Damn it, beat me to making a blackjack and hookers edition
Robert Gray
Jeremiah Gomez
Where are my blackjack and hookers? Fuck you user I'm going over to d&d general
Andrew Lopez
Going to facing the firing squad soon. GM told us we're gonna have a boss fight this saturday, anyone else prepping up for theirs?
Cooper Wright
Why would he tell you you're having a boss fight? For what purpose?
Oliver Clark
i mean same
Adam Scott
I havent been DMing or playing long put I think I enjoy medium power games
Ayden Gray
Because he said it was going to be the last session.
Nolan Lewis
I need a personality trait, ideal and flaw for my sentient bag of holding. It's a low magic setting and bags of holding are completely unheard of.
Jason Brown
I like Sword and Sorcery and Sci-Fi
Austin Howard
Can someone please explain horsecasting to me. Like, thoroughly? If I cast Tenser's Transformation on myself atop the Steed look, how does it work? If I cast Vampiric Touch and drain life force, how does it work?
Please just explain the whole mechanics to me, especially the logic behind it so I can answer these questions for myself
Kayden Flores
Suspicious that you're trying to poison it
Grayson Wilson
Ahh makes sense then
Carson Price
It's always hungry. It wants more food put into it, although it can't digest it. It can sorta feel the smell and taste though. The bag is always disappointed when you put more metal stuff in it. It likes halfling pastries the most.
Levi Bailey
Actual thread: Ignore this one.
Noah Anderson
Personally I really dig the old style hero's journey.
Grayson James
>What is your favorite style of adventure to play? What's your favorite to dm? You will never play in the adventure of your dreams, but you can DM it. The answer to both is Wuxia. Then comes Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican settings.
Owen Evans
best way to take down a beholder with a bard(me), wizard, Barbarian, and wizard?
there's a caveat I'm in a devil officiated contract with it we cant attack, or order attacks on each other until I finish the quest for it
Colton Ortiz
he's snarky bastard like Oogie Boogie, wants to hold the powerful items possible, and is a good flaw
Angel Roberts
Doing an Inquisitive Rogue. Would it make sense to be an ex or current cultist of Vecna? He’s the god of secrets, right?
Gabriel Ramirez
I'd love me some cheesy goddamn flying sword-throwing Wuxia. Any material on how to run it well in 5e?
Christian Johnson
stop trying to shill your bullshit thread
Parker Rodriguez
>Vecna >God He's a wanna be God and evil at that.
Lucas Williams
Zachary Fisher
Benjamin Barnes
Didn’t know he wasn’t a god, my bad. Any decent gods of secrets or knowledge? Evil isn’t an issue because I can just be an ex-cultist that grew a conscious
Aaron Wright
I can say with certainty that OP is a faggot with shit taste, also best setting to both play in or DM is Dark sun
Michael Taylor
You just refluff everything, making sure to use foreign words. I banned the word "wizard" from my table, for instance. The players must use an in-universe word instead. Climbing isn't done by handholds and pulling, it's by kicking oneself off the ground and doing some wall steps. Things like that.
Isaac Green
Vecna isn't a God user, unless you are running the Taldorei Campaign Setting for some reason, then he is an "unascended" (demi?) God but is in the Divine Cuckshed
Gavin Brooks
Andrew Rivera
My B
Daniel Garcia
>cuckshed Are you that chump that bragged about killing a level 5 fighter with a level 20 wizard?
I'd like to take a moment to remind you that that was really embarrassing and sad.
Blake Green
I had a sentient BoH once, just make sure that he cant also manifest teeth when hes angry about you putting your arm into his mouth.
William Moore
Lemme refer you to the last reliable source of proper info on D&D Gods, 3.5 Deities and Demigods, p.94.
Luis Diaz
I think you can still have a 'cult' based around a demigod. The Undying Patron suggests that liches can grant warlock powers, so it wouldn't be farfetched.
Evan Long
>While mounted on your steed, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also target your steed. The idea was that one would cast Cone of Cold (self range), and emit two cones. Of course this is long debunked. Cone of Cold doesn't target only you. Tenser's transformation would apply, but you're probably not getting much out of it other than the temporary hitpoints and a couple saves. Vampiric Touch isn't a spell that can only target you. It doesn't apply.
Evan Perez
actually, I'm pretty sure Vecna's got an entry on SCAG somewhere
Samuel Parker
Thanks user. I appreciate it.
Thomas Parker
Whats the story?
Brandon Evans
>Are you that chump that bragged about killing a level 5 fighter with a level 20 wizard? So he pretty much bragged about stomping on a puppy with spiked cleats and riot gear?
Who the fuck even brags about shit like that? Most classes will die if they encounter a Level 20 anything at Level 5.
Jack Edwards
>FR Shit >Greyhawk god >Reliable
Hudson Taylor
What are some examples of Hexblades in pop culture and literature besides the Ring Wraiths and Elric?
Aiden Bell
Some autist thought he's post a story of him beating a 5th lvl fighter as a wizard with 9th lvl spells, and seem like the winner and good guy
Xavier Cox
>party encounters obviously high-level wizard >fighter goes murderhobo to steal his fancy shit >gets pow word killed like an idiot
The thing that made it so dumb was how smug he was acting about it, like he had accomplished something.
Daniel Hernandez
Saving throws Note he can do this too because eyerays dont attack Alternativly you could drop something heavy on him
John Turner
Wow, he didn't even style on the dude? Fucking weak.
Eli Parker
He forecaged him first, putting him in the proverbial "cuckshed".
Gavin Adams
Death Knights in World of Warcraft after Wrath of the Lich King came along, minus the “undead” part of course. All of them had their special undead killblade thingymaboober.
Jacob Martinez
That's the thing, there aren't any aside from those two. Gish were a concept from the AD&D fiend folio, specifically githyanki mage-warriors. They really weren't common in literature at all.
Blake Martinez
Nolan Wilson
At Level 20, he could tank anything the Level 5 fighter threw at him and backhand him through a wall if he wanted to.
Logan Murphy
it has a lewd succubus personality, it makes lewd remarks and noises when you insert items into it.
Eli Wood
I mean, anyone that heavily relies on a magic weapon would be one, right?
Asher Gutierrez
No. Hexblade/magus/gish is specifically "use magical abilities to upgrade your fightiness in several ways". Reliance on a magical sword is standard fighter with a magic sword, which there are millions of examples of.
John Fisher
Witcher can be a decent example
Michael Roberts
Any roll20 users around? If I go Pro can I easily find scripts to import a copy of all the paid stuff in easily?
Jonathan White
To play? My DM runs a "Cops" style campaign. All sorts of whacky adventures as a team of casters assigned to deal with magical crimes in a giant city and in the surrounding areas. So far we've shut down an underground scroll market, captured a succubus, shut down a cockatrice/basilisk egg farm in the sewers and stopped a 12th level barbarian woman from destroying the market in a rage after she caught her husband cheating on her. We're just now reaching level 6.
The highlight so far? Every interaction with the paladins in his setting. They all have big, bushy, manly mustaches (even the women and those without hair) and they're all dudebros who act like the stereotypical 80s-90s loose cannon cops.
DM? I have three campaigns running that are set in the same plane but on different continents. One group is on the continent that is notAsia with a focus on bloodlines from divine beasts. One group is on the Elven continent (High and wood with my own special Iron elves.) The last is on the most diverse continent but also the one where the gods are most important.
Each group is part of the same organization and they've actually met up for a MASSIVE 16 hour session where they cooperated in a massive battle complete with tabletop armies.
Christian Peterson
So, I'm going to be playing in a game of Tomb of Annihilation soon and was planning on playing a cleric of life.
Can anyone tell me what pantheon or deities would be appropriate to worship there? I don't mean specifically Chult, but I don't actually know if it is in something like Eberron or the Forgotten Realms or Faerun or whatever.
I know I'm probably dumb, but my DM hasn't gotten around to checking for me, and I would like to know soon so I can work on my character a little bit better. Thank you in advance
Ian Phillips
I haven't played D&D in years. There's a 5th edition now? Is it shit like 4th edition? Does it have extensive class and race options like 2nd edition? Spellpoints or Vancian? Psionics? Can I make an evil paladin? Does it have those shitty item wishlists, or is there just random items tables that results in a wealth of water breathing potions and +1 daggers? How complex is the skill system? Are there rules for big guys putting a chokehold on nerds? Is scry + telefragging still a thing? Summon spam? How many million experience points do you need for name level? How deadly are illusions? Are henchmen still a thing? Hirelings? Do you get to collect taxes with your army or guild? Does mixing potions risk explosions? How intelligent can weapons get? Wild magic? Quadratic or linear? Should I play this game or should I bully nerds into playing AD&D?
I'm kind of serious. 4e was the Wil Wheaton of RPGs, so I completely turned off 5e. My sum of knowledge about the game is that it came from Mike "fuck my face" Mearls and the pleb level 1 wizard strat is getting shitfaced drunk for DR and then firing magic missiles at everything. I'm interested in honest evaluations of the game from players.
Elijah Diaz
Chult is Forgotten Realms if I remember correctly. Been a while since I've done anything involving Chult.
Landon Clark
tl;dr answer: 5e turned back to AD&D and 3.0/3.5 style. It's a decent game. I'll answer each question in a separate post.
Kevin Reyes
Thank you!
Aiden Morgan
/5eg/, What's the best cleric dip for wizards?
Camden Moore
I want to ban some spells. Namely, the ones that trivialize survival, death and investigation without any consequences.
So far I've got: >Create Food and Water >Purify Food and Drink >Wish >Regenerate >Revivify >Resurrection >Comprehend Languages >Remove Curse >Create or Destroy Water
Could you guys help me out to fill up the list? Things that can be used as magic tools for different activities are fine, but things that poof away your problems and cares away should go immediately.
Jackson Barnes
Donno since I ran a Grave Cleric under Kelemvor
Good luck though, ToA was the most fun I have had running a pre-made in 5e. I knew a lot of it because I was going to DM it before my group fell through, but I had a fucking blast
Seriously though, good luck, you will need it
Alexander Martin
Xenoblade series. First game, main character has a magic sword that gives him psychic visions and other powers that turns out to be a manifestation of power from a dead god. Second game not so much, but people bond with waifus to get magic elemental weapons.
Stormlight Archive has the ancient Knights Radiant. Magic swords, magic powers, have to swear a pact and uphold oaths. Think an entire army of Warlockadins.
Logan Ross
There’s an unearthed arcana for a psionic class. Conquest Paladins aren’t evil, but pretty brutal. I’ll let someone with better knowledge answer the rest
Jace Bennett
Waukeen; Goddess of Wealth and Trade.
Is she Forge or Trickery Domain?
Evan Baker
Can a hexblade ditch Eldritch Blast to pick up Toll the Dead and Chill Touch if they focus on Blade Pact invocations and damage while still being effective?
Nicholas Lewis
Any teleport.
Henry Rodriguez
>things that poof away your problems and cares away should go immediately.
Samuel Taylor
>There's a 5th edition now? Yes >Is it shit like 4th edition? No >Does it have extensive class and race options like 2nd edition? Not yet, but they're getting there. >Spellpoints or Vancian? Vancian-ish (spell slots) >Psionics In open beta >Can I make an evil paladin? Yes, a few sub-classes allow it or even assume it. >Does it have those shitty item wishlists No. Random generation by default, the tables are decent though. >How complex is the skill system? Simplified: 18 skills and a ton of tool proficiencies. No skill points - you are either untrained, trained (with a proficiency bonus scaling with level) or expertise-d (with double proficiency bonus) >Are there rules for big guys putting a chokehold on nerds? Kinda, but casters are still better than martials. >Is scry + telefragging still a thing? Doable >Summon spam? Nope. Spellcasting is now limited by a 'concentration' mechanic. >How many million experience points do you need for name level? No such thing as name level now. >How deadly are illusions? Plenty fucking deadly if you play your cards right. >Are henchmen still a thing? Hirelings? Do you get to collect taxes with your army or guild? No official rules per se, but some good homebrew is in wide circulation. System generally supports it. >Does mixing potions risk explosions? There's a variant rule for that in DMG. >How intelligent can weapons get? Plenty fucking intelligent if you ask me. >Wild magic? Yes. >Quadratic or linear? Quadratic, but not exponential. >Should I play this game or should I bully nerds into playing AD&D? Try 5e, it's okay even for grognards.
Isaac Miller
I'm playing a Hexblade and haven't been using my Eldritch Blast since I got my Pact of the Blade (and after me and my DM have started to figure out what to do with it especially after XGtE came out) Despite the memes, warlocks can be more than just EB turrets. You won't necessarily have the best damage output, but if you don't worry about being "optimal" you can have a lot of fun with different stuff. So far I've found this character to be my favorite sword-n-board/gish character I've played and it just gets better with every level I put into it.
Have fun with it!
Xavier Russell
Google says City. She's a commerce god.
Samuel Sullivan
Eli Stewart
>Does it have extensive class and race options like 2nd edition? Yes, nowhere as many as 3e though >Spellpoints or Vancian? Vancian generally, but spellpoints exist as a UA and a variant rule IIRC >Psionics? Yes, with the Mystic UA, which is terrible > Can I make an evil paladin? Yes, paladins no longer have alignment restrictions >Does it have those shitty item wishlists, or is there just random items tables that results in a wealth of water breathing potions and +1 daggers? There's no "wealth by level" stuff but the loot tables are a bit bland >How complex is the skill system? Not very much, you use the same modifier that's used for attacks + ability modifier + proficiency bonus on a d20 roll vs. target number. It's significantly slimmed down from 3e >Are henchmen still a thing? Hirelings? Technically, barely but it's there. Domain management rules are pretty much nonexistent >Are there rules for big guys putting a chokehold on nerds? There's grappling rules but nothing to silence casters. It's also pretty controversial in this general whether that should be allowed >Summon spam? There's like 3 proper summon spells >How many million experience points do you need for name level? Name level doesn't exist anymore, you keep gaining hit dice all the way and there's no level titles >How intelligent can weapons get? It doesn't have the crazy magic sword shit TSR D&D had, so while they can be intelligent they won't take over your character or anything
>Should I play this game or should I bully nerds into playing AD&D? They achieve different things - 5e is much more suited for "heroic" fantasy and doesn't have exploration rules. gp=xp etc. but is not as broken as late 2e or 3e. Also, you should bully people into playing B/X instead
Tyler Rogers
Because they create a "lol why think if i can just cast _____" situation and I've had 20 too many of those.
I like it when they use their magic as part of a train of thought because they can be used creatively. But why even include, for example, rations of any kind if you can just poof up some magic beans that fill you up for the entire day at will at no cost?
Jackson Barnes
Rip Phoenix sorc
Sebastian Murphy
thanks again. I'll check it out. I just wanted some info before investing in a rulebook.
Mason Garcia
They said they're holding Phoenix Sorc back for more testing and a later release.
Just hit them with a random encounter where an extra spell is worth more in battle than in easing survival unnecessarily.
Levi Anderson
My DM has been using an order of shadow monks as part of the antagonists in the campaign. They are really fucking cool and have brought a lot of interesting tactics to the combat
I've still got eldritch + agonizing blast on my hexblade, I mostly fight melee but its great when some asshole flying enemy shows up or I can't quite cover the distance to my next target, and especially when I'm low on HP and just want to get out of the shit for a while
Oliver Morales
Related: what kind of personality would a bag of devouring have?
Grayson Stewart
Really? Cool I can't wait to go for Phoenix force Source?
Jayden Stewart
>DM wants to poof away spells that are giving him problems
Lincoln Gutierrez
Sincerely: 'Oh, no, I'm so sorry. I lost it again... I know it's somewhere inside me, but I just can't seem to find it. I'm sorry, Master...' *Quiet sobbing'
Landon Rogers
City Domain is Unearthed Arcana and set during the modern age.
Like at level 3 you gain proficiency with firearms and hacking computers and shit
Jonathan Robinson
Got my House of Flying Daggers Monk right here.
Kayden Campbell
That's some quality homebrewing there, user. No sarcasm.
Dylan Jackson
>Doesn’t know the PHB literally warns you your DM might not allow certain spells or items
>Doesn’t know the DMG says you’re the literal god of your world and you can do whatever the fuck you want
Adrian Green
I feel the desperate need to prove you wrong, but I just can't think of any decent examples.
Hudson Nguyen
what useful shit can you do with the warlock invocation that lets you never sleep? I really want it for character flavor on my warlock but other than the questionable sorcery points short rest shit that aren't applicable to this character I'm not really sure what use it will be, and invocation slots are in short supply
Connor Cook
It's only useful in certain games. I'd use it for reading, research, keeping watch. If my DM would allow it - crafting stuff.
Nolan Collins
Ok, thank you. I'm still mad about 4e, but I'll check this out instead of buying more 5 Rings cards.
What's the point of magic, then? Summoning a demon to cut the Gordian Knot is kind of the wizard's deal. Sure, you'll let a Fighter stab a 2 tonne dragon with scales like adamantite and his sword won't even break, but when the Wizard decides to stop the Goblin King through mind control, replacing him with a compliant simulacra or just collapsing his cave on his head, it becomes a problem.
Magic beans are equivalent to a ranger foraging for food. Are you going to gimp skill use to a similar degree?
Asher Gonzalez
>Some weird fucked up discord system I don't know what the fuck is going on >A eldritch knight 4/ fighter 1 goes up to level 17+ wizard >'lol I kill and loot you k' >no, bad fighter >'no I wanna' >no, bad fighter >fighter repeatedly tries to kill >wizardfag forcages fighter >fighter comes out eventually, continues to try to kill wizard >wizard power word: kills fighter >posts story here
Wouldn't really call it bragging, more like 'look at this autistic fuck' but seriously what the holy fuck was going on in that game
Isaiah Harris
Well, right off the bat, I see knowledge as the go to domain. Not only you got your expensive foci spells involved, like Scrying and Identify, the fact is a goddess of Trade should be a Goddess of trading stories and secrets.
After that I see Forge (hammer those coins into something useful) I see light (the glint off a coin) and I see things really outside the box like Death and Grave (the same Hades was a God of wealth. A pay the Chiron across the strix deal)