>Browsing games to apply for
>Find an interesting one with a good setting and experienced GM
>4 slots open (14 players total)
Browsing games to apply for
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Don't worry, 3 of those people won't show up, 2 will drop out by session 2, two more will get banned for making rape jokes, 1 more will drop out because the GM won't accomodate their bisexual werewolf paladin, and another will suddenly lose their job and/or get a divorce and have to drop out too.
That makes...uhh, 5 carry the 11...divide by stupidity...about 3 remaining players after the third session.
Sadly, this post is probably pretty accurate.
You get more successes if you invite more. On the other hand, I wouldn’t have had quite that many slots open. It can rarely backfire.
>banned for making rape jokes
But that means OP won’t be part of the three players left then
>send in the gimps
Is he just being an asshole about her food? Looks like her wrists are strapped to the chair.
He's kidnapped her (with rape implied), you doofus.
She could lean forward
ThisBut the food looks rotten
Bend over, you mean? That's evil.
Since when was He-man so dark?
Almost all comics based on toy-advertisement cartoons from the 80s are like that. Just look at what they did to Thundercats.
Yeah, and Transformers too. I literally cried as a kid when I saw the Autobots dismembered by Shockwave and hung like slaughtered sheep in the comics.
Fucking sickos in the comics business.
Tell me about it.
I don't really see the appeal in making something for children darker and edgier for the sake of making it darker and edgier. Either you don't go far enough and it ends up being ridiculous or you go too far and it just makes it feel like you're trying to hard to make it seem more adult-like because you feel embarassed about liking something that's "just for children."
Part of the reason the Sonic games are trash nowadays is because they pull the exact same shit, or at least they try to.
>(with rape implied)
There was no rape implied. Poor treatment/torture isn't rape. You're inferring stuff you want to infer.
Unless the implications are in a different panel.
Only one way to resolve this. We need links to the original comics.
I read it in the cartoon voice so it was actually kind of funny to me. I also remembered the time that Skeletor saved Christmas on Eternia.
seconding this
>not Langella's voice
You don't know what you're missing
You made the classic amateur mistake of posting an image more interesting than your topic.
Fuck's wrong with discussing He Man, son?
To answer your OP, don't stress about it. My game has a ton of players, people who were once there once upon a time, or show up only to listen, but there's only 4 proper players.
Well, since the thread is derailing, what rulesystem would deliver best a Masters of the Universe campaign?
Mutants and Mastermind may be a good fit
Cartoon Action Hour. That or Savage World Rifts if you want more complexity.
Atomic Robo(FATE) and Strike! could work too.
Maybe Barbarians of Lemuria?
BoL would be excellent, yes!
>browsing games to apply for
>find one where GM is asking for people who are only dedicated to playing apply
>setting is interesting, GM seems cool
>roll my char wait the next coming week
>players drop out the day before, citing usual bullshit about too busy or some shit
>frustrated GM cancels, says we need to find more players
>next week same shit happens
Fuck normies. On one hand I'm glad D&D is getting more popular. On the other hand I'm tired of casual normie fuck players who only view it as a side game to maybe waste 4 hours rather than a hobby.
Wild Talents
>I don't really see the appeal in making something for children darker and edgier for the sake of making it darker and edgier.
Because it's not marketed toward children. It's marketed toward adults who used to be children when it premiered, and now have nostalgia for the original, coupled with a desire to indulge in visceral "adult" entertainment like rape and dismemberment.
We're talking about comics that came out roughly at the same time as the cartoons they were imitating, not nostalgia-bait that came out 30 years after the cartoon.
I often enjoy playing with casual normies more, though their attendance rate is rather shit
True tho.
Fuck, that's grimmer than I'd expected.
>We're talking about comics that came out roughly at the same time as the cartoons they were imitating, not nostalgia-bait that came out 30 years after the cartoon.
>He-Man and Transformers
OK user, whatever you say.
>Marvel Comics 80 issue run of the Transformers (1984)
You learned a thing today!
Because the creators and consumers of comic books have to constantly tell themselves "it's NOT for children! IT'S NOT IT'S NOT IT'S NOT"
Further intensified in these instances by their being based on properties that even functional people have heard of and know to be childish.
It's He-Man and the Masters of the Universe v1 003 (2013)