What if each guild was a real life person?

What if each guild was a real life person?

Selesnya best girl.
Boros also good.

>Izzet: Rick and Morty fans
>Simic: Dude weed lmao
>Boros: Trump voters
>Golgari: Dude shrooms lmao
>Rakdos: Antifa
>Orzhov: Goth betas
>Azorius: Super intelligent but socially akward
>Dimir: Nothing personnel, kid
>Gruul: Either kids or chads
>Selesnya: Vegans

Greatest thread ever.
Can't wait to see my kids play MtG on consoles.

Cute lesbian guildfus

Fuck Marry Kill with guild girls?

can't wait to see all this work, the creators are smart and imaginative

Easy, marry selesnya, fuck izzet, kill dimir

fuck dimir, marry orzhov, kill simic

Phyrexia is best faction