>DM is a homophobic prick always making gay jokes >one campaign create a feminine male character >spend our first sessions flirting with every male npc to annoy him >suddenly a foreign noble flirts back >press harder, attempt to start relationship >DM accepts and my relationship becomes a prominent side plot >end up getting gay married somehow >defeat BBE with gay husband's help amongst others >characters retires happily having lived a fullfilling respected life with a supporting family
Is it inappropriate to show up at his funeral and give my condolences to his wife?
>GM memes the gays >such a homophobe >wait he doesn't hate gays One can claim faggots are degenerates that should be burned in the ovens, And still be one. That's the magic of shitposting user.
Luis Green
Wait whose funeral?
Hudson Wood
Maybe he's not a homophobe and he just enjoys a bit of rough humor about gays?
Maybe he just hates gays instead of being scared of them.
Julian Powell
I'll take 'Things that never happened' for 600, Alex
Connor Cooper
The BBEG's, duh.
Charles Evans
Shuddup Aaron.
Ryan Bailey
OP is not only a faggot he's also dumb as bricks.
William Rodriguez
Probably not, unless you have some reason to believe that she hated him, and it should be a compelling one. No need to have her be confronted by her husband's murderer, and give her more reason for revenge. What if they had children? Are you going to try and convince them their daddy was evil and had to die?
Nolan Roberts
>>suddenly a foreign noble flirts back >>press harder, attempt to start relationship ah, the classic game of gay chicken
Jaxson Evans
I don't think you are good enough at judging people to go to any social event in good conscience.
Hudson Carter
>>DM is a homophobic prick always making gay jokes >spend our first sessions flirting with every male npc to annoy him >suddenly a foreign noble flirts back
See, this is where you didn't realise those who complain/joke about the gays, are often repressed.
"I don't want to sound like a queer or nothing... but I'd suck you off."
Christian Walker
Wouldn't it be funny to prank your DM by asking for a one-on-one session, then sitting really close to him, looking away and smiling whenever he makes eye contact, then after the game tell him how much you enjoyed the session and give him a hug. That'd be really funny lol.
Isaiah Thompson
Sebastian Sanders
Gay people tend to actually enjoy making gay jokes, as it turns out.
Caleb Lopez
100% this.
I have arachnofobia but I'm actually a spider.
Jeremiah Wood
not to sound like a creep, but I'd suck you off
Adam Bailey
gay jokes =/= homophobe
And no, go respect the man.
Brody Cox
>being gay is the same as being another species
Elijah King
>itt >gays interpret things in ways which justify their life choices.
Gavin Young
Shhhh, the otherkin will hear. I don't need the trans-A10's coming out of the woodwork making those mating noises they make
Landon Kelly
My friends who didn't know I'm bi would occasionally call me out for being 'the most himophobic' person they knew.
I always found that really funny.
Benjamin Reed
fuck you
Ian Harris
Very fake and very gay
Jack Moore
>be a fag >be unable to follow a basic simily
Jason Foster
>tfw you trade in your brrrrrrrt for a braaaaaaap
Tyler Torres
>Sucking this much dick >Thinking you are not, yourself, a faggot
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Your shitty post made no point had no point skipped "important" details.
Please delete your thread.
Levi Howard
>had no point The point was to create a beacon thread on Veeky Forums for other /pol/tards to latch onto.
Hunter Phillips
>literally “no u”
Owen Rodriguez
>Be me, adventurer >Final clash against the BBEG, both of us are out of spell slot and down to our last slivers of hp >I start hitting on him, challenging him to gay chicken >He calls me a faggot before deeply kissing me on the lips >Start an ironic relationship with him to closely keep an eye on his empire >Gay marry him for tax benefits and to subvert his evil empire from the inside >We eventually adopt a kid to keep around as a little bro >He cleans for us and brings us drinks, shit is so cash >One day the BBEG fully grabs my balls out of nowhere >He didn't say "no homo" >Start wondering if I actually married a gay guy >Feel disgusted