So, there has been a lot of fluff advancement in 40k. Eldar got a death god, primarchs are slowly returning, primarines being primarines, cadia getting multiplied by 0.5 etc
Do you think orks will get major fluff updates/rehauls down the line? What kind of changes if yes?
Nu-40k ork fluff
Personally, I think Ghazz is cool and all, but I'm getting kinda sick that ork fluff revolves around a single figure and everyone else is just an afterthought. It'd be nice if we had more big bad ork leaders-prophets, but I doubt that it'd happen, since they seem to want to turn Ghazz into Beast 2.0
Also it'd be really nice if we got more plot events, providing proof that orks are credible threat. Do you think it'd be cool if, lets say, Armageddon ended up cracking in half, similar to Cadia or it is more fun as an endless meatgrinder?
The thing is, I don't think gw WANTS to change ork fluff
Think about it, as much as we joke about it, orks really are the npc faction, anytime somewhere needs something bad on it, it's orks. Somewhere needs to be randomly invaded? Orks.
Orks can only be a legit threat if united and really, the only way they currently have of doing that is ghazz, so you'll just get more fluff for him
An interesting way of doing it though could be if they had a second ork doing the same thing, uniting empires into a huge waaagh, a mork to ghazz's gork if you will. Possibly a mekboy boss of somekind? Or maybe an incredibly powerful weirdboy tapping the great green
Orks had way more depth when they were more comedic.
There's a couple great fluff pieces in the 2nd edition codex imperialis and the Ork codex where Ork bosses are self reflecting on the loss of old comrades and utilising the different aspects of orky culture (a blood axe is giving out tips on imperial equipment and they use a weird boy to monitor communications) to achieve their goals. Far more interesting than anything they came up with post gorilla Boyz.
Little bits about ork culture behind waagh and fighting such as the various old oddboyz who did math or brewed beer would add a lot of depth to them. The society can't function in its present state and it makes them very one note.
The comedy aspect doesn't have to be heightened but it should be reflected in the models to and degree. Just for the reason that the Orks themselves are meant to be having fun. Orks are scary to other races but they themselves are enjoying it so I'll never feel bad about a few happy Boyz mixed in.
Orks also used to get scared or be reluctant to die when the odds really stacked up against them, and would make up excuses why they were running away.
Bring back snotlings and grots with less hideous huge heads would be nice.
Finally have Yarrick and Gaz team up to kick chaos off armageddon "only we decide who owns this planet" motivation.
I mean, they kinda had some fluff added to them through the Beast serie, but it's all in thr past so I doubt it matters.
>a mork to ghazz's gork if you will
All of my Yes
I agree partially. I appreciate ork comedic side, however I think they could be interesting even if when written with a more grimdark approach. Comedic elements should be either black humor or undertones.
What makes current ork fluff boring is lack of attention to oddboys so more focus on those would be appreciated.
They pretty much outright said that Ghazz is beast 2.0 by the end of Beast series if I remember correctly.
That could actually be a cool campaign, Imperials versus xenos versus chaos on armageddon, Pity gw is terrified of campaigns anywhere we've heard of
>Finally have Yarrick and Gaz team up to kick chaos off armageddon "only we decide who owns this planet" motivation.
That would be too awesome to ever happen.
Doesn't a rulebook or codex literally say Orks end up as footnotes in the history of other races?
>Yarrik grabs left arm of Chaos lord or big bad daemon with his augmented power klaw while Ghazz grabs the right arm
>They rip him in half, literally, making chaos forces flee
>There is 5 second pause in absolute silence
>Orks and Imperials immediately proceed to fight each other
Sure I wasn't totally clear. Orks should be serious but have a touch of humor. Orks laugh at someone being run over by a tank or whatever.
Yes more oddboyz they are interesting and fun and allow orks to do things besides fighting
That's so cruel.
I think the big issue with giving more spotlight to orks is that GW has largely stripped them down to their bare essence as a teeming war loving horde. They're not too far off from basically being slightly jobbier tyranids. They don't seem to have much culture anymore, they don't build polities, and they don't really have much concern beyond just getting to the next fight
>in the silence, Ghaz and Yarrick share a brief congratulatory glance before trying to murder each other.
Guess they viewed all that stuff as too human-like and warham as whole gets more 'serious' with time, so they try to turn them into a scary monster horde without any flavor.
Equivalent exchange. In order for the newcrons to get personalities, the Orks had to give up theirs
The odd thing is, in the War of the Beast book series, the Orks were like that again, even though it takes place tens of thousands of years in 40k's past: they colonized worlds, built actual cities, there were even Ork diplomats.
Granted, this was all due to the influence of the Beast, but fluff is heavily implying that Ghazghkull is the next Beast, so I don't see why Orkdom couldn't evolve to this point again.
100% agree
I like the warrior culture stuff but I like their cowardly angle being played up as well.
Orks having fun would be godlike.
>problem, ork boys now more cowardly.
>Solution: Ork Komissars
Fair enough. I thought that you meant returning to ridiculous old days when orks would lean out of windows to shoot handguns at opponent vessel. In space :D
No runnin' ladz
Haha not quite that much. I was thinking of the stuff from 2nd ed book with the gretchin trying to tame a boar by throwing in the smallest one. Or the doc gleefully doing brain surjery
This sounds like something they would still do.
Blood Axes are best boyz!
Fucking alchemy. How do we change it back?
Instead of trading 10 for 10, we start taking 10 and giving back 11.
We infiltrate someone who actually is an ork fan into GW headquarters. He act as if he gives two shits about nu-marines and faps furiously to unbeatable chaos, meanwhile he'll be making a proper codex with decent fluff and rules.
That's already what the Warboss and Runtherd rules do.
Man I wish... Orks were my first love but they have only gotten flanderized as time goes on.
Can we get someone there to tell GW that deff doesn't sound like death but deaf... Man I hate that spelling.