Also I'm sorry I let the thread die whiles I was doing some chores
Wyatt Young
Oh hey, welcome back.
Blake Walker
Guess it really is slow this time of year, or something.
We were going through entire threads every one or two days for a while there.
Must be finals and family.
Aiden Lee
Happy Holidays, i guess.
Logan Brooks
Too wholesome for fantasy monster waifus.
Unless we did something.. Christmassy we could all get involved in, like a Christmas Knight contest
Jose Reed
And Christmas-themed outfits for Princesses. Like an ugly sweater for Gobo or Misses Claus-costume for Koblod.
Josiah Hernandez
Or Gingerbread golem? We could get this goin
Elijah Nelson
Kobold should get the sweater, imo
Nicholas Collins
For the inevitable elf costume, I say we throw a bit of a curve ball and have it for Cyclops, since I think she would be a good tinker. I feel she doesn't get much love in the art department.
Logan Martin
How about a team of elves? Gnome also featuring.
Jack Evans
# I hope this works Thanks again user.I'll have more designs coming along soon.
Josiah Roberts
Kobold should get the sweater since she likes to learn about Humans.
>Kobold is given a gift from a not-so-merry person >It's a sweater >Kobold then thinks receiving ugly sweaters is tradition >Kobold kingdom is full of ugly sweaters
Kevin Martinez
I feel that there isn't enough Christmas stuff for each princess we choose to use, so I think teams of elves is okay. We just have to make sure that it fits them.
Now, who would be the other elves? Please don't just say X elf princess.
Ryder Richardson
Who would wear christmas socks best?
Connor Nelson
Camden Ramirez
Ayden Thomas
Uhhh >Zombie >Rat >Octopus >Cactus >Dullahan but just the bottom half.
Head can be something else.
I'd buy that.
Aiden Moore
Elephant, those are hella big stockings.
Jason Richardson
Tiny Tim for Orphan or Boy.
Scrooge for Merchant or Dragon Princess 1.
Mimic gets to be a present or Jack in the box.
Matthew Hernandez
And the ghosts of past, present, and future? I'd figure those would be the Dragons.
Ethan Fisher
In my opinion, DP1 is Christmas Present (only one I see that could pull off jolly fat person), DP3 is Christmas Future (not really a mute, just very shy), and DP2 for Christmas Past (likes to look back into people's lives and see their story). I may or may not be accidentally mixing Dragons up.
Cooper King
Grayson Foster
IF i'm swapping a princess for their dowry using the encrusted chest, am I still obtaining the princess' riches and power?
Ian Bell
Friends? IS it cruel to want Armor and not Crest or vice versa?
Josiah Jackson
No but if you get both then you get a bonus princess.
Alexander Hall
I'd personally want to see Golem playing with a dreidel. Maybe with merchant or someone.
>Armor wrapping up presents >Crest accidentally got shoved in one
Hmmm. Hard to say. I always like to get both in one run, it does feel kind of cruel not too. Forever seperating two halves that really want to feel whole again. Plus you can rules lawyer it that you get Dullahan princess when you max out Crest's lust (armor's is already maxed), and thereby making her one princess and only take up one slot. If you are telling a story out of it and find one, but never find the other piece It'd be sad, but probably not cruel.
Dylan Bailey
I need merchant in a night cap and pajamas right now.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Nah. Just let them be separated and alone. forever.
Andrew Roberts
God damn, were slow these past few days. are exams really THAT bad for most of us?
Aiden Jones
Yes actually. I outright need a 74 absolute minimum to pass a really difficult, mandatory for my degree final to get a C. And it's only 4 questions. Tomorrow morning.
Jordan Fisher
Go to bed you fuckin idiot
Jaxon King
You're going to FUCKING pass that final exam, and you'll LIKE it.
do you have to answer questions to get sex or something??
May the gods be with you scholar.
Joseph Jenkins
I got off really lucky this year. Only two finals. Though I did have an exam, 2 lab reports, and a collection of short stories to turn in...
I believe in you, fellow knight! Make sure to eat some brain food in the morn, and get plenty of sleep. You have all the rest of us behind you, cheering you on as we suffer our own finals!
Aiden Sanders
Ive lost all hope in humanity after my princess got rejected from towergirls. So long guy, it was nice chatting with you. Now its my time to leave this planet
Connor Williams
Who was your princess?
Michael Scott
The greatest princess to ever grace these threads (Stink Princess)
Lucas Gutierrez
Make sure you cut down the street and not across the road.
Angel Rodriguez
I will do my best, soldier. Fret not, dear user, for when one fails, one should try again. Being the one who first brought to light the concept of Gemini, I suggest not you give up. I also have this which might make ya feel better, maybe.
Carson Johnson
If you genuinely made Stink Princess I feel bad for you, because she was so bad I didn't even put her in the throwaway chart.
Josiah Lopez
Princess Discussion of the Day #105 Lampad Princess
Does she count as a slime princess? Sorta close.
Fragrance, fire, and shapeshifting powers all together. Pretty good package.
Her own fire is killing her, but luckily there are ways to fix that. And you can put out her fires temporarily if you are in to that whole immobility thing.
The Wax mask is pretty strong. Free shapeshifting for any princess, but it might be limited to staying same species.
Candelabra is a nice bonus immortality item. Probably nicer than the mysterious painting.
I've never really been into the Branding and Hot Wax fetishes but they can be swapped. The interesting bit is the
Thomas Jenkins
I think the trend I am seeing as I am doing these discussions on the edited princess and while Gen V is being made currently is that unfortunately this does not feel as much like a community project as it did previously.
Brumus determined that he would only use existing art, so anyone who were not lucky enough to get a drawing from Eversor already or not putting in a commission lost a large chance that they could get anything on the charts.
Even if you were lucky enough to get on the chart, Brumus is likely to rewrite anything to how he sees fit, present it on the next iteration of the chart, and then it flies under the radar unless the whole thread jumps on it.
Back when I first joined, it felt like anyone could add to the charts if they put the work in. Everyone knows that I created a bunch of princesses, and I waited my turn along with all the other community submissions to get added to the main charts. That is how we got a spreadsheet princess several gens in advance, because everyone could get their princess ideas to participate.
I think that is why we are seeing so many side charts recently, you have to create your own side chart because working on the main one does not seem as viable on option anymore.
Nolan Torres
I made mine not because mine were rejected but cause I wanted to do my own thing Brumus isn't cruel he isn't as controlling as you act he makes sure princesses get a spot and new art is made when there's relining and there's so many premade princesses with art that it makes sense that making whole new ones is ridiculous
Isaac Evans
No, it's because we've all gotten sick of your shit and decided it was better to ignore you than to feed you and your stupid "convo starters". Seriously, most of us just kinda glaze over when we see your posts, and decide to just ignore and move on with the thread, especially since many of us just find your tastes honestly to be pretty shit.
If one were to describe you by comparing you to people in other generals, you come across as being cut from the same cloth as 2huposter from /pfg/
Thomas Clark
I mean 6 of the 9 Princesses added into Gen V were not added in from the community ones, those 6 do not even have any cards. They were just chosen because art happened to have been available for them and not because of any input from the community.
Isaiah Harris
No one's repsonding because were sick of your bullshit, Phi. Your an asshat, and just because people arn;t responding to YOU, something MUST be wrong with other people, not you, because your perfect and flawless. You are legitimately worse then velgarn, because at least velgarn is intentionally an asshat.
And what the actual fuck is this "You can;t make it onto the main chart" bullshit, just look at heroine or modron, that is blatantly false. Brute may be an ass sometimes, but he ain't an all contoling deity of the fucking charts, he adds and removes princesses because people WANT them gone. Sure, he's can sometimes be a bit slow (Can we PLEASE Vote on Heroine and the trap already?) Are you honestly gonna sit there and tell me that he's uber controlling when he removed cursed, a princesses he was uber batting for?
Fuck you, phi, we'd be better off without you.
David Gonzalez
Honestly this. Phi is nearly as much of a fag as towerfag
Jace Perry
Hero is one of mine from way back when that I made the card for and added in to the community to wait for its chance on a chart. Modron is one that was added just recently with nothing but art because nobody has been bothered in trying to create her card yet but she was added just because her art was available. Yes people like the art, but can not really say they like the princess yet since her card could be anything.
Both are better for my argument than yours.
I may have gone too far tonight, but I just get frustrated seeing how things are different now than when I first joined.
I'm going to bed soon anyways so I am going to try and cool down for future posts.
Cameron Young
tell me who brutus forced in against the will of the community and not your own opinions i want facts Phi cause gen 5 exp has yuri and trash cause demand hell Brutus doesn't have a like for yuri at all
Colton Flores
>I may have gone too far tonight, but I just get frustrated seeing how people have what on the shit waifu I pushed ftfy
Jose Richardson
Seems these threads are kinda slow lately. How about i bump this forum with two doggos
Brandon Brooks
He's just salty his waifu didn't get in
Dominic Green
>tfw no hot doggo twins to have a sexy threeway in
Isaac Taylor
So literally "It was done a long time ago so it cant be changed" Wasnt this the thing we were going against when Gats left? Arent the majority of the shitty princesses yours?
Levi Cook
Nice to see Orthrus get some love every now and again. Now we just need Nemean Lion and possibly Hydra to have the whole family
Samuel Parker
So I just happened to have an old receipt and a pen laying around when I ran into this video:
And then pic related happened.
Adrian Parker
Lampad is an interesting one, in one build I'd poured almost all the rejuvenating items and growth items onto her, aswell as a way of controlling her 100% to turn her into a sort of candle Kaiju which can't be killed, permanently atleast. She wasnt so much my princess liver as my monstrous creation.
Thomas Brooks
Por que no les dos?
Nolan Miller
Lampad is a pretty good one in this chart. Cute. Concept is a bit sad. Is it her flames getting too big that is killing her, or the flames weakening? Either sounds pretty bad, though your very life force simultaneously killing is depressing. Guess that's just how life is though, huh.
Not sure what that thing sticking out the back of her is suppose to be.
Otherwise a pretty good set of pros, reasonable cons, and fantastic dowries. Do agree that the Azure cinders are kind of redundant with the life pearl. Nice thing is that at least it doesn't take up a slot (lust item as opposed to dowry), and doesn't necessarily mean turning the object into a slime/semi-slime.
Also interesting that she is explicitly stated to be a vassal to another kingdom (witch's in this case). Makes me wonder how the rest of the kingdoms relate to one another, in terms of which are vassals or protectorates of others. High Forest Kingdom is probably a giant political mess, all things considered.
Huh, interesting you chose Lampad as your waifu of war. Mind showing us your build, or at least all the different items and powers you used on her? I might have to do a few war builds now. There is no shortage of monsters of mass destruction in these charts. I suppose half the fun though would be to make a war machine out of a princess that is completely ill-suited towards it.
It'd be fun to see just how stupidly powerful you could make them.
Adam Ortiz
Thats exactly the reason i chose Lampad, no one expects candle girl! By making things that typically shouldnt be used for war just that you get proper unique combos evolve, its fascinating. Im omw to work so not got it on me, but I've not made a build since, been waiting for gen 4.5 so hey I'll have a go later!
If i recall the trick is fire mastery and resistance at the same time.
Dylan Lopez
Fuck i love Lantern Knight.
We should go back to Knights, people just aren't doing them anymore.
Ian Myers
Workplace appropriateness.
Eli Sanchez
Ya think we could ever do a ghost princess 2?
Juan Thomas
if we wrote her well and different enough, yea.
Andrew Rodriguez
What the fuck kind of comment is that? That is the most generic shit possible. What's the alternative? "Nah, I think we'll write her exactly the same for shits and giggles."?
Brody Perry
well it was a pretty generic question too. Theoretically we could make a whole bunch of princesses. But we dont exactly have a character concept for a ghost princess II. So we would need a good idea that stands out from all the ideas we already have to justify the creation of a new one. I dont see how that response is really unjustified, because its essentially "yes, if we get an idea for her".
Angel Hill
Bit mean, friendo, I was only asking to see if people would be into that, no reason to be a meany face. We are Knights and its Christmas, no salt and unpleasantness please.
Blake Baker
PHANTOM princess.
Shes way more involved and emotional than ghost.
Isaac Wilson
I've seen this general, and the one on /trash/, and I'm just curious exactly how this community has thrived so long?
Jose Bell
David Smith
So it's like that weird pseudo-religious "waifuist movement"?
Jason Cook
>So it's like that weird pseudo-religious "waifuist movement"?
I have no idea what you are talking about. But yeah
Jeremiah Bailey
There's a group of people from some niche chans (they also have a subreddit, I think) who take the idea of a "waifu" as a singularized being that they fully act as though they are in a committed relation to, albeit in a way that they describe as somewhat spiritual. They essentially view their waifu as a goddess to whom they offer things, and seek to act according to the ideals of. Clearly you guys aren't like that (I was making a joke), but I get what you guys do here. It looks kinda fun, but I don't know how long I could sustain my interest with a community built entirely around cute waifus even if I have a princess kink
Kayden Butler
Oh well then I don't think anyone here is like that.Come for the princesses and stay for the lore and community
Angel Rogers
Lore? And if the community is comfy, I might just stick around.
Jacob Gutierrez
>Lore? And if the community is comfy, I might just stick around.
Sometimes we have our own problems but this community is pretty okay.
Christian Evans
Sounds good by me. So what to people do with the CYOA? I haven't really done anything on any CYOA thread.
Caleb Campbell
The rules are in the OP and also a imgur containing the gens with rules on them where you go and pick your waifus
Austin Thomas
But, like, what do you do? Is it just a thought experiment? Do you write the things out on here/in a pastebin? Is it a collaborative thing?
Isaiah Jenkins
Imagination user. Imagine how does the rescue go, Imagine how you rescue them etc
Owen Moore
Alright. I might do some writefaggotry anyways.
Jose Morgan
Oooo writing, that's something I haven't heard of in a long time.
Nicholas Taylor
As a writefaggot myself, I look forward to it. Even if I haven't written anything worthwhile in over a year.
Noah Green
Why has Karawa Shoujo had 5000+ threads on Veeky Forums? Stop asking silly questions
Dylan Cook
Towergirls is always comfy. Slow at times but always boppin about on the Veeky Forums sea.
Angel Bailey
>My mind raced with fear as the wagon crawled up the dragon's lair, painfully slowly. I was called to rescue "princesses". I thought "rescuing princesses" was just a propaganda thing they used to get kids interested in squiring. Turns out, they send you for multiple at once. Not sure how the politics are going to work if things turn out like the result of those stories. As the spires, like giant teeth gnashing the sky, grew closer, I clutched my sword tighter. >Approaching the closest tower, I butted the door with my pommel only to find that it was unlocked. Either another knight beat me here or there must be some sort of trap. Climbing the stairway, I noticed the hallway was unusually cold. Shivering a bit, I slowly entered the chamber at the top. Huddled up next to a fireplace was a small reptilian girl cradling a little red candle. Before I could ask if she was a princess, she was already wrapped around me, with a veritable questionnaire. >"A stranger! I haven't seen a stranger in so long! What's this stuff you're wearing? Where are you from? Can I go there? Is it warm there?" Realizing the cold was what was keeping her here, I slipped off my cuirass and tossed it out the window. "Yeah, it's warm. Need help getting out of here?" Before I could say anything else, she slipped under my tabard and against my chest, nuzzling against me, nodding furiously. Her scales felt slightly cold, but pleasant against my skin. "I'm the Kobold Princess!" she proclaimed, as we started walking down the stairs. "Are you a human? I've never seen a human before. Humans are warm. You're warm. I like you." >As we climbed into the wagon, she pulled the candle out of her panties. I hadn't fully realized it yet, but she was nude aside from a set of underwear. I didn't bother to ask her about it. She looked me in the eyes, and suddenly the candle lit. "Now we're connected forever, Mr. Human!" I didn't realize it yet, but I was now married to the crown princess of the Canopy Cave Kindom.
Mason Sullivan
>While I would've been perfectly content just heading home with this adorable bundle of curiosity and smooth, sexy scales, my quest was to rescue princesses, and there was still room in the wagon. Donning my cuirass once more, we moved on towards another tower. This tower, unlike the first, had no windows, so tossing things out wouldn't work this time. Still strange that there'd be nothing guarding the tower - although that could be a false sign. >Smashing the door down with a few clumsily-placed swings of my sword, I clutch the doorframe of the wall. The tower is a sharp vertical drop with no stairs, leading just as far down as it does up. For any idea of what to do, I called out, "Hey, any princesses in here? Can you hear me?" In response, the jingling of a chain that went all the way along the back wall. Taking a leap of faith, I lunged toward and grasp the chain, clutching it for dear life. As I went down, a pulley drew a cage up, containing a girl that looked mostly human, albeit with a feathery coating. The descent was slow enough, but soon the rusted chain started to snap. Suddenly, the feathered femme pulled off a charm from her necklace resembling an golden plume and tossed it to me. >The chain broke, and partially in hope and partially in desperation, I clutched the feather. My life flashed before my eyes as I fell, and fell, and then I didn't fall. The cage came hurtling back down past me before I could finally realize what was going on. I was floating. One problem, though - I didn't know how to move in the air. I thought "groundy" thoughts. Earth, rocks, sand, stones, metal, and the like. I closed my eyes in the air, and opened them on terra firma, face to face with the birdlike beauty. "Thanks for whatever that was, miss, um... Who are you?" Clearly the suavest of knights. With a ladylike laugh, she curtsied and replied. "I am the esteemed princess of the noble Ivory Skytop Kingdom. And how could I not help such a cute little knight?"
Nathaniel Reed
>Not quite sure what to make of this Harpy Princess' reaction, I offered her magic trinket back, but she refused. "Keep it, as part of your reward for saving me!" she said, playfully. Before I could say that I haven't yet, I noticed that the crashing of the cage on the ground damaged the bars on one side, and the princess climbed out to meet me. Wordlessly, she gently wrapped her arms around my waist and carried me to the door. >Back on the surface, Kobold Princess was curled up and shivering in the wagon. In retrospect, I should've left some of my clothing for her. "You poor thing!", shouted the Harpy, and nearly dropping me back down the chasm, she rushed over and started nuzzling the Kobold. The two instantly hit it off, and I climbed in the wagon and joined in the pile of comfort to help adjust to the fact that I nearly died twice. Neither one seemed particularly jealous of the others' affection, which was good. >"Before I forget, the rest of your reward!" The avian reached into her clothing and, before my mind could even make an assumption as to what she'd do, she handed me a bag of ashes. "You are now officially one of our kingdom. You never have to fear death again. If you die, you'll just be reborn anew as my younger brother." That didn't sound half-bad, but I felt it would be in bad form to say that. Between these girls and their trinkets, however, the wagon was full. Turning around, we started off on our journey home. All that remained was one last decision - do I report to the kingdom and lead the princesses to their homes, upholding my vows to the crown; or do I bring them home with me and start a family as a rogue knight with two beautiful wives? >It wasn't much of a choice. Before I knew it, I had a dreamlike daily routine of providing Harpy with more children in the morning, running minor quests for townsfolk by day, and keeping Kobold warm and happy in the evening and at night. Life was good.
Daniel Hill
I might add some more stuff in-between the first two CYOAs later, and I'll be posting the second one later today. Sorry if my writing isn't that good and you felt like you wasted a minute or so of your life. I hope at least someone enjoyed it!
Daniel Cruz
I would normally recommend recording your writings in a pastebin before posting.
But then again, this general is pretty slow, so it might not be a problem
Caleb Evans
I like it! Now doodle it badly!
Jaxon Adams
what Biome would suit you sound as a pound?
Jonathan Nelson
I personally like the open posting format more. Then again, I like walls of text.
Jaxon Sanders
Whoops, missquoted
Hudson Jackson
How might one correctly convert to a version of this?
Juan Bennett
Like making a separate chart for each princess, fulfilling the quota of characters for each square? Or filling the chart with enough princesses to fill each square? If the former, that's what Gats is doing but on a much more...reasonable scale.
Xavier Reed
Poltergeist Princess
+ Free spirited + Never a dull moment + Throws good parties - Also throws everything else - Say goodbye to resting
Luke James
kind of both or either! OR rather converting a build into one
Asher Rodriguez
Eh, doesn't seem like someone.. anyone, would choose really.