Is there any setting as cool as tf2's?
>ancient civilizations
>heaven and hell
How would you run a game in this madness?
Is there any setting as cool as tf2's?
>ancient civilizations
>heaven and hell
How would you run a game in this madness?
Is there anything original in the setting, or just the tired old stuff you listed?
Yeah, smashing them all together while having a bunch of super powered lunatics fight over gravel while still having a consistent art style and tone.
you don't because it sounds like a mess, but if you insist just use a superhero system
>Is there any setting as cool as tf2's?
the entire world is 1972 but with extremely high tech level area's like Australia.
also magic actually costs blood and stuff, and bombs have their own magic school
>How would you run a game in this madness?
I wouldn't.
But if I was forced, some sort of pseudo-superhero thing with the PCs playing gag secret agents.
Which comic is this one from? I don't think I've seen it
salesbot comic.
Literally anything you find written on the wall in a public bathroom is cooler than the setting of tf2 and 5000% less gay
>a bunch of psychopaths waging endless bloodbaths for two immortal trillionaires using weapons sold to them by the super-science state of Australia and a wizard.
>not the raddest thing ever
has to be somewhat silly, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing
So... Overwatch?
Sounds like the Marvel universe. Or Rifts.
Why is he a peep?
The stylings of the the stuff isn't what I'd call rad.
It has a very nonthreatening comedy look. Just a step away from Splatoon or something comparable.
God, I miss the glory days of TF2, shame that mismanagement and neglect had led to the sorry state it is in today. The recent update was nice but it's still being eclipsed by OW by a wide margin. On that note it's a bloody shame that Valve will likely never make a game again with how things are going, especially with that recent leak all but confirming the death of Half Life 3. Welp that got off topic, maybe I should go to /v/.
It’s contradictory on purpose, it’s blood and guts and gore in a Pixar move.
The jungle inferno update's pretty good and breathed a lot of life back into the game
Forgot my pic.
Overwatch has a crappy setting.
It’s black and white sci-fi blandness.
"Literally anything you find written on the wall in a public bathroom..."
Are you joking? the ONLY way to run a game like this is PARANOIA!
nu/tg/pol/ is SHIT at RPGs.
>Is there any setting as cool as tf2's?
Unreal Tournament.
>ancient civilizations
>heaven and hell
Wow such madness, literally every setting that isnt in medieval stasis is like this
>literally every setting that isnt in medieval stasis
Not the setting we're living in right now. Checkmate atheists!
Such as? There aren't allot of big name settings like that.
And before you say Shadowrun, Shadowrun doesn't have rocket jumping.
>Shadowrun doesn't have rocket jumping
.......See... you say that... but I don't think you've ever realized the full potential for abuse that the 3rd ed explosives rules have... or the 3rd ed rules in general have...
For example: the armour that is completely unaffected by white phosphorus that my character currently owns
Well, there is 40k.
You forgot:
>Rocket jumping was around before stairs
>A whole series of comics involving the Alamo
>war being fought over gravel
>robots powered by money
>Space weapons
>Metal that makes you smarter.
Super Monday Night Combats was easily superior to TF2
Except for the australians this is every capeshit setting ever. Plus Shadowrun, Rifts, a lot of D&D settings, Feng Shui and probably others I'm not remembering now. Probably several /a/ /co/ and /v/ properties I can't think of right now too.
And the australians are just "advanced society #364857 comedy edition" See: wakandans, eternals, atlanteans, amazons, etc, etc, etc.
TF2 doesn't even have aliens. Talk about boring.
It does but they don't do much.
It is worth noting that all of this craziness sprang out of a backstory that was originally two lines long. It was something along the lines of "At the height of the cold war, two companies control all other businesses in the world. They hire mercenaries to sabotage their only rival in an attempt to gain world domination"
Kinda weird how that original fluff somehow ended up turning into "The gravel wars"
Yea we got att lmaos in TF2, they are friendly, they gave the mercy free gun resins and all they wanted in exchange was beer. Win for the mercs!
Fucking autocorrect
Welp teeg really is shit
>you can set yourself on fire basically in 3rd
What the fuck nigga?
Dota 2
>dorfs (called Keens)
>ancient civilizations
>heaven and hell
>dimensional waifu
>wyvern waifu
Dota 2 is just your generic high fantasy setting. The Super-Science you mention is just magic and superffective steamworks and alchemy, having dorfs in a fantasy setting is not anything special, waifu can be had in any setting ever.
>Dota 2 is just your generic high fantasy setting. The Super-Science you mention is just magic and superffective steamworks and alchemy, having dorfs in a fantasy setting is not anything special, waifu can be had in any setting ever.
Since when did steamworks have robots that can be teleported in, rock cutting lasers, and heat seeking missiles? Timbersaw I can believe, Tinker not.
You're right having dorfs is not anything special, it's a goddang staple.
waifus can be had but not every setting has qt3.14 transdimensional waifu that no one can understand or the beauty that is winter wyvern.
>This entire thread
>Ignoring the most original/interesting part of dota
Magic in dota. It's stated in the lore that most wizards only know 1 or 2 spells, because it's hard. heros are fucking HEROIC for knowing like, 5. (Ignoring heros who have abilities that aren't spells) Then there's Invoker who knows TEN.
In its earliest, and some would say most potent form, magic was primarily the art of memory. It required no technology, no wands or appurtenances other than the mind of the magician. All the trappings of ritual were merely mnemonic devices, meant to allow the practitioner to recall in rich detail the specific mental formulae that unlocked a spell's power. The greatest mages in those days were the ones blessed with the greatest memories, and yet so complex were the invocations that all wizards were forced to specialize. The most devoted might hope in a lifetime to have adequate recollection of three spells—four at most. Ordinary wizards were content to know two, and it was not uncommon for a village mage to know only one—with even that requiring him to consult grimoires as an aid against forgetfulness on the rare occasions when he might be called to use it.
A large part of TF's high-tech weirdness has to do with reconciling with the fact that TFC is a prequel to TF2 in spite of being a generic modern shooter.
Dota2 is the result of putting Warhammer Fantasy through a strainer to get Warcraft, again to get League of Legends, and finally again. It's a copy of a copy of a copy.
Shit user, that's perfect! Might have to try that sometime.
Paranoia but in this setting.
Yeah... when playing with all the splatbooks you can build an armour that has Resistance(Fire) 9, and White Phosphorus is Damage(Lethal) 9, so your armour absorbs all the damage.
That's without mentioning that it also gives me immunity from all shock weapons (non-conducive 8) and that it has a Ballistic and impact rating of 11 so it takes anti-tank guns or a really hopped up phys-adept with good rolls to hurt me
It's fucking expensive (I think it was 2-3 million Nuyen?) but we broke our Shadowrun game pretty early on by investing our most of the initial payoffs from our first two or three runs in the stock market all in the same AA corp. Then we did runs for that corp while tanking their main rival and reaping the rewards as the stock soared in price between runs.
>Dota2 is [...] a copy of a copy of a copy.
Not to claim that this is the case in this particular instance, but who's to say that a copy can't be better than the original?
Ops and Tactics maybe
Would be really cool desu
>not veno
I see you are a man of no taste
>haha isn't that whacky and full of RAD stuff XD
>I’m so serious and require the most serious stuff to reflect my seriousness
>no one understands me
>not the original Dota1 Visage
Warhammer Fantasy is the result of putting Lotr through a strainer.
>wah wah wah people don't like my shitty setting
have fun with your furry infested dead game
>cheated the devil
>stole his teammate's souls
>medigun is more powerful as a healing tool than anything on our earth
>can induce pregnancy in men
Why is he so damn good?
I dunno, engineer might be better in that he actually does helpful things.
>Are you joking? the ONLY way to run a game like this is PARANOIA!
I really don't see it.
Like others have said before, I'd go for a super-hero/super-spy game. Preferably rule-light.
>brought his teammate back to life
>attacked the classic heavy alone
>saved the TF2 heavy with his bluffing
If that ain't useful I don't know what is.
You know, I'm not that user, but I mean, come on man.
You gotta admit there's a point at which saying "LOL WACKY" just gets kinda tired. If your entire setting is just non-stop nonsense, why should I really give a shit about it as far as it being a setting goes? It's like people saying Rick and Morty makes for a good setting(in before the million and one le sauce memes) even if you can find good character stories in it, the setting is just window dressing or gravy at best. Not really much to it because it's all sorta thrown together?
OP, you know what's best for TF2? Freeform RP, especially if you find one of those post heyday of Shounen Jump anime forums still doing so(don't ask me where they are, I don't know of any anymore) where everyone has grown up just a bit to not be super edgy as much as they were but don't want to give up how really stupid freeform RP in anime communities ending up being.
You forgot to mention that Merasmus has been heavily implied to have been around since fucking Gilgameshs prime- which may leave insight into who he actually is.
You say that it's just "LOL WACKY" but this isn't like Saints Row.
If you read the comics you'd know that TF2 does what it can to use it's more goofy elements sparingly. For the most part it's just mercenaries don't mercenary stuff, then it pulls a rug out from under the reader when soldier gets covered with honey and wrestles a bear.
It's more about balancing goofiness with seriousness, kinda like what Archie Sonic does. It's a delicate art but they do it well, especially since all the magic crap only happens on Halloween.
See, I don't read the comics since I don't really...give too much of a shit? I just have issue with the user I'm responding to acting like not liking a setting which is nonsensical is bad. People got different tastes.
I might give the comics a whirl if you link them to me, but I can't promise I'll like..get all the references or development. On my end, a lot of the praise for it just ends up sounding like a teenage girl in deviantart trying to argue why her OC yelling penguins or something is super compelling.
But I could be wrong, who the fuck knows., click the comic page.
>tfw you realize all of tf2's mercenaries could be replaced by 40k Orks and it would be essentially the same thing
Holy fuck, why hasn't GW talked to Valve about this yet?
>then it pulls a rug out from under the reader when soldier gets covered with honey and wrestles a bear.
You're a fucking idiot.
Soldier being soldier isn't pulling a rug out from anyone because that comic built up to that moment. It showed the mercs in the siberian waste, soldier going insane (more so than usual), and the gang finding a plane full of honey. It spent its time setting up the punchline of soldier being naked and covered in honey for a reason user.
It's the fucking JoJo formula where if you take the punchline out of context it will sound like some "lol so random" shit, but put it into context and you'll see how much it prepares to reader for it. It's like walking into a room with dominos, a stick of dynamite, and Wile E. Coyote. Of course something goofy is going to happen.
The Archie Sonic comparison is surprisingly accurate. It walks the same tightrope of humor and tension that a lot of titles shoot for and fail.
Alrighty, I'll give 'em a read when I sober up a bit and finish driving tomorrow, can't promise I'll respond timely in this thread, but I can promise I'll give 'em a whirl.
>post about how cool TF2's setting is
>lists all the goofy tonally out of place fluff instead of the game's original aesthetic
The absolute state of modern TF2
I would run a game in the TF2 bird canon, as established by
And then there's Rubick who knows them all
>Magic in dota. It's stated in the lore that most wizards only know 1 or 2 spells, because it's hard. heros are fucking HEROIC for knowing like, 5. (Ignoring heros who have abilities that aren't spells) Then there's Invoker who knows TEN.
Thats fucking stupid actually
This is why I’m a Medic main with double usuals and Aussie medigun
Ever herd of mortal kombat?
Its full of robots, ninjas, cyborgs, dimension conquering warlords. gods. demons, undead, aliens, super science, magic, both combined. Civilisations beyond count. ect ect ect.
>caring about moba "lore"
the only thing more pathetic is actually playing this garbage
yeah, but MK's setting is %100 about blood, fighting and trips to hell, which loses its appeal after paying for the same game for the 13th time.
tf2 is free to play, and trips to hell are a special, annual event that you earn by killing a haunted eye.
I mean apples and oranges.
it's more like comparing too bags of trail mix, except one of them has bits of glass in it to make edgier
but yeah, apples and oranges, really.
Valve is like the experts at making fun settings.
Not necessarily good or deep, but fun.
>brainlet wants magic to be ez to learn
Remember, fun is just a buzzword.
>the characters have a stupidly hard time learning more than 2 spells
>that obviously means the magic is complex and hard to understand for the audience
You are the easily amused brainlet
You just think that casters being ridiculously gimped is cool but its not, it works in-game because its a MOBA videogame. In an proper setting it would just be fucking dumb and it would make and Invoker would not be remotely intimidating
*it would make no sense
>You are the easily amused brainlet
nice projecting
>You just think that casters being ridiculously gimped is cool but its not, it works in-game because its a MOBA videogame. In an proper setting it would just be fucking dumb and it would make and Invoker would not be remotely intimidating
>implying that having 1 incredibly overpowered spell is being gimped
nice try faggot, each spell in Dota 2 is like a mini nuke and does shit like pulling meteors from space, rather than in D&D where it's shit like, "turn that guy's hair green for 20 minutes."
The fact spells are not used for mundane tasks and or things to better create society a better place. shows the lack of thought put into the magic in dota.
no, they are all basically D&D fireballs, drab shit
>The fact spells are not used for mundane tasks and or things to better create society a better place. shows the lack of thought put into the magic in dota.
Yeah, because we really need to summon zombies or shoot fireballs to shoo away rats when we could just do the same thing with a broomstick.
Is the fact that most people rarely use a machine to swat a fly a sign that there's a lack of thought put into technology?
>no, they are all basically D&D fireballs, drab shit
Someone doesn't know what Invoker's meteor is, literally a meteor bigger than he is.
And D&D has shit like "oooh pretty colourful lights" and "this spell does the exact same thing as me throwing a bucket of grease on the ground."
You are a fucking idiot, you are here trying to tell me that somehow a system that replaces variety and substance for oversimplified mindless "mini-nukes" is somehow more cerebral, not to mention that the magic then wouldnt really that much complicated if it the spells are so overpowered they remove any necessity for learning more stuff
You are not really helping your case by deriding the more subtle applications of spellcasting, you are literally arguing in favor of simplification
Do not worry about it. You cannot preach to a retard. Just let it go like I did.
I think that the "meteor bigger than he is" is just a rock that's slightly larger than a human being unless he's actually pulling it out from space.
>You are a fucking idiot, you are here trying to tell me that somehow a system that replaces variety and substance for oversimplified mindless "mini-nukes" is somehow more cerebral, not to mention that the magic then wouldnt really that much complicated if it the spells are so overpowered they remove any necessity for learning more stuff
The spells are strong, the whole point of learning is to learn more strong spells like the one you learned initially, fucking genius. Hence why Invoker was remembered not for having a single spell, but for having 10 spells.
>You are not really helping your case by deriding the more subtle applications of spellcasting, you are literally arguing in favor of simplification
I don't think it counts as making things more complex if it's shit you can just do in real life, you idiot.
Magic should do what should be impossible, not easily replicated by throwing grease on the ground.
The spell description outright says he pulls one from space. It may ablate as it enters the atmosphere so in the end it's only a bit taller than he is.
And it's much larger than a human, because it's a bit taller than one but it's a sphere, so it has much more mass.
>le reddit spacing calling people retard
Fuck off back to that website.
Dota2 visage is pretiest.
Dota2 OD is best tho.
But Dota 2 OD can't triple penetrate you with familiars like Visage can.
Idea. A tf2 oneshot friendly game based on Lasers and Feelings system.
Missiles and Mercenaries.