Post yfw, God and three of his angels would join you and your family for dinner everyday.
Post yfw, God and three of his angels would join you and your family for dinner everyday
It was 2 angels in Genesis, you moron.
Well, this is direct family are atheists...I do ask them to help my grandma (who is a believer) to kick the cunt of my cousin and her husband out our lives.
Three problems with that.
One I live alone.
Two, I don't do dinner.
Three my place is 12 square meters, including bathroom. It cannot reasonably accommodate 5 human sized being. Mayyybe if one sits at the shitter and one in the wardrobe.
That'd be cool. Would He do me favors? I could do Him some, too.
Maybe he could make me confident. And a bit taller.
Angels are known to be able to dance on the head of a pin, so they probably don't take up too much space.
>Maybe he could make me confident. And a bit taller.
Maybe he could make you a baller.
>Angels are known to be able to dance on the head of a pin, so they probably don't take up too much space.
They're just very agile. But their bodies are quite bulbous and bloated (and greasy).
God is going to bring up my search history or something and it's going to be awkward, can I avoid it like I avoid most other interactions?
I haven't even had a friend in over a decade.
I'd probably find some sort of conversational piece, since I wouldn't want to bore them with a million questions they'be heard already, but at the same time, what do you discuss with an omniscient being? And just sitting there silently would be awkward.
I hope they like chicken and broccoli because we getting Veeky Forums bruh
I'd like you visit your home and play board games with you user.
no homo
Cheese: Y/N
You mean I gotta cook for 3 more people every day?
I dine alone.
I hope they like pasta.
>mfw initially incredibly overjoyed at the prospect of meeting him and having a reason to prepare the best food I can
>mfw gradually realizing that I could demonstrate my flaws in some horrible way that realizes my death and end up a story of warning for the modern world: I'm not a good person, I'm a person who thinks about goodness a lot but doesn't move: my faith is little above devils and when I'm called to be an athlete for Christ I've been a coward
>mfw haven't managed to go from beliefs to actions, and now starts the fear and trembling
It's probably going to gnashing of teeth for me. It was the future I chose but I don't want it.
Probably something like this.
I mean, this is the god that turned people into fucking salt for looking back at a collapsing city.
It says everyday tho.
God isn't going to dine with piles of salt or skeletons.
Maybe even give him a girl who looked good.
I didn't know they allowed internet in prison.
I prefer eating alone, after rest of my family already left the table. If i am feeling sociable, i table my plate to living room. If i am not, i just order pizza after they went to sleep.
Which one of the Trinity is coming? I hope the young guy, he seems to be most chill of all them. I'd probably consider saying Hi to him. Meeting him changed a lot of lives and i kinda hoped it would change mine as well.
Is that Kaneko? His creature designs were great.