Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

When was the last time you got really scared or super worried about what was happening inside a game? As a player, not as a character.

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My GM gave me the equivelant of a deck of many things. I have yet to draw from it, just because I'm so terrified of what might happen, but I know he'll be disappointed if I don't use it at all. I think he made the options himself though, so I pray there's no major derailment things I can draw.

how should i start off my starfinder campaign anons? im thinking their ship gets fucked by drift demons and they crash land ont he planet. first missions are fixing shit thats broken and rescuing survivors that launched escape pods.

this is the pathfinder thread, you might wanna try this thread friendo

Fuck off. /pfg/ or /pgg/, Starfinder is welcome.

That thread has neither "Pathfinder" nor "Starfinder" in the OP, making anyone who tries searching for either in the catalog come up blank. Try again next time sweetheart, maybe your medicine will actually kick in.

I got legitimately terrified in Wrath of the Righteous due to everyone thinking an invisible demon was trailing the halfling chick, and the whole party getting suspicious of who could be a traitor. The 'best' part was that all of this could have been avoided if the tiefling didn't cast Unseen Servant to follow the halfling and see if she was up to anything;
the tief's Servant looked evil due to her fiendish taint, so the other half of the party with See Invisibility assumed the worst.

If they're not going to be adults and make their own damn thread, at least having them here prevents them bloating the catalog and getting both of our groups banned. The shit-babies can stay as long as they don't sperg out any more.

An unseen servant is fucking shapeless. See invisibility wouldn't detect anything. Unseen Servants also can't receive visual input or communicate and even if it could it's mindless, it can't report shit.

>wouldn't detect anything
It'd probably detect a shapeless mass, but nothing that could be mistaken for an evil creature.