The Firmament, where all things are

>The Firmament, where all things are
>The Abstact, where all things are not
>The Mirror, where all things cannot be

Creatures from the Abstract, nightmares conceptualized by the collective belief of the human mind come spilling into our reality, how do you beat them?

kill all humans

become an atheist

This was dealt with in a novel.

You teach all humans zen. When they have achieved no-thought, they will all be safe.

Close the gateway that they are pouring into
or make people believe in nice things.

By believing in yourself really hard, duh.

Punch them til they die.

Is there oil in the Abstract?

Peace, love, and understanding. You don't defeat a nightmare by going to sleep withboxing globes, but by waking up.

Band humanity together and destroy the darkness with our collective might