"Love Can Bloom" was fucking stupid.
Stupider than Games Workshop's board of directors.
"Love Can Bloom" was fucking stupid.
Stupider than Games Workshop's board of directors.
That's not an unpopular opinion.
"Warhammer 40k" is fucking stupid.
But I agree with your opinion.
This. This is not an unpopular opinion at all.
warhammer 40k is autistic garbage for manchildren who think they like science but are actually scared of it
D&D 3.5 is the best
elves are cool
forgotten realms is cool (not perfect, but it's the best setting)
non PHB PC races are cancer
psionics belong in sci-fi
I have a bunch but most are pretty minor
40K fluff threads on /v/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 40K fluff threads on Veeky Forums
Discussion of JRR Tolkien, the man himself as an author of LITERATURE, is not discussion of TRADITIONAL GAMES and should be deleted for being off topic.
>but his works are so influential!!!
Then start discussing the TRADITIONAL GAMES they influenced.
ITT Popular Opinions!
Alot of the "When did you realize DnD was shit?" posts/posters actually bring up legitimate points and only a small minority of them are trolls.
That being said, pointing out flaws with anything is easy as fuck, pointing out better alternatives that aren't niche shit with no fanbase is nearly impossible.
>pointing out better alternatives that aren't niche shit with no fanbase is nearly impossible.
This is pretty much the ONLY reason I play DnD. I'd drop it in a heartbeat if anything else had a viable playerbase I could easily find players for.
>That being said, pointing out flaws with anything is easy as fuck, pointing out better alternatives that aren't niche shit with no fanbase is nearly impossible.
Holy shit, this!
Almost as if it was a Veeky Forums project to subvert a popular game setting that's absurd and takes itself too seriously and not a serious story.
I really do feel bad for you autists.
This is actually the reason ive never played DnD. My only available group has no interest in fantasy RPGs, or at least doesnt ever seem to want to try them. We just keep playing the 40k RPGs over and over. Its OK, i like them, Rogue Trader got me into TTRPGs in the first place, but its hard to get them to try and diversify the list of games we can play sometimes. It feels like the only thing we can do to get the whole group together in a project is play a 40k game.
As much as we would like to discuss Tolkien on Veeky Forums, everyone there would rather discuss philosophy rather than talk about actual literature
4th edition has been hands down the best version of D&D.
>niche shit with no fanbase
So we shouldn't point out games which, according to you, are better just because there is no huge fanbase (in the US)? Which amounts to: we should stay stuck on D&D forever, even if it's a (supposedly) inferior game?
Not sure if I agree with any of that.
It may not have been amazing but even the cringy parts of old Veeky Forums are more interesting than the lack of any creative impulse of nu/tg/.
I agree with actually being able to play, and right now that means DnD. I hate that this is the state of things, but it is.
You can point out whatever you want, but if nobody plays then there's no fucking point.
Pathfinder is ok and I enjoy playing it
Miniatures edition:
>Clear bases are stupid
Ostensibly these will make your guys look ok on any terrain. But they're shiny and draw attention which defeats the whole point.
>MDF terrain looks like shit
They look like the burnt scraps of wood they are. Even the best kits still look two dimensional.
>Zap a gap
Runny, goes everywhere, and barely sticks but there's a whole cult of retards who insist it's the best glue ever.
>Cork strips on bases as rock
Fragile and looks like shit.
>It's good that 40k is predominant.
It has all the retards and assholes quarantined allowing you to form friendly groups for niche games.
Letting a DnD veteran join a non-DnD RPG is a mistake. It's rather like hiring a washed-up Baby Boomer who used to have a great job and was downsized or marrying a girl who "used" to be into violent bad boys. Their expectations are all fucked up and they won't be content.
Everything about the game ruins its players. Advancement comes through violence, characters are ultra-specialized rain men, the plot is rather like a porno's plot(only there because it's expected).
I'd rather play with someone whose never RPed before than a DnDer.
What if I'm a DnD'er who saw all the exact same problems and have always felt them nag at me from the time I first began playing DnD?
that's just it
we want a tactical fantasy adventure game of exploration and combat, not RP
Why play an tabletop RPG instead of Diablo, Torchlight, Skyrim et al then?
tabletop gives you the most options and the least poz
original D&D was all about dungeoncrawls and fights, and it was what started the whole genre
fuck that doesnt even cover it
videogames are normie garbage with few exceptions
underrail is the closest to good D&D I've ever played, and even then it's not quite there
my fucking nigger
I have the exact opposite of your problem as in being a foreverDM and nobody at my table ever wants to play something that isn't fantasy adventure.
Tried them all, I swear...Rogue trader, Dark heresy, Deathwatch, Cyberpunk 2020, Only war, homebrew SCP (when it was still only a forgotten wiki and not even 173 was famous), Bushido, CoC, Noumenon, Vampire:Masquerade, Don't rest your head, even fucking Time Wizards and various homebrews with Gurps about famous ww2 battles and some zombie mission with a modern commando team and surely some other system I forgot.
God damn it they play it for a night or two and then back to D&D.
Or maybe not D&D but everything as long as it has big ass barbarians wit big ass axes, wizards with longest hat contests and fucking pixies and fairies and magic.
I really hate that, I wish sometimes a play group that doesn't absolutely need a Tolkien-esque or WoW or TES alike setting to play without breaking immersion or getting bored, and god help you if someone that isn'ta a crazy dwarf has something more complex than a blunderbuss, it drives them mad.
I love to play with them and I love their stupid antics, but I wish I could play something more than Iron age fantasy with magic all day every day.
If you completely remove the table top game element from 40k, it's a very compelling story about faith and the survival of mankind. The table top game ruins any chance it ever had of being accepted by normies.
>thinking this is a bad thing
>everything described as fey or related terms ends up boring and obnoxious
>Cthulhu mythos a shit
I meant more in the sense that most 40k people are gamers, and that if 40k was more of a movie franchise it would eclipse star wars. But not as long as the game exists
Starfinder is shockingly restrictive when it comes to creative freedom and Im hard pressed to come up with an interesting character idea that the system will not only support but wont screw you by making you wait 10+ levels for your first theme appropriate and interesting mechanical upgrade or feat. It needs system bloat.
>no tankred
This user gets it to the core.
WH40k 'lore' is merely a background to support the TT, which means it will be bent in ANY direction in order to GW sell minis and rulebooks.
Unshackle it from the game, and will do more than survive Black Library's depredation, hell it will flourish!
It's almost as if they were ripping off d20 modern.
>"Love Can Bloom" was fucking stupid.
Its what happens when a funny idea for a single post is liked by mental namefags who hijack it and make it into unfunny and idiotic shit that they harp on about endlessly and spam everywhere.
Oh fuck off you white piece of shit, I have been on Veeky Forums since 09 and I have seen better memes, that shit was cunts like you taking shit too seriously and then saying loljk like a limpwristed douche.
You sound like a whiny baby.
There is no need to be upset~
Are you telling yourself this or trying to maintain a facade of calmness.
>Too stupid to understand when he's being told to calm the fuck down
Shit, that goes for Lore Threads too. Veeky Forums has to constantly be corrected on the most basic shit for the vidya they allegedly are so much better at discussing than /v/
>not a serious story
Then why do all the screeching autists defending it treat it like it's the fucking Illiad?
>/v/ and Veeky Forums discuss the mechanical aspects of the actual games themselves. You get much better discussion here for the stories and world's the games are about.
Yeah, the Warcraft threads are a fucking mistake here and should be banned.
It's almost like every d20 derivative runs into the same problems over and over again, isn't it.
>You get much better discussion here for the stories and world's the games are about
Except you don't. Veeky Forums can't discuss vidya lore for shit. Last time I tried one of those threads I had to spend the whole time correcting people educating other people with the wrong information.
Hell, Veeky Forums can't even get 40K lore right.
But Veeky Forums is the best place to discuss warcraft
MDF terrain can look great. Everything else is medium-tier correct.
That's an issue with Veeky Forums in general, you go to any board here and it's full of people who have no clue wtf they're talking about. At least on this board people have a passion for world building and storytelling
Damn, I'm glad that I ain't a 'burger.
>At least on this board people have a passion for world building and storytelling
Yeah, I love all the threads about lesbian ladyknights and anime discussions
I like Elves, and I despise the shallow, objectified perception that they so often maintain portrayals of when they CAN be these fulfilled, fascinating alien creatures who come from a culture as bizarre and unique as the imagination can produce.
I just wish that when people thought of a "generic elf", they thought more of Drizzt and Elder Scrolls, and less of something vomited from an H-Game.
Oh no poor little whiteboi is triggered and calling people stupid!
Elves come from mythology, they were nothing but fap bait from day 1. Likely some old Celt from 2000 years ago saw a bunch of drunk girls dancing naked in the woods and wrote a story about it
That's mostly because there's nowhere else.
Try going on the Blizz forums and pointing out that the people who have giant 50-foot statues of their immortal god king, magic golems patrolling the streets enforcing the law, and several in-game texts describing the dozens of poor people all shoved into ghettos with names like 'Murder Row' are probably some kind of Fascist/Communist regime in regards to government and culture and see how they react.
I am not the one who gets triggered by stuff like pic related.
>makes sarcastic remark about anime threads
>posts anime picture
What did you mean by this?
People do it because they think decade old stale memes are funny and thus have to spam them in every thread they see to prove they're fitting in on Veeky Forums. It's the second reason it's impossible to express any sort of distaste for dwarves without getting a reply to the tune of OCH AYE, YER JOOST A FIELD PRANCIN ELF LOVER, SO SAUS URIST MCBEARDAXE OF THE STOUTBEER CLAN
There were some stories of Elves involving predatory sexual behaviors, sure.
I'm okay with elves having sex. Sex happens. I'm annoyed when"elf slave wat do" is the complete depth of how they're considered.
They weren't idle fap-bait.
Kizuna Ai is cute, but that doesn't mean she needs a Veeky Forums thread. Compartmentalize, my nigga
>Nigger chimps out and calls the people laughing at his idiocy "triggered."
They were almost 100% ancient head cannon to describe beautiful human girls. I'll admit they had more mysticism to them, but those were also during different times. We live in the modern age of hedonism and thus elves have lost their mystic beauty, and been reduced to nothing but whores.
Tolkiens story of lucien and beren was inspired from the day he got back from ww1 and saw his future wife dancing in a meadow. If lotr had been written today he would have met her in a strip club
>crack-head ghetto elves
Yeah, not really.
It's not what you're saying isn't correct, it's just that it's only half the story. Elves were as often impish tricksters as mystic beauties. Nevermind that it was rarely a constant positive- Many times, Elves were actually blamed for disease(some sexual, many not).
To suggest they were strictly objects of beauty or desire from their earliest conception misses an entire spectrum of myth surrounding the wide variety of creatures that were called "Elf."
You people seem to ignore the fact that "Elf" was a fucking nebulous concept to begin with, its basically an equivalent for "Fairy" as in people could be describing a multitude of fey creatures under that umbrella
Tolkien basically drew the modern concept of elves out of fucking nowhere
Not really. I referenced it in my last post, actually.
But even if I were, saying that I'd prefer what people think of to be -best- examples of Elves rather than the least valuable/interesting examples as the general norm has nothing to do with its origins.
I say it because you could just have said "Im talking about Tolkien elves nigga", mythological elves have almost nothing in common with modern fantasy elves
That raises a good point. What is the earliest depiction of elves? They are present in numerous ancient mythologies
But I'm not talking about Tolkien Elves. I'm talking about all sorts of Elves. If I meant strictly Tolkien elves, I would have said so.
What do you consider "elf", anyway? Sidhe-like things?
The first time they were name dropped and called elves. Not nymphs or fay, actual elves.
I expect they've existed as long as humans have. They're the other tribe over the hill with strange practices that are probably magic and definitely unsettling, who keep aloof. ''The people like us but uncomfortably not *quite* like us'' has got to be one of the earliest mythical concepts possible.
literally mist
I forget what culture, but I think vikings
Germanic and Celt both predate Norse and have elves in their stories
Oh I definitely agree they were most likely some story of people who were secluded and living in the woods. What makes for a better campfire story right? Telling the boys that you came across a group of elf girls bathing in a mystic pond, they tried to lure you in but your iron will resisted their seduction. Or that you stumbled into some peasant girls bathing and they screamed at you and told you to fuck off, while throwing rocks In your direction?
So, Santa Claus elves?
But you see, Gygax and the idiots that have spawned after him have no idea what they are fucking talking about.
The only reason they are popular is because of Storytelling potential. People are inspired by LotR, Wheel of Time, ASOIAF, etc. They aren't inspired by dusted 'dood who kills' conan tales.
This is the great divide and eventually D&D will have to pick a side. It will always pick the wrong one, and we can hopefully allow two actually good games to arise from the ashes.
It's fine if you want your crunch-machine game with rules for fun killing and also statistical megamunchkins, but leave the Roleplayers to actually be popular.
Elder Scrolls threads here are way better though.
>not inspired by conan tales
You are henceforth exiled from Veeky Forums. You may return when you have drank from the chalice of patrician taste
Why the fuck are you using white like it's an insult and not a compliment?
All types of play are valid, whether it be all rollplay no poleplay murderhoboing; beer and pretzels "nat20=godhood" le epic may-may XD; or ERP filled double dicked futa catgirls.
Playing character types depends entirely on the context and group you're playing in, and not on some kind of universal absolute ruling.
Most That Guys/GMs are not because of a problem with the person per se but with the group, as in they are not in the right kind of group or game.
A person that is That Guy in one kind of group might be a great addition in another; similarly a good player in one group may become That Guy if transplanted into another
Veeky Forums gets way to wound up by trait they associate with other websites, there are probably going to be people who are frothing at the mouth by the fact that I used two carriage returns between this opinion and the previous despite the fact I have never once used Reddit.
>"Love Can Bloom" was fucking stupid.
There are people who disagree with this?
Not really. Veeky Forums are hardly experts at game mechanics and design but at least understand the concepts. /v/'s understanding is below zero
You only think that because you post in them
There are people who still like it?
I thought the people who were in love with it were teens who had just played Dawn of War as their first experience with the lore
>Tolkiens story of lucien and beren was inspired from the day he got back from ww1 and saw his future wife dancing in a meadow.
das cute af
The absence of warhammer fantasy discussion on Veeky Forums is appalling.
Hell koreans now started making fanart for the game
>Go to /v/ or Veeky Forums and ask for fantasy.
>Threadtends to be comfy.
>Goes to Veeky Forums
>Cricket noises.
It really summons my elector counts.
People move on. Once on while a new OC is made and people like it, but it is not much.
Haters on the other hand....
>Veeky Forums discuss philosophy
>Veeky Forums discuss litterature
we need /phi/ to discuss traditionnal games.
That's because Warhammer Fantasy is vidya now and the vidya is better than the wargame ever was.
Try /qst/
There is always a general, and there has been a shitload of lore discussion since the rpg 4e announcement.
Or do you mean wfb? Because yeah, no one seems to give a shit about that.
I don't understand games that declare that their rules "don't get in the way" or some variation therein.
If you feel that rules detract from your roleplaying experience then why not freeform roleplay?
>Geek Social Fallacies
While we're posting unpopular opinions those things are sperg Dunning-Kruger and almost certainly to blame for the autists in every That Guy thread who think that severing all contact is the correct response to every issue no matter how minor. They're not even remotely unique to nerds either, awkwardly keeping friendships going even though they probably should have ended is an experience so universal that it's a common sitcom plot.
Man can you dm for me cause I'm desperate to play anything but DnD. It's so boring to me at this point and I want to try cyberpunk 2020 or shadowrun
> People are inspired by LotR, Wheel of Time, ASOIAF, etc.
>They aren't inspired by dusted 'dood who kills' conan tales.
Not really. If you've actually played in games most players don't give a fuck about DEEPEST LORE.
They care about power fantasies and being special snowflakes.
They aren't "inspired" by LotR insofar as they care about character development and a detailed world. They want to be a hero on an epic quest. The details don't really matter so long as they provide that feeling.
Hence why in the "help me DM threads" you get people telling you not to plan shit as much as figure out what your players want and drip feed it to them.
its slow as fuck and they have a love/hate relationship with the videogame.
And of course I mean stealth discussions of the
video game.