Will there ever be another WRPG as good as Baldur's Gate II?
Will there ever be another WRPG as good as Baldur's Gate II?
Not in your lifetime, no.
>Expecting a good RPG in the Skyrim-era of "dumb everything down to its most basic components"
No, never. Normalfags who play vidya want something simple and arcadey that they only need to put a couple hours into every night to blow off steam, not something that actually requires investment
D:OS 1 and 2 are great. I was on consoles when BG2 came out so couldn't tell you how they compare.
Yes, in fact, I'd wager good money that there already has been. People are just too obsessed with assuming that everything past their favorite will never compare that they miss the trees for the forest.
Bonus points if they talk about how "audiences in America/Europe/Japan/Your Market of Choice will never accept a REAL game".
underrail was made by 8 slavs
there's hope
Fallout: New Vegas exists.
mask of the betrayer could have been that game
if they had let you destroy the wall.
Divinity: OS 2 is an incredibly good RPG even by grouchy grog gamer standards
This guy gets it.
Also, Digimon Dusk/Dawn literally lets you breed your perfect fighting machine. Bonus points to SMT: Strange Journey for that fuck-awesome isometric map and alignment-based party.
>tfw no matter where I go I can't seem to escape people mentioning New Vegas
I guess it's truly a testament to how good of a game it is.
Tyranny is quite good if you ask me.
Kinda prefer Expeditions Viking.
Shame we'll probably never get another Obsidian Fallout game.
Considering John Gonzales left Obsidian and he did most of the writing for Vegas, perhaps it's just as well.
It's at least 90% made by one person though.
Are you talking about Divinity? That game is more Neverwinter Nights tier than BG2.
Generic fantasy NWN story>D:OS meme garbage
That's not a good endorsement. I heard that DOS's story is generic but the side quests are good?
>No, never. Normalfags who play vidya want something simple and arcadey that they only need to put a couple hours into every night to blow off steam, not something that actually requires investment
desu i spent more time playing skyrim (in a playthrough) than i do on bg2
even when i first played bg2 and was still a teenager.
Piłkarskie od eternity, the new torment, hell if tyrany had some more work on IT dobę IT would be better. BG2 od not that good
user are you having a stroke?
*Pillars of eternity, done
Fucking autocorrect
No, my phone just Has a polish autocorect and i keep forgeting about it
>my phone just Has a polish autocorect
....are you actually polish?
If only.
Pillars of eternity wasn't bad but it wasn't very good either. The companions served only as walking lore, even the "edgy" ones, the absence of real loot was a bad idea for this sort of game and the spells definitely lacked some diversity.
Tyranny suffers from the Suicide Squad syndrom : it has been advertised as a "now it's about the villains" but it turns out that the so called villains aren't really villains after all.
I'm happy to see some company trying to produce some old school games but none of those games has been very good so far.
>none of those games has been very good so far
Neither was BG2, but it still commands more cultists than your average Conan sorcerer.
The thing with PST, BG and their ilk is that there was nothing quite like them when they came out. You can't do the same stunt twice, but everyone seems to be hell-bent on doing just that and nothing else. Everyone want to make a 'spiritual successor' to old trash instead of making new trash of their own.
even better
I beg to disagree. Those games were very good when they came out. I mean, it was in what, 1998? Sure, now we can think of improvements but for 20 years old games they are still quite good and suffer from less flaws than the most recent games of the genre.
Like I said, while you could exploit the combats in BG2 (I'm not speaking of the mods), they used to bring more diversity to the table than Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny ones. Also, BG2's dungeons truly had the "door/monster/treasure" vibe while PoE had only door/monster without real reward at the end. Also, dialogues are less and less relevant in the newest games so we don't see much games with the same options we had in PST.
PoE had a very good idea with the "pause" in the game where you could make choices depending on your skills but unfortunately it was underexploited if not abandonned mid game.
Too bad Pillars was garbage.
OXENFREE is on sale on Steam now, you know.
I played them in 2001, when I finally replaced my dead CD drive. They were pretty poor, almost like one of the awful RTS games of the time, only with some sparse textual elements standing in for roleplaying options. It was like they were stuck in a limbo where they refused to adapt rules to make the gameplay good, but also refused to sacrifice gameplay to make a better roleplaying experience. It was a very poor concept and I was saddened to see it become the yardstick for CRPG goodness.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is a much better game.
Do we not consider Witcher 3 to be a WRPG?
Of course we do.
Learning Imoen was the Bhaalspawn's sister actually took the wind out of my sails the first time I played.
But did it take your dick out of your hand?
It's called Morrowind
Fuck the armour system though
Only good characters worth romancing were Viconia and Aerie, though I'd have loved if Yoshimo, Mazzy, and Haer'dalis were available for romance too.
There are plenty of modern RPGs of similar quality to BG2, mostly because BG2 was dogshit when it came to both gameplay and writing..
I'm glad people are finally ok with calling out the shitty gameplay of BG and almost every premodern bioware game but I'm terrified they're just memers.
That's because Skyrim has artificial content bloat. It tricks you into doing the same 3 quests ad nauseam. And it hand holds you the whole way through with objective icons and map markers.
Quality vs quantity. They're both fun but time played isn't a good measure of a game.
> shit tier BAWWW MY WINGS
> not based Jaheira
Git gud or git out.
> captcha "post bishops"
Not yet captcha, mods aren't asleep.
Dunno, Tyranny always lacked something for me. I guess i just don't like playing the dark side much, but there is more to it. I'd totally love to explore the world without Kyros the Faggot around.
>romancing Aerie
I mean, ew.
Imoen is the best girl to romance.
The imoen romance mod is the cringiest fucking thing...
>play bg2:ee instead
Anyone ever play age of wonders:shadow magic?
Still better than Pillars of Eternity was since you can ignore the cringy new content and just play the classic game which is as good as ever.
But it's funny though.
Morrowind hasn't aged that well, user. Come to think of it neither did BG2.
Morrowind has aged fantastically considering the extremely low standards of modern open world RPGs.
I'm praying people don't lose interest in Skywind, because if they port it to an engine that isn't clunky, I'd love to give it a whirl again.
Unfortunately Skywind is never coming out, so my options are basically "keep reminding myself how good Morrowind is before playing it for 5 second and remembering all of its faults before dropping it for the ninth time that year"
>every company that makes rpgs is like bethesda
Also baldur's gate had romances and better inter-character relations.
>Love how lore heavy and alien the world of Morrowind is, as well as how massive the spell system is
>Just about everything else is dull as fuck
Fuck mang, I feel like I'm reading disjointed snippets of a really good book whenever I try to give Morrowind another go, doesn't help that the what I hope is just the starting area (Balmora) is barren as fuck and doesn't even give you something nice to admire in between the ten minutes of slow walking from quest objectives.
How the fuck is Oxenfree a WRPG?
There will never be a good WRPG ever again.
There're, what, 5 games with retard mode dialogue?
Damn, what a missed opportunity.
Isn't that just Jamaican English?
>still better
>you can ignore
No. Siege of Social Justice Spear is hands down the worst game ever made on the Infinity Engine.
How shit the writing is and where their priorities lie was shown when they patched a Tranny NPC to be unkillable after so many people posted videos on Youtube of killing him.
No, because it combines a two game saga with perfect controls and near infinite replayability due to having so many actually fun ways to approach encounters. Most RPGs have only one way to play. For example, in Dragon Age or Pillars of Eternity, you have exactly one way to play: tank mobs with your tank, heal him with your healer, and dps him with your dps. Like a fucking MMO. You don't need any of that in Baldur's Gate, there's actual options in character and build composition.
The scale of the game is just too big to ever be topped. I was blown away by how next level it was compared to earlier games when it came out and I've never experienced anything like it since.
First of all, the guy was talking about bg2, not siege of dragonspear.
Secondly, holy shit fuck. People need to stop throwing such a hissy fit over one minor NPC that has no bloody relavence to the game. SOD has some serious problems, the pacing is fucked, the villians motivation is all retarded, and (depending on playerchar's alignment) the player has little to no motivation for getting involved.
Talk about that, you know the stuff that maters and not some barley present NPC that's a literal who cares.
Name a 200 hour epic with tactical combat, perfect controls, great graphics, a good story, and endless replay-ability. I'll wait.
Because I'd love it if something better came out, so I'd have something better to play. But that's not how art works.
>perfect controls
Holy shit do RPG players forget how important this is or something?
The issue is that many of them are made for consoles, so they don't have the desktop point and click style controls.
>quests are open-ended until they railroad you at the worst possible times
>third act is 30 minutes long
>most companions are unlikable cunts
I enjoyed the combat systems but that was about it.
>You will never implement the Final Solution to the Gnomish Question
I honestly fail to see how Siege of Dragonspear is gayer than your average modern AAA game.
It just has better graphics and controls and was appropriately priced. I thought it was pretty good.
The issue is basically this:
If, at any time while consuming media, you can see that it is not the story you're experiencing, but a deliberate effort to convey something extremely specific that is done for some reason other than "this will improve the story/game/movie" whatever, then it's a tumor.
Overly quippy humor in Marvel movies? Execs do it because people LOVE one-liners and quips.
Inserting a gay character whose only character trait is "gay character"? Political signaling.
Making a game laden with microtransactions? Obviously purely a cash grab. (In contrast to some free to play games that require them as a monetization model and thus should theoretically implement them more elegantly)
Killing characters purely to get people talking about your movie or show, instead of servicing the plot? I don't need to explain the logic behind this one.
Basically, there have been gayer pieces of media than Siege of Dragonspear. Dragon's Dogma is SUPER gay, and in fact forces you into a gay romance without your consent if you're not aware that it's doing it. (It's also fucking hilarious.) Brooklyn Nine-Nine's best character is a gay dude, although that's a good example of a show that has ceased to be fun and has just recently begun lecturing its audience.
Siege of Dragonspear stuck out because not only was it bad to the point that it was clear the people making it didn't understand what made BG good, but because it started lecturing. Stop doing things that rip us back into the real world, basically. When the audience goes "Oh, I know why THAT'S in this movie/game/etc," you've failed.
Some are memers, but there's plenty of us who didn't like BI and Bioware's games, but couldn't talk about it because it was the nerd equivalent of blaspheming in Saudi Arabia.
This is a very nice rundown of it, couldnt have put it better myself.
the issue isnt the gayness, its the delivery and the fact that the intent is showing.
I desperately WANT to love this game but the combat is abysmal. Should I just bitch out and go full magic which I hear makes every enemy your bitch?
Combat is shit, but you can become so overpowered that there's maybe three types of enemies that can inconvenience you at all (mainly by killing your stupid party members, remember to tell them to wait somewhere until you're about to level up).
Magic is overpowered, but if you want to play absolute piss mode go technologist melee.
I've honestly never understood the pause mid combat approach to a D&D based system.
How long is a round, exactly? Is it actually six seconds? Because I see no reason to not just build to immediately curb stomp each encounter, rest until spells are back, and do so again
BG2 is overrated shit.
No, wait. It isn't shit. It's good game but not nearly so as people use to portray it. To not seek far, the first game was vastly superior in any aspect save "muh dynamic cnpcs" - plot, pacing, exploration, overall feel and themes.
And plenty of other games besides that. Plenty of them already mentioned in this thread.
It's just and option to coordinate actions or review tactical options, since you're in control of your entire party instead of just your PC and there might be a lot going on in a system where the GM is simply text in a box and some animations.
It's not like you have to do it, or even play with a party.
Thank you.
What kills it for me is the fuckton of bugs. I tried playing it a few months back but it was actually so bad I gave up and went to play Morrowind instead, because that somehow has less bugs.
I recommend a technomancer/gunner something build (or a hybrid mage-gunner - it's actually really good if you balance it properly), guns moves focus from combat to resource management and crafting, which I at least prefer over the lackluster combat.
Morrowind was remarkably bug-free for its time, or for any time.
Name a CRPG other than Planescape: Torment and Fallout 1 & 2 that is better than BG2.
The new stuff like Numenera and Pillars of whatever is absolutely awful.
While Numenera and Pillars are nowhere near the top of modern CRPG, both are decidedly better than BG2. Take off your nostalgia goggles, or why not even go back and try to play it again.
entire Witcher series
Deus Ex
Alpha Protocol
Also, while I wouldn't say they are "better" than BG2, both IWD games have actually better atmosphere, gameplay, and even general plotline than BG2. Which is kind of wasted by how linear, combat-focused and devoid of both choices and side-plots they are, but still.
>good as Baldur's Gate II?
Any modern WRPG is better than Baldur's Gate2. What makes BG2 so special? Shit writing and dialogues from bottom tier high fantasy? Inability to properly speak with your own companions? "End dialogue" for everything outside of 3.5 quests? Primitive 3 strokes conversations? "Kill everything" quests with only one solution - Kill (good)/Kill (bad)/Kill (neutral)? "Choices" without ANY consequences? Zero exploration compared to first game? Glorious rails after chapter 3? Ressurecion of dead characters from BG1 because fuck you? You know, fuck BG2. People who like this garbage are blinded by nostalgia or insane like cultists. Outside of being classic this shitty series has no value for now. AD&D2 is not special anymore like it was. Just look at PS:T, Arcanum and Fallout. Their awful gameplay aged as fuck but all RPG elements (writing, dialogues, story, autmosphere etc) are remains strong, unbeatable even now. What about BG2 rpg elements? They're garbage.
Hell Mass Effect is more rpg than BG2
Age of Decade-
>great graphics
This desu
Also I got railroaded into fucking off to another dimension when all I wanted to do was go back to my keep.
God, If they had properly finished and expanded it. Same for KotOR 2.
KotOR 1 wasn't too bad either. Not quite at BG level, but very good.
>Doing multiplayer with my buddy
>We decide I'll be the Bhaalspawn and beyond that we'll have normal NPCs for party members for the Banter
>Tells me he wants the Imoen romance mod
>I don't know anything about it at this point, but not really interested in romancing Imoen
>Buddy tells me it's fine, the romance is optional, he just wants it to give her more late game dialog (which supposedly it does even outside the romance)
>I agree
>Roll up a female Paladin as my Charname
>Next thing I know my paladin is having these fucking weird erotic dreams about her half sister
>I'm actually okay with both incest and /u/ normally but it is really badly done, doesn't fit the character I am trying to play, and I actually have no input about it.
>Buddy claims he "forgot" about those parts.
Needless to say, we did not end up finishing that run.
>Bethesdababbies complaining about railroading in D&D vidya
Your keep a shitty ruin by a mundane road.
>be stupid kid
>didn't realize that BG2 had a pause button
>played all combat real-time
>memorized all the spell symbols
>got stuck at a particularly overwhelming combat Harpers HQ
>accidentally bumped the space bar during my third or fourth attempt
>panic and think the game froze
>I almost had it this time
>figure out the magic button
>mfw memefeels.crpg
Part of me wanted to ignore this new revelation and continue playing hardcore mode, but the temptation was too great.
>most companions are unlikable cunts
>most companions are murderers, criminals, terrorists, monsters or evil minons
no shit
Not an RPG, but no game does brutal dice roll based team combat better than Darkest Dungeon
>Go into veteran Flesh with PD+HM+HM+MAA hoping to make a beeline, expect them to be shit for everything other than the boss
>Actually ungodly good comp, basically shut down every encounter in the dungeon with their ridiculous stuns
Lost one of the HM to a Shambler after the boss though
AND getting an expansion soon.
How do I do a small 'tm'? "soon" should have a small 'tm' there.
>Age of Decadence
Please show us on the doll where the AAA game touched you