1. Green apocalypse (nature overgrowns) 2. Red apocalypse (desert overgrowns) 3. White apocalipse (ice age) 4. Blue apocalypse (waterworld) 5. Black apocalypse (Evil forces haunt the ruins) 6. Grey apocalypse (all life is exhausted)
Which color is for monster based apocalypse, where people lives hidden because there are monsters out to take you? (think godzilla/war of the wordls/cloverfield?)
Jayden Perry
Purple of course. Yellow is man made robo-uprising.
Noah Fisher
The colour denotes the environment, not the cause, surely. I mean you ask what colour represents a War of the Worlds scenario but nobody in their right mind is going to say anything other than Red because of the Red Weed.
William Price
I'd say purple is aliens.
Brody Allen
>color apocalypse autism
Luke Martinez
Brown Apocalypse - India takes over the world
Gavin Johnson
Those scenes in the Terminator where Kyle Reese has flashbacks of the future are some of the most chilling things I've seen in movie. I found that post apoc environment far more compelling than the standard rad-blasted desert filled with insane cargo cultists.
James Roberts
>Which color is for monster based apocalypse, where people lives hidden because there are monsters out to take you? How do you faggots still not get this. Apocalypse Colour is based off how the world looks not how it got there. Your black definition doesn’t work because it’s focused on the antagonist not the world.
Parker Johnson
>Apocalypse Colour is based off how the world looks not how it got there. It looks exactly as today, but there are monsters all around. Still awaiting your response
Lincoln Collins
I like the descriptions of the Faro Plague and the approach of Zero Day in Horizon Zero Dawn.
Seeing them all react to the approach, as the biosphere is destroyed and atmosphere is ruined is pretty effective.
Eli Hill
Based on OP's description, that's a Black Scenario.
Just the early stages of one.
Camden Reed
>Still pushing this bullshit How about you finally stop? Or are you trying to out-do the food-faggot who constantly makes threads about food eaten by the party?
Brody Long
Yep, variation of black. Same with the robot suggestion.
Parker Brooks
Believe it or not but I'm not the OP in the last thread. In fact I did search for it in order to present my question, but was already archived.
Do you remember when there was an user asking constantly which was the Vaporwave equivalent to rpgs?
I think you're right
Juan Gutierrez
What about a more standard societal collapse, like in Mad Max?
Josiah Rivera
Societal collapse is a given in any flavor of post apocalypse. That's kinda the point of the genre
Logan Campbell
... no, it's not? The genre itself doesn't even has "the point", since "post-apo" isn't a genre in the first place. Take for example the famous (nowdays mostly forgotten due to shitty film adaptations) I am legend. It's a post-apo story. The point of it? Dealing with being last human on Earth and the true horror of realising you are now the monster from the story of the new society/species. In fact, societal collapse isn't even a focus of the story. It's just something that happend, wiping out all humans long before anything even resembling societal collapse in form of riots or similar could happen. Because everyone just was too sick to bother. Or another famous post-apo, On the beach. It's about anything, but societal collapse. In fact, it's about carefully calculating your way of survival out of the other people mess and the story opens what? A year after the nuclear war? Two years? Can't recall now the specific time frame, but either way, life just goes on without much issues, aside it being Australia and fuel being again in war-rationing. But so are anti-depresants. And so on and forth. Societal collapse is not the point of post-apo, unless your aim is open power fantasy wank. Plus most of stories can't exactly show the collapse of the society as presented in-universe, as those are silly and stupid. For example, all the way until "fast zombies", zombie apocalypse made no fucking sense whatsoever as a concept, with shambling corpses that barely can move in coordinated fashion. In fact, the original Night of the Living Dead ends up with everything sorted out within single night, adding to the horror of main character dying pointlessly and by accident.
Luis Powell
Aiden Thomas
>How about you finally stop? What drives a man to get up in the morning, search through the catalog, and enter a thread that he absolutely despises, just so he can make upset noises and show everyone how mad he is at a thread for existing?
Ryan Roberts
>Or another famous post-apo, On the beach. It's about anything, but societal collapse. In fact, it's about carefully calculating your way of survival out of the other people mess and the story opens what? A year after the nuclear war? Two years? Can't recall now the specific time frame, but either way, life just goes on without much issues, aside it being Australia and fuel being again in war-rationing.
Uh... user, I feel like you either stopped reading before the end of the book, or you've confused the story with something else. What really happens is that the last human survivors think the radiation might drop quickly enough for humans to survive, but then discover that that's not the case and deadly radiation is creeping ever-southward and will soon envelop the entire planet.
It ends with all the characters killing themselves to avoid drawn-out death from radiation poisoning.
Logan Morris
>What drives a man to get up in the morning It's almost midnight, American-kun
Ryan Cox
... and still avoids societal collapse. Fucking government is handling cyianide pills and people are eagerly taking them, all in orderly fashion. So nice you've missed the fucking point of the book "Deal with it and face death with highest dignity" and instead probably saw it as MM prequel