Hey Veeky Forums
Are there any Space Horror RPG systems out there that you could recommend?
I mean official ones, not homebrew.
Would really appreciate
Hey Veeky Forums
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I've been told GURPS Horror is damn good, but I haven't run a horror campaign with it myself. I have used parts from the book for my other campaigns though so it's definitely useful. It contains a number of system agnostic methods and recommendations for horror as well. Including an extensive, ten page bibliography of fiction and nonfiction.
Dark Heresy.
that's just 40k
tg pls
Take a space game. Run a horror campaign.
Take a horror game. Run a space campaign.
If you're desperate for "official" there's 40k RPG's (If you can get past 40k), Eclipse Phase (If you can get past the sheer fetish shit that is the setting), and Abandon All Hope.
Those are the ones off the top of my head. Have Abandon All Hope.
Ashen Stars can work, it's the Sci-fi Gumshoe game from Pelgrane press.
Eclipse Phase was already mentioned by The Void/Cthonian Stars is Lovecraft in the future,but also expanded to more typical space alien horror.
Shadows over Sol is another, but I've never read it so i got no idea what kind of horror it is, or if it's nay good
Aaaand the last i can remember is Cold and Dark, but as with Shadows over Sol i haven't read it.
>sheer fetish shit that is the setting
Explain? I know that it's space and post singularity and there's AI and downloadable bodies and shit, but what?
I assume user means the body swapping, body modification, uplifted animals and forking which can be taken to somewhat absurd and occasionally fetishistic levels.
Sounds like a great opportunity for body horror. That shit freaks people out more regularly than "oh look, creepy spooky vampire"
Neotenic Morphs (Kid bodies) are noted to be used in porn.
Pleasure Pods (Cyborg Sex-Changing Hookers) are, in of themselves, sexual as fuck, but notably have the genetics for purring.
There's several canon settlements that are basically nothing but fucking.
Shit, I'm sure Meathab is someone's fetish as well.
If you're looking to run horror, I would absolutely recommend . GURPS Horror, obviously, has some GURPS stats in it, but the bulk of the book is a great system-agnostic resource for running horror games.
GURPS itself also has good mechanics for dealing with fright/fear, the HP system helps reinforce the tension, and it has decent rules for dealing with space stuff.
>complain about fetish
>offer game with interdimensional tentacle man showing off his new ballgag
Take Dread.
Play space campaign, possibly their space campaign on the website: beneath a metal sky.
Which is in space and is horror focused.
Trust me, Eclipse Phase is much more fetishy.
I'm only joking about the ballgag. Why, do the fractals ever run around in ballgags?
i don't see how 40k can even be made scary and suspensful when you are playing as hulking space marine killing machines
I have hard time finding physical copies and i prefer those...
Could Starfinder RPG work with horror?
Except in Dark Heresy you don't
explain pls
I had pic related recommended to me by few people for space horror, but haven't try it myself. It's supposedly very good for stuff like Alien
tried to find it, not even on amazon. (europe)
Dark Matter, part of the Rolemaster RPG.
>GURPS Space for 50 bongs
Jesus Christ
There are 5 different RPG systems for 40k. That's because the motto of the whole universe is "There is only War". Everyone hates each other, and The Imperium is a dystopian totalitarian regime taken to eleven, with inquisition eliminating everyone who tries to stick his head out of the grey mass of simple boring citizens. I'm exaggerating a bit now, but basically there can be no thing as "You all meet in an inn and go for wacky adventures" in 40k. There is no such thing as "an adventurer". It just doesn't work the way the universe is constructed.
Because of that, there are 5 different systems, each focusing on one of the groups of people in 40k who, for one reason or another, actually do have something resembling adventures. Mechanically they're pretty much the same system, with just an extra rule here and there and can even be played interchangeably, but each corebook focuses on information and rules necessary for the corresponding type of PCs obviously.
In Dark Heresy the players are a team of Inquisitors(the secret police of the Imperium) and/or their helpers, usually investigating and taking down chaos cults, mutants etc.
In Rogue Trader the players are a Rogue Trader and his crew(space buccaneers/pirates/explorers/traders etc.)
In Deathwatch the players are Space Marines
In Only War the players are Imperial Guard(the regular army of the Imperium) soldiers, which usually means being a disposable cannon fodder getting thrown against the worst of galaxy's monsters with only a shitty lasgun to protect yourself
In Black Crusade you can be on the other site of the barricade for once and play as chaos space marines or chaos cultists
There you have it. Besides, I don't see how being a space marine disallows horror if you're being thrown against things that can easily take down a space marine.
Checked out Dark Heresy on Amazon...
100 to 400 bongs for the core rulebook, what the absolute fuck?
Just grab a PDF from 40k roleplaying general here and see whether you will like it.
This price seem to be a total ripoff though. I mean, I live in Poland and the prices for translated versions here are like 20-40 when converted to £. Honestly though, they're one of the best and most beautifully released rulebooks I've seen. Lots of information, very good graphical design and many high quality illustrations
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Jesli masz fejsa to zerknij na grupce RPG bazar, tam często można dostać używane DH w dobrym stanie po taniosci
tg bois
Does anybody have the Dead Space Homebrew pdf?
I saw it few month ago in one of the Dead Space / Mass Effect crossover writefaggotry threads and it was pretty neat, with simple D6 pool rules, implementing psychological aspects of horror, stress, sanity, spacetech and few tips and tricks how to lead horror game.
piggybacking off this thread
How does one properly run a horror game?
I've tried twice now, and both times my players either didn't take it seriously and made meme characters, or minmaxed their characters to where they never have to worry about losing and can take on anything I throw at them.
>Cold and Dark
>the protagonist has a red-hot gun in one hand and a flashlight-equipped gun in the other
Well, she knew what she was getting into.
>captcha: Centre 4100
As bad as this sounds, break the rules.
As a player I feel comfortable with my knowledge of the rules, what can and can not be done. In the real world this translates to having a pretty good grasp on reality and knowing generally what is and is not possible. Apples fall from trees to the ground. Cause and Effect are tied together. Water is wet and fire is hot. People don't just show up for no reason in random locations. Apples don't suddenly start falling upwards. If any of these things happened I would begin to be a bit scared depending on how they happened. In game terms this means breaking the rules that the players think they are working with.
This is a delicate balance though. Break them too hard or too often and the players will be left feeling bitter that none of their character choices mechanically matter. Or why are we even playing a game with rules if none are being followed. But if you throw things at them that ignore certain rules of the game, or twist them that can translate the real life confusion and unease of not know what's going on to in game knowledge.
Note this method only works if your players actually read the fucking book jesus christ how hard is in to chew through a not even 200 page rule book where maybe only half of it is something you have read fucking hell why do I even play with you people anymore.
I've ran two good games that may players got really into.
I follow this idea with horror: do not answer as many of the below questions as possible.
>How did it happen
>Why did it happen
>When will it happen again?
The less information the players have the less their characters have. The best thing is to make players think they cant trust what is in front of them but they have to.
It also requires your players to want to play their characters.
A high tension situation only occurred because the pc playing the commanding officer, for no reason, thought an npc helper was the cause of everything. So an entire session was based around four gun shots from him going crazy.
A sense of lack of escape is also integral. The players and characters both need to feel they must either face the horror or risk dying to escape.
Keep in mind the final result is getting the players to choose between what they think will kill them and what they know will kill them.
tg of bois
>not buying the PDF, and printing out then binding it.
It's not even hard.
sorry but i also like collecting books, so printing things out disgusts me
special kind of autism
tg boyz