>Putting Star Wars in the title >Putting Star Wars in the title less than two days before a new movie comes out
Jason Roberts
Brody Torres
does it come in red?
Asher Bailey
first for ARC troopers
Noah Diaz
Not stock, but you can certainly get it repainted, and the royal chrome replaced.
Nathan Lopez
Brandon Roberts
>Gleb reskin
Blake Barnes
>Putting Star Wars in the title less than two days before a new movie comes out It is already out here.
Caleb Phillips
And it's fucking terrible
Asher Brown
From Battlefront II, they're a half PSF and half slaver/FO collaborator group during TFA/BFII DLC. That N-1 is supposed to be heavily modified (and has a speed burst and can drop mines behind it). They have ARCs and V-wings as well
Adrian Wood
Isaac Garcia
Redpill me on why they're using N1's and V-Wings specifically.
Wyatt Garcia
Surely the spoilers aren't as terrible as it actually is right. Luke didn't REALLY shit on everything he learned and sit over his blood relative with an active weapon, r-right. He DEFINITELY didn't then kill himself after an almost comical duel with said fuckstick, and didn't even use the Emerald Classic again. This is a fucking fever dream right.
Ian Brown
Because they're designs that were in movies, so normies will recognize them.
Grayson Diaz
You are now realizing that Disney gave a whole new trilogy to this fucking hack
Luis King
I mean I can understand the V-Wing, but the N1 is a luxury ceremonial escort fighter. It's more of a space Lamborghini than a space F-15, I really don't know why they'd bother hunting down an extremely rare starfighter produced for a single planet. Some Y-Wings, ARC-170s and maybe even some CIS Fighters would make more sense.
Christopher Davis
why would you nostalgiafag to the highest degree... except for the one thing both people jaded by it and the people high on 'member berries would likely enjoy? Just. Just why. This is genuinely maddening.
Jacob Edwards
Again, it's because it's a design normies recognize. They don't give a flying fuck about what makes consistent logical sense from a lore point. At this point they're just trying desperately to make up for their abysmal sales on that pile of shit.
Justin Smith
Probably to reuse assets, but IG/Lore wise it's likely that that's the equipment that they have access to (the mercs have AT-ST and AT-RT too). They get a Neb-B and GR-75s to go steal kids for the FO as well. There's only 1 N-1 and it belongs to the boss-dude so it probably like he bitches out with his Lambo.
Cooper Rodriguez
Watching it as a movie and apparently they do use ARC-170s and other Clone Wars shit, primarily.
Connor Wood
goddam, now I want to be a merc with a hangar full of Clone Wars and Civil War shit to fly
Dominic Hughes
What ye think about Lightspeed kamikaze attacks? Kinda CHANGES EVERY SINGLE BATTLE for this user at least.
However, it was BEAUTIFUL.
Also what the fuck like half of the movie the resistance ships were just fleeing the FO ships with sublight? Like several DAYS? why FO not just warp in more forces?
Justin Perry
Hyperspace anomalies. Warp storms. Gravity wells everywhere. Allof the above.
Elijah Hill
>Lightspeed kamikaze attacks? I see why the Pellaeon class has an integrated interdictor field as standard now.
Christian Cooper
When are we getting Disciples of Harmony in the mega? Sorry if the question is inappropriate.
Samuel Ortiz
Man why is the First Order so cartoon evil? J-Sec is THEIR OWN cover operation and they just slaughter those people instead of using them as extra manpower to cover low-importance worlds. The First Order's absolutely retarded.
Isaac Thompson
It's obviously too early to say, but do you think that TLJ will be the Justice League for SW? The moment when brand loyalty alone is no longer able to win audiences due to just how bad the movie is, or at least start the process along with the upcoming spinoffs so that when Episode IX drops a significant portion of people will have just lost faith with MouseWars and not bother (TLJ being BvS:DoJ and IX being JL in that case).
Or does SW just have too much inertia at this stage, so it will still make bank no matter what dross they put on scree?. Are angry grogs just too marginal an audience to matter?
Juan Wilson
I didn't really follow the story too closely, but I thought it was them disposing of J-Sec after they didn't need them anymore?
Mason Cruz
Normies are still going to flock to it
Andrew Adams
>Justice League I still miss it, guys. At least Injustice 2 is still fun as fuck.
Brayden Price
Inertia can only carry so long but sadly the brand has inertia to spare, and worst still much of this new stuff appeals to normies super hard, so it will be a long time before people see it for what it's becoming.
There are still people with passion working on the brand but they are now forced to work inside the comfines of the Mouse's gilded cage
Daniel Sanders
This Disney knows how to attract normies and thats ultimately the only audience anyone needs, people content with "ok" people who eat up every pre packaged line about rebellion and hope as they give all their money to the overlords
Carson Williams
Isaiah Hughes
>but I thought it was them disposing of J-Sec after they didn't need them anymore? Yes, that's cartoonishly evil retardation. It's extra manpower, FREE extra manpower. Instead you waste your own men instead of giving these guys a new use. Retarded.
Tyler Gonzalez
Bad guys don't keep allies their did their one job, it's story telling basics man. It's why evil is always dumb
Aiden Reyes
come up with better soldiers than ARC troopers pro tip you can't
Daniel Rodriguez
Easton Bailey
Evan Hill
Nah bruh.
100 regs = 4 RepComms = 1 ARC
Adrian Lewis
hmm thats a good conundrum commando armor is better but ARCS are better trained and genetically improved. ARCS are trained more as a one man army whereas commando are a team so a team of commandos would be better coordinated than a team of ARCS though ARCS would still be quite coordinated. hmmmm still gotta go ARCS because commandos never one manned a tank or fought off general grievous
Colton Hernandez
>never fought off grevious
Probably because he kept running from them. The guy knew damn well who he was dealing with.
Connor Nguyen
> Dual wields a WESTAR and Dc-17 > Butt stocks superbattle droids >tazes Durge >fights off general grevious >keeps a cooler head than Ki Adi Mundi is there anyone better than Captain Fordo?
John Garcia
You're forgetting the commandos' greatest advantage: infinite ammo. That includes grenades, sniper rounds, and rifle grenades. Park Sev, Fixer, and Scorch behind some chest-high walls and they'll kill anything that comes at them. And they presumably also have all the physical strength and endurance that comes from being fit enough to carry infinite ammo.
Oliver Ortiz
Who is the star wars version of snake?
Jaxon Ward
Help me /swg/, You're my only hope.
In X-wing, how do you skin a Wookiee?
Triple/Quad Auzituck lists- how do you beat them?
Justin Mitchell
Imagine if the prequels had been good
The tabletop we would've gotten of clones and droids
Cooper Allen
Damn right.
Kevin Murphy
IIRC only the pistol had infinite ammo,...right? And it comes at the cost of being real weak. I mean, a kriffing B1 can tank several shots from one.
Dylan Rogers
>infinite ammo Those are always the best sidearms. How effective would it be against organics?
Gabriel Jones
To be fair, every enemy in that game is way tankier than they are in literally every other depiction that's not an RTS.
>B2s in the movies and 99% of spinoffs: mildly tougher than B1s, can be taken down in a couple shots >B2s in Republic Commando: you and your squad are already dead
Ethan Parker
Did they have wrist rockets in RC?
Christopher Jones
Gods, the flashbacks. Rainy Kamino and the darn platforms.. Or Bespin and that FUKKEN LONG WHITE TUNNEL OF DEATH
Jack Taylor
The lack of a Bespin map is one of the many reasons that despite the shiny new features, BF2 could never top the original. Rise of the Empire was good stuff though.
Kayden Clark
In the player's hands, yes, but Sev, Fixer, and Scorch never ran out of ammo or grenades.
Xavier Johnson
>Battlefront 1 >Get ambushed by Christopher Lee on Bespin >Panic and throw a thermal det by asccident >Blasts him off the map
I miss those days
Wyatt Williams
Attacking Echo base with AT-AT.
> Accidentally smash Darth Vader underfoot...
Charles Campbell
>Attacking Echo base with AT-AT. >Speeder trying to do the cable shit >Just stand still and it doesn't do anything
Connor Collins
>Contest with your friends to see who can hurl Luke to his death off Rhen Var Fortress using rocket and grenades first.
John Williams
Dude, movie is worse than spoilers. Just saw it with friends. I can't remember other movie that made me so angry.
Oliver Anderson
Remember when in R1 those ships are jumping and Vader's SD stops them with shields? This thing shits on entire canon.
Michael Bailey
It was 16 hours. And it was idiotic. There was no reason not to just swarm them with 2000 fighters.
Adam Carter
>the Galactic Empire >properly utilizing its fighters >ever
Kayden Barnes
We never saw something this stupid before. Hell, opening fight was already completely retarded.
Isaac Morris
BF2 had Bespin, it was the map with Ventress as a Hero.
Connor Jones
ITT: "I DON'T LIKE THIS MOVIE OR THE ONE BEFORE IT OR THE NEXT ONE!!! But I'll still watch them anyway."
Justin Nelson
>BF2 had Bespin, it was the map with Ventress as a Hero. You better not be rusing me
Jacob Gomez
Nah. I'm done. Not going to see next ones in cinema. It was a joke. If this is new SW I don't want any of this crap.
Jason Thomas
I'm sure you are. That's probably what you said after TFA too.
Bentley Nguyen
TFA had flaws but it was fun to watch. This one wasn't.
Dylan Thomas
>Not going to see next ones in cinema. It was a joke. If this is new SW I don't want any of this crap.
>tfw i was saying this about TFA and my friends laughed at me >mfw they're saying it's shit now
Ethan Wright
I kinda gave TFA a pass since it was their first movie. They got many things wrong but feel was right. This one doesn't even feel like a SW movie.
Liam Murphy
>two days from official release >one day from midnight showings >everyone in a thread on the traditional games board of a Mongolian Throat Singing Fan BBs has seen it and has strong opinions on it
Jeremiah Roberts
Saw night screening in Poland. Go check those. Half of the theater was empty too.
Luke Phillips
There was no Ventress or Bespin in BF2. user is indeed rusing you.
Unless they mean the new one, but context says otherwise.
Josiah Flores
Probably because they couldn't afford it. Such is life in Poland.
Ryan Sanders
Ventress actually was in BF2, but only on the Xbox.
Hunter James
Ebin meme fag. TFA and R1 were full with many cosplayers.
Carson Baker
When will we get Kylo Ren in Legion? He's the only good thing about the new trilogy in my opinion.
Landon Rodriguez
Remember to at least post spoilers under warnings and be nice.
That aside, anyone wanna spoil the plot for me? I'm already ready to be angry and I'm over 9000% sure that Luke dies
Connor Nelson
Yup. That happens. But it's honestly one of the few not bad scenes in the movie.
Brody Howard
Figures. But would you be awesome and provide me the whole rundown?
Also, I don't mean to ask for much, but do the Royal Guard ripoffs get to do anything?
Adrian Jackson
They fight Kylo and Rey. It's the only lightsaber "duel" in the movie. They just kill them one after another and then last one almost gets Kylo but Rey saves him.
Luke one is a big spoiler and it's kinda better to not ruin it since it's one of few good scenes. But I can see a lot of people goring crazy over it. We never saw force do anything like that.
Austin Bailey
Asher Phillips
Nah vadera ship doesn't stop anyone actually hyping - the guys who smash into his ISD are winding up to hype and just crush themselves. It's a gr75 too iirc, not exactly the sturdiest vessel
Mason Hernandez
>Ep 7: Han dies >Ep 8: Luke dies >Ep 9: Leia dies Who are they going to kill off in the Sequel Sequel Trilogy besides our hopes and dreams? Chewie? Artoo? Threepio? The Falcon?
Jason Torres
Episodes 10-12 will focus on killing off whoever costs the most from the current trilogy characters.
Michael Harris
You telling me nobody thought about using drone suicide ships like this in thousands of years?
James Allen
All of the above
Luis Lewis
Sup /swg/, it's me, the guy who has been filling up the last threads with X-wing math about Gunboats.
I did some more math, and I'm realizing that Quickdraw is pretty-much "good enough" against Kylo/Kylo players are, on-average, bad enough to get shot by a Gunboat, so I should probably switch my list to Optics+VI Quickdraw, and 2 Crack+HLC Rhos. (For maximum front-loading / spike damage)
How exactly should I fly this though? I've never flown with Quickdraw, only against.
Set up in the corner with Gunboats and flank with QD?
Jack Morgan
>It's the only lightsaber "duel" in the movie. Christ. I figured if nothing else I could at least enjoy some lightsaber duels, but apparently that's out. It's like the new films are deliberately trying to make us miss the prequels.
Parker Jenkins
The average suicide ship isn't a 3km long warship, you don't tend to want to throw those away
Jordan Sanders
The average target is not a 60km mega star destroyer.
Hudson Gomez
There is a kung fu fight between Rey and Luke. Guess who wins.
Hunter Perry
Disney. If Jackson can CGI and stunt double the corpses of Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen into kicking ass in the Hobbit, we could've gotten at least one scene of Luke going full Jedi Master on somebody.
Nolan Myers
Seriously, what was even the fucking point of Luke training Rey if she already knows and can do literally anything she wants to and beat everyone and everything without an ounce of effort? Fuck this movie
Luke Hall
Actual kinda spoilers in case anyone gives a fuck at this point I mean he astrally projected across half the Galaxy to fake a duel with Ren, and dickwave at the entire FO ground assault, that's petty Master tier isn't it?
Mason Davis
But user, they couldn't push Rey as the new face of Star Wars without utterly castrating all the former symbols of Star Wars to show how much better Rey really is! If Luke got to do something cool then it'd make people think he's still cool when obviously it's CURRENT YEAR, of course an old white man like him isn't cool anymore!