Talk about some plants, alchemical substances and other stuff you like in your games.
Mine has a powder called 'Diesel Essence', its basically distilled Diesel you use to make stuff like fire alchemy oils and stuff like that.
Talk about some plants, alchemical substances and other stuff you like in your games.
Mine has a powder called 'Diesel Essence', its basically distilled Diesel you use to make stuff like fire alchemy oils and stuff like that.
The trees in my setting are giant blades of grass
If my players had ever stopped to look they would notice that the grass is made up of tiny little trees
Dude, what.
Im busy tabletposting whilst i take my morning shit, but i use a ~20yr old netbook of medicinal plants
>Compass Rose
Inspired by moss, a wizard with no sense of direction created them to guide him wherever he went. A parasite that attaches itself wherever there are bushes, a Compass Rose appears as a white flower with a single red petal that always points north, even if it's not attached to the stem. Crossbreeds can point to different things; they say a rare pink compass rose points to your true love.
Useful as an ingredient for alchemy, certain techniques can cause the potion to self-stir at regulated speeds, or separate certain liquids even as they are being mixed.
>Curio Stalk
Curio is a type of grain commonly found in tropical regions. The grain has next to no nutritional value, but has a wonderful taste and texture, slightly sweet even without seasoning. Cooking reduces the taste somewhat, but the general risk of passing half-sprouted masses in the toilet is enough to discourage most gourmands from eating them raw. The stalk itself has much higher nutrient concentrations, but tastes bland and tends to break into hard shards in ones' mouth.
Due to its length and fibrous toughness, Curio Stalks are essential traveler items, if not for food, then for a secondary weapon. Mashed stalks mixed with curative herbs produce fairly good results as salves. The tough strings of the Curio act as a scabbing agent over the wound, and can be easily removed when dried. It is also a classic among assassins. It, shaped to a fine point, is untraceable, inconspicuous, and is easily discarded unlike blades.
Strangleweed, once thought to be an annoying plant, has been recently discovered to have a surprising number of uses after being processed. With careful harvest and excessive boiling in specially treated vats, strands of this grass can be refined into a flexible, but very strong material. Not quite as soft as silk, it finds its place in more practical products such as rope, whips and harnesses.
>Ash Flowers
Plants that are commonly found near sites of active volcanic. These bulbous plants have thick spiky leaves who's jucies can be distilled for explosive compounds by alchemist. Quite common and abundant they form a staple food source for a number of fire breathing herbivores who's bodies are adapted to make use of the combustible juices of the plants.
>Witch Trees
The Cultist of the Three Fold Goddess are known for tending special trees who's wood makes for potent foci and other arcane components. They will pay to take on the bodies of recently deceased and rigorously check to make sure the bodies are of a quality they demand and take them to form the basis for seedinglys that are planted in the bodies and buried in special mounds that grow considerably every new moon. So valuable are these trees to the Cult that sisters of a more martial bent take oaths to roam the forests and gardens to never leave and lead loyal spirits of grimms to fend off would be looters.
>Kleshite Tree
A tree that feeds upon rust. Commonly seen among seasalt-encrusted junkyards, the Kleshite plants its roots into rust or along any metal still rusting. As such, it provides ample shelter to creatures such as Rust Monsters, who both bring it food and spread its seeds across the land.
Its wood burns a bright green, almost as hot as Dragonfire but needs processing for even heating. The bark in particular is a favorite material for steel smithing, rich in carbon and strengthening impurities.
Kleshites are used in garbage disposal/recycling, but are carefully monitored for any Rust Monster that takes up residence. While the wood is quite profitable, no amount of it could justify breeding a whole swarm of Rust Monsters near an industrial hub.
We are currently using this PDF in our D&D 5E campaign. There seems to be a mix herbs and mushrooms from several settings, but it has been worked into the setting being used just fine. Adds a nice extra flavor and stuff to do for my life cleric.
>Da Wraith Mushrooms.
It grows in places where grand battles took place, where the souls of ancient elven warriors still wait for their living kin to send them to their gods and slave those mortals foolish enough to plunder their remains.
The fungi is one of the safest reasons to go there, their discover being a human raider desperate to show something to his tribe. It's shining light made one strange item, but most seek it for their distortions in the minds of the consumer.
Eventually, some of them are driven mad for it's use, when others are reborn as wise men; both having learnt the secrets of the world and changed by it. It is said that in some druids cults eating one of the mushrooms is a rite of passage for those who wants to join the Circle of Elders.
Lately, the sanest ones claim having heard the voices of the Gods and one thing is true, the Gods are getting angry.
>I feel like you could get some mileage out of making the fungus part or a tool of some greater entity. You don't have to do the whole Cordyceps thing with actual mind control, or even have the fungus be all that active.
>Instead, the fungus, and to a lesser extent its spores, is merely the herald of this entity. Where the fungus grows, or where the spore-clouds are thick enough, the entity has awareness. Get enough of it in you, and it may start affecting your dreams. However, beyond this, it doesn't actually DO that much... except spread, and spread, and spread. Fungus-cults inspired by the dreams spring up in infested areas, and in true cult fashion set to converting or eliminating everyone around them.
>Soon, all shall be covered. Soon, all shall be safe under the spore-eyes.
>And you just found a small mushroom growing in your ear.