If Circe was such a great sorceress, why didn't she use her magic to transform herself into a lion or a dragon or something and eat Odysseus and his men before they could escape?
If Circe was such a great sorceress...
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Odysseus basically fucked her sound asleep before his men escaped.
This is greek mythos so all women are stupid.
Because she's a relatively complicated character who craves Odysseus' dick.
Similar to Morgana le Fay actually.
>Why doesn't all magic work the same way as modern day fantasy magic does?
I wonder. At any rate, witches in greek culture were more about dropping some potions in your food and making a dress that poisons you than casting fireball and turning into monsters. And also manipulating men and taking bloody, bloody revenge if need arises.
Why doesn't Santa Claus just use his magic to strangle all the children of the world in their sleep so he doesn't have to work so hard every year?
She could turn people into animals.
She's a vegan hippie
Because they ate the food she offered them, did they not?
He is, as many children as he can per year, but people keep fucking more into existence.
It made them "drunk", what turned them into animals was her wand.
So you admit that it's a two-step process, since they need to be lured into a stupor first.
Which means, yeah, I guess she could get herself blitzed and turn herself into a lion, but 1)being drunk, she might fuck up the wand-ing and make herself something else, and 2)oh no, a drunk lion.
and it didnt just shoot animalbeams. she had to wave it over them or touch them with it
To be fair, I'd be a lot more scared of a drunk dragon than an ordinary woman.
Because you can't beat the dick. Also, evil witches lose their power after you make them ahegao.
Because by transforming into the animal you may not be able to transform back and you take on the characteristics of such animal. considering dragons in Greek mythos aren't the same as modern ones, that would leave the lion. Why would you give up your human autonomy to transform into a lion to kill one person?
Cause Greek sorceress are quite once you understand them.
especially turning into a lion against a group of trained soldiers. One of whom is the chosen favorite of the Goddess of War...
Better question, why didn't Odysseus just marry her? It is never fully understood what makes his wife so great that hey'd abandon Circe for her. Does his wife have a diamond encrusted vagina with a clitoris made of chocolate that squirts liquid gold whenever she orgasms? Because only that could make her better than a sorceress, and even then just barely.
Because Odysseus ain't no two-timing bitch is why.
its called love. He had a son he had not seen in 12(?) years, and remember Circe basically wanted him to give up everything, including his crown, fighting, gaining glory, serving his goddess, and his lands, just for a woman who has shown herself to be terrifyingly man-hating, opposed by the gods and had just tried to kill all the guys friends...
You think a lion could overwhelm the heroes of the Trojan War? Really, user?
Can a lion defeat your Solar Exalted and his troops? Could a CR 1 beast defeat your level 10 Fighter (or whatever)?
And what makes you think she could turn into a "dragon?"
I'm surprised no one's said "cuck" yet.
Because he isn't a cuck, user.
That would've been boring.
Medea had a chariot pulled by dragons, she had to get it from somewhere.
But is he a cuck if he's also cucking her back? What if his wife remains chaste and waits for her husband to return until her death while he keeps smashing eternally young and beautiful sorceress puss? Doesn't that make her the cuck?
I'll be glad when sexbots are cheap and you people finally stop interacting with society altogether.
You can't be cucked if no-one ever loved you, Circe.
It's called the Odyssey, not "The lifestory of Circe's lunch one tuesday afternoon". Epic poetry from Greek mythology doesn't work like the podcast of some prat's D&D game.
This is your brain on 3.pf, gentlemen.
>2)oh no, a drunk lion.
This is fucking terrifying though
Because that wouldn't coincide with the perpetual female butthurt that is man hating. Why kill them when you can turn them into the very animal you've been figuratively referring them to your entire life?
The question is, why would he marry her?
>To be fair, I'd be a lot more scared of a drunk dragon than an ordinary woman.
Greeks dragons are not the same as fantasy modern dragons
But she did.
But he IS a two timing bitch. Dependng on your interpretation of his time with Calypso he was a three timing bitch.
What is this?
To be fair Calypso was a Nymph/and/or Goddess who had the Ability to make people fall for her.
Reminder that Casters make the best waifus.
Wrong genre. This is myth and not fantasy. Circe did whatever she did for theological and metaphorical reasons and not for practical ones.
But she did. Didn't you see the cartoon? Also it was a tiger, not a lion and a giant octopus not a dragon.
>Confuses wanting the d with vore
Keep your fetishes to yourself.
TF is my fetish
Fetishfags leave.
Fetishfags are the only reason to keep coming here.
Why would she risk being stuck as a monster? Odysseus turned his men back, but who would turn HER back?
Because Circe can't feel love. She's a monster.
Circe wasn't human either
That's Circe, from Fate/Grand Order.
Does she turn into a monster?
When a Heroic Spirit is summoned, they're summoned into a class which represents some of their myth, but might cut out other bits. Here is Circe as Caster. It's entirely possible she could be summoned as Berserker in her monster state.
Twenty. Ten years getting to and fighting at Troy, then ten years getting back.
Holy christ how bad was he at navigating?
He was exceptionally good, but Athena (and later Poseidon) had hateboners for him and the other Greeks for desecrating temples and generally being dicks to the Trojans (i.e. genociding). Which is a bit schizophrenic, because Athena was A. on the Greek side and B. becomes Odysseus' patron goddess in the Odyssey.
He wasn't bad at it, he just made the small mistake of pissing off the God of the Sea before going on the voyage. And then blinding one of his sons.
Oh yeah, also his dudes ate the cattle of the sun so they all got rekt. Poor Odysseus had to spend a few years on a tropical island with a beautiful goddess of sex.
Calypso turned herself and Odysseus into animals so they could copulate in every form.
The Greeks knew how to party down.
Dionysians did nothing wrong
They tore apart mah boi Orpheus.
Would you fuck Calypso even if she was a deer? Would you fuck Circe even if she was a lion?
> making a dress that poisons you
I preferred the crown that sets your head on fire
Is it so wrong to reunite him with Eurydice in the Underworld?
Also Greeks thought all lions were male, so she wouldn't be a witch at that point.
If you were a great sorcerer you'd know. You need some magic degree for understanding magic, you know
>Medea had a chariot pulled by dragons, she had to get it from somewhere.
from her granddad helios- as a sort of "im sorry we fucked you over" from the gods
dragons are serious shit, the one guarding the fleece was enough to threaten to end the Argonauts quest
>Reminder that Casters make the best waifus.
then you posted the wrong one user
user, did you've missed the entire fucking point of Odyssei? He's trying to get home to finally see his beloved ones. You know, people he loves.
And I think you are confusing Circe with Calypso, too, since she (Calypso) had a genuine thing for Odys, while Circe was THE lolsrandom bitch with magic powers. Loving Odys? More like owning him.
>Also Greeks thought all lions were male, so she wouldn't be a witch at that point.
>Circe aims to turn herself into a tigress
>step 1: get drunk
>mixes up the potions while sloshed
>turns herself into a lion instead
>is now a male
what next, Odysseusfag
Lioncirce wouldn't want to fuck Odysseus as a male though. That'd be GAY
Being gay was A-okay in Homer's day.
Not for women.
She's not a dude, dude.
I mean she is a dude. If she is a woman, it's not gay.
>Whole motivation is to turn men into animals
What exactly was her endgame?
Turn into a tiger and vore them all.
Depends on the time period and place in Ancient Greece. We get a bunch of erotic poems by Sapphos of Lesbos, who was a woman and wrote towards women for women. Even mentioned loving her students as their mentor, and mentorship was a common practice throughout Greece due to lack of educational standards for women.
Settle down and become a housewife. Her methods were questionable
>Also Greeks thought all lions were male
Get some bestality going.
>Calypso turned herself and Odysseus into animals so they could copulate in every form.
Clearly I need to re-read the Odyssei again, because I don't remember that happening.
>suddenly remembers that lions can have sex up to 40x a day
...Do we know which animals specifically, because if so... Good grief Calypso, I know you're a nymph/sex goddess, but CALM DOWN GIRL!
Depends on the polis
she is a literal nymph and a literal maniac so
>...Do we know which animals specifically, because if so... Good grief Calypso, I know you're a nymph/sex goddess, but CALM DOWN GIRL!
That would just make you get bored with sex, I'd think.
>Reminder that Casters make the best waifus.
Only if you're a pleb that can't deal with the little bit of crazy that comes with the actual class of best waifus.
>That would just make you get bored with sex, I'd think.
Considering Odysseus was stuck with her on an island for what, seven years? There are worse ways to spend your time at sea.
Reminder that literally no-one who associates themselves with Fate is a patrician.
Yeah but he mistook Calypso for Circe
I think they're just the same character in different wigs.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't later accounts about Circe/Calypso say they had children from Odysseus?
That'd actually make one helluva Jerry Springer episode now that I think about it...
She wanted the D
So Greek mythos is just like irl... interesting
>Yeah but he mistook Calypso for Circe
>Odysseus leaves Circe
>she transforms herself into a new form and calls herself Calypso
>sets up on a different island with an "I'M AN ACTUAL SEX NYMPH" story to cut to the chase
>So Greek mythos is just like irl... interesting
It's not that all women are all stupid, they're just not well adapted to manly roles
Nigger you need to read more Iliad.
Tore apart their own countryman because he didn’t want to do crazy parties and sleep with women that weren’t Eurydice. A paragon above those pathetic spoony bards.
My man.
>not stupid
get off tumblr
>yea fuck it ill just send two nations to war because I feel like banging some other royalty
>muh female empowerment
Putrid retard
She's magicked by Aphrodite becuz Aphrodite wants to feel special and have Paris (the fuck) name her "THE FAIREST". Then the magic wears off, and she's stuck with a tremendous faggot for a husbando, in a city full of people who hate her because she's sent two nations to war, with the only guy who will even talk to her destined to die at the hands of the angst-lord known as Achilleus.