>"Grug is a beastman of the tribal lands. He is 8' tall and marred with scars which cover every inch of his body. Half his face burned off during battle, he has only one eye. His hair dark and unwashed lays filthy over his hunched back. Grug never speaks. He understands the common language but only grunts when spoken to and bares his fangs when insulted." >charisma: 21 [life of the party]
How do you tell someone to stick their character draft up their arse?
Charisma can just be personal magnatism. You can be a fucking mute and still have high charisma. The beastman exudes an aura of wild strength and fury. Body language.
Carson Baker
So basically it's a black rapper. Those exist.
Ryan Adams
I think you need to understand what stats mean, faggot.
Isaac Watson
Black. Rapper.
Nolan Green
So it's a furry thing?
Noah Stewart
>charisma means social butterfly >charisma means beautiful fashion model
i hate this meme. mental stats have no bearing on looks, strong silent type is a thing. Physical one have more influence. you are the one in the wrong for believing DnD stereotyping.
Jacob Ramirez
No is a power and domination thing, where everyone around him knows that he is head honcho. Fucker, Balrogs have CHA in the high 20s despite being ugly motherfuckers.
William Rodriguez
>ugly characters can have high charisma
Kill yourself.
Aaron Gomez
Same description, CHA 21 >enters room >holy shit, what kind of monster is that? >better not provoke it >please stop glaring at me >leaves room
Same description, CHA 8 >enters room >who is this ugly brute? >ugh >"Guards, remove this animal from the premises."