This thread is for discussing all editions of DnD while also eliminating the need of multiple threads for each edition (ergo combining /pfg/, /4eg/ & /5eg/
Question: Whats your favourite magical weapon & why?
Leo Turner
Jayden Allen
get out of here yotsuyu, no one likes you
Caleb Smith
I'm saving dnd on Veeky Forums by combining the editions into 1 thread.
Jose Stewart
Who's DMing our first collaborative game? Yes, we're going to use 5e.
Liam Baker
Three separate threads all get to bumplimit quick enough. Delete this thread and let the Veeky Forums run its course.
Jackson Wright
>One of the most popular ttrpgs >Multiple threads per day >Needs saving Your bait is weak senpai
Andrew Roberts
Better than Lice.
Jackson Lee
You know what? I'm at the point where I actually think this thread is amusing. It might be nice to have the different editions work together on stuff. I know that 5e is a little light in the material department, and there's a lot of great ideas that are just waiting to be ported over.
My big question, tagging on to the OP, is what are the best items exclusive to each edition, and whether there are any that should be converted to the other systems.
Christopher Carter
I wanna FUCK Yotsuyu!
Brody Gonzalez
This other thread has more replies. Let’s consolidate
Nathan Harris
How is setting the stage for a massive edition war saving anything?
Luis Gutierrez
Does undead max hp drain work even if you have temporary hp?
Easton Lopez
>trying to inflict catgirl-and-furry rollplayer /pfg/ queers on everyone else nice b8
Anthony Mitchell
One user is really butthurt about the fact that we're rolling starfinder discussion into /pfg/ and this is his shitty attempt at throwing a hissy fit.
Jaxon Turner
nope not using this thread.
Ryder Carter
A thread all for myself. What rule do you mishmash togather?
Charles Robinson
Yeah, because an Edition Wars General is what we need.
Jaxon Mitchell
>combining 4e with any other edition It's like you want eternal flamewars and shitposting.