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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Or waifus?
Babies have kissable tummies.
Jumper, tell me about adventures involving babies.
What are some good jumps for convincing yourself that you are loved?
Jumpers tell me about your children, do you tell them that Santa is real?
Mega Babies Jump wen
Would Devil Style let you nullify the effects of I Wanna Be The Strongest Hero at will?
Been meaning to ask but do both Red and Raveloft like red hair or something?
I invented a beam that automatically turns babies into 3 year olds and potty trains them.
Thank you Photoshop user, you are awesome. As always awesome job.
No don't you start this argument again.
You're gonna get the Hansen-posters and the anti-Hansen-posters all riled up again and it's gonna take up half the thread and can we please talk about something else.
Like your Scooby-Doo builds. Got any Scooby-Doo builds?
Where is that even from? I would think I would have seen something like that in the manga
Babies are at their best when they're aware enough to interact with you, but not so old that they can talk.
Just means they have good taste.
The jump's garbage, why would I build for that.
"interact"... hehe... yeah
No, of course not. But I do tell them about Annual Gift-Giving Man, who lives on the moon. He's one of my Second Circle demons.
They aren't alone, user. There are more than a few redheaded jumpers.
It just means Konata has a rival.
>Take Scooby Doo Doors
>Use another perk to power it up
>Eventually reach the point where you can turn the entirety of existence into one big Scooby Doo Door gag
It's from a doujin. I liked it up until Medusa has her fuck a snake then it sucked.
Finally, an edition for the thinking man.
Watchmen can give you Dr. Manhatten's powers, so there's your telekinesis. Telepathy you can at least get Xavier level from the X-men movies jump
I like Mob-Psycho 100 a lot.
Or a harem.
Jumpers, a meta question! How often do you dig into something related to jumpchain that isn't necessarily jumpchain?
I've spent the last week going over the 5E D&D books to make a fleshed out build for my Overlord build.
Tell me your tangental tales, jumpers!
Anima: Beyond Fantasy, X-Men Movies, and Tyranids. Also Marvel Magic and Inheritance Cycle to a lesser extent if you're fine with magic psychic stuff instead of just "psionics". The Force from Star Wars can get pretty crazy as well, but it has some cancerous drawbacks attached.
If that's true, how many blondes? Brunettes? Bluenettes? Pink-haired?
Pic unrelated.
If all of the jumpmakers were gods, what would each of them be god of and which would you worship?
Do a Marvel Magic where you're a Skyfather God of Psychics.
Or go to One Punch and do the Super Esper combo.
They’re good kids. Strangely afraid of roaches though.
As for Santa? They weren’t in a culture that knew about Christmas until they were way too old to fall for it.
Val is blonde and NikaMoth is pink.
NuBee used to be pink but now he's green and black.
No, Looking For You [200 - Discount for Drop-In] - Or maybe it’s not riches you’re after. Maybe you’re after ‘someone’. Why, though? For information? Revenge? Fulfilling some promise, even against the flow of time itself? Lucky you, that road seems to be paved ahead...so long as your meeting is possible or even feasible, you will find that looking for a particular individual will give you opportunities to cross paths with them...even if it’s just their grave or a place of great importance to them, if they’re no longer part of this world. In worlds where the flow of time is habitually taken in more than one direction, you may even run into a past, future, or alternate version of this person. That said, the longer the gap between you and them, and how much they flee or hide from you, the longer the search will take...and you must devote yourself wholeheartedly to it to reach your destination. Can you cross that distance, Jumper?
Hey remember Chrono Cross
I sure do
That was exactly why I started that Exalted argument in the last thread. Avoiding spending three days like I did for Forgotten Realms.
I wish we had a Ghoul School jump.
>Go to Worm
>Scooby Doo Doormaker
>Final fight replaced with a door gag where Scion chases thousands of capes around at once
>Simurgh switches from her usual scream to Yakety Sax
Kissable Tummies!
That depends. How are we deciding their domains? Based on their jumps? Their builds? If multiple, do we use their most famous build? Are one-jump wonders minor spirits or demigods? How do we decide their relations to one another within the pantheon? Can it be done while avoiding stale memes?
There are too many factors for all of this, and almost all of them are likely to cause major arguments.
Nobody is a brunette, nobody likes brown hair.
>inb4 20 replies that say worship Valeria
Gundam user, God of Giant Robots.
>strangely afraid of roaches
Roaches, despite being relatively harmless in real life, are very good at startling people.
Would they reward us for our worship? Because if so I would worship Justice in the hope of Waifus.
Worship myself, I guess? Is that how that works, or do gods worship each other instead?
Bancho would be the god of freedom and he'd be the only one worth worshipping.
For reference.
Not really, but I’m happy you’re having fun with whatever it is.
He would also be the god of bad ideas.
>implying it's not a perfectly serviceable hair color
Also, I forget - do people also use brunette to describe black hair or does it get its own term?
She would look better with black hair.
What kind of sick fuck would actually want to worship that thing?
>Namefag list
>Namefag worship
Fucking disgusting.
This guarantees a horrific death and an eternity of suffering afterwards.
Red, Goddess of stealing all my CP.
Giant is a bit much.
Gundams are big, but SupCom and Pacific Rim have robots bigger than Big Zam.
God of Mecha might be more fitting.
>YJ_user, God of Militant Atheism
>implying Gundams and Mobile Suits are relevant
Clockwerk Phantoms are the only relevant mecha now.
I steal nothing, and I am no god. You contractually signed it all away anyway.
Also, are departed jumpmakers treated as dead or fallen gods in this scenario? Are some demon lords and others just dead? Is this a D&D thing?
I don't like Turks much either so I can't blame them
My kids fought in a war against a dragon god of annihilation and his limitless undead hordes while under the age of majority.
They should be able to handle a roach.
*Ignores fact that I have a phobia about insects.*
I want to seed the multiverse with random out of place ninjas. What gives the best options to do that either through ninja clans or some other means?
And sodomy.
I'd worship Konata. Because she's funny.
Scooby Doo
Rontinuity: A Pup Named Scooby Doo
Ridentity: Ralking Rog, Age: 11
Recial Abilities: Run For Your Life, Enormous Appetite, Ventriloquism, Talking Animals, Prehensile Tail, Puppy Power
Ritems rand Rompanions: Scooby Snacks, More Meddling Kids
Rawbacks: I Can't See Without My Glasses
Companion Builds
Recial Abilities: Run For You Life, Talking Animals
I guess this is splitting the difference. Being a young kid again is weird. Every time.
dead gods who were not worth following.
Red Goddess of Dragons.
Nope. They're still giant robots. No one cares if some are more giant than others. If they're in Super Robot Wars, they're giant robots. Yes, which means Bonta-Kun counts, too.
>thinking a mecha counts because of power
>not loving a mecha for itself instead of what it can do for you
Who hurt you, user?
>I am no god.
You do know this is going to end the same way it did when you denied being a dragon, right?
With nobody listening and calling you such no matter what.
I want to be the god of fairies. Most of my jumps have fairies.
You like fairies, don't you, user?
>Sister Strike user
That's Sister Arleigh Strike Chan
Fer fucks sake sort yourself out
I've never been a praying man. I don't think I could find faith now if I spent the rest of my life looking for it. Even if they all made themselves known through blatant miracles, I don't think I could bring myself to believe on an emotional, on a spiritual level.
Is it arrogance? If it were, I wouldn't hate myself. But faith takes... faith takes hope. It takes acceptance. It takes not needing to know for sure. And it takes believing that your god could ever care for you. I am too small for that.
By that logic, Clockwork Phantoms still do more for you than a Mobile Suit
That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with stranger aeons, even Death may die.
>Yorokonde, God of Unconditional Love.
Though I'd probably worship Konata. Worshiping someone who screams at you not to worship them and encourages mad science seems like a fun religion.
I don't see user on there.
I'd be a minor god of laws or something along those lines. I just don't want to owe fealty to any higher beings (unless they send me on a chain).
You stop that.
The title implies too much power. I'm maybe a local spirit at best.
Why do you all do this.
What have I ever done to you.
Ia Ia Nechronica!
Sisters: (6 -4) 2
Location: (5) China
Position: Court
Class: Requiem
Sub-Class: Stacy
Skills: Foresight (Free Court); Tactics (-100 / 900); Composure (-100 / 800); Gun God (Free Class 1/2); Trusted Companion (Free Class 2/2); Rear Guard's Pride (-100 / 700); Remain Dead (Free Sub-Class 1/1); God of Death (-200/ 500)
Armaments: Coffin (Free Requiem T2A); Handcannon (Free Requiem T1A); Axe (Free Stacy T1A); Sniper Rifle (-100 / 400)
Mutation Parts: Patchwork (Free Stacy T1M)
Enhancement Parts: Junk Part - Legs (Free T1)
General Items: A Pretty Big Pile of Bits (-100 / 300); Tools of a Forgotten Trade (-100 / 200); A Misplaced Foundry (-200 / 0)
Treasure: A book
Sister 1 * (Unknown as to whether doubled class/subclass gets parts from class twice)
Position: Alice
Class: Gothic
Sub-Class: Gothic
Skills: Undefeatable Heart (Free Alice); Warm Smile (-100 / 300); Feast of Flesh (Free Class 1/2); Rip and Tear (Free Class 2/2); Voracity (Free SubClass 1/1); Predator (-100 / 200); Queen of the Underworld (-200 / 0)
Armaments: Kung Fu (Free T1)
Mutation Parts: Claws - Hands and Feet (Free Gothic T1M)
Enhancement Parts: Armor Skin - Torso (Free Gothic T1E)
Sister 2
Position: Automaton
Class: Stacy
Sub-Class: Thanatos
Skills: Cover (Free Automaton); Remain Dead (Free Class 1/2); Meat Shield (Free Class 2/2); God of Death (Free SubClass 1/1); Dead on Target (-100 / 300); Judgement (-100 / 200); Instantaneous (-100 / 100)
Armaments: Chainsaw (Free Thanatos T1A); Armor Plating (Free Stacy T1A+Free Upgrade); Axe (-100 / 0)
Mutation Parts: Patchwork (Free Stacy T1M)
Enhancement Parts: Armor Skin (Free Thanatos T1E)
So. assuming a first jump, I'd give this a good chance in combat (it's built for staying power). Long term, I'd give it about a ~70% chance of making it a full 10 years. Not great, but pretty damned good for being dropped into a deathworld.
Are you the real one.
For real now.
>I am no god
What about greater demon?
Oooh. Can we call you a Demon Princess? Or how about Demon Queen?
>God of Promising Nothing and Delivering Less
CD two is still coming. It's just going slow because my work life balance is kind of fucked.
Strike chan you're alive!
I'm sorry, I'm not understanding your logic. What do you mean?
You gave yourself a Water Dragon tail, a terrible one at that.
Your salt has no power here.
As mentioned on Sister 1, it's possible that she's shorted on free parts. That's going to affect surviveability a bit.
Oh, cool. Nice to hear, Hercul. I look forward to it. Take your time, though, of course. Life comes first.
I wanted to go with something other than a rat tail or stereotypical spade tail!
...I will accept this.
What the fuck would my aspects even be
If anyone worships me I would probably sign them up for therapy because something has clearly gone wrong
Question for anyone who cares.
I was thinking into giving the "Namidare Bloodline" in a scenario that also allows you to either replace Rekka or share the madness with him. Would you prefer it as a perk?
This is for the "I saved too many girls" jump.
A demon is just an upside down god/angel.
Search your feeling, you know it's true.