So, as a lapsed Tau player I recently glanced at the rules since I've got some friends getting back into the game, and I'm kinda confused as to how the Tau are meant to work these days, as well as the point of some of their stuff. I get that they don't have a codex yet so it's still preliminary, but some things struck me as a bit weird and offputting, like Railguns no longer having a decent chance of popping light vehicles in a single hit. Am I missing some new advantage they have?
Alexander Long
What is the state of the Newcron's in 8th?
Asher Rivera
never ever
Luis Wood
Nope. Single shot tank busting weapons like meltaguns and the like are trash, except when you can spam them. This is the edition of cramming as many high-ROF ranged weapons in a list as possible, doesn't even really matter what Str and AP it shoots. Quantity over quality all the way!
>TFW ork shooting is even more trash than usual in 'spray and pray : the edition'
Adrian Foster
How do I replicate pic related’s skin? Want to do this and put some extra thin pearlescent on it’s skin, and blood dripping from the claws.
Nicholas Baker
Man, that seems really lame. So the Tau's old advantage of generally having higher strength weapons is just kinda irrelevant?
Jonathan Williams
wasn't that the same with last edition
Camden Morris
Last edition you still wanted to have Str7 or 8, so you could glance all vehicles to death as well as mow down infantry. Right now there isn't much benefit to having higher Str than 5, untill you reach Str 9.
Samuel Torres
Need serious help with assembling the redemptor dreadnought. I cant get the sarcophagus to fit so that you still can move the hatch. Anyone else had the same problem? Please help or I will start playing eldar instead.
Jace Hughes
Why do the Imperial Fists in The Beast Arises/I Am Slaughter have Sus-An Membranes when they don't in 40k?
What is the point of the Betcher's Gland? It seems like the most useless fucking gene-seed augment.
Ryan Brown
Just finished The Warmaster. Nothing made me REEEEEEEE so much as what happened to Ezrah.
Henry Carter
You're not supposed to?
Luke Collins
Does this mean you just want battlesuits with twin burst cannons, or maybe missile pods?
Battlesuits were always my favourite unit, and the loss of Jump Shoot Jump made me sad, but can they still be effective?
Asher Howard
How are GSC for casual play (inb4 CAACfag, not everyone plays tourneys)? Just looking to play with friends who are already into the hobby. One plays orks, another Thousand Sons.
Christopher Jones
>Never heard of fucking Vocaroo.
You're a fucking idiot.
Zachary Lee
Balanced meta you got right there provided the Ork player doesn't run green tide.
Gabriel Sullivan
Well, you can take Hammerheads with Longstrike for 3 shots hitting on 2s. Then a single markerlight hit to reroll ones means you basically have guaranteed hits, wounding on 3s, with D6 damage and mortal wound potential. Don’t worry about losing longstrike to enemy fire; you can just bring some gun drones that sit behind the tanks out of LOS to take the wounds.
Also your kroot are capable of getting in rapid fire range in turn 1. So a bunch of cheapos can take the objectives in the middle of the board and preemptively mow down some infantry. That’s Nice.
As for the vehicles? Yea, most vehicles are supposed to survive shooting from any one or two enemy units. It generally takes a good chunk of army to down anything bigger than infantry in one turn. A good idea, since most people like using those vehicles they focused their time and efffort into, but not very well implemented.
The new codexes have already started reversing the trend. An IG LRBT with a old Grudges Commander for example can easily snap up a Predator on its own. When your codex comes out, expect the damage potential on broadsides and such to double.
Robert Bailey
He does, but personally, I think it’s hilarious. He’s a pretty cool dude, so if that unbalances things, he’d probably be fine with a handicap
Jaxson Young
I wonder if GW will address the fact Tau can do next to nothing in the psychic and fight phase
Evan Ramirez
Actually giving a fuck is your first problem. It's just poorly written fanfic given licence.
Cooper White
Ezrah was clearly getting too OP in the last book. I'm not surprised.
Brayden Hill
but you are
Caleb Gonzalez
they are quite a bit better after the chapter approved
the codex will probably buff them even more
Ian Peterson
> can't build GW plastics right WEW LAD
Zachary Edwards
That does make some sense. I guess I'll hold off for now and see what the codex brings. Although any thoughts on the suit stuff I expressed in ?
Benjamin Sullivan
A few threads ago somebody was posting about his hex based campaign across three planets.
If that user's still lurking, that was really cool but I didn't save the rules, would you post them again?
David Perez
fukken halp
Jackson Butler
Trying to make a boltgun (and any bolt weapon) heavy army for SM, to capitalize on storm of fire + bolter drill stratagems.
Is IF/CF worth it for the drill, or is RG still superior?
With CF i get pedro which is good for aggressors, but with RG i get the -1 to hit
Justin Smith
>combat doggos Where can I get these, friend?
Ryan Ross
Crimson Fists is the patricians choice, that's all I can say.
Cameron Perez
>Caring about -1 to hit at over 12'' >When a bolter's rapid fire is 12''
*Slow clap*
Alexander Lopez
So my plan for pedro and his bubble was going to be an agressor squad, 10 man sternguard squad (maybe some heavy flamers on them?), and heavy intercessor focus.
That's a lot of low AP, high volume bullets that storm of fire can benefit from.
What's a good HQ I can slap storm of fire on and tout around with that that 1) doesn't have RR1 because it'd be wasted 2) can wear a powerfist for the CF relic
I'd considered a terminator librarian for the storm shield -> shield eternal but that's a lot of points and he's slow
Daniel Martinez
Isaac Clark
This thread shows a shocking lack of nurglings.
Lucas Hughes
I was caring about the 15'' range on most primaris, since I have a lot of them.
Mason Evans
Agreed. Coming out of the codex they were looking really rough. CA approved really put them in a better spot. I think the hybrids are still overcosted. On the plus, their special weapons dropped in price.
Joshua Fisher
You heard the man, post Nurglings.
Dominic Jenkins
Had a go at improving my spraying.
Looks good I think. sprayed these bad-boys grey.
Landon Wright
Is the rhino primaris worth it? The +1 to hit and it's once per battle gun seem nice.
But it's a lot of points
Tyler King
I'm newish to them too, but played a handful of games. Army is squishy as shit. Get transports for anything you don't deepstrike. Don't try to take on an ork horde in cc. A two flamer chimera with a patriarch and stealers has done me quite well, people seem to forget about the flamers when it gets into charge range.
Aiden Cooper
Best way to start a deathguard army?
Brandon Stewart
>Why do the Imperial Fists in The Beast Arises/I Am Slaughter have Sus-An Membranes when they don't in 40k? The Fists are eradicated by the end of the series and the successor Fists Exemplar with the faulty gene-seed take up their heraldry and history.
>What is the point of the Betcher's Gland? It seems like the most useless fucking gene-seed augment. Why?
Colton Phillips
Its also a transport with 6 slots and has 2 plasma guns that fills an HQ slot (and its stupidly easy to kitbash), I'd say why not?
James Watson
>What is the point of the Betcher's Gland?
An unexpected attack vector and a tool for escaping capture.
Samuel Perry
I'm just afraid it's going to get blown up turn 1
I have the LC/plasma model, I think I might try it as a counts-as and see if I like it.
Also am concerned that it's going out of play, GW seems to want to restrict index options
Bentley Richardson
Get violently ill, I suggest mixing laxatives and jalapenos in a smoothie, served with fruitcake.
Jason Bell
>halfsies on a DI or 3 >typhus >snapfit deathshroud >tonk
Check the ebays and buy/sell/trade pages.
If you're patient enough you can almost never pay full price for your minis.
Nolan Nelson
I hope you slip on an orange peel
Carter Martinez
>captcha : hygiene dreams
Robert Allen
Hey man, as a fellow member of the Death Guard, I'm only suggesting to take it easy. I could have suggested cosmic brownie shakes instead.
Jacob Jenkins
I think the intent was you could gnaw your way out of a cage or bindings when captured.
That stuff was written when they were in transition from scifi cops and marines in bascinet helms to where they are today, in terms of the space marines character.
IRL military they give you all kinds of neato shit to hopefully help get yourself out of trouble, if you're ever unlucky enough to be put in that situation.
Andrew Gomez
Death Guard half of Dark Imperium, can be found on ebay or craigslist/kijiji pretty easily and makes a for a good start, also the easy-to-build Death Guard marines box is very popular for its special weapons.
Brayden Cook
Guys, help, I can't see how the stupid squashed nurgling fits into the foot of the Lord of Contagion.
Anvil Industries Stim Hounds. They just came back in stock
Nathan Myers
There should be two halves to it that fit together to make the nurgling pancake, then his foot goes on top of THAT.
Landon Robinson
Who wouldn't want to spit acid?
Jeremiah Butler
So next year Codex releases are daemons then tau?
Does that mean they’re taking extra time to polish up the Ork codex? It’s gunna be good, right? CA wasn’t a taste of things to come?
Xavier Adams
Whatre you workin on?
Got a battery of mek gunz going on
Adrian Long
>shoot from 15" away >the opponent must now move at least 3" to negate your stealth Wow.
Elijah Hernandez
More like the Ork codex is going to be very last because they waited to the last second to shove it onto some intern who copy pasted it together with some random and nonsensical changes, 90% of which will be for the worst
Wyatt Perry
My African American friend
Wyatt Morgan
Necrons last probably
Lucas Clark
What did Ian Pickstock mean by this?
Evan Thompson
I want to run Emperors Children but the pink and black scheme is aggravatingly shit. Is there any fluff reason why my warband can't just use the original purple?
Ryder Bennett
Something sexist I'm sure.
Tyler Peterson
Not gay enough.
Logan Walker
All we have confirmed about next year's releases are Daemons, and statements that all factions should have a codex by mid-2018.
Anything beyond that is speculation.
The popular speculation is that because Necrons and Tau didn't get any GW points adjustments, that their codices are around the corner. I guess the reasoning is that playtest team has been busy refining their unreleased codex build rather than spending time rebalancing their index build?
Luis Roberts
>how do you make emperors children more gay?
Nathaniel Jones
>tfw still no Codex Chaos Daemons leaks >tfw still no Magnus buffs
Kayden Foster
power scholngs.
Evan Baker
Would I be a fag if I used these together with my converted gue'vesa stormtroopers and used them as count as kroots and kroot hounds?
William Rogers
and where would I find some for conversion purposes ofcourse?
Aiden Martin
Cheers, user!
Chase Powell
Im building some engineers (see) plus pic related.
Cadians are fun!
Andrew Wright
Asking for list building tips is a paradoxal thing to do if you consider yourself as a casual player don't you think ? You are basically saying "help be me more competitive so I can not be".
tldr, if you play casual field whatever models you like the most