I also missed that "are lesbians allowed" one.

More yeah, it's all the same shit, regardless of what side of the fence you are on.

That's why /pol/ posting is considered bad.
/pol/ posters naturally will supplant any culture they are introduced to with their own culture of eternal tribalistic bickering if given any chance at all.

It's why you don't talk about real life politics or religion at the table.

But /pol/ actually has a sense of humor, making both groups infinitely bad, but /pol/ having a singular not-so-awful thing about it.

Are we actually being raided or something?

>A fat black woman
>An Asian lesbian
>A black yuppie
>Two shades of gay dude
>Some kind of butch Latina
Yup, that's a Power Rangers cast you got yourself right there.

I prefer Kamen Rider

No, /pol/ just has shit memes. Same humor levels as the SJWs. And, as I've said, SJWs are a subgroup of /pol/, thus making /pol/ at a minimum as bad as SJWs by weakest link philosophy.

not any more than we've been, /pol/ is just trying a new tack.

>Are we actually being raided or something?
Veeky Forums has been getting raided by /pol/ since last week. It's a pretty pathetic raid, but a raid nonetheless.

I don't know if the glut of lesbian threads today are a response to the raid or just a /pol/tard trying a different bait, but either way, yes.

They look like a bunch of fags
Hard pass on art style alone

>But /pol/ actually has a sense of humor
no, /pol/ tries to make themselves immune to criticism by going
>lel, just trolling XD
any time someone tries to argue with them, that's not the same thing as actually being funny

We've been for a while.

Basically, some idiot got upset with some MTG nonissue, went recruiting to /pol/, and since /pol/ and /lgbt/ share users, the worst kind of users, we're now dealing with the shittiest spam imaginable.

>Do you like sentai shows, Veeky Forums?
Not the weeb (i.e. American) ones, that's for sure.


I don't get how this is not sentai.


The fuck is all this samefagging over the art? It's a shitty pdf, who gives a fuck.

To answer OP, I do like sentai shows and I would play the fuck out of a Kamen Rider game. I've never tried to, I once wanted to join a M&M campaign themed around Riders but it failed before getting off the ground.

>If you don't like homo sex pushed in your hands
>If you say anything you are pol
>Pol is as bad as homophiles
>If you speak out against pushing homoshit you are just as bad as the people pushing homoshit
Radical centrism wins again!


you are by definition /pol/ if you mention any stance on any real life political issue.

Stop resisting progress

Stop being a fag, you fag.

Sentai has a team of three-five people on average, have a mecha and is generally more ligh hearted. While Kamen Rider has one-two (with some exceptions) riders on average and has a darker tone. Also riders end up fighting againts each other more than sentai does.

but, like, isn't kamen rider also a work of sentai?
I thought that is literally what itw as called.

What does getting upset about it on a traditional games discussion board accomplish? It's a /pol/ issue, not a Veeky Forums issue.

Veeky Forums, out of necessity, needs to remain apolitical, because we get distracted enough as is. Using political grade distractions here just leads to people arguing about everything except what this board is supposed to be about.

The broader genre is actually called Tokusatsu, or 'Toku' for short. Super Sentai is a specific and very influential franchise of Tokusatsu shows, which was adapted in the west as Power Rangers.

That was the greatest webm I've ever seen

I seeeeee.
So it's like one of those band-aid scenarios.

My friend, you really need to watch Kamen Rider. A lot of it.

>The fuck is all this samefagging over the art?
Pay attention to the poster count and notice when it does or doesn't increase as someone replies to the OP.

>guys why are you sperging out at me posting these photos of a chick with a dick in her ass
>yeah I know this is Veeky Forums but I can post photos of a chick with a dick in her ass and talk about RPGs at the same time
>fuck off I'm not /hc/
>I'm not spamming anal you faggot
>implying I haven't been on Veeky Forums since 2007
>oh great /leftyanal/ is here to shill
>implying I'm /hc/

I just realized /pol/tards get a lot more entertaining if you pretend they're from a different board.

>That art
>"""""Over the top"""""
You are a child

OP, you made me really excited for a second. I really, really want to run a Toku game and ice been looking for a system, but then I saw its PbtA, which I really don't like. Damn.

Go watch Kamen Rider Kuuga. A lot of people consider it the greatest series in the entire franchise, and I don't disagree.

>wishing Ghost on someone
you monster

I like Apocalypse World but at this point PbtA was clearly a mistake.

>Hey guys look at this anal porn
>It's a traditional game so it belongs on this board
>If you don't like my shit posts you are pol lol

The only way it could possible be more tumblr is if they all had red noses and were missing an arm or leg.


Also this

I think that /pol/ is more annoying because it's really obvious that they're all newfags

It reminds me of how I used Veeky Forums early on. I spammed a bunch of unfunny dated memes that I saw on ED, spoke in gibberish, and tried being as edgy as I possibly could because I knew I wouldn't be banned for it

Kamen Rider is full of weird and awesome moments.

No. They could look ugly, have noticeably shaggy legs, be a lot fatter, have that weird multi color skin thing, and be wearing varying sorts of religious imgery
This is literally just people of different skin colors in a shitty art style. That's only Tumblr if you're a thin skinned faggot

I mean, PbtA does serve a purpose. It's quick to pick up and easy to understand so you can get straight to role play. Great for one-shots or pickup games at a convention. But I don't really like them for that specific reason. I want a little more crunch.

this a tumblr board now wite boi

>They could look ugly
Are we looking at the same image?

>That's only Tumblr if you're a thin skinned faggot
Look at blue and green. You're either blind or a numale.

Are we talking real 80's or the 80's from the 10s? Because if its the latter it will be mopping the floor with the floor itself.

Not him, but that is definitely drawn in the style that tumblr draws in. Its kind of interesting to think that a majority of one website shares an art style. I remember there being a similar deviant art style where you could tell it was from there a mile away. Of course it was never perfect but it was still noticeable.

Or he's not some thin skinned prick who has a conniption because he doesn't like a picture.
I mean, that applies pretty universally to these scenarios regardless of political status.

>fucking vile tumblr art
Wow people of color me surprised

They do look ugly, some are fairly fat ("non-traditional" body type), there's a gigantic flaming faggot, and the god that tumblr worships is right on the green guys arm.

It's pretty tumblr, even before you talk about the fiversity.

>Its kind of interesting to think that a majority of one website shares an art style
Senpai there's basically no digital artist that doesn't have a tumblr. Shitty fanartists OCs =/= professional artists, tumblr assuredly does not have "one style".

Green looks like 'What the 90s thought teens looked like', which is kinda the Power Rangers trade in business.

>Or he's not some thin skinned prick
You mean like you? Get rid of those piercings and shave once in a while.

Uglier. That was a legit typo.
Tumblr art is often ugly looking, but all ugly art is not automatically Tumblr. Sometimes there are just people who draw bad instead of people who draw bad on purpose and claim it's some social statement or some nonsense
Feel free to ban all the art you want in your safe space, but be prepared to get called a faggot if you claim all the art you don't like is some gross political statement

Sentai actually is a product of Kamen Rider. The first Sentai concept was going to be a team of Riders.

wait, tumblr worships a flying pizza?
When did this happen?


With that kind of art, "we have all minorities to the point the majority isn't even represented"? I pass.

And I wouldn't be surprised that the Zordon of this group is a disabled transwoman transnigger fluid-otherkin.

Swing and a miss.

>there's a gigantic flaming faggot

Honestly, they are doing a better job than yellow and white at looking like their ranger colour. Power Rangers tend to do colour coordination in outfits.


man what the fuck

Having a token member of different races is power rangers as you can possibly get. It's been that way since mighty Morphin.

>anything with fun, colourful art is Tumblr

Then colour me a flag waving tranny because things being lively and colourful is unironically the only way to play.

user, nobody complaining about this was alive in the 90s.

I've had a vague idea for a Super Sentai campaign for a while, kind of a subversion but I think it could be neat.

The basic pitch was that a big, terrible threat turned up... But there was no Ranger team to face it, the existing ones either too old or depowered. So the most recent Red Ranger, now just an old man who knows how this shit works, travels around and recruits five independent heroes to be his new sentai team. They might all have different power sources, ideals and philosophies, but that shit doesn't matter anymore. Without a team to stand against them, the world is good as dead, so the band of misfits needs to put aside their differences and figure out how to be Power Rangers, without all the advantages that usually go with that.

I figure it works better for an RPG since it leaves concepts and powersets a bit more open, as well as letting you scale progression better, since getting the giant vehicles/robots and the combining version would be an eventual, amazing thing showing how these disparate people have come together as a team, claiming the title of of Rangers for themselves rather than just being given it.

>Here is our red ranger, he's Native American.
>Here is our yellow ranger, she's Asian.
>Here is our black ranger, he's African American.

It could only get more accurate to the genre if they gave the black kid the booby prize zord.

Diversity in the 90s was a fucking trip.

I've not watched Kamen Rider, the last series I watched all the way through was Gaim, which I absolutely adored. I heard Drive was good but it didn't really grip me, but I'm pondering going back to the show and I'm not sure where to start. Go back to Drive, try to get into Ex-Aid, or start following Build?


Build is pretty good. And Ex-aid keeps a quick pace, but stumbles in the last part

Isnt this show supposed to be for kids to buy gimmicky toys?

user, I'll have you know that the only reason kids watch kid shows is because adults make them.
If you let them, they can watch some HYPE SHIT.

T-got to watch hyper adult 80s cyberpunk animes as a child

No. It's supposed to be for Japanese manchildren who buy gimmicky figurines.

Kuuga was from a different time. Although the recently released Amazons had a similar level of gore and darkness of tone. It's pretty great.

GARO, meanwhile, is an entirely separate franchise of grimdark, brutal Toku shows.

No, this is what happened. It's the same thing that happens every time.
>person posts something slightly politically right/left
>someone else overreacts and acts like /pol/ or tumblr is ruining everything
>trolls and people who like/hate /pol/ start shitposting to piss this guy off
>this makes other people think /pol/ or tumblr is actually invading
>people start shitting up threads with pro/anti-/pol/ shit
>they start falseflagging as /pol/ or tumblr posters and act as obnoxious as possible
>this causes more people on the opposing side to join in, and they start falseflagging too
>at least one autist on each side starts making more threads, trying to get more of the board involved because they're absolutely sure that more people are on their side
>this only shits up the board and causes more people to join in the shitfest on both sides
>no one is willing to just drop it because SOMEONE IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET
>there's no decisive slant, because most of Veeky Forums doesn't fucking care
>it's just the same 20-50 autists keeping the train going with intermittent comments from other anons here and there
>days go by before the mod manages to dislodge himself from the monumental amount of dicks plugging his various orifices
>he sees this shit after everyone has finally shut up
>no one is banned and no threads are deleted because he thinks it's over, and also that would cut into his anal jackhammering time
>off he goes to laugh at the feedback page and ignore people on the IRC
>wait a few weeks and repeat

This looks pretty dope OP, maybe I'll give it a try.


That's happens when you combine Toei's greed and soccer moms

Since OP is a fag, what is a good game for playing Power Rangers, Mutants and Masterminds?

I want to post the edited manga panel of the kid calling a Kamen rider a power ranger but I don't have it saved

M&M could work well. I've only had a little experience with the system (2e I think? I could be wrong), but HP-less combat could work really well to simulate long martial arts slugfests.

I think I'd use Marvel Heroic, but any RPG that can handle superheroics or martial arts genre stuff would work very well.

I haven't played a power ranger but I played an Accel expy in M&M and it worked great. It depends on what you're trying to emulate from power rangers, if it's team attacks and mecha then a system other than M&M would be better.

I gotchu

>complaining about "Tumblr art"
Oh, so you are one of those cunts.

