Turns out, the cold makes it dry longer and can ruin the spray.
Austin Brown
Holy shit that's a nice looking paint scheme
Oliver Garcia
You're talking about primer. right? I like to use minimal primer on my models, so I spray in tiny bursts with the can about 2 feet away from the model. If you're still getting imperfections either your nozzle is clogged, you're using a shit brand that's too gritty or runny or you're not spraying around room temperature and standard humidity.
Ethan Wood
Yeah, Halloween colors work on a surprisingly large number of armies
Cameron Rogers
I'm probably spraying too close? I dunno though, I do short bursts going from side to side.
I do it from around 15cm away.
Jayden Long
Tau mecha look like they were designed by Masamune Shirow, therefore we can logically conclude that Tau women must look like they were designed by him as well.
Oliver Howard
GOD why do I always want to start painting in winter.
Ryder Clark
If only I'd know where to get Tau arms without clothing on
Hudson Morris
That's why you should plan ahead and undercoat everything during summer.
Angel Martin
Do you find yourself going overboard with conversions? I build my custom Neurothrope without checking against the normal one, and now he is huge
>What are you working on now?
Jayden Perez
Esher gang members.
Asher Price
Seems reasonable.
Camden Cooper
to many fingers, also are they the right size?
Brayden Howard
I did but my friend got me some new dudes and something something ate through the paint on my dudes.
Gavin Howard
Not gunna lie I think that looks pretty dumb user
Landon Perez
After the new codex, what's the best way of kitting out a Baal pred?
Jason Sanchez
I fucking wish. MS mecha looks more organic and rounded (circles). Tau are blocky. Unfortunately, that translates to tau female as well
Cooper Wilson
Shave one off, Fire Warriors are ridiculously out of scale.
Christopher Campbell
I like it. Easy fix: warm the tail and coil it down to shorten your model
Juan Thompson
An easy alternative is to prime with your airbrush indoors. Down side is that thevprimer will eventually clog your airbrush bc of the adhesive.
Jackson Moore
One of these days.
Brayden Roberts
Ive always been extremely partial to this Doom of Malan'tai conversion for neurothropes
Tyler Myers
Post dead/dying tau
Carson Phillips
so escher parts fit pathfinder/fw parts? would allow me to build a nice tau gang for a dhiorrama or smtth
Jayden Price
Noah Cox
Here's a favorite
John Carter
Since GW is churning out a lot of Robutts recently, do you think Guardsmen will get something neato like a heavy Sentinel or something?
Dominic Rogers
Aiden Davis
That sounds sick.
Jaxon Brown
>gets charged
Liam Gray
You cannot win gue'la
Daniel Johnson
Nice haven't seen that one
Michael Scott
Evan Flores
No. Escher arms are a ball joint and their torsos are one piece. If you want something more like Torchstar's fanart you'll probably want to use the entire torso and arms from escher and hacksaw her from the legs to attach hooves and greenstuff fix the parachute pants pathfinders come with.
Jackson Torres
I ment fitting more in size then in joints, since joints can be chopped. im just worried that the body/arms etc. might be out of scale to the tau pieces...
Kevin Lewis
>Guard >New model
Lol. You're a friendly NPC. New models are for Space Marines only.
>Maybe if you're a really good boi GW will write up a new Regiment/ Dataslates for using Necromunda gang models in 40K
Camden Jones
Look at me when I hit you
Colton Allen
Not all of the. Pretty much all the stealth centered suits (Stealth Suits, Shadow Sun's suit, ghostkeel) are all fairly rounded. The Riptide and its variants aren't that blocky either though they're still fairly angular. XV9 suits are pretty good too. Basically the worst offenders are the XV8 suits, even then Masamune Shirow's design influence is apparent on all of them.
Pic related is what all human women look like by the way.
Jacob Price
Gabriel Price
>using banshees against tau
Jesus that gave me a boner, would probably be their strongest matchup.
Daniel Stewart
Just realised the one on the right is a sister
Luis Cox
>Using a Knight to take out a Crisis Suit Overkill much?
Michael Nelson
>this eyebrows
Gw has the worst taste.
Mason Cooper
Guard are getting what could be the best character model this year less than 2 weeks from now.
Josiah Brown
>all humans >one of the models is an Eldar user are you mentally retarded?