What the youngest age that you are allowed to marry in your fantasy setting?
What the youngest age that you are allowed to marry in your fantasy setting?
Depends, what's the basic timecycle of your universe is?
Entirely depends on the country.
There is a country where they will perform an equivalent of a marriage ceremony on two newborns.
before birth
In most of my fantasy settings and their respective cultures, it's usually 12 years old — if the person they are marrying is within tens years of of their age. i.e. No spouses older than 22. Otherwise, you usually have to wait until you're 16 to marry whoever. However, you can get engaged at as young as 6 or 8, depending on the country, but the ten year limit still applies.
Only in death.
Now please go get married.
It depends on the region, but the youngest is around 12-13.
18 or when the race reaches adulthood.
I get that it's just fantasy, but don't be a sicko.
Marriage is illegal
You just wanted to post that picture.
Depends on the country. The main nation(the one players will probably be in) the custom is 14 to be eligible but nobles will make bethrothal plans between their children at younger. The current royal couple were betrothed at very young age.
Enjoy your low-functioning autism, I guess.
Child marriage is a pretty common topic in my setting for realism and shit. My players are all decent human beings tho and know not to get into weird sexual territories.
>marriage i.e. the legal contract that allows the spouses to share the legal rights, such as the right of property, the right of inheritance etc. etc. is somehow the realm of "sickos"
>the legal institute of marriage is illegal
While I'm perfectly sure that the OP was made with intent of bait, sometimes I forget how you Americans unconditionally tie marriage to romantic and sexual affairs.
The bait wouldn't work if you retards weren't so thin-skinned about it.
Probably just the age of consent, which is 15 like in my country.
Depends on your social caste, whether the marriage is arranged or not, and how powerful the people behind it are.
>farmhands, copyholders, menial workers, other agrarian and urban poor - in general the lowest marriageable age tends to be females=a year after getting their first periods, males=14 or so
>freeholders, poorer merchants - usually same as above
>richer merchants, minor nobility - depends on how well connected they're, while rare it is not completely unheard of the members of this caste to get married while being under 10 years old
>high nobility - usually are engaged soon after birth, if the situation allows it the marriage is usually belayed until both partners are considered adults but should the need arise the sermon can be organized as soon as both bride and groom are capable of speaking
>royalty - prenatal engagements aren't uncommon, outside of unusual circumstances most of the royalty get married well before their 10th birthday
>priesthood - depends on sect, some of them are willing to marry you even before you're born, some of them will only marry dead with living (both variations where a dead cleric marries a living person and where a dead non-cleric is married to a living cleric are practiced), some will only marry dead with other dead, hell some of the more exotic sects are willing marry animals with humans and even other animals, usually the more exotic variations of marriage do not require you to consummated it
Nigger 90% of the planet now doesn't wait til 18, why the fuck would they in times before jealous old women had any say in law?
I get it, youre american, but not everyone is a manchild all the way to 25, sometimes women are already mentally sound at 16 and ready to start a family.
12, like in old Rome/pre-feminist Europe
14 if you're Roy Moore
14 is the legal age of consent in most of my setting.
That is old enough to work and make babies so it makes sense for a 1500-ish setting.
Some races like goblins grow up quicker and are allowed to marry at earlier ages since they are basically fully grown by 9 while other races aren't considered grown up enough until they are over 50.
>Mentally sound
If that's the standard you're using, every heterosexual male is a pedophile by default.
There's no marriage, just roaming hoards of barbarians and occasionally a wizard and their harem.
Most barbarians irl did married irl
I would be surprised if they married online.
You can be married off to someone before you're even born, planned or arranged marriages are exceedingly common amongst and across a diverse range of cultures, races, and species.
Most, though, don't expect young married couples to start fucking until the boys are 13-14 and the girls are well into their 15-17's. Those ages might seem a little poorly matched, but boys are expected to marry and start breeding sooner rather than later to circumvent work hazards, dying in pointless wars, or being kidnapped by rowdy fey sprites, while, women, on the other hand simply need more development time to provide a little insurance that they can survive child birth... That and they usually have a better survival rate, so there's typically an excess of women, so it isn't too uncommon to have 15 year olds marrying 25 year old women.
>every heterosexual male is a pedophile by default
ahaha that would be crazy, imagine being attracted to 12 year olds haha
>being attracted to 12 year olds haha
Indeed, no sane man would even think touching such old fags.
There isn’t really a cutoff I guess. Lots of arranged marriages in the nobility.
Gross, I want nothing to do with your ridiculous fantasy world
Shouldn't women marry earlier than men?
I mean, women have only a few fertile years of life and need to stay pregnant during 9 months while any men can impregnate hundreds of women without problems.
In my setting they're too occupied with hunting mammoths to formally regulate relationships. I'm not saying they're all sluts, just not organized enough.
None enforced. The party once met a jolly 14-year old fisherman with a childhood friend/wife living with him and taught him how to defend himself from bandits for the sheer hell of it, the child ruler of the Sainted Empire of Sarenrae's Devoted married a 40-year-old gold dragon loli and a skeevy old duke tried to arrange a "political" marriage between the party witch, a 16 year old barmaid and himself before he got the shit beaten out of him for being a creepy son of a bitch, and we are told that that kind of thing happens often.
AoC is 17 but most people marry around 19-20 years old. With pre-marital sex being scorned.
I don't know what it is about tweens to teens, but there's something vaguely disgusting about them.
Maybe it's their teeth which are too big for their mouths, or the fact that they don't have any body hair of any kind, even the tiny transparent hairs that adult women have that you don't notice until you're right next to them and the light hits them just right. Maybe it's the way no 12 year old can smile without turning it into a smirk, or the fact that they all look like they smell like rancid milk. They look like little shitheads, and they act like them too. The boys are even worse, because that's the age they get those pubes on their faces and look older and older without getting more adult.
Younger kids, I get the concept of having them around, because they look like kids, and you don't have that weird combination of adult height and baby faces. But there's a space between the ages that girls get their periods and the time they're able to drive that just aggravates the shit out of me.
I can't go on /tv/ without one of you pedo fucks posting gross looking tweens. Who in their right mind would want to fuck one of the most disgusting creatures on Earth?
Its not that hard tho. They cheat, rock to head, man moves on your girl, rock to head.
People learn, social mores/tradition developed, monogamy/marriage formed.
>he doesn't appreciate the faint smell of milk and crayons
Could've just written "I'm a huge faggot" and spared me the time of reading your far too large post.
You don't.
Marriage has been proven to produce a sense of contentment and well-being in an excessive amount of cases, and therefore is anathema to the Primary Objective of Every Man, which is to be hated and be hurt, and to hate and hurt others.
Despair. Condemn.
Procreation-like actions, despite multiple refinements of pleasure center removals and sterilization procedures with each new clone batch, continue to be a problem, and are punishable by a minimum sentence of 500 Percep-years of maximized pain-correction.
Despair. Condemn.
Any indication of attraction between any property-entities of the New Universal Order will be punishable by execution of the one deemed least wasteful by the other via any of the following: A: High-Temperature Liquid Immersion Execution, B: Pre-mortem autopsy and organ harvesting, C: Pain-stimuli overload.
Despair. Condemn.
(The setting is if someone looked at 1984 and 40k, and thought it was sickeningly optimistic. Being happy is a terroristic act, but don't worry, it doesn't happy often.)
People use "ow the edge" too often, so often it has lost its meaning, but this is one of the times when there is no way to respond except with ow the edge.
It's weird, normally I'm the first to call edge on something this grimdark or 1984-y, but for some reason the quasi-religious rhetoric here is compelling to me. It does make me curious about how you justify the origin of this group, if you do.
Ages before their birth, when the world first forms and souls flourish anew, the prophetic binding of twin souls is sown into the tapestry of fate. If you're asking about legal marriage, pfff, the fucking players know more about than me, they're the ones running their own city-states.
When you have completed your apprenticeship.
Be it to a knight, tailor, alchemist, wizard, cleric, the local thief, an assassin, bartender, whatever.
By then you're assumed to know how money works, have seen enough stupid shit to not repeat said stupid shit, and you're ready to start adulting.
Marriageable age in my fantasy games is usually just under modern-day values (modern = 18, fantasy = 16) to acknowledge that marriage was younger but to be able to play without the matter becoming a roadblock to the stories we actually want to tell. It's more historically accurate for 12 and 14, but it's also gross from our modern values and I'd rather not have the argument at the table where I try to defend what would be considered pedophilia in the modern day. We got stories to tell, monsters to slay, quests to pursue, etc.
The campaign is founded on the premise that, around the same time FTL travel became a reality, there was a coup by the corporations over the government, and eventually the "New Kings" decided that happiness was a finite resource, and that only the richest and most elite should be allowed to be happy whenever they wished- those below them would get carefully rationed, minute amounts of positive feelings. Everyone else is forced, via neural inhibitors and decades of cloning revisions, to go through life wanting to die every second of every minute of every hour of every day, due to a combination of every sense being given a chemical and neurological filter to make every single aspect of life unbearable.
Pointless, stupid cruelty is the main piece of the campaign, and finding a way to end that pointless, stupid cruelty is the party's main goal after all five experience sensetech malfunctions engineered by the resistance.
Varies by species.
Elves are all about eugenics: their mates are selected for them generations in advance based on projected aptitudes.
Goblinoids are a eusocial species where the bugbears chase down a fleeing goblin "queen" and forcibly mate with her, and she usually dies giving birth to ~100 goblinoid babies. Marriage isn't a thing for them.
Dwarves are an all male species and don't marry. Their sperm join with other dwarf sperm in fungal cysts formed by the yeast of their ale wherever their piss collects beneath the holdfast. Pair bonding is mostly irrelevant to this process.
Orcs are matriarchal and trade sons like livestock.
Married by parents - after first full moon following the birth (that's when people are given name and you can't marry without name). This requires certain rites though and is only really used by nobility.
Married by your own will with parent's approval - 10 years of age. Most common form.
Married by your own will without or against parent's approval - 20 years of age. Carries some social stigma in higher class, but legally equal.
>Pair bonding is mostly irrelevant to this process.
Species, age, society, government, culture and when they fucking hit puberty.
Also magic- so Magic vajayjay and the wizards putting things in the water that turn people into rubber onaholes.
And Demon-cult-ritual-murder black sabbath sex.
Ed Greenwood is all over this sort of stuff.
>40-year-old gold dragon loli
Damn, that's a awful setting
>Their sperm join with other dwarf sperm in fungal cysts formed by the yeast of their ale wherever their piss collects beneath the holdfast.
...so dwarves are jacking off into their ale vats?
>not infusing the ale with your manly essence
I've heard a lot of news outlets do a bad job saying he tried to do stuff, and maybe he did - he's old enough that I would expect him to be creepy, but has anyone actually said he's done anything?
>...so dwarves are jacking off into their ale vats?
No, the yeast matures in their urinary tract and exits their body along with their sperm via urine. The process requires very little input from the dwarves.
>but has anyone actually said he's done anything?
Nobody cares about that - in this day and age enough >implication can make one's reputation fold like house of cards.
Women are not expected to go to war.
>Children of the Trough
I see what you did there.
This is weeb pedo bait and you all know it
>and eventually the "New Kings" decided that happiness was a finite resource
I don't want to inflict harm on any children, ever, and find pedophelia and child molestation repugnant. But I can't help but eye that butt and want to snuggle her and stroke her hair.
The upper class sometimes marries young (both partners or mismatched ages), but the lower class only ever marries in adulthood.
The youngest is 16 or their species equivalent because Id rather sacrifice the "realism" of my setting than having that argument
>implying the whole setting has uniform culture
That's kinda what moe does. It exaggerates all the traits the brain finds 'cute' and slaps them on an adult body.
Depending on how limited the scope of the game is, this could be completely true.
Marriages can be arranged as early as the parents want (earlier for higher classes, but usually well into adulthood for middle and lower). Adulthood is based on education, not age. A high class prodigy or desperately poor laborer could be considered an adult as early as 11, but most are considered adults somewhere in the 15 to 18 range depending on how complex their education is and how well they take to it. This is a formalized ritual for the ruling class, but there's little fanfare for everyone else.
Idk if I'd say she has an adult body but she definitely has unrealistic adult features. Not that I haven't seen real life lolis with nice asses and then been fucking horrified that said loli was dressed in something in which their ass could be admired and also that I had just looked at a 13 yr old boott
Whoops, didn't mean to quote.
>I can't help but eye that butt and want to snuggle her and stroke her hair
What kid of logic is that? Does that go into reciprocity on eying girl's haircut to conclude you wanna grope her butt?
Sounds like you're trying really hard to convince yourself you're not a pedo
I am not allowed to marry in my fantasy setting.
It's more the butt that makes me want to stroke her hair. And my dong.
It's okay, your legal guardian still can agree to your marriage in unlikely circumstances that somebody would be interested.
Did you know that in 25 US states there is no explicit legal minimum for marriage? Underaged marriage is a matter of getting permission from the legal guardians, and a judge. It does not happen often, but legally it can.
Several cultures have different ideas of what this means.
Generally no culture permits or endorses a marriage being consummated before the wife is "husband high" or menstrating regularly and showing secondary sexual characteristics, but may marry off people who don't meet those criterion for various purposes, with the understanding that consummation isn't expected until these criterion are met.
I haven't thought about it much, but I think it would be "allowed at any age", because that is how it was for most of human history.
But since this was obviously meant as a pedo bait thread, it made me wonder: what is the most pedo setting we could design?
I'm a dykeshit and I hate /ss/
for insulting oyomegatari tho we are now enemies.
I guess it should depend on the culture.In medieval times, women were often ready and expected to bear children shortly after their flowering, and were betrothed to other, older mean even earlier.
In a setting I'm writing, a young child is a child until 8-9, then begins his training to adulthood at 14-15.Wherein he was considered a young adult with all responsibilities of one; and were eligible to take the Imperial Examination.
That is a rule system, not a setting. Pretty sure.
>ITT: cowards, pedophiles, and the people that know the difference between marriage and consummation
Setting it present-day Thailand.
Well Eclipse Phase has "Neotenics" that are body mods to make you a child. It's said most people taken neutered forms of the mod but some don't and form sex/porn rings from them.
With half of the population being around 15 years old with an average of 20 when rounded, you should be expected to have responsibilities much, much, much earlier. You would be expected to start working at age 7. In certain places, age 7 is also the minimum age to be able to be hung for theft. Marriage age for males is 14 years old. Girls could marry at age 12 but could not cohabit until you were 14 too. 15, full-time soldier. At 12, you can serve in the jury with your ideas and suggestion having legal repercussions.
And of course, princes can lead armies as young as 20 or even lead a vanguard battalion made of hundreds of men at 16.
200. Blame the elves. They're the ones running the Empire, they're the ones making the laws, and they don't give a shit about how your culture does things differently because of your species' vastly shorter lifespan.
>smartass wants to pretend this thread was actually about marriage
I'll take /ss/
It's not a very legal institution if it's illegal, now is it?
Depends on the nation and culture in particular. The cosmopolitan heart of the big empire to the South? Around 18 or so is common. The disparate mountain tribes to the North? You bet they're going to marry off young to secure tribal alliances and to ensure the tribe has plenty of children.
>Dwarves are an all male species and don't marry. Their sperm join with other dwarf sperm in fungal cysts formed by the yeast of their ale wherever their piss collects beneath the holdfast. Pair bonding is mostly irrelevant to this process
Oh hey, I remember that thread. I think I still have the screencap saved somewhere
As young as you want, so long as you can convince people to not take issue with it, by whatever means.
Lol, deluded pedo, your pic is not attractive. And not even because of age, she's just ugly.
Consider Sparta.
Sparta had a completely different arrangement of marriage and property inheritance due to the fact that
A: Tons of men went off and died, many of them pretty early in life
B: Mandatory fitness standards for all citizens (with the outward purpose of forming an emergency militia) meant that women died in childbirth considerably less often than in other cultures
C: Later marriages in general reinforcing women not dying in childbirth as often as in other cultures
Marriage was generally reserved until later in life, property was largely held by the much less likely to die women, and men married into a woman's holdings.
Property inheritance largely follows the path of least chaos. The oldest male son still alive is fantastic in a culture where there are generally lots of children, and women die in childbirth due to being exceptionally young or unfit. Because women are expected to die early (Nevermind that they frequently die early as a result of childbirth), there is little reason to not put them to reproductive work ASAP.
Following the model of Sparta, however, any culture that fulfills the requirements of a high rate of male death due to warfare, or what have you, but also maintaining the health and reproductive well-being of women will naturally gravitate towards later marriages with power mostly held by the much more stable population of women compared to men. There is little reason to begin having children young, because any man who gains enough prestige to marry will find a surplus of bachelorettes with actual holdings because more men die early than do women.