>Dullest franchise poster
>"Acktually by getting utterly Chaos won here, because..." poster
>That questfag who always shitposts bait threads, and then magically the first reply within 20 seconds is about missing quests, every single time
ITT Veeky Forums posters you recognize
Dullest franchise is a /tv/ copypasta, friend.
Yes, but he branched out to Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and even /aco/.
Boy, I sure miss quests on this board.
Anti elf pelinal spammers and other fags that take the meme way too seriously.
Kicking out quests was a mistake
Do you really think Dullest franchise is a single guy?
You are wrong.
>Do you really think Dullest franchise is a single guy?
That guy who gets triggered in /edhg/ when people post golgari and simic decks.
Thanks for reminding me how much I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.
How is "Let's create a [insert buzzword here] setting!" guy not there?
Agreed. You sometimes see the same replies seconds apart in a /tv/ harry potter thread.
What comic?
We killed quest threads for this?
You are not exactly proving him wrong with that pic.
You know you can just go to and play quests with other people who want to play? You do know this right? Just click the link its right there its so easy.
Is it only one person? I always tought it just happened to be some 5 guys who write the same way. No kidding.
/qst/ is not the same as quests on Veeky Forums were and you fucking know it, so shove it up your ass.
Yeah its better cause now we have a custom board fitted to accommodate quests better. I seriously do not know what people think was lost by moving it to from Veeky Forums. Other then posters on the first few threads not thinking it was a quest then hemorrhaging out once it became one ensuring that most fledgling quest died in 3-5 threads.
You're fucking delusional and your memory is faulty if you think Veeky Forums quest was some sort of 'golden age'.
Don't even pretend you enjoy quest threads if you're gonna argue that splitting its community and effectively killing it was a good thing. /qst/ produces less quests which are of less quality than Veeky Forums ever did. That's what we fucking lost-- A shitload of good quests and QMs. Having it replaced by a board designed to be dead from the get-go is in no way an acceptable substitute.
>'DnD is the worst tabletop game in history' b8poster
>>'DnD is the worst tabletop game in history' b8poster
Of course it ain't the worst. FATAL exists. It's the second worst.
You're not him, miss me with that weak shit.
>another argument about quests
A guy in l5r rings shitposting about meta shit.
The cancer which is the cyoa thread population.
Anybody remebers the fapfinity poster?
I dunno man, the pace in qst IS abysmal but I've found more quests I like on qst than on tg.
And I don't see how qst was "designed to be dead" seeing as there is a fucking sticky directing people over there. It's just that only very few people have an actual desire to play quests and all the incidental posters did so more out of curiosity than out of actual engagement.
>splitting its community
If there really was a quest community, they would have all gone to /qst/. There's even a sticky directing them to do so.
>"There's no way someone can like something I don't"
>"He must be pretending"
Yeah fuck off with that shit you don't have a monopoly on 'quality' I'm sorry your waifu quest died cause the QM bailed after no one clicked the fap bait. has fewer quest true, but they FAR higher in quality then the absolute trash that quests on Veeky Forums pumped out en mass and died just as quickly. Furthermore /qst/ ain't dead on going quests still go on and have dozens of active players the only thing that was lost was a reduction "lolrandom" shitheads popping in to stir shit. Active people dedicated to the stories were not lost. The amount of people on the average quest right now are about as many people who remained in on going quest on Veeky Forums after thread 5 and on. Only now they're not bumped off the board while the QM sleeps by edition wars and elf slave wat do threads.
> I don't see how qst was "designed to be dead" seeing as there is a fucking sticky directing people over there.
Then you're an idiot. When you split any online community, you lose a large amount of that community entirely. They just fuck off to greener pastures entirely. This is so well-known that I honestly do not believe that the folks who made the decision were ignorant of the phenomenon. Hell, there were people before the split who wanted it to happen FOR THAT REASON.
>It's just that only very few people have an actual desire to play quests
No, it's just that only very few people have an actual desire to ONLY PLAY QUESTS AND DO NOTHING ELSE.
> all the incidental posters did so more out of curiosity than out of actual engagement.
Or maybe, just maybe, most folks legitimately enjoyed contributing to quests between all of the other interactive creative shit on Veeky Forums, most of which is also gone? (Field kit inspection, Mage's guild, writing outside of one barely populated general thread, etc.)
> the guy who always claims people have hidden motives and "obviously left some parts out" in story time/ThatX threads
> another guy who starts a shitfest in any dnd related topic claiming everyone is a casual, they would not surive 5 minutes in his super special campaigns and always tells people to kill themselves.
I swear with every passing yeah Veeky Forums starts reminding me more of /v/ and other shit boards.
But most of the time, people obviously ARE leaving some parts out.
DoW 3 official comic.
I am more annoyed that he only complains, never doing something like, you know, doing a "serious" 8th edition eldar fluff thread.
(Also, if there was a pic of an ork headbutting a panzee, I would posted dat instead)
there is a hilarious amount of leaps in this post, the main one being ignoring the existence of tabs
>No, it's just that only very few people have an actual desire to ONLY PLAY QUESTS AND DO NOTHING ELSE.
You know he does have a point here you're only ever allowed to use one board at a time or suffer the wrath of Hiroshima-Nagasaki
Thread Ghost and Fuzzy Costodier user were pretty wonderful.
obviously what he meant is that it's just extremely DIFFICULT to use two boards at once. I think you need two separate computers with two IP addresses. It can't have anything to do with the fact that people just aren't very interested in quests.
No, they fucked off to greener pastures, as you can see that akun and other quest-platforms are FILLED TO THE BRIM.
>Questfags still SEETHING over being told to GTFO
Brightens my day every time.
What would even give you the idea that this is the case?
Now im sure that there is an occasional dude that will just use an opportunity to vent out while talking shit, but this does not excuse saying that everyone suddenly has an agenda. That is nothing les than an excuse to shitpost and derail threads without any meaningful contribution.
And lets not get into semantics over the fact that it is factually impossible to 100% recreate any given situation.
ITT: people genuinely think that the same person reposts his particular copypasta and argues in cliches.
t. a person who regularly reposts the others' copypasta and argues in verbal cliches for the meme value and specifically to induce the paranoia in posters such as you
Now, excuse me, commissar, I've got to train people to read Steven King by reading Harry Potter, all while reposting the same shitty old arguments in DnD edition war threads.
>(Also, if there was a pic of an ork headbutting a panzee, I would posted dat instead)
So, all you care about is that male Eldar get hurt and their females fucked by humans? You are not proving him wrong at all. You are just an ordinary elf-hater.
are you that guy on f-list who admitted that he earned money from translating quests immediately after trying to shill them hard in Veeky Forums chat?
same fucking arguments, even.
>What would even give you the idea that this is the case?
Because I do this every time I post a story, and Veeky Forums on the average is neither better, nor worse than me.
>/qst/ is not the same as quests on Veeky Forums were and you fucking know it, so shove it up your ass.
>You're fucking delusional and your memory is faulty if you think Veeky Forums quest was some sort of 'golden age'.
Whatever you say user
If you choose to, for whatever reason, to lie to random people on the internet, that is your thing. It does not mean everyone does the same.
Yeah, who would go on the internet and post things that aren't true
I'd like to see your data
>If there really was a quest community, they would have all gone to /qst/
This has literally never happened in any split online community ever. Thanks for playing.
>but they FAR higher in quality then the absolute trash that quests on Veeky Forums pumped out en mass and died just as quickly.
Exalted Quest disagrees. Do you have literally anything to point at to back up your claim? Because the rest of your nonsense is just ranting about shit that barely happened at all, if it ever did.
>He says, while only browsing Veeky Forums right now.
I'm not any of those guys, but the issue with quests was sheer volume. Those were good days and honestly some of the quests from back then were enjoyable even from an outsider's prospective.
The issue was that everyone and their mother wanted to become the next big thing, so the number of them started ramping upwards and people starting getting sick of them.
I don't have a dog in this race either way, though.
I'm kinda glad none of you recognize me. I've done several things to deserve it.
That autistic guy with his "games as iterated choice" rants about RPG theory and his rants about the "cult of the roll"
>>He says, while only browsing Veeky Forums right now.
guess again buddy. But you're right, I'll close that tab now because quests are honestly a laborious past time that's only ever really fun with art.
Virt you're banned, fuck off.
>This has literally never happened in any split online community ever. Thanks for playing.
>He says with a straight face while on Veeky Forums
It was only ever about 10% of the threads on the board, they were just highly trafficked. This argument literally boils down to "I don't know how to use the catalog and don't want to learn."
Which is *actually* a fair argument, given that getting mobile posters to not be complete fucking idiots when using any website ever is an incredible goddamn pain in the ass.
I mean, I get that you specifically don't care, but this argument was used frequently, and it basically makes no sense!
Sometimes Iike orks winning, something I like eldar winning, sometimes I like IG winning, even sometimes I like Ultramarines winning.
Everyone is a douche in 40K, and so you root for everyone eventually getting their arses kicked in the most spectacular ways possible.
Yeah, I don't think the original Warhammer Wednesdays posters wound up being the Veeky Forums core group in any way, shape, or form-- It just got lucky enough to attract a different crowd.
>I'm not any of those guys, but the issue with quests was sheer volume.
Yeah, moot made a bad decision in forcing all of the /a/nime quests onto Veeky Forums, because /a/ has a MUCH higher population than this board. When people whine about "too many quests" and "90% of the board was quests", they never complain about the native Veeky Forums quests. It's always
>oh yeah like we really needed Loli Panty-Sniffer Quest #97343197554
>posts an image with big bold letters reading 'LOLI QUEST' amongst the latest ones
and you wonder why nobody likes you
vg, vp, mlp, /r/games, /r/pcgaming, /wooo/....
Nigger Warhammer is still a large thing on Veeky Forums and continued to be ever sense the split. If we were still on /b/ then Warhammer would be gone as well as the original posters of those early threads burred under the rampant building shit that is that board. A good number of Veeky Forums boards are split communites specifically made to end shitstorms and most of the time its the colony board that fares better while the former host board burns. Your split community theory is shite and doesn't apply on Veeky Forums. Thanks for playing sweetie.
Even if you are not lying, and even if it was not the intention of the creators of these fanfiction pics and stories, you must realize that they are largely abused, more or less, by people that hate Eldar to use them as a statement about how great their favorite faction is. I've barely see any waifufag actually defending Eldar, maybe aside from claiming that they are cute, again only a shallow comment about their females.
I didn't know that actually happened, but that makes sense to me.
Also Loli Panty-Sniffer Quest sounds like a parody arcade platformer and would probably have a bomb-ass soundtrack.
Most of the ponyposters did fuck off when /mlp/ was formed, though. And pokemon discussion did drop off in total when /vp/ was formed compared to before. Only recently started going to Veeky Forums, though, so I can't speak on that.
And regarding Reddit bullshit-- r/pcgaming/ has half the subscribers of r/games/ and I do clearly remember people fucking off from Reddit altogether when that bitterness went down. No clue what /wooo/ is supposed to be because I quit going to that site a while ago.
so what I'm hearing is that you need 100% retention rate as decided by your subjective impression, at a time of your choosing, with a purity you arbitrate, for a split to be considered 'successful'?
Well geez then I guess you ARE right
Thanks for admitting it!
>Exalted Quest disagrees. Do you have literally anything to point at to back up your claim? Because the rest of your nonsense is just ranting about shit that barely happened at all, if it ever did.
Do you have some way of measuring objective quality now? Please show me this measurement of shit? Don't asks for proofs when your only claim to evidence is a subjective
>"/qst/ produces less quests which are of less quality than Veeky Forums ever did."
My quality is not your quality I guess. How much IQ do I need to enjoy 'lolrandom' fuck heads jumping into a 20 part interactive story knowing nothing and bailing immediately afterwords.
>Most of the ponyposters did fuck off when /mlp/ was formed, though.
Yeah the intentional shitposters who didn't even like the show and were just posting images to trigger easily baited nerds. Hell the pony general still survives to this day on /mlp/ and the board even after its slowing down on later seasons has more traffic then the /b/ bait thread ever did. There's just less organized trolls now.
Veeky Forums thrives outside of the trash fire that is /v/ and as you know Veeky Forums and warhammer inside of it are doing just fine.
First, stop acting like a [insert political extremist you don't like here], you are giving a bad name to those who does like eldar beyond WAAC and waifus.
Second, accept that people will always shitpost, especially when it triggers folks like (you).
Third, try to make a "serious" eldar thread, and maybe look for stuff that may like other folks, like influence from ancient civilizations.
Fourth, accept that space elfs are not as popular as green fungus barbarians and space knights.
Fifth, if a newfag ask why humies and panzess don't get along, don't screech like a priest, but calmy explain why not. If /v/ can do it, you too.
>I didn't know that actually happened, but that makes sense to me.
Yeah, Veeky Forums had a delightful span of time from 2008-2012 when very few outsiders knew about this board, we didn't have a mod who saw himself as a neckbeard, and quest threads were enjoyed by everyone except a couple of trolls. Then /a/ saw how much fun Veeky Forums was having with quest threads, realized that they could make those visual novel harem-builder games they always wanted to with minimum effort and a single OP image of a pretty anime girl, and that snowballed to the point where the mods on /a/ got moot to force all quest threads on Veeky Forums onto Veeky Forums.
This was when people started bitching hard about quests, because there really was a huge jump in the number of quests on the board, since the population of /a/ who played quests there was basically the same as the entire population of Veeky Forums. For a few years it was not a good time to be on Veeky Forums if you weren't the big anime fan.
By highly trafficked you mean bumped spammed until the QM wokeup/got back
Its the exact same reason why stories/fanfic are relegated to generals and not every author has there own thread cause it clutters the board to all hell (yes even the catalog)
>bumped spammed
Why does this matter if you are using the catalog?
>it clutters the board to all hell (yes even the catalog)
Most folks don't participate in D&D, MtG, *AND* 40k, and those topics are more numerous than quests ever were. Why do they not "clutter the board"?
No! I don't wanna!
>caster supremacy doesn't exist, my group runs these games fine, there are no problems
>caster supremacy is just realistic, get over it, butthurt martialfag
So which is it? You can't have both. I know it's the same guy pushing this.
That explains why all quests turned into lesbians almost immediately.
>A shitload of good quests and QMs
>Second, accept that people will always shitpost, especially when it triggers folks like (you).
Well, thank you for basically proving me right.
>Third, try to make a "serious" eldar thread, and maybe look for stuff that may like other folks, like influence from ancient civilizations
Do I need to make a thread I deem good every time I see a thread I deem shit? You know that this is a shit argument anyway. And yes, I always try to make reasonable posts in these kinds of threads, but mention that Eldar don't like BHC and we get back to point two.
>Fourth, accept that space elfs are not as popular as green fungus barbarians and space knights.
Oh I would actually be quite happy about that, since that would mean a low number of posters, thus less shitposting, more calm and reasonable threads. Except the opposite is happening, because of this waifushit Eldar threads are filled with people that actually don't care about them at all. If you don't like them, stop posting about them. It would be so easy.
>Fifth, if a newfag ask why humies and panzess don't get along, don't screech like a priest
And now comes the part where you explain to me why you assume I'm not doing that. I'm basing my arguments on actual lore, it's the waifufags that screetch when you mention something that doesn't adhere to their fanfiction.
Now be less of a faggot and contribute more to Eldar threads, instead of whatever it is what you post.
In the barren wastelands of Veeky Forums, generals were erected to give those who desire a safe haven free of off topic discussion, at the cost of generating a generation of drama as namefags climb to the top of the heap and trolls erect proxy generals to confuse the remaining refugees from the proper generals.
To those who desire discussion outside their ghettos, shitposters roam free to spout their hatred of D&D and the political climate assailing Magic: the Gathering community while the mods look on, cowed by their own rules after splintering the community by banishing the writers, the artists, the smut, and the forum games.
As the last fa/tg/uy looks on in despair as more and more low quality bait threads and unnecessary generals clutter what was once a small but bustling community, he will wonder when it all went wrong.
And then, he will be called a faggot.
To be fair, the quests I wanted to play just stopped existing once they were moved to /qst/. Sorry to condone leaching off this board like a parasite, but fuck you man, I don't give a shit, I want my quests.
I blame quests for the generals.
>Do I need to make a thread I deem good every time I see a thread I deem shit?
Not always, but contributing >>>>>>>>> complaining.
Heck, Love and Krieg 2.0 was born after someone complained about the original one, but then he/she actually helped to make something that was closer to the canon kriegers.
I wonder how long it'll take before shitposters get generals banned off Veeky Forums as well.
More to the point, I wonder what Veeky Forums will be like after /tgg/ is made to placate the masses who only want more space to spout shitposts and political shit.
>Not always, but contributing >>>>>>>>> complaining
Sure, the fallacy is that you assume that the anonymous that is telling you that your shit sucks is not contributing as a different anonymous in the same thread even. This is also not a safe space where this anonymous will stop telling you that he doesn't like the thing and why. For he is user and his opinion must be heard.
>So which is it? You can't have both. I know it's the same guy pushing this.
If it is, then it you shouldn't take it to heart: its just a troll, who probably does not play D&D at all. Actual 3.5ers are well aware of power differences between classes (hence the popularity of Tier lists), and also know that how "supreme" casters are varies by class (there are casters in each tier). A lot of Veeky Forums edition wars, I think, are a lot of people responding to a strawman set up as bait for lulz.
If the is what you believe, then Veeky Forums is not for you. Don't let the door hit yer arse.
You've run out of smart things to say? You are not the authority on Veeky Forums things.
>the 4venger
Whines constantly about how unfair it is that people don't like the pile of shit that is D&D 4e and thinks it's perfect in every way. Will scream "4e" or "just refluff 4e" every time someone asks for recommendations regardless of context.