As a "newcomer" to MTG, this is really insulting. I think it's safe to say that this set really displays where RnD has had their focus since 2010. I, and more importantly you should not support Magic in any capacity after the release of this "set". Mark "Hook Nose" Rosegoldstein has taken every one of your shekels, thrown them into a blender, and consumed it to make a "lmao" set. Oh but you can draft it! Fuck draft, it's as bad at vintage.
Frankly, any support of Wizards and it's products this point is literally supporting a system that doesn't care about you. And from a consumer standpoint, this entire set devolves all formats. Yes, you too EDH. Enjoy your LMAO format. You fucking faggots. What a mistake.
Carson Peterson
Dude, Silver borders ain't legal in any format , Well, EDH until mid january. Either way, it's a fucking bonus set. And it's been held back for years because they had to convince hasbro it'd be a good idea to print a third unset after the first two were failures.
Ryan Jackson
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Isaac Reed
A bonus set that Rosewater himself has been OBSESSED with since 2010/11. Every card since then has been a literal manifestation of his want and will to make a fun set and now we have the worst Standard and modern since then. RnD couldn't put together a decent standard format if all the children in the world were for ransom. Modern is better, but if you could just play anthing and just win there's no actual format besides the next best thing. The game is a fucking mess.
Jose Campbell
It really is bad. I was expecting better. None of the jokes are funny, many of them are painfully bland and uninspired and the entire fucking set is based around one throwaway joke card from fucking Futuresight. How embarrassing.
Joseph Bell
*Future Sight
Lucas Baker
I've been having a great time, thanks. I will continue to have a good time in EDH and draft. Ixalan draft was pretty fun, and I enjoyed my Unstable pod a lot too.
Thanks for the good wishes OP and I hope you have a fun time with whatever else you feel like doing.
Chase Barnes
Thanks senpai
Kevin Lee
Brandon Jenkins
We are literally in the best modern and standard in years, look at hasbros quarterly reports. MTG has had huge growth since 2010
Wyatt Phillips
fuck off /pol/, why don't you spout off more about losing 8 bajillion players again like the jews you hate
remember to sage
Brayden Watson
>everyone i don't like is /pol/
Nicholas Barnes
I haven zero interest in Unstable too, but there's no reason to throw an autistic bitch fit insisting that no body should buy ANY Magic product of any kind. I'm just not going to buy any Unstable, and just buy the things that I do enjoy.
Justin Bennett
>Mark "Hook Nose" Rosegoldstein
Anyone who says this is /pol/
Parker Sullivan
If you're making memes about jews and hook noses and shekels, you might be /pol/.
Christopher Wilson
>i-i-im not /pol/! >but i hate jews! Remember to neck yourself famalamam
Alexander Davis
Yeah un sets suck. That's why Unhinged booster boxes go for $600
Ryan Wood
3/10 needs to mention the poor quality of the card stock
Robert King
>Oh but you can draft it! Fuck draft, it's as bad at vintage. lel, 7/10 for me. Would have been 5 without this statement, you definitely could improve but you show promise user.
Nolan Wood
I hate Bablovia. Art wise it's just ugly and has no redeeming qualities, surely they could have come up with a better plane then hurp-derp evil scientists? Especially since they're done that theme way better on planes like Kaladesh and Innistrahd.
Jordan Bell
>Implying anyone likes the man who single-handedly flushed M:TG down the toilet
Nicholas Flores
>Money is how you measure the success of a medium Now this is movie industry thinking. I guess because movies keep making record profits movies have been getting better for 20 years, right?
Leo Torres
>Vintage stamps are really good for mailing packages >That's why they're worth money You're literally this dumb.
I want Mark to get the fuck out of this thread.
Lucas Young
>everyone i don't like is /pol/ At some point you'd think the /pol/tards would realize that shitposting about jewniggermuslimtrannies and then immediately following up with "I'm not /pol/ I swear" isn't a very convincing strategy.
Hunter Lee
They shouldn't have named any plane.
Julian Kelly
But Kaladesh had the worst visual design of any set.
Isaiah Wood
I had a blast drafting it and the nice lands are the icing on the cake. I'm a newfriend about magic too and honestly it's the best set i've seen to date. I hope Dominaria is equally as good. That could convince me to finally play standard
Lincoln Flores
Good. This shit is more fun than the garbage they usually pump out nowadays. It's not just mechanically better, but the flavor is better too.
Dylan Cooper
No. No.
Fuck being bait. I agree with OP. Troll or not.
I don't like having to have fun in the designated fun zone. I don't like having a few actually good idea unplayable because them are deem too silly. I don't like a waste of a set taking up time and resource from the actual game.
Hunter Foster
I kind of agree with what you're trying to say, but if the set hadn't been made, the effort that was put into it would have devolved into uninspired, safe design garbage like the last 5 years of standard.
What you think about is the optimal possible result out of them not making this Unset, which is far from what I actually expect from them in that case: Nothing, or at most nothing truly fun or interesting.
Even if I need to have my fun in the fun designated zone, at least I'm having it.
Kayden Turner
Blake Walker
Hey Jeremy, you enormous fucking faggot, how's your ban going?
Daniel Foster
It's a shame that it's impossible for Wizards to, instead of making an unplayable set, create an experimental set you can use in constructed formats instead.
Jordan Morris
Get fucked Jeremy
David Baker
Yes, one of the sets that lost them money, which means they won't do that again because they are owned by Hasbro and Hasbro won't allow Intentional Money Loss.
Eli Hill
but that gift pack doe and starter set and ....
Nicholas Adams
The REAL joke is that it's infinitely more playable than any of the Standard, joyless, "Limited-focus" garbage Wizards has churned out over the last two years. God help me if I need to sit through another fucking "tribe of the week" Ixalan shit with my stupid GP grinder friends.
It's almost like any set not geared toward Modern and Standard are by definition good sets. Look at Commander, Conspiracy 1 and 2 and Eternal Masters VS Iconic Masters and Modern Masters 2 and 3.
Camden Cox
Honestly after the shit shows that were Kaledesh, Amonket and Ixalan(seriously how do you fuck up dinosaurs and pirates the set?) Unstable is the only thing keeping me interested in MTG.
I might get hooked if they go to the Norse plane, and don't fuck it up. But chances are, they'll add in a bunch of unattractive black viking women for diversity reasons.
Brayden Jones
Good thing Un-sets always got them money. It's not like they had to beg to do an Un-set even if it was never well recieved instead of begging for FS which wasn't well recieved but playable and with meaningful impacts for constructed.
Parker Sanders
It didn't lose them money, it just didn't make as much as they were hoping.
Most recent modern MtG sets have been shit. Unwhatever is just another boring uninteresting set in a line of mediocrity.
Logan Smith
Are not for the actual people who play Magic but for people looking for things to get people who play Magic. 'Oh, Gift Set, surely that's a good deal, I'll buy that for them'
Hudson Jackson
Kaladesh was beautiful. Almost as nice looking as Esper and way better than New Phyrexia. And had a different look when compared to some of the previous planes.
Bentley Williams
>Ixalan draft was pretty fun Wat?
Charles Lopez
>Most recent modern MtG sets have been shit. Unwhatever is just another boring uninteresting set in a line of mediocrity. Nailed it. MTG is nothing but a product for profit now. No creativity, no fun, just gibs monies now.
>Kaladesh was beautiful. No.
>Almost as nice looking as Esper Blasphemy. You're confusing inspiration with quality. Nothing has touched Alara before or since.
>and way better than New Phyrexia That's because New Phyrexia was a disgusting shitheap. There is no Phyrexia without Tedin. Tedin IS Phyrexia.
Ryder Hall
Alright then, what didn't you like art-wise about Kaladesh?
Ian Bennett
You just posted a great example, see Mirrodin's angel, so much better.
Caleb Hall
But it's a cool set Mechanics are cool, themes are fun, lots of interesting exploration of design face
Not sure why so many people are babbybeeping over a fun expansion for, you know, a game.
Colton Walker
*Design space
Carson Baker
>Not sure why so many people are babbybeeping over a fun expansion for, you know, a game. It's not about the set, mtg has become a designated shitposting target because some faggot got banned by wotc for being a failure of a person.
Alexander Rogers
You honestly prefer this?
Cameron Perez
Might as well make this a more legit thread.
I think i would've cared more about particpating in this set if it hadn't been so contraption focused. I also thought most of the clans/guilds/agencies/what ever the fuck they are called were a little too much of one trick ponies that weren't interesting.
Jonathan Bell
>one trick ponies I think that's the point; Bablovia isn't an actual plane so they don't need to put as much thought into the Agents of S.N.E.A.K. as they do say, the Dimir Guild.
One will show up again, the other won't.
Juan Clark
It's amazing, even in a barely MtG set the R/G faction is still the least interesting.
Cameron Flores
What's funny is the Angels are about the only thing that looks decent. Everything else looks fucking stupid. It's like the filigree of Esper without the class.
Lucas Harris
Dude, the entire set is tedious bullshit based on about three mechanics. It's lazy as fuck and most of it isn't even funny or interesting.
John Hill
>But user, the set is SUPPOSED to be boring and uninspired! That's the beauty of it! Oh god, it's the patented Rosewater "We make bad cards on purpose" excuse. Just burn Hasbro to the ground. Burn it all.