i'd like to add 500 points of sisters as an adjunct to a space marine army. what's the most effective addition a sisters detachment can provide?
Henry Lewis
We actually did that once and it was a riot. Basic rule was that you got to choose 1 enemy to psyker/shoot/attack against each turn.
Nicholas Howard
I asked in wip and got no reply. How's this for a method of painting black power armour:
>abbadon black >administratum grey highlights >all over wash with nuln oil >touch up extreme highlights with administratum grey again
Will this look alright or will I need a lighter grey?
Evan Martin
Boltguns and bodies
Mason Rodriguez
I laughed harder at that than I should have
Julian Russell
Ian Cox
canon fodder
Lincoln Gomez
Eli Lewis
Blood Angel Dreadnoughts good or no
Kevin Gutierrez
The real question is why the Commissar and the ork are having a staring contest while both try and kill the tau with their other hand.
Grayson Collins
How many of you whore-sons are using special characters instead of making your own?
Daniel Rogers
What kind of mileage have you any one gotten from the telethesia discipline? I'm not playing a horde, so mental fortitude seems bad, but idk about the other two
Blake Wood
administratum might be too much try eshin/darkreaper with administratum at the sharpest points?
James Wilson
Sounds fun. I played one today with just a basic "everyone takes a turn in order and then we roll" setup but it was quite fun too.
Dylan Lee
>Implying anyone here actually plays instead of just shitposting
Ayden Collins
celestine 10 bolter bitches 10 seraphim
Luke Foster
I'll be honest, I've themed my DG army on Typhus' company. It's all zombies and terminators.
Justin Williams
About 14 posts too late there, user
Joshua James
too much what?
I figure with the nuln oil it will darken quite a lot. The touch up should brighten the parts I need, but I've never bought greys before (always mixed my own).
Charles Martinez
contrast it'd stand out a lot
Easton Thomas
Vallejo Dark Sea Green is the best not black black base ever. >vallejo dark sea green >administratum grey hl >extreme hl (lighter grey) >nuln oil wash done
Anthony Taylor
goddamned shitty internet
Juan Ward
>Undercoating by hand
Camden Mitchell
are you supposed to varnish texture paints?
Parker Bell
Nyet! You make your own dudes.
Adam Harris
So what’s wrong with building fluffy lists if I don’t expect to win, but rather show off my work?
Christopher Jenkins
Out of curiosity, what's the hot netlist now that Chapter Approved has settled? My local meta is really casual and I don't get a sense of the meta at large.
Noah Lee
>priming beforehand goes without saying
David Turner
Absolute newbie to 40k here (Game wise, been an observer for a while)
I've considered getting a Space Marine army and painting them as pre-heresy Alpha legion, but before I invest any time and money I wanted to ask:
1) Is this a stupid idea 2) What units should I pick that are the most effective without wasting gobs of money 3) Are there any issues rules wise of making your army a pre-heresy legion?
Elijah Butler
Does using 30k ahrimahn as a generic CSM sorcerer count? Otherwise, all my HQs are generic but converted, some heavily.
Leo Bennett
Nothing is wrong with fluffy lists, user.
Every bastard with a special character, 12 assassin, soup list can go straight to hell.
Dominic Scott
If I ever ran ultramarines, I'd think about running telion for my scouts, but since I refuse, I've yet to ever run named characters. Probably never will. Making your dudes yours is the best
Angel Hall
Just paint them however you want and use the Raven Guard chapter tactic (it's identical to Alpha Legion).
Josiah Wood
prove me wrong >protip: you cant
Sebastian Bennett
>I'm shit and have trouble with average lists
Hudson Rodriguez
1) Not all all. 2) buy betrayal at calth for a decent starter set (1 chaplain, 1 terminator HQ, 30 marines, 5 termis, 1 contemptor dreadnought), then add predators for anti-tank. 3) color scheme doesn't really matter nor would having them be pre-heresy, most people don't end up painting their whole armies anyways. If someone tries to sperg out about it, it's going to be more proof that that person probably isn't worth playing
Dominic Bailey
So there's actually an entire sub-game dedicated to pre-heresy and Heresy-era stuff, called The Horus Heresy, or colloquially, "30k" and Forge World makes it. They also sell armor marks from before the heresy, so you could make pre-heresy Alpha Legion in the right armor.
You could run them with the current Space Marines rules(as Raven Guard) or run them with the Chaos codex.
The issue is, at the moment, 30k hasn't been updated to 8th edition. Also, this is very expensive.
Blake Hughes
>Is this a stupid idea Aside from buying into 40k in the first place, it seems fine
>What units should I pick Are you playing Chaos or regular Marines? Either way, Plasma Guns are strong. Take Plasmaguns.
>Rules issues Not really. Fluff-wise it might not quite make sense (why is a pre-heresy army fighting Tau, for example) but that can just be waved away as warp fuckery.
As said, use them as Raven Guard if you want to play Marines, or Alpha Legion if you're playing CSM
Angel Butler
Which codex will you be using
Cameron Gutierrez
I just noticed, are the heads on the stick tiny or what? Looks like he couldn't actually kill a thing and just impaled plushies
Jayden Hughes
Scouts worth taking with anything but bolters?
Jayden Richardson
>Play Iron Hands >lose every game while not being able to scratch my opponent Am i playing wrong or are bolters complete shit?
Nicholas Brown
I also have a dark eldar list for if someone wants a real game. My scourges and ravager always make sure I can at least put up SOME fight
Hudson Taylor
Scout snipers aren't efficient at removing characters.
Melee scouts aren't good enough in melee.
Shotguns are statistically worse than bolters against pretty much all targets.
So no.
Colton Garcia
Anyone got any Nurgle reaction images?
Andrew Powell
There hasn't been any major tournaments with CA in effect, but current top speculated lists are: >Guilliman + Fire Raptors + some guard/imperial shit >Magnus + Mort + Knight + some filler >Over 9000 Dark Reapers >Tyranid shit: Biovores + jeanstealers + hive tyrants + like half their codex... >typical OP guard shit... Primaris psykers still too cheap, cheap infantry is still king, access to allies (i.e that celestine cunt)... >ork wierdboy spam
Colton Miller
Post your list. Chances are you are playing and building wrong. Bolters are okay.
Jose Roberts
What about BA scouts?
Joshua Powell
In my opinion bolters are point for point the worst weapon in the game. The primaris bolt rifle should have been the standard bolter profile.
James Howard
my thousand sons are fluffed as magnus and ahriman cooperating, so....yeah.
Asher Ward
You can also convert the chaplain from that kit into a captain/lieutenant very easily too
Carter Jackson
I mainly use 3 tac squads and a captain with the axe of medusa. I also use two dev squads and 3 razorbacks with assault cannons.
Matthew Cook
Scouts are for filling in troop slots and cheap screens. Getting any weapons on things that are supposed to die first is a bad idea.
Ryan Harris
Yah, but that quadra-crovius thing is bitchin'
Ethan Wright
What are your devs packing?
Samuel Brooks
Don't worry user, when GW finally mans up and admit old marines are no longer the standard marines they will be.
Bentley Reed
Aiden Bennett
Thanks for all the suggestions! I was planning on running 8e, as someone I know who plays the game says it's a lot more simplified.
I actually have been looking into the FW Alpha Legion conversion kits. They look awesome, but the price is a bit high at the moment.
I was going to do regular marines, but would it be easier to pick CSM?
I've heard about 30k. Looks fun, but damn there are lots of crazy ass vehicles. Also expensive as fuck.
Oddly enough, for fluff I was jokingly considering just saying they're Alpha Legion who didn't get the memo they were traitors, and got caught in the warp for a while (because the warp can just ex machina whatever the fuck you want so it seems)
Samuel Diaz
4 lascannons in one squad and 4 missile launchers in the other.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Agreed. I clipped the bottom half of the pimp stick and the spike on top and just run it as a power maul.
Eli Roberts
Doesn't sound like a stupid idea at all first off. Second of all, if your looking for models on the cheap, hit up eBay. Also, if you want some heresy era armor for your legionares, take at look at the betrayal at calth set. It saves you like 60 ameribucks than if you were to get everything separately
Austin Wright
Double down on las, or go plasma instead - you have enough anti-infantry already
Logan Hernandez
Replace all tactical squads with scouts.
Landon Young
If you don't want to spend a lot of money hit up the Chinese.
Josiah Ortiz
the heads look extraordinarily tiny
Dominic Lewis
>Orks are a shooting race! Always gets me.
Kayden Richardson
zog you!
my grot gunline is the best!
Parker Fisher
>not making your own kitted out dudes with the same wargear and using the special character rules
Carter Butler
About four, I think.
Logan Price
whered you get that chappies skull?
James Watson
The one true answer
Mason Murphy
I'm running Magnus and Typhus in my Alpha Legion army and you can't stop me.
Ian Sanchez
What special character rules?
David Gutierrez
>not enjoying making themed armies around interesting characters from the fluff Why do you hate fun?
Wyatt Hall
The defilers is a retry strong, undercosted unit this edition.
You kind of have to build your list around them, but they have some good combos etc.
2 defilers with twin lascanon, battlecannon and havoc launcher backed up by a chaos lord and sorcerer with prescience and warp time, isn't a crazy investment. About 600 pts.
You cast prescience on one and keep the Lord nearby, he now has 2 lascannon shots D6 battlecannon shots and D6 havoc launcher shots all hitting on 3's rerolling 1's.
Use the daemons stratagem on the other one and he's hitting on 4's with straight rerolls to hit and wound.
14W a piece at T7 with a 3+/5++ and regenning a wound every turn.
These things are pretty burly and hit at St16 in close combat, wounding just about everything ijln the ge on 2's. This makes the defiler a lot better at fending off assaults.
Anyone else had similar experience with the defiler this edition. I play iron warriors which helps a lot since I also ignore cover.
Wyatt Gomez
Heavy Bolters. Autocannons are for schmucks.
Tyler Gray
I.e making a terminator with a th/ss, then pricing and playing him as Lysander with rules and statline that come with it.
Jack Parker
What is that a book?
Joseph Ross
I'll ask again for more opinions: On 2x 5man Havocs should I go with all Heavy Bolters or all Autocannons?
Aaron Torres
New to playing Nids, I picked up a cheap second hand army on eBay. Can anyone tell me what this is?
Logan Wright
It's a broken terrain piece idiot.
Carson Garcia
Autocannons suck mate stop spamming your question just because you don't like the consistent answers
Nolan Peterson
That's what I thought, thanks
Samuel Smith
Looks like a spawning pool or something. It's more for terrain, and it looks like it's broken. Still, looks cool.
Nolan Rogers
It's a piece of terrain that came with the 4th edition starter set.
Jason Cooper
Brayden Hernandez
>I play iron warriors which helps a lot since I also ignore cover. Doesn't work on defilers.
As to the rest of what you've wrote, basically you are just making a shit unit slightly better. All those buffs and support could have been given to a non-shit unit for better results. I'm sure your opponents are happy to see that pile of trash on the table though.
Jose Anderson
But I do like them, I've already bought 8 Heavy Bolters bits, I just make sure before I end up sticking them up my havocs.
James Clark
Don't listen to the rest of those retarded CAACfags. Autocannons got a price cut in CA and are well worth using now. That said, if you list is weak on anti-horde take more heavy bolters.
Brody Jackson
>warp hijinks Totally go for it dude. I was working on a alpha legion company that entered the warp at the start of the heresy, still under the impression they were the good guys pretending to be the bad guys, and completely flipped shit when they came out >damnit guys, grandfather had an entire crusade to get rid of religion
Elijah Brown
My entire army is converted, im using Glart Smashrip on a robot rat thing i threw together as Cawl
Nolan Gonzalez
Half and half might be a safe bet. Hb for lightly amoured threats, autos for helping give sturdier targets a bloody nose.