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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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>Why do you need a legal code so complex that the cops not being able to remember enough of it is a serious consideration?
In fairness, it's the same way in most western countries. The cops don't know shit about the e minutiae of the law. The only people who do are lawyers and judges who spent years going to school specifically to learn the law and all the loopholes in it.
It's really kind of fucked that the legal system is so convoluted.
As in the one the thread made up a few days ago?
Yeah I know, I just figured it could help to make them have more things on their mind than, you know, hunting down entire villages
>As in the one the thread made up a few days ago?
I didn't realize there was a pic that went along with it.
Still looking for somewhere to get ninjas to seed the multiverse with. Where can I get a decent sized clan of them that will randomly exist in all worlds I go to?
Rejoice Serenity fans!
How often do you abuse meta-knowledge? What are some examples of time you used this knowledge?
There's a ninja village in Street Fighter and I swear I saw another one recently but I can't remember where.
I wonder what the other artists in that department think about the person that drew those alien udders.
>How often do you abuse meta-knowledge?
Every time.
There's ninja villages in Street Fighter and Bastard!!. Naruto can provide Konoha if you complete a scenario, and Soul Eater has a village of weaponpeople who could be ninja-like. Medaka Box - Abnormal also has a village of your descendants, many of which could be ninja if you too are one.
Bastard, maybe.
Which waifus are the most waifud anyway?
As much as I can. For instance, I'm going to spend about the first month of Heathers foiling several murders with a mix of metaknowledge and Cavalry's Here from Overwatch, and probably spend the rest of the time as a "fortuneteller." I mean, come on, telling kids in 1989 Ohio about the events of the coming decade? I can't resist.
I may also give Martha a teleporter for her birthday, just because.
Somsone did a screencap.
I started up a new chain in Majikoi. Could I have some suggestions for my next jumps? Thanks.
Gaia from EVO
So what jump has the most advanced Human polities? Currently I feel like it would be The Polity SupCom or perhaps the Dahak Chronicles.
What counts as an artifact for the purposes of witchblade perks?
Great Detective. West Wing. That one cooking Gauntlet.
Naruto buy the ninanimal village, buy it twice for humanoid ones and giant ones.
Looks like The Last Jedi sucks. So I’ll post some spoilers.
Reylo is confirmed, Snokes dies, Luke dies, Luke survived off green milk from giant sloth milkies, Kyle was unwanted & Luke tried to kill him when he was training. The Knights of Ren are actually all the students that Kyle supposedly killed. Kyle is now Supreme Leader of the First Order. Yoda comes back only to destroy the last bit of Jedi Knowledge. Rey is a nobody but is apparently the Yin to Kyle’s Yang, as there’s always has to be a light & dark side. Leia survives, Poe survives but in in a coma, Captain Phasma dies.
>useless potato womanchild being the focus of the christmas event
I find it hilarious that Disney decided to go with Milkies.
What jumps let you pick up a fleet of starships? I know I can just mass produce them in each jump using a ship imported as an ACU but that isn't what I'm looking for.
They're probably too afraid of them to make eye contact.
>Captain Phasma dies
Meh. Shouldn't really be with the rest of it desu.
One of the dragonballs. Stellaris can get you an entire galaxy worth
Oh, that reminds me about the best part of sloth milkies
Oh shit already? Damn people work fast.
Here's an idea, use spoilers for spoilers on a less than week old movie, huh?
Fun fact, people on phones see all spoilered text and if you hover over a reply link it all gets uncovered too.
Don't be a dick.
I wonder if they were trying to do a Bobba Fett on purpose with her? Which would have been doomed from the start because Bobba Fett was a complete anomaly caused by autistic fans.
Yeah, it's been out for a few days. Apparently more people than you'd think around here get to go to advance screenings or legit leaks.
Depends on the phone. On Iphone you need to click on the things to get them to show.
>unspoilered spoilers for a movie that isn't even out for days yet in most places
Maybe go fuck yourself.
Everyday I'm happy that I stuck with legends for my time in the star wars jump
Hopefully someone shoots you.
Who is phasma? The disney movies are trash.
A female captain of the new order stormtroopers who jobs in the first film hard
>Boba jobs once
>becomes absurdly popular character
>Disney: "Okay guys, what if we had another Boba but he jobs TWICE?"
It all makes sense now
She’s the chromed Storm Trooper from Force Awakens.
>Poe survives but in in a coma
Could you assholes stop posting spoilers?
Is SpyroAnon on?
Why are people so obsessed with spoiling Star Wars for people who haven't seen it yet? Not that I care about the shitty cash grab new trilogy at all.
I can barley go on the internet with seeing something that spoils the new movie.
Also I'm updating the KotOR jump and it should be finished later today, but could someone suggest a 400cp Force power and 200cp perk/skill for me to add?
Nevermind. The notes for drop in say herald of magic but the actual perk is harbinger of magic.
She wasn't that popular and Boba at least survived into legends by being a cool dude. Phasma on the other hand as much as I like a waifu in full body armor had nothing really going for her other than being a less cool boba.
Its sad really.
On /tv/ at least, I think it's mainly sheer stunned disbelief at how unrelentingly bad the new trilogy is.
It isn't that bad, they aren't great but they're not the prequels either.
Force phase through, Think of all the practical uses!
>Also I'm updating the KotOR
That's what I meant, tho. These days everything Disney pumps out has clearly gone through a dozen test audiences to be as bland and predictably pandering as possible. The first Thor movie was a drama at it's core, and while the 3rd does have elements of it it's like they brought in a different scriptwriter to axe out most of it and add gags in.
I don't doubt Phasma mainly exists to sell action figures, but by the sound of things none of the new characters are doing that well.
I like the prequels. They're like the Tommy Wiseau movies of big budget scifi, and Palpatine singlehandedly makes Revenge of the Sith my favorite Star Wars movie.
Then again I've never really understood the deeper appeal of Star Wars, even before the prequels.
I would love to be able to buy Sith Alchemy.
Force Slow! Wound and Plague are pretty good too
Can we get Revan’s Armor purchasable?
400cp Force Power? How about Force Heal?
Bane jump when?
When the fire rises.
Force Hastega or whatever it is called.
Any chance we can get our own HK droid, complete with meatbag vocabulary?
I dunno, it's my day off tomorrow so I'm hoping to publish SSQ. Bane sometime after that, depending on how motivated I find myself on the weekend
Canon companion option? I want cute Twi'lek and best robot.
The best part for me of the new cannon is how they always try to make the empire seem totally evil and black and white but they keep messing up and make the empire better and better every time I read about them, Operation cinder is really retarded though
FUanon, how's work treating you?
Rough, I've just caught "man flu" from working out in the cold. I hadn't even realised there was a flu that only targeted men before this winter.
Not wishing to turn this into our shared blog, I will simply express my hope that your new-ish job is treating you well.
God, the whole internet is a fucking minefield. I'll see you guys next week.
Already added.
>HK Droid and robes
That's because what these new writers predominantly leftists and their ilk think of as "bad" is actually thought of in neutral or even good terms by everyone else. Most people don't actually care about the things that these dumbasses make such a big deal about, and it tends to drive people away.
hey Bobby, can you post girls detected please? I lost that one
>HK Droid and robes
Thanks KOTOR.
I somehow skipped the free force stuff and didn't notice them till now.
Would the Hardware and Computer perks give us the skills to make our own HK? Either in setting or fanwank that we built the HK we purchase?
Either way it wins for me, Legends of Cannon the Empire is the true way to peace
Sure man, and sorry for taking so long I had to do some chores
What jumps let you buy a (non-bio/med) tech company that follows you?
How much of a Servant's abilities, identity, and memories depends on their legends vs. their actual life?
It's weird that I always stuck with the Hellsing's werewolf powers whenever I'm on a capeshit jump? They are pretty cool without being too overpower nor limited. I honestly prefer vampires, but they aren't that suited for being a hero, so I had to improvise
Also, is there any specific powerset something isn't just magic or science, although specifics branches are fine that you keep using through the chain? Specially if they don't make you relevant in most powered settings, but you use them purely for fun.
It's a sliding scale so that no matter what you assume about them, they can always call you an idiot for believing it would be true. Servants are powered by contempt for rational analysis.
Mostly myths
>Identity and memories
Mostly their real-life
At least that's what I got from servants like Vlad, Arturia and Iskandar
Friendly reminder to pick up Gramps in the F/GO jump.
Arrowverse, Batman: TAS, Avengers: EMH, Witchblade, and Batman: Dark Knight Trilogy/JLU/Batman Beyond/Blade Runner/Metal Slug have a bunch of choices for picking up companies of your choice. So it could be technology.
no problem my dude, Real-life comes first.
>It's weird that I always stuck with the Hellsing's werewolf powers whenever I'm on a capeshit jump?
Doesn't choosing the wolf powers make you a mute?
But no, Hellsing Werewolves are pretty cool and are generally preferable to Vampireness if your trying to be a good guy.
Also this reminds me that Nasu's alignment system is bullshit, Cursed Arm is apparently Chaotic Evil even though he spends Camelot being basically Batman. So Nasu thinks Batman is Chaotic Evil.
Reminder for anyone planning be an Outer God in DYN that canonically, Outer Gods smell bad.
You'd be able to build battle droid but not something as advanced as HK right off the bat. You'd need a bit of experience first, or his schematics.
Well fuck, nevermind.
Can meatbags who aren't Force Sensitive fight droids like HK and win?
Depends on the Servant. Identity and such are generally gonna be from their actual life, but abilities can vary wildly since some Servants are mundanes empowered by legend while others were magical back in the day. You can probably safely assume mythological Servants are the latter while historical Servants are the former though.
How bad is Arifuretas protagonist?
HK's strong but he ain't invincible. I don't think he's ever confirmed to have EMP shielding so you can always exploit that weakness. And he's meant to be an assassin droid, so overwhelming force or numbers is more than enough to take him down.
Phew... Writing out scenarios isn't as hard as I feared, but not as easy as I would have liked. I've gotten two done now, another three(?) left.
Why? If we start with enough skill that we only need a little more experience before we can make HK droids what is the point of starting us out short of that?
It limits storytelling without really limiting power.
>Phew... Writing out scenarios isn't as hard as I feared, but not as easy as I would have liked.
Well atleast it is sorta in the middle? Glad that you are doing them, as I love scenarios.
>I've gotten two done now, another three(?) left.
It is going to be hard to choose which to go for isn't it?
Eh, It will depend on what you want out of the jump basically (I hope). I kind of want them all to be equally appealing.
>Doesn't choosing the wolf powers make you a mute?
There was only one werewolf in the entire franchise, there is no evidence that all werewolves were mute. But the jump says that the drawback is removed once you leave the jump
What if I become an Outer God of perfume and pleasant smells?
It's a unique custom built assassin droid designed by Revan and equipped with a fairly sophisticated A.I.
>It limits storytelling
Counterpoint, it could potentially open up more story telling option. You could have a plot about your jumper learning more from the various droids they encounter in their adventures, or have them come across a challenge of facing something they don't quite understand.
I also mentioned that you would need experience OR his schematics. If you bought an HK from from the jump then you'd know how to make more immediately.
>If you bought an HK from from the jump then you'd know how to make more immediately.
That's fine then, still prevents you from having the same connection with your HK than Revan had with 47 but at least we can build our own.
Ah, the series about the skull neet and his loli waifu.
I wouldn't call her a loli, she's not quite that young. Still young enough that it's a bit uncomfortable, but less than it could be.