Bretonnians and Imperials should work together more.
Eli Stewart
Christopher Jenkins
What's the best source of lizardmen fluff? I've been playing as them in Total Warhammer and having a huge amount of fun. Also this is now a liazardman thread
Ryder Bailey
Their sourcebooks. The TW:W short story. Probably the Thanquol novel, since he spends so much time in Lustria.
Nicholas Cook
Hella impressed with how these dudes came out. Just gotta shave off a bit more mould lines I had missed and then can prime em.
Julian Collins
>their sourcebooks You mean the army books? I was really hoping there was a big fluffbook for WHFRP as well but I can't see one in the pastebin .
Isaiah Russell
Could someone break down how each edition of the tabletop plays?
Not necessary looking for an edition war or which is best but more how each plays. Hero focus vs troop focus, magic strong vs weak, etc.
And then also, which editions of the army books work best with each edition?
Xavier Gomez
>Bretonnia should become part of the Empire
Fixed that for you, senpai.
Luis Campbell
Brayden Morgan
Unfortunately when the license for WFRP changed hands, WFRP 2 was dustbinned before we could get the Lustria, Dwarfs, or Elves sourcebooks so they could push the beta test for EotE and stop supporting it immediately once they got their test data back.
Andrew Hernandez
Jeremiah Martin
It's winter in the Old World. How does your favorite army/character spend the winter?
>real scale battles with real giant monsters and shit. This hardens my penis.
Mason Myers
Is there any correlation between certain tabletop units having Anti-Large in Total Warhammer? Like, are those units good against large units in the tabletop as well?
Colton Moore
>tfw how playing the lab mode with little gravity is going to be
Isaiah Thompson
Looking forward to seeing them painted.
Nathan Hughes
It's always and never winter in the wastes user.
John Gomez
Everyone has done that setup at least once in their rtw history. Elite Spartans ona a bridge backed up by ranged units. Brings back memories.
Jacob Carter
Hey so I posted in last thread about finding some old skeleton bits under the ground beneath some ruins(a long reclaimed by nature collapsed cubby house) . I just finished a little spook and I'll post him here to scare you all
Gabriel Perez
The Blue Skullz go hunting Ice Trolls and Yetis! They don’t have much loot, but they sure do make good cloaks!
Same link from the top of the pastebin, but I've added a kind user's novel collection from his own MEGA trove, as well as my own private WFRP collection, which as of now is the largest collection of 2e fan materials available online. Going to try and search for missing 3e stuff too.
>476 novels and comics. >489 WFRP 1e-3e books and resources.
Justin Long
Only a rookie to tabke top, but didn't older editions have a thing where Spears negated some cavalry combat results or somthing? Or was that just someone's wishful thinking? Otherwise, it's just a way in tww to make cavalry and monsters not be the only viable choices.
Ayden Powell
Bless you, user.
Justin Edwards
Jeremiah Scott
I want to believe that mini now has some spooktacular powers imbued in it, and that you now have taken your first step to becoming an actual necromancer.
Sebastian James
Were you a fan of whfb before you found the box buried in your backyard? That's some tzeentch level dark gift right there.
Aaron Wilson
Bringing gifts to the good children of the old ones
Aaron Sanchez
Have a (you) Hoping this post will be remembered for the next OP
Kayden Jones
Thanks user
, can you update the text in the pastebin to include those two extra points from please?
Jace Clark
How do they not step on their own beards?
Jackson Ramirez
Jaxon Hughes
Tell me about rpg campaigns you guys are playing right now. I feel like everyone abandoned fantasy rp.
Luke Hughes
Dwarven instinct.
Elves have hawk eye like vision, dwarves know where they set their feet.
Also, here's a link to the new scan of Mistaken Identity and Shadows over Bogenhafen by Cubicle 7 yesterday. Feel free to add it (unless you already have)
Elijah Nelson
WFRP2e Kislevite Bear Tamer, Hochland human, Lustrian Skink. On their way to Nehekhara to get their asses kicked. Should be fun. Part of a massive story that's been going on for about 2 years now.
Thanks, already added it, appreciate it nonetheless man. Might go and organise the RP folders a bit better, not happy with the three editions just all being crammed in a folder each haha. Will help distinguish between C7's new stuff too.
William Thomas
Lustrian skink??? Wtf
Hudson Reyes
Dressed in a plague victims garb so they aren't immediately killed on sight, explains the weird voice too.
Dominic Clark
WFRP 2e, Dwarf Slayer and Human Warrior Priest getting drunk, killing monsters, and hunting for Chaos artifacts to destroy
Aaron Cruz
I hope so user, I can make one more full skeleton and 3 more half skeletons bustin outa tombstones, then I'll just have a gorillion heads,shields and skeleton spear arms.
oh I only found them earlier this year user,so yes . I was at my mothers clearing out this eyesore which was the collapsed cubbyhouse which had also been overtaken by 200kg of cactus, upon pulling up what 10 years earlier was a mat there was a heap of detritus and an open topped plastic tray sticking out of the ground covered in roots. I snipped the roots away from the container and throughout the container there were roots growing through skelengton bits as well as a few used sprues grown into the ground. I picked everything up , cut it all out and here we are as I'm starting my undead army up, he is my third undead unit ever painted! ]/spoiler]
Eli Campbell
>my general
Sitting in a castle hall which he acquired himself somewhere near the border to Bretonnia, drinking and eating soup and game all day and probably reading a book then sleeping while his soldiers chill in the nearby villages. The majority of them would probably be in Marienburg, .working on ship crews or thieving during the dark winter time.
Zachary Smith
I have been writing my own game and while working on it, I thought of a houserule/patch I'd like to test. This is assuming 8th though I imagine you could use it with 6th and 7th.
Merge Fast Cavalry into Skirmisher. I know, it sounds kooky, but the end result is:
-May march after Rallying -May shoot after marching. -360* LOS. Charging is still front arc only. -Ranged attacks suffer -1 against this unit. -Do not possess a Rank Bonus -Does not negate enemy Rank Bonus. -Skirmisher squad spacing depends on edition.
Ultimately a lot simpler IMO, and it would buff both Fast Cav (-1 to be hit) and foot skirmishers (allowing shooting after rallying). Optionally, characters (ex: Goblin Cowboys) skirmish by default unless they have a Unit Strength >= 5.
Any notable issues with this proposed rule?
Bentley Jackson
2e Halfling Hunter and Dwarf Protagonist do crimes in Averheim, real Thelma and Louise vibe I’m getting way more pleasure than I should by charging them for every penny-ante. Being broke ain’t no joke.
Also neither of their characters can read, so that’s fun. Last week they found a desk with some papers on it, so I said “oh well there’s words on it.” That shit is hilarious to me.
Leo Gray
rattling pic related but not mine
Jayden Parker
probably asking the person who hired to explain the WHFB equivalent of chirstmas and does it involve food
Logan Lewis
And more importantly, especially among Ogres, is whether you are eating food or whether you are the food.
Samuel Ward
Noah Barnes
Ambushes. My skaven slave taker is having the rabble clear out some paths in the snow leading right to them. Once the man-things take the bait, we get warm meat out of the young ones and females, and put the males to work on the next tempting route through the snow. Maybe trade some of the slaves for a warp fire thrower, make it easier.
Connor Jones
Post terrain?
Made this fucker out of a wood birdhouse I picked up at the craft store and sprayed it with stone texture spray paint
Jaxson Powell
Here's two books to add somewhere to your mega, sorry if they're already in there somewhere
Party are a Norse Dwarf runesmith seeking lost runelore, a Bretonnian noblewoman disguised as a man on a personal quest, a self-exiled Ungol woman returning to Kislev after a long period spent defending a hag, a knight of a semi-heretical template order dedicated to defending Shallyans and her supplicants following a religious vision, and a spoiled Tilean merchant's son who is fleeing from home after fucking his (very young) stepmother.
They've found themselves caught up in what seems to be a Cult of Khaine operating in Kislev's dock district. So far they've managed to seriously piss off a dock gang by foiling two operations and killing a captain; they also have managed to anger a venal young boyar. Presently they're planning to break into the Lubjanko - a famously grim sanitarium and deathouse - to get access to a lead on the cult who voluntarily had himself committed. In this they are aided by a shifty halfling expat named Pigwidgeon, with the proffered help of another dock gang that runs the Imperial ghetto in the city.
Angel Davis
Thanks user, I saw your message this morning, but I forgot to reply.
Looks like I've already got the 2006 Liber Chaotica / Necris in the collection within
~/Tabletop Games/Warhammer Fantasy Battle
If you want to compare them and see which is better quality be my guest. Always worth an upgrade.
Parker Cooper
That's not half bad, though I'd like to see the whole of it.
Eli Morris
Post all of it user!
I made this out of a combination of cat food and cookie boxes. And some used sprues. No idea how to paint it though 1/2
Luis Nelson
Evan Morgan
Kayden Smith
How would you guys go about equipping a BSB that was going into a unit of Nurgle Halberdiers with Festus?
Jack Russell
not an expert, as I started late 6th and always been a casual >5th - Herohammer (so I heard) >6th - Best all around balance >7th - Army with best mage wins, magic is overly centralizing >8th - BIG INFANTRY BLOCKS, gaining Steadfast is the bee's knees
DoC are completely broken in 7th, Lizardmen are borderline broken with Slann and PTSD-inducing Skink skirmishers HE are broken in 8th, Cannons are borderline broken too
Justin Rogers
WHFB had no "anti-large" per se
Monsters and large shit had usually high Toughness, so anything with high Strength would have an easier time, Great Weapons and Halberds were the prime "Anti-large" due to their Strength bonuses
John Rivera
Sitting in their dread castle, sipping warm blood by the balefire. Sending their corpse carts out to gather those who will inevitably perish to the cold this year, and laughing maniacally while reading the Liber Mortis to their thralls.
Juan Clark
6th and 7th leaned more towards Cavhammer. 8th more towards infantry. All three editions are mostly similar to each other with the main differences being in magic.
In 6th and 7th, Power and Dispel Dice were a linear result of how many Wizards you had. In 8th, you got 2d6 Power dice per turn (your opponent got the higher number for dispel dice), and rolled an extra d6 for each caster. Each 5+ gave you an extra power/dispel die for the turn, to a max of 12.
In 6th, you had a "shared pool" of power dice but the casting values were higher. In 7th, the casting values were lower but a caster could only use their initial dice.
In 6th and 7th, a Bound Spell was a spell that autosucceeded with a fixed "dispel value." In 8th, that "value" became the casting value you needed to roll. The problem with Bound Spells was that in 8th, a Wizard added effective level to both casting and dispel rolls (So a Level 4 wizard was really rolling "XD6+4"), while the roll for Bound items...well, it didn't. Thus, Bound Spells went from being a source of cheap low-power effects meant to aggro your opponent's dispel dice, to being mostly pointless, as those same Power Dice could easily have gone to another Purple Sun or Dwellers Below.
Joshua Young
What is the best way to get my hands on or a convert a Hierotitan?
Jacob Reyes
1-3 editions were a skirmish RPG, where you have a DM and each player controls a warband. Players can fight or work together as they see fit. 3e was more of a war RPG.
4e dropped all RPG elements, and encouraged campaigns which worked like RPGs while the main game was just battles.
Lincoln Sullivan
Do spears help against large creatures in tabletop?
Andrew Adams
Killing Urks, killing Wutelgi, killing Grobi, killing Raki, killing Zangunaz, killing Dum Umgi, and distributing free ale to good Dawi and small amounts to the Elgi and Umgi who act as Drengerazi.
Colton Roberts
Yeah, only advantage over halberds is shields, otherwise Spears are trash.
Joshua Sanchez
Anything with Killing Blow, Heroic Killing Blow, or high Strength. Also warmachines.
Jack Miller
>Each 5+ gave you an extra power/dispel die for the turn, to a max of 12. Base is 6+ for an extra die, if you give them a Channeling Staff for 15 points, it reduces it down to 5. Which makes it a bit broken for Slann, who can take an ability to let them roll 3 dice for their channel. But then, Slann are supposed to be better at magic than any warmblood fucking shits.
Benjamin Price
Asher Perez
Work in progress high elf mansion for tears of Isha. I upscaled the card patterns for the initial template, and then started my own modifications.
Joshua Rivera
The cannons of Nuln anticipate this new target's completion.
Lucas Diaz
Damn you're right. I know that "technically", an Arachnarok Spider could give +2 to channeling, but then again cannonbait.
Eli Scott
>Army with best mage wins, magic is overly centralizing 7th didn't become that until the very end, and the "best mage / max magic" thing is really more a defining feature of 8th, when they re-released the spell lists with all the comically OP 6th spells like Purple Vortex of Swirly Doom or whatever it was called. A lot of 7th armies could actually go really magic-light and not do too badly.
6th and 7th are a lot alike. 7th really felt like more of a 6.5 or re-compiling, with a bunch of things from the 00-02 annuals or SoC transitioning over to the regular army books. A couple of the army books were never even updated for 7th, and of those that were a couple (like Empire and O&G) were barely distinguishable from their 6th edition versions.
I would probably say my favorite is the end of 6th or beginning of 7th. A couple of the late release books for 7th like DE and Demons busted the balance all to hell.
Jace Miller
>How do they not step on their own beards? The lack of knees makes it almost impossible for a dwarf to lift his foot high enough to step on his beard. A dwarf running looks a lot like how Link ran on the super nintendo.
Leo Harris
This is one of the reasons I love Warhammer.
Henry Gomez
The curved roof gives it a Japanese look but the tiles and colouring is very Mediterranean.
Looking good though.
Asher Thompson
Come on guys, let's atleast pretend to be interested in the actual gaming aspect.
I myself tend to use one of these set ups, with a bit of variation on the one with the magic weapon:
Exalted Hero [226pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd, Mark of Nurgle . Chaos Mutations & Powers: Hideous Visage, Scaled Skin . Magic Items: AB - Helm of Many Eyes, BRB - Dawnstone
Exalted Hero [208pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Nurgle, Shield . Chaos Mutations & Powers: Hideous Visage, Scaled Skin . Magic Items: BRB - Luckstone, BRB - Sword of Anti-Heroes
While the former is the more stable one, and get's the most out of festus' buffs the Sworf of Anti-Heroes is well worth its price if you manage to get into battle with a block with a character in it, and the utter destruction that occurs if the opponent have more than one character in combat with him is borderline Slaaneshi in its debauched hedonistic joy.
Have anyone tried a Palanquin-riding BSB to go with their Festus? It seems to me that the carriers many weak attacks might be an acceptable trade off for the Warriors that get pushed back. It would be worth it to take Nurgle's Rot on the BSB with the now increased base-size which would hopefully score one or two more wounds.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Hey i was wondering how viable the chaos special characters are as leaders because i managed to grab a good deal on a Warriors/Beastmen/Daemons army and i was thinking about expanding it with a group of Core and a named character as the leader
Parker Gray
Tell the guy between us that I won't lower myself to talking with people who use special characters.
In short: The special characters for WoC are kinda meh with some exceptions, listed below:
Throgg: This fucker is just ludicrous great for his cheap cost of 195p. He let's you take trolls as core, let's monstery units within 18 of him use his leadership of 8. Statswise he's much better than a regular troll and comes equipped with a GW which means that he rocks 5 str 8 attacks. As if that wasn't enough for offensive capabilites he also got a str 5 breathweapon which ignores armour. He also got a neat twist for his regen. For ever consecutive regen save he makes in a phase he gets to roll on the EotG-table.
Dylan Brooks
I am not your mum, do it yourself.
Sebastian Collins
Festus the Leechlord: Relatively terrible statwise, with only t4, regen and 2 wounds for defense, allthough he got a magical item that allows him to regain one wound at the start of a combat phase, which can also be used to inflict d3 wounds on an enemy character in base contact if he wins or ties a str roll off against it. What makes him good is that he grants the unit he's in with poision attacks and Regen +5. He's also a lvl wizard with the Lore of Nurgle.
Be'lakor: He's a flying DP that's a lvl 4 loremaster of Shadows. He's got no armour but a 4+ ward save and anyone shooting against him suffers -2 to hit. His attacks ignore armour. Any enemy units within 12 of him gets their leadership reduced by 1. He also get +D3 dice to play with in his magic phase if any opposing unit failed a panic or break test during the previous turn.
William Evans
When did I ever use special characters?
Anthony Jackson
Why do orcs want a tree? is it because it's green?
David Harris
Trying to run WHFRP, someone wants to play a High Elf or a Lizardman. is there homebrew for them out there?
Connor Scott
Archaon: Really expensive (especially if you mount him on his unique Daemonic Steed) but he's one hell of a beastly character. You might actually be better of reading one of the links I provided in the my first response as I will undoubtly forget some of the many tidbits he comes with. Suffice to say that his leadership is 10 and his aura reaches 18 inches, he causes terror, is nigh invulnerable and his attacks ignore armour and can be doubled at the cost of hitting himself or someone next to him on a hit roll of 1.
Wyatt Watson
ogre user here with painting update. slaughter master done cannon being started also some user suggested I highlight the ridges on my ogre gun so here's the result
Alexander Ramirez
Carter Cruz
Those are the outright good ones. However with a few exceptions the rest are not really bad they but rather roughly a side grade to a comparable generic option. Alot of them also have some quirky uniqueness to them which might make it worth your while if you like that sort of thing.
Christopher Ortiz
High Elf is easy, just take the same racial stats and fluff him up. Additionally 3ed has high elves. For lizardmen I found this
Elijah Clark
Those highlights make it much better.
Evan Price
I was thinking about grabbing wulfrik and a unit of marauders and using them to tie up my opponents important units and possibly snipe some of there characters
Ryder White
I agree now to work on the huge ass cannon of wrist death
Xavier Kelly
also opinion on slaughtermaster? not that I really plan on going back super sick of him
John Hernandez
thats some shitty fluff on the lizardmen- thats probably an enemy profile. Still, better tha nothing.
Evan Bailey
It is First edition. I'd say figure out if the player is wanting a Skink or a Saurus. Skinks are smaller and weaker but also at home in wet environments. And better at magic. Saurus is bigger, stronger, tougher but not very good at magic. And probably a penalty to anything diplomatic that's not an intimidation check. Also, Skinks are cuter.
Gabriel Lopez
Mostly relaxing, reading arcane texts, working in low effort job of helping local townsfolk with problems they think needs arcane expertise or providing advice to local "prince", planing summer expedition and updating escape plan in event of wizard burning festival. Also in secret creating contingency in event that goddam chaos sorcerer from nearby forest makes a move against "civilized" land.
All with assistance of relatively high quality of food and drink.
Jason Smith
I've been meaning to test him out aswell. Thinking of using pic related as a count-as. I'm not much help at giving painting advice but I think that's his skin colour is too messy and not enough detail. He almost looks nurglesque. The apron is really nice though.