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Tell me about the Starfinder Game you want to run.
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Tell me about the Starfinder Game you want to run.
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I want to do an adventure about space paladins fighting for justice.
I don't expect gnome to garden.
Why would his garden be unkept then? Dummy?
I like it. Nice thing with overarching moral. But i think it might fail t in practice not to mention it would be kind of harsh making PC's fuck up whole country just so they can learn moral lesson about paying for mistakes of the youth..
I want to run an android uprising, and delve into the peculiarities of android existence in SF.
Because seriously, Androids are fucking weird.
There's literally a Starfinder thread you cunt.
Die in a hole you fucking prick
Why should I? I'm in the right here.
So /pfg/, what do you think of DHB being the only good member of an evil party?
A dead thread walking.
Fuck off. It's unneeded, don't clog Veeky Forums up with multiple threads.
DESU the more I learn about Starfinder the more I think I'd rather run a Pathfinder game that takes place in Starfinder's setting. Er, I mean... Starfinder's time. Using Pathfinder classes and mechanics, aggressively refluffed as necessary.
It'd probably be about black holes but have nothing to do with the Devourer or whatever there is in Starfinder lore to do with black holes. More focused on some adventure into the Negative Energy Plane, dealing with Sceaduinar, Nightshades, and/or Eternity's Doorstep. Maybe Malikar could be the BBEG, still around by the time the Pact Worlds becomes a thing and now some sort of technolich.
Though the more I think about it the more I'd rather just run this as a Pathfinder game in Pathfinder times.
Eat a dick. We went over this last thread: /sfg/ doesn't drive enough traffic to sustain its own general. That thread will die in a few days time when the same three people get tired of bumping it. This is the best solution for everybody.
yo that's a really fucking edgy shark
Basically higher ranked hobgoblins takes lots of wives. This guy ruined my character’s life entirely and then on a whim decided to try and destroy his current life with the offer. My character wants his old life back, but what he wants more is revenge.
As much as it pained my character I chose to not accept the offer. We still ended up having PvP. My character was nearly killed but things went overall better than expected.
Devourer=Rovagug, user.
>This is the best solution for everybody.
If people are complaining it's obviously not best for everybody
One subhuman piece of shit is complaining and needs to see a doctor about his gaping asshole.
Okay, sure, but the ones it's not best for are a flock of chattering retards and they can go fuck themselves.
>anyone who disagrees is subhuman
Back in the ground, Hitler, you were making a nice plum tree with your rotting corpse.
That's no shark.
A shark is a bitchy CR 2 fish not actually a fish that wants to nibble on you until you punch it in the eye or nose
THAT is a nightwave, a CR 20 colossal undead creature that never knew life in the first place, a malevolent personification of the hunger of undeath that finds life to be as much of an abomination as most mortals find undead to be.
Also, they can fly.
I know, that just makes it/him even less interesting. Also is that official now, or still just Starfinder's worst-kept secret?
holy fuck i love it
>It's best for everybody
>And if multiple people complain they're all just retards and should be ignored
Wow, it's like I'm really on the Paizo forums.
Wow, it's like I'm at a gay orgy in the Dead Sea
Still the worst kept secret.
>user can't make original posts to save his life, instead badly-parroting what his "opponents" are saying
I simultaneously hate how Paizo makes things things that are just interesting enough to tantalize and then forgets about them.
> user gets ass blasted that a company has more than one game, resorts to trolling to get his way
Which memegame do you want an update on, /pfg/?
Dragons 2, Overlewd, LoBAF, Blingmaker, PLD
All of them at the same time, in the same thread, with several posts from each. The screeching of butthurt anons would be deafening.
>Just names all the meme games except ensoulment
RotJR, Blingmaker, Ensoulment
It's devolved into an orgy, user
Wrath of the Raunchy, Romance of the Righteous Kingdoms, Legacy of Blood & Fire.
Wait, I thought Wrath of the Raunchy was basically dead on arrival.
Intrigue, LoBaF to satisfy my DHB fetish
Just SotJR. It's the only game that's worth a damn.
I don't get it, what's happening here?
Hey, if I recall correctly /pfg/ is a bunch of kitsune-posting degenerates.
Could you do me a solid and post male kitsune, should any exist? Trappy ones or ones that are ambiguous would do too, I guess.
a-all three?
Overlewd and Ensoulment
We were trying really hard to stop with that shit, user, but fine
It's going to be okay, Etan.
>two guys masturbating over their shitty teen romance novel
Don't care.
>/sfg/ doesn't drive enough traffic to sustain its own general.
Then it should fucking die off and not try to insinuate itself into another general by making early new threads and renaming them to something different in an attempt to make it seem like one side is okay with the other doing this.
None, meme games are cancer because of pathetic losers like you.
No, kitsune poster is a single faggot who seems to have stopped posting as much, please don't try and bring his faggotry back. Bad enough the Starfinder assholes are trying to do a hostile takeover again.
Don't engage that autist, anons. It ain't worth it.
Yeah I have to say as little of it as there is, I like the starfinder thread discussions, but /pfg/ is a pretty shitty place so I never bothered with it despite playing pathfinder.
I want to take the Starfinder setting, run it using Cortex Prime (but using the Starfinder CRB as the inspiration for classes etc.), and send my players to explore unknown space. I want them to crawl through wrecked ships and waystations from previous expeditions and have an Aliens-style encounter/adventure mixed with some Space Hulk. Eventually, they follow the trail of explorers gone mad, cultists, hostile and friendly xenos, until they discover the cult worships a sleeping god slowly waking in the shell of a planet that will devour all the stars in the sky if it wakes fully, whose psychic influence seeds madness even in its dreaming state.
So drawing on Aliens, 40k, Starfinder, Lovecraft, for inspiration, and if possible, a little Outlaw Star, mainly for the stuff in between the overarching metaplot.
Is this something that you can even report? I feel like it wouldn't do anything even if I did.
"Hostile takeover"
Go back to /pol/
Depends on mod whim, as always. Definitely counts as thread derailment.
A few days back, somebody reported when 2hu blogged in the thread. The result: the mods nuked the thread to avoid actually having to delete 20 individual posts. That's likely the autist's purpose in this shitposting.
Anybody have the /sfg/ fish race pdf?
I know what this is gonna sound like but is there a way or a class that lets me be more of a "flashy" ninja? Like something closer to Naruto I guess since that's the only thing I can think of that's close to what I want. Or something like the FFXIV Ninja, if any of you play that game.
I don't know right off the bat because that sounds lame.
Just giving you a hard time. Look in to Monk archetypes and consider cross classing or getting a feat that allows you to spend panache point. That's just off the top of my head though.
Sorry for a less than concrete answer.
>like something closer to Naruto
A wizard.
If I'm running a PFS scenario to introduce new players to the game, what iconics should I bring? just a party of 4-6 that fill the basic party composition, all core and some extras or what? I feel like for people who've never played before that stuff like inquisitor and hybrid classes won't be terribly missed.
Don't bring any of them unless you completely retune them. I certainly hope you're not planning on subjecting them to full-on PFS restrictions.
>I feel like for people who've never played before that stuff like inquisitor and hybrid classes won't be terribly missed.
You'd be wrong.
Sounds like something out of Star Ocean. When Can I sign up?
Nokizaru Ninja. It's got handsigns and everything else your weeb heart could possibly desire.
>completely retune them
Aren't they usable in society play as written? I know a lot of them make a bunch of stupid fucking decisions (The rogue is notoriously awful.)
>Full PFS restrctions
I was just going to use the scenarios as easy premade adventures so I don't need to do a bunch of work with the monsters and such. I figured the iconics would do just fine for official scenarios.
>You'd be wrong
What should I bring then? Is there like a pack of iconics that don't blow? Or should I just google PFS builds for whatever tiers I'm running and steal them?
>Aren't they usable in society play as written?
'Usable', sure. That's under the clusterfuck of super-mandated rules for scenarios. But do you really want to give players the impression of hideously suboptimal garbage being a good decision?
>What should I bring then?
Just build some competent chassis to slap onto the Iconics.
I need a bit of a check here, my character holds the burden of handling a cursed intelligent sword. The main setting of the campaign has a mysterious tower that just appeared out of nowhere and people have went in and either got richer or poorer and some even did not return. Is it too much of a stretch to want to venture in there to seek a way to break or deal with the curse when no such hints that the tower holds that answer is indicated? What are some possible hooks? I have been mulling over this question for somet time...
This might sound redundant but is the cursed sword a boon or a curse to you? What makes it cursed?
If I could give an example, Nero in DMC4 sees his demon arm as a curse even though it is a great boon in combat.
Using SoP, I kind of made it as a bit of a boon but also definitely a curse. I took the Lichling Soul Weaver class and took the Draining Casting, Painful Magic and Focus Casting Drawbacks.The sword does allow my character to cast magic and use necromancy but it slowly but surely turns him into an undead, drains his life every time he casts(Draining Casting) and also hurts too(Painful Magic). I did think about how to emphasize that it is indeed a curse if anything, but even with those drawbacks, I wonder if its enough
Well I would say if he has nothing to fight for, aka anything to risk using his powers, he should try getting rid of his curse. In some media, I am going to use DMC4 again cause it is recent in my mind, some people will risk using a cursed/evil item or power for the greater good or to rescue someone/something.
Besides the Musketeer(Swashbuckler) and Picaroon(Swashbuckler), what 1pp class/archetype/prestige promotes the use of firearms and melee weapons. Does not have to be at the same time but if it can that is a boon.
Ah right, I should indeed think up why my PC even willingly took such a burden to himself. I did imagine that it was for a desperate or dire reason but havent come up with any. I am sure the idea will come by itself
Savage Technologist(barbarian) does have a bit of that.
>paizo's big day slowly fades into cold, cold night
Now that you mention how you slowly turn undead or decrepit, it reminds me how in shadow of the colossus your character slowly turns gaunt as he slowly progresses in the story.
See, the fun feature of SoP Lichling Soul Weaver is that functionally, you do turn into an undead and do use necromancy but it has no effect whatsoever on alignment. A bit like Wiz
So these 3 1pp classes/archetypes are decent at wielding a firearm and melee weapon at the same time, what about a decent switch hitter with a firearm and melee weapon.
What's been happening to Shardwalkers?
Isn't it /pfg/'s one and only official planewalking game?
Are they still undead?
Is Zeitgeist (4e, 5e, PF) an "elf slave, wat do?" setting?
>The Great Malice slew every eladrin woman in the empire and beyond, with only the rarest and most unlikely survivors: women currently polymorphed, on other planes, or who had forsaken the Elfaivaran faith entirely.
>Those few women who had survived were quickly claimed as property, and anyone who could keep ownership of a wife against a hundred thousand other suitors could command enclaves of desperate followers. Whole cities of despairing men would fight to the death for the chance of winning their lord another wife. Mages laid curses upon swaths of cropland, but some enclaves chose to starve rather than hand over their “queen.” Slavers brought ships of human and elf women who were sorcerously transmuted to pass as eladrin and then sold into servitude, only to be slain when the truth was discovered.
>Many eladrin men fled to other lands, seeking wives of other races, but they could sire no children.
>Early on, the freed women of Vekesh enclaves gained great power, both politically and magically, for they came to embody the hopes of thousands of survivors. New daughters were fiercely guarded and intensely trained so they could defend themselves and someday lead their own enclaves. Despite this, sometimes foreign mercenaries would manage to abduct an eladrin woman, for they became prized status symbols in the rest of Lanjyr.
>These abductions led to the first vekeshi retributions, as mystics undertook daring missions to rescue lost women or at least punish those who would steal them.
>The famous adventurer Hamyd of the East claimed in the year 72 A.O.V. to have witnessed a conclave of eladrin matriarchs, wherein they performed the ancient rituals of Srasama. According to him, though, they cut short the rituals of the crone, and his guide alleged that this was because the matriarchs had forsworn grief, and so can never age.
One adventure reveals that eladrin slave women are used as breeding sows.
In pathfinder, what are the most efficient ways to force people to eat things? I'm thinking of making a gingerbread witch.
Has Poisons and Potions Companion been leaked yet?
It sounds like it is an "eladrin slave, wat do?" setting.
Eladrin are elves.
How can they be, if they can't even produce offspring with elves? It seems like they are distinctly different in this setting, going by:
>Slavers brought ships of human and elf women who were sorcerously transmuted to pass as eladrin and then sold into servitude, only to be slain when the truth was discovered.
>Many eladrin men fled to other lands, seeking wives of other races, but they could sire no children.
You forget that this setting was originally written for 4e, which split up elves into wood elves called "elves" and high elves called "eladrin."
Pathfinder's elves are eladrin, basically.
Hexes, obviously. If you combine evil eye (check with your GM if you can do it without actually showing malicious intent through disguise or bluff), misfortune, cackling (again check with your GM if you can flavour the cackle as something other than an obviously evil cackle), and charm, that's 18 seconds in which you've lowered their saves, made them have to roll their saves twice and take the worst result, and charmed them without spending any resources (other than the fact you can't reuse the same hex on that particular creature, but you can go do the rest of the village no problem). Spells like Suggestion (which you'll also have as a witch) are more effective, but in terms of efficiency hexes can't be topped.
Except again, this setting has a distinct thing called elves. Which are distinct from eladrin. And which cannot breed with eladrin. It seems like you can only call it "elf slave, wat do" if you ignore the logic and rules of the setting that make you want to go "elf slave, wat do".
Is there a way to force people to eat things while grappling them?
Not that I'm aware of, you'd need to see what your GM house-rules for that. Off the top of my head I'd say it'd require you pin them first and an additional full-round CMB check after that, but another GM might disallow it outright.
>Except again, this setting has a distinct thing called elves. Which are distinct from eladrin.
This was written for 4e originally.
4e outright said that eladrin are high elves and elves are wood elves.
That doesn't change what it is now user.
>player's guide calls them "high elves"
Hmm, I wonder... could it be that eladrin are high elves?
That calls a goddess srasama a high elf, not eladrin.